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Posted: Sun, 28/02/2016 19:33 (8 Years ago)
@Four - That ridgeback is gorgeous!

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Posted: Sun, 28/02/2016 18:51 (8 Years ago)
My monstrous ridgeback female, look at her sizes. XD

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Posted: Sun, 28/02/2016 04:10 (8 Years ago)
If you grind coli you can get some expensive things like unhatched eggs/skins/chests as well. That is why a lot of people do it.

Familiars are usually a lot cheaper if obtained from coli (value wise, obviously they are free when getting them as loot) , compared to those from swipp's. (They are random chance drops, whereas from Swipp's they take expensive materials.)

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Posted: Sat, 27/02/2016 20:53 (8 Years ago)
I posted about these dragons when they were born, they are now on the auction. :3

Poi/tox/smoke baby -

XXX blood babies -

If the prices are too high, let me know via pm here or on FR, or palpad. Maybe we can work out a better price. :3

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Posted: Sat, 27/02/2016 12:20 (8 Years ago)
Yay! My 2 favorite nests hatched today! I love all of their babies! :D

Pair 1:

2 XXY coatls. (sunshine/sunshine/orange - poi/tox/smoke)

Pair 2:

3 XXX Ridgebacks, 1 XXX Nocturne. (Blood/blood/blood - crystal,facet,spines/gembond)

Edit: The 3 xxx ridgebacks are for sale, feel free to message me an offer if interested. :3

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Posted: Sat, 27/02/2016 04:54 (8 Years ago)
Any apparel suggestions for this male? (The king of my den of fire.)

(I am currently saving up to get him butterfly.)

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Posted: Fri, 26/02/2016 22:37 (8 Years ago)
This male just looks amazing, I had to buy him.
Edit: He was only 20kt. :3

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Posted: Thu, 25/02/2016 17:54 (8 Years ago)
I made a small post of this before, but I will repost in case people didn't see.

I have 2 open nests. If anyone wants a pair bred with fire eyes, I will do it for free.
My name on FR is the same as on here, so pm me here or there if you want to talk more on this topic.

(I am only offering this to people on this forum thread because I don't use forums on FR.) :3

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Posted: Thu, 25/02/2016 02:14 (8 Years ago)
Posted this beautiful Cherub-butt on the auction for 50k. :3

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2016 04:28 (8 Years ago)
I second Lechatbox.. They make a vault for a reason.. and people have suggested it to you multiple times @17fg... Sorry.. it's the truth though.

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2016 00:49 (8 Years ago)
If you need someone to breed a pair for you, I am a fire tender. :3

I currently have 2 nests open. Palpad me or PM me if you want/need my assistance. :3
(This is free for those who need it.)

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Posted: Tue, 23/02/2016 23:36 (8 Years ago)
I am working on my goal of a full coatl and wildclaw lair.

Going to be aiming for all XXX, XXY, or XYY dragons, primary in the range of Sunshine-Orange-Fire (I know that is a small range).

If anyone has any dragons that fit these parameters and want a good home for it, let me know. :)
(Check my lair for examples if needed.)

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Posted: Tue, 23/02/2016 18:37 (8 Years ago)
Selling this triple obsidian coatl female. :3 (I think the 15k pricing is accurate, not quite sure.)

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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2016 18:31 (8 Years ago)
Does anyone have a name suggestion for this male?

Along with his mate, this female?

Sorry, I am really bad with names. :3

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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2016 13:27 (8 Years ago)
I have a few dragons for sale. :3

7k treasure each -

10k Treasure each -

15k Treasure -

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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2016 04:23 (8 Years ago)
Selling a few dragons:

Hatchlings - 7k Treasure each.

Adults - 10k Treasure each.

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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2016 02:18 (8 Years ago)
@17 - Could you please stop using all caps?

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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2016 00:16 (8 Years ago)

Totally worth the 100k treasure. I love him so much. :3
(Perfect for my upcoming shift to all fire-Sunshine primary lair.) *^*

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 23:50 (8 Years ago)
Anyone selling treasure for pd? I am looking to buy 90kt for 180k pd. :3

EDIT: Got it! :D

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 22:22 (8 Years ago)
Here ya go. :3

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