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Searching for: Posts from ~MysteryMew~.
Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 22:10 (4 Months ago)
When you’re free, could you draw this silly :3

Idk pricing, so would 5k pd be okay with you?

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Posted: Wed, 16/10/2024 22:01 (4 Months ago)
Art/arts please!
What you want me to draw: ~Mystery~ (OC)
Background: Spook/Halloweencore
If it’s a pkmn character is it shiny?: No
Reference: Not the best, but here
Notes: Doesn’t have to be pixelated (any art-style is fine) and can draw them with any costume too. Feel free to palpad me if you have any questions about the reference too. Thanks and have a nice one ^^

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 04:34 (5 Months ago)
@Riako: Yes, there was once a toggle button for if you wanted to water the entire row of plants or just one at a time. Just for some reason when you select the option for watering the entire row, it would bug out and permanently disappear. Didn’t know whether this was a bug or not, so that’s why it was reported here. So, now that’s confirmed to be a bug, it’s here for that very reason - idk why it happens though.

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Posted: Thu, 10/10/2024 17:02 (5 Months ago)

Title: -Final Shop Update: Closure-

@everyone (except sponsers and owner):

•Due to complications with our supporters/helpers and the owner no longer running this anymore, this shop is now PERMANENTLY CLOSED•

This is also the last and final major update here, so please don’t comment here. Also please don’t message the owner or others who are/were involved in this shop about anything regarding this as well. Thanks again for reading this and hope you all have a wonderful rest of your year :^)

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2024 21:58 (5 Months ago)
Nice 👏

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2024 08:14 (5 Months ago)
Usually when you want to water your plants in Berrygarden, you will have a toggle button similar to the berry select button here - except that the toggle would be for watering the whole row of berries or just one at a time (by toggling the check box on or off). But now it won’t let me toggle it off.

Can’t show how this would happen before it bugged because the button had permanently disappeared after I checked the box to water the whole row - after clicking/tapping the watering can.

Bug proof:

Before clicked/tapped

After clicking/tapping and toggling the box to water all in the row

I have tried refreshing the page, but the bug’s still there. It happens on both pc and mobile too

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Posted: Sun, 22/09/2024 15:46 (5 Months ago)
I know this has been fixed, but idk if anyone else is still having this exact problem even when the feeds do load properly

Before clicking/tapping “Show More” button

After clicking/tapping the “Show More” button

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Posted: Thu, 12/09/2024 01:04 (5 Months ago)
Random thoughts moment: WEEEEEEEEEE, YIPPE YAI YAY :333

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Posted: Wed, 11/09/2024 21:22 (5 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 10/09/2024 18:46 (5 Months ago)
Is your username (on the site) the same as here?

Additionally, you might want to include them here in this forum if other people are having trouble accessing the site too (through the editing button on top right corner of the forum post on this page - looks like a pencil)

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Posted: Tue, 10/09/2024 15:23 (6 Months ago)
@SplashAky: Would like to see more of your artwork and what you can do too when you got the time :>

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Posted: Mon, 09/09/2024 16:24 (6 Months ago)
That would be great and thanks for the help :)

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Posted: Mon, 09/09/2024 16:21 (6 Months ago)
This is nice and all, but could you give examples of your art pieces - like OCs or what you can/can’t do?

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Posted: Mon, 09/09/2024 15:55 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 09/09/2024 15:50 (6 Months ago)
Pokefusions my beloved :>

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 22:21 (6 Months ago)
I understand, won’t do it again. I also know you can’t always be here, so it’s okay if you can’t immediately answer questions here in general

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 21:48 (6 Months ago)
@Akemie: Forgot about your rules on this, and just wanted to help, sorry >>

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 21:43 (6 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 21:33 (6 Months ago)
@PenScales: They’re for anything including pfps, just make sure to give credit for them

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Posted: Tue, 27/08/2024 00:03 (6 Months ago)
Jdgdjshd…yipee >:D

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