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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Mewgone.
Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 06:25 (9 Years ago)
[Peach joined the team!] You head further into the forest and you see a treasure chest. You open it. cccRRRK! x10 Dark Gems acquired!

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 06:24 (9 Years ago)
How do you get the Licky-licky to appear like a GIF on mobile?

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 06:20 (9 Years ago)
You try to convince the Poochyena to join you on your adventure. "It'll be fun! We'll fight powerful Pokemon and get treasure!" "Hm, sounds interesting!"
[Poochyena joined the team! Give a nickname to the new Poochyena?]

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 06:17 (9 Years ago)
Soooo, let's get this party STARTED!

You go into the forest when your suddenly attacked by a Poochyena!
Level 2
HP: 15

Your stats:
Clover (Zorua)
Level 3
HP: 21

What will you do?
[FIGHT!] [Run away! [Items] [Try to convince it to join you]

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 06:05 (9 Years ago)
So, this is a thing where I'm gonna make an adventure and you follow along with this form:

Anything special?-

No legendarys allowed, shinys are allowed. Plot below.

You are walking around Emera Town when you spot a forest. You think Ooh, a forest! I should go explore.. You head in.

I will try to post at least once a day but if I'm gone for a while this is either on hiatus or I'm just really busy. :T

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 06:01 (9 Years ago)
(Needs editing. :T)

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 06:00 (9 Years ago)

Username- TheMewgon40
Cute Pokemon- Mmmmmmmmmmmm (iwannachoosemewdamnyourules) (screw it) EEVEE
Why you came- I wanna have something to do. Going on an adventure wouldn't be to bad or boring, right? :/
Name- Mia

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 05:57 (9 Years ago)
(There is no team rocket here. >:T)

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 05:08 (9 Years ago)
This....is heartbreaking. I honestly wish I was God and could save that girl by breaking the gun and saving the girl from the bullet by taking it out of her chest and cleaning the wound. She could've survived. I wasn't crying at the end if this, but I feel like I should commit suicide to make up for this girl's death.

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 04:23 (9 Years ago)
(Think. Harry has around 4 roommates. I have you and another girl whos name I forget as roommates. She the last one that can be a roommate. T.T)

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 01:30 (9 Years ago)
(Bye) Darcy, noticing her owner was gone, meowed "goodbye" to Naji and ran to the Ravenclaw dorms (following Hally's scent.) She clawed at the door, until Hishi opened it, with all her stuff in her bag. "Hm? HALLY I THINK I FOUND DARCY" "YOU DID?!" Hally ran down the steps, tears in her eyes, and hugged Darcy with all her might. "Where were you?" "Ok, but don't let me be noticed." A hissing voice came from the hallway. Hally looked around a corner and saw NAGA, CHATTING WITH A SLYTHERIN!! "NAGA!" Said Hally, in Parseltongue. "Wait, HALLY?!" Said Naga. Naga slythered towards Hally and coiled around her right arm (her favorite hugging place). "I missssed you, Hally!" Said Naga. "I missed you too!" "Wait, guys, why are you speaking parseltounge to eachother? Whatever, I'll join the fray." (Hishi said the last sentence in Parseltounge.) said Hishi. "DRAGON!" Yelped Naga. "Wait, she can smell Leah?!" Said Hishi, alarmed. "NAGA, PROMISE NOT TO TELL ANYONE ABOUT LEAH." Said Hishi, in a demanding tone of voice. "Ok. I promise." Said Naga. "You can trust her, I've given her my darkest secrets and she has never told ANYONE." Said Hally. "Ok." Said Hishi.

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 01:16 (9 Years ago)
Darcy scented another cat, and pounced towards Naji in a welcome. She pounced on her and started licking her. (See what I said about friendly? I meant it. :)) "RAVENCLAW!!" "Yay!!" Cried Hishi and Hally in unison. "Congrats for getting into my house!" Said Hishi. "Thanks!" Hally smiled and went to the Ravenclaw, plopping herself down next to Hishi. Brekfast then resumed, until 9:50, when it was announced that RavenClaw and Slytherin would be studying Transfiguration together. Many of the Ravenclaws groaned. Hishi, on the other hand, was quite open to the idea. She would get to see one of her friends! She packed up and went to her dorm to get some stuff, followed by Hally. "Hm? Hally? What are you doing here?" Asked Hishi. "Professor Hermione said they would give me a Dorm, the same one as you. Can I take this bed?" Asked Hally, pointing to the last available bed, the one on the left of Hishi. "Sure, last one left." Hally started unpacking and Hishi took out Leah. "Ok, I'm gonna pretend that you are something I accidentally transformed what we are supposed to transfigure into. Ok? (Did I make sense? :3)" Leah purred her approval, and Hishi stuffed her in her bag.

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 01:07 (9 Years ago)
Daphlia got a sudden burst of power. She charged torwards the Hoopa, and mew attacked with oblivion wing. The result was a bunch of hoops bursting everywhere, and out of three came Darkrai, Groudon and Mewtwo. "MRWOOOOOAAA!!" Shrieked Mewtwo. "MRVWAAAA" cried Darkrai. "GROUDOOOOOOOON!!!" Roared Groudon. "OH S**T OH SH** OH S**T" (now is the appropriate time for swearing. O-O) cried Daphlia. She immedeatly called for help, and there was Blazair, blaze-kicking Darkrai and riding on Reshiram (who was spamming Fusion Flare. X3). Strikairy flew after, only to get caught up in a Dark Void attack by Darkrai, which missed. (It was aimed at Blazair.) She fell to the ground when.. [SWOOSH!] As fast as lightning, Zapdos swooped in and caught Strikairy. (Guys. Start gathering your legendarys. NOW.)

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 00:58 (9 Years ago)
(Oh, and meep. :3

Name: Hally
Age: 11
Year: (must be one) 1
Hoped house (the one you want to be In): Ravenclaw
Pet(optional): Darcy, female, She can be violent but most of the time she is calm and friendly.
Personality: Shy, calm, dreamy, brave, very smart
Favorite magical creature: Griffon
Studying to be animagus?: Yes. So far, she has had a lot of luck. She chose to transform into a Alicorn (I think that's how it's called, the Pegasus with a unicorn horn?), and has got the hooves and back posture down.
Student or Teacher?: Student
Best Subject: COMC (care of magical creatures), Transfiguration and DATD. (Defence against the dark arts)
Worst Subject: History of magic. (UUGGGGHHHHH)
Muggle-born, Half-blood or Pure-blood?: Muggle-born
Parseltongue?: Yes. Uses it to befriend snakes, her best friend is a snake named Naga.
Other: She is Hishi's first cousin.
Let's do some plot. X3)
"STUDENTS!" Hermione piped up. "We have a newcomer, she was sick the day the train left, so she could'nt attend the sorting ceremony. Please welcome Hally." "Wait, Hally?! As in my cousin?" "Hishi!" A voice called. Through the hall came Hally, and she ran to Hishi (who was running torward said her anyways.) and hugged her. "Now, sorting hat please!" Hermione said. Proffesor McGonnagal handed Hermione the sorting hat and took out the sorting stool. Hally turned around and went to sit on it. She felt the hat on her head and....

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 00:46 (9 Years ago)
"Guys, I just checked my timetable, class starts at 10:00, transfiguration. (now excuse me while I go and get Leah)" (she said the part in brackets, she just whispered it.) said Hishi. She started eating.

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 22:59 (9 Years ago)
(Congrats! You got the "Guessed it!" Badge! XD Guess an answer correctly.)

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 16:58 (9 Years ago)
(No. Skyeline got it.)

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 16:52 (9 Years ago)
(Since page 33 O3O The great Battle began. >:3 (I wanna see how your characters will cope alone, THEN I'll present you guys with the legendarys. I gave Blazair Reshiram right away because he wouldn't be able to cope at all.)

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 16:47 (9 Years ago)
(We're in Hoenn, how could you still be at your shelter if, I quote, "We all got warped"?)

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 06:00 (9 Years ago)
"HOOPA. WHY DIALGA. WHY." Mew was clearly annoyed about this. She charged another oblivion wing in Hoopa's direction.

Blazair went into the bushes and was attacked by RESHIRAM! "Fellow fire." "Yes..? OMGYOURRESHIRAMTEACHMESENPAIOMFG" "Yes, I'm reshiram..." Said Reshiram, slightly embarrassed. "I shall help you fight. Will you give approval of this?" "OF COURSE SENPAI" "What?" "Erhem, nothing." Blazair climbed onto Reshiram's back and they flew into the air.

Strikairy helped Daphlia from falling down. "You ok?" "I'm fine.." "GWARRRRRROOOOOO!!!!!" "SHUT THE F*** UP DIALGA" "Uh.." "Yeah."

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