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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 14:41 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet walks back and rights her name. somone yells out and calls her short. She seems embarrassed "I am scarlet and I am a Ghost Mage.". someone else yells out lame at her. She looks ready to cry "I have been studing magic since I was...." she is stopped when someone yells nerd at her. Scarlet sprays Mr N. with stink as she rushes back to her seat crying.

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 01:03 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet looks over at Tiff and gives her a look that says 'You better not try to use your magic on me! I maybe a skunk but I am not your minion!'. Scarlet looks away and her look returns to normal as she looks in her book again.

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:42 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet perks her ears up a bit and looks up for a moment before looking back down at her book ~I so hope I don't mess my first day here up. I only get 1 shot. I better make it good or else......~ starts to get lost in thought ~I wonder how many sprites could fit in this room and how fast people would run if they were scared of Ghosts?~.

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:32 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet sits only 2 seats away from astreya in the back and starts to read her book "I will never pass this at this rate..... I need a curse mage to help me with it..... I am but a simply Ghost Mage.....".

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:29 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet smiles a little and desides to follow Draco "By the way big guy my name is scarlet. I was hoping you could help me study for A class I am in if you don't mind. I cant seem to figure out one thing..... I cant figure out why curse magic is so important.".

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:25 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet walks over to Draco while holding a book "Mind if I ask why you are standing right outside the girl's bathroom? It is kind of creepy..... almost anyway." Scarlet opens her book and stands right next to draco ~I really need to study up.....~.

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Posted: Thu, 04/08/2016 23:26 (8 Years ago)
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Age:13 (3 human years)
Gender (If any.):Female
Species:Skunk Humanoid
Height (Optional):3 foot 5 inches
History (Optional):She lived on a small island with her 2 friends tell she got a letter saying she was invited to the academy. She then packed her stuff and rushed to the acandemy
Personality (Optional):Normally pretty serious and clever
Magic:Ghostly Magic (she basically used sprites to do attacks and tricks like making fog and whisps appear. She can blast small beams of shadows but it takes time to recharge. If the sprite she used has a power of one of the 4 elements the sprite when used will be slightly fused with that element)
Weapon (Optional):A spear with a stuff like look at the bottom
Crush (Optional):Jacob
Other (If any):She normally likes to stay out of fights do to her size.
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A dark gray golden eagle (The shape of his body is a lot like scarlet's but has wings on his back,no pony tail,tail feathers, and a beak)
Age:15 (6 Human Years)
Gender (If any.):Boy
Species:Golden Eagle Humanoid
Height (Optional):3 feet and 7 inches
History (Optional):He lived on the same island as scarlet tell he flew to the school and signed up.
Personality (Optional):Pretty Stubborn, cocky, and normally acts like a tuff guy
Magic:He uses weather magic. He can make strong winds and even storms. Maddering on his mood madders what storm he can make.
Weapon (Optional):A small hand fan he uses to make strong winds.
Crush (Optional):None
Other (If any):He normally trys to act like he knows everything but normally he is wrong
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She looks like a normal human but with vary dark green hair that appears black at first glance. She always weres a small green heart necklace
Gender (If any.):Girl
Species:Cyber Witch
Height (Optional):5 foot and 1 inch
History (Optional):She lived inside electronics tell oneday somehow she gained the power to move through them with freedom. She soon found others of her kind and learned of this school and quickly signed up by going online.
Personality (Optional):Really high in energy and never really grows tired.
Magic:Sound Magic. She can make sonic booms once a month on nights of a full moon and make any sound and pitch in a small far range blast of sound.
Weapon (Optional):A small duel edged dagger.
Crush (Optional):Draco
Other (If any):She tends to use electronics to teleport from one place to the other do to her being a tad to lazy to walk from place to place.

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2016 17:57 (8 Years ago)

Username: GhostGem
How many tickets: 12 Tickets. That is 24 grass gems right?
The prize you are picking: 2
Other: If I win chances are the shinies will go to dorky.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 05:58 (8 Years ago)
Lily puts the ice on Spam's head. She rushes to the warrior tribe.

Jeh Jeh points her wand at Dragona "Not after what he had planned before he left! You are a fool to trust him! You will be the first to die in his plan for trusting him!".

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 04:09 (8 Years ago)
(and you will be the one who says when they are there.)

Sam and Sadie appear near the gate and went to attack them.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 02:34 (8 Years ago)
(Can we please just get to the base!?)

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 01:48 (8 Years ago)
The kids smile "Your welcome meany pants.".

a elder laughs "I love these kids!". the kids repeat that.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 00:36 (8 Years ago)
The kids repeat what twilight says then take bandit from her. they seem vary strong working together.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 00:25 (8 Years ago)
The kids quickly stop and start to repeat everything Twilight says. a elder walks close to Twilight "They are just coping stuff they here..... don't feel bad.....".

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 00:07 (8 Years ago)
a little kid looks at Bandit and then Twilight and copies what he said "Rude!". a bunch of the other kids join in but say "Rude Butt!" to Twilight.

Bandit giggles in his sleep.

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2016 23:41 (8 Years ago)
Bandit looks as if he was slapped in his dream now "Rude.....".

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2016 23:13 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet looks in pain "Other islands..... take orbs....." Scarlet,sam and Sadie leave.

Bandit mumbles in his sleep "hello lovely..... want a kiss? yes? yes? wow. that is new...." Bandit kisses Twilight in his sleep.

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2016 18:21 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet looks at Twilight. Her eyes are glowing slightly "Get.... all.... orbs.... destroy.... all.... other..... islands....." Scarlet is clearly not in control. Sam and Sadie look like they are under the same mind control.

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2016 17:04 (8 Years ago)
a loud crash is heard on the bridge. it is scarlet,sam, and Sadie. They drop the 2 orbs they stole. Scarlet looks as if something happens to her making her become mind controlled or something.

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2016 16:02 (8 Years ago)
They all look at Twilight and calm down.

Scarlet,Sam, and Sadie go to the island of the light blue orb next and start to attak it's base.

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