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Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 04:09 (9 Years ago) |
(Please do not hate me if this is not a REAL Survivors RP, this is in the FUTURE, I make my own future, thank you very much. >:T) Form: ![]() Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Which Pack? (They are Windohnd, Fireohnd, Rivohnd and Earthohnd): Family: Personality: History: Rank: Other: My Form: ![]() Name: Hoouhnda (How-woo-nda) Age: 25 in dog years Gender: Female Appearance: ![]() Which Pack? (They are Windohnd, Fireohnd, Rivohnd and Earthohnd): Windohnd Family: Her parents are unknown, her pups are: (first 3 to sign up are allowed to sign up as one of her pups) Personality: Brave, Gentle, caring, but can be strict. History: She was born in the abandoned LongPaw city and ran into the woods for fear of being killed. She loves her pups and clan and will guard them with her life. Rank: Leader Other: Nope. Rules: ![]() All PH rules apply No bunnying No Op-ness ASK TO BE A MATE, KILL SOMEONE OFF OR BE THEIR APPRENTICE Ask me if you want to start your own clan and I will make you the form (contact me through PM or PP.) Ask me to be Leader of a clan. ABSOLUTELY NO SPAMMING. You must have read AT LEAST the first book (you need to at least know the basics. I'll leave a link to the website on Survivors soon) Ranks: ![]() Leader- No explanation needed. =w= Co-Leader- The assistant of the leader, when the leader of a pack dies, a vote is held (yup, I'm going democratic here. X3) to see which co-leader should be the next leader. Alpha- A top Fighter, these dogs can command a big squad of dogs to do whatever he/she likes (like play Marco Polo in the lake. OwO) Fighter- A normal Fighter. :/ Omega- Fresh-out-of-the-oven Fighter (newbie) Apprentice- VERY, VERY few Whonds get this honarary position. Only Whonds with First Four blood in their bones. They learn to harness the elements, and soon grow to the rank of "Elemental Whond". Elemental Whond- The second most important Whond in the pack, it can harness the elements to help with every day tasks (use fire to cook a fish, for instance (Whonds are extremely intelligent)) or fight (EARTHQUAKES M*******!! X'D) Other- Jobs for this are -Den Caretaker (you take care of the pups in the nursery), Normal Whond (Do whatever the hell you want. >w<), and Hunter (go into the woods and fetch me some food. >:3)- WARNED ----------------- None yet. BANNED ----------------- None yet Please do not complain about this RP. Thank you. :) [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 03:34 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 03:31 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 03:25 (9 Years ago) |
Username: TheMewgon40 Cat name: Soulpelt Moons old: 21 Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Picture/Description: ![]() Personality: Very, very brave, can be strict but is soft inside. Extremely loyal to the clan. Kin: None yet, looking for a mate. TuT History: He was born in a different clan...a dark clan. His parents were killed by a rival clan, so he ran off into the woods and had to live and fend for his own. He had a mentor in the dark clan, so they sent that mentor out to track Soulpelt down. Luckily, they didn't find him, but he found our clan and joined. There, he got a proper mentor (the other would just scratch him, really.) and became a warrior. Password: Grassclan Other: He's looking for a mate and open to apprentices, so go ahead~ TuT I tried to post this before the RP closed temporarily, sorry for after-posting.) [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 02:48 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 02:43 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 02:41 (9 Years ago) |
"Oh, I hope I'm gonna be ok!!" Doublepaw ran after SilverBlossom and ran in front of her. She soon got to camp and tried to skid to a halt, spraying dirt everywhere, and then she continued running towards her den. "MENTOR IM GOING HOME ILL COME OUT WHEN THE DOG'S GONE" She screamed very loudly. She felt cowardly. Why was she running away? She could fight it off, it surely wasn't to strong.....right? [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 02:12 (9 Years ago) |
DoublePaw stopped abruptly too. She looked around and sniffed. She smelled dog. She managed to keep herself from screaming "DOG!! DOG!!" And instead said "You're right! There is a dog!!" [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 02:09 (9 Years ago) |
Username: TheMewgon40 Pokemon: Mewgon (Optional)(Provide a pic)OC: ![]() Color of tongue: Uh, pink. (That's awkward...XD) Background colour: The same as the picture, except a bit brighter. Eye colour: Look at the picture... Offer your pay?: 5000 PD (sorry I'm saving up) Can you make my OC/Pokesona? Username: TheMewgon40 Image/Picture of OC: ![]() Offer your pay?: Same as last time (sorry I'm saving up!) Extra: I actually have 3 pokesonas (aiming to have a full team of them X3), but this is my main. This is the one who started it all. this is SPAAARRRTTTTAAAA!!!!!! (That. Was. SSOOO. random. XD) [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 01:56 (9 Years ago) |
"Ok." DoublePaw followed SilverBlossom. She didn't tell me...maybe the forest? The kits went to bed. They dreamed of playing in a field together. (I got nothing. X3) [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 01:51 (9 Years ago) |
TigerKit and SoulKit are playing with the ball. "Time for a nap!" Called the caretaker. "Ok.." They both said, upset that they couldn't play longer. [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 01:28 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 01:25 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 00:47 (9 Years ago) |
Doublepaw stared at the beautiful stream. "Wow, it's so pretty, can I swim in it?" She asked, hopefully. Soulkit woke up. "*yawn* Tigerkit, wake up, it's time to play!" "*yawn* Fiiiine, let's find the ball." Tigerkit and Soulkit looked around the nursery to try to find the Ball they always played with. (Made In China. X3) [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 00:44 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 23:44 (9 Years ago) |
DoublePaw followed Silverblossom to the stream. She looked around. "Wow! This is beautiful! Can I hunt fish here?" [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 23:42 (9 Years ago) |
Hishi went to a seat where Pitch was sitting. He flew up from the table and plopped the note for signing up to get the daily profit and checked "yes" on that box. She gave Pitch 2 Knuts (that's normal payment, people.) and sent him off. She couldn't stop wondering about Leah, but just took some bacon and eggs and started eating. [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 23:17 (9 Years ago) |
Hishi sighed in relief as Lily left the room. She heard her faint voice. "Ravenclaws! Time to head down for brekfast!" Hishi motioned Leah to stay, and went down to join everyone to go to brekfast. [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 10/06/2015 23:14 (9 Years ago) |
Username: TheMewgon40 Cat name: BlizzardHeart Moons old: 19 Gender: Female Rank: Warrior Picture/Description: ![]() Personality: She is very kind, but can be very cold and strict. Kin: Soulkit History: She ran away from her other clan (the one she was born in) and was caught up in a blizzard. That is why her Warrior name is BlizzardHeart. She met FlameTail in the forest in the camp, and they mated. They then found camp, joined the clan and had Soulkit. Password: Grassclan Other: She loves FlameHeart with her heart and soul, but they are thinking about having another kit. Username: TheMewgon40 Cat name: FlameHeart (I can't think of anything else...BTW, FIRE AND ICE. XD) Moons old: 20 Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Picture/Description: ![]() Personality: Very kind, almost never strict (think of dumbledore a bit), but when he is, he's nearly psychopathic. Kin: Soulkit History: He was born into the clan but was never apprenticed. So he taught himself how to be a warrior and that's when he met BlizzardHeart. They mated and had Soulkit Password: Grassclan Other: He loves BlizzardHeart with his heart and soul, but they are thinking about having another kit. Username: TheMewgon40 Cat name: Soulkit Moons old: 3 Gender: Male Rank: Kit Picture/Description: ![]() Personality: Warmhearted, can stand up for himself and is not afraid to show his power. Kin: Not yet.. History: He was born from BlizzardHeart and FlameHeart and loves them more than anything. He'll do anything to protect his clan, the ones he loves and the world. Password: Grassclan Other: His best friend is Tigerkit, a fierce cat who is actually soft on the inside. She has a sort of I-love-you-in-a-friend-way relationship with Soulkit. [Read more] |