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Posted: Sat, 08/06/2024 17:45 (17 Days ago)
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"How you ask? It's simple. I know. I just know."

Ayran Herpich


Male - He/Him - Bi

Ayran stands at a good height of 5'9, with a slender yet not too muscular build. He has barely shoulder length metallic golden locks that slightly covers his droopy molten gold eyes. The messy locks are occasionally held apart with a pin or hairclip.

Ayran wears a white frilled blouse, over a black vest with gold linings and small golden chains. Paired with waist high leather pants, combat boots with have good grip and a pair of black gloves that are fingerless on the thumb. His whole appearance is a mix of simplicity and wealth, plus practicality. Not too extravagant that it attracts attention left and right. At least that was what he thought.

Despite how much he enjoys to be left alone, his bright, always shining platinum blond locks seems to attract attention left and right. Quoted by certain students, it is said that his molten gold eyes seems to make people swoon whenever he fells into deep contemplation.

*to be used as ref :)

| Charming | Charming | Intelligent | Sarcastic | Instinctual | Charming | Has a natural charm |
| DId I say charming yet? | Charming | Warm | Gentle | Kind | Reliable |

Despite failing to be lowkey, Ayran doesn't take his failure to heart. If anything, he embraces the attention and uses it to his advantage. There is no one in the school whom Ayran doesn't know and hasn't talked to before. Due to his excellent communication skills and his little ' safety radar ' he knows who he could trust by his side and who he should avoid.

With a coy tongue and a charming look, it is inevitable that he becomes a popular heartthrob within the student body. Not only is he extremely intelligent, but is kind, reliable and humble. This guy almost has no enemies within the school.

To the public, Ayran seems to have a perfect background and family situation. With a pair of lovely parents coupled with a hell ton of money there isn't much to be suspicious of. But to those curious and prying souls who digs just a tad bit deeper into the shallow waters of Ayran Herpich, they will realize that they have fallen into the dirty murky cauldron only to be found before they could discover anything.

But if one day, for some strange reason, you head into the red lights districts you'd hear an interesting rumor from years ago regarding a beautiful nun who was deflowered and her beautiful son whom she abandoned under the gaze of 'god'.

here we go again.. here's the hard part ;v;

[Weapon Mastery]
Ayran has the natural affinity with all the weapons on the face of the planet. Even those he has not seen before. Even objects that wouldn't be ordinarily considered as weapons. He can bring out the deadliest potential out of anything.

[Spoken Truths]
If 'he' says it. If 'he' believes it. If 'he' knows it. It's true.
God does not hope. He knows.

Weapon Mastery - The weaker the weapon that is currently being used, the more fragile it becomes. EX: A branch can be used as the deadliest spear, but after being used once it disintegrates.

Spoken Truths - You have to believe, no. You have to know it to be true.

Lavetiara - The Enchanted

Soon-to-be Elite

[Previous Misdeeds]
Being too charming. Yes. Too charming.


to charm or to not charm heh

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Posted: Mon, 06/05/2024 02:49 (1 Month ago)
Long time no see, res!~

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Name :

Age : (15-19)

Description :

Personality :

Special Abilities? (Things this person is unusually and remarkably talented at)

Backstory : (These people are all orphans.)

Relationships : (To be updated. All people involved in this story were raised in the same terrible, terrible orphanage.)

Other : (Extraneous Details)

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Posted: Fri, 19/01/2024 05:08 (5 Months ago)
Ayran sneered.

He wiped off the remaining blood on his cheeks with the back of his hand. The blood has long dried itself on his skin, and the metallic smell lingered beneath his nose. No matter how long or often he bask under the lost lives of these creatures, he still couldn't get used to the nauseating smell of blood.

With his head slightly dizzy, Ayran observed his surroundings with vigilance. His grip on his pairs of blood stained scimitars was forever tight.

In the corner of his eye, he could see the big group of bigshots. The group included the merciless first place, as well as many other remarkable individuals.

Getting along with them would definitely proof to be a positive for him.

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Posted: Fri, 19/01/2024 05:02 (5 Months ago)
Shieta trailed behind the group, and didn't pitch in the conversation. There was no reason to, plus she wasn't the type to interject either way. Furthermore, it seems like there are a few... Veterans that seems particularly used to this situation.

Shieta held back the urge to vomit as she tried to adjust her body to her new surroundings. It looked... Like a ordinary village? Just like the typical beginning villages you'd see in those typical RPG's, that was exactly life sized version of those.

Harmless.and innocent.

just like those angels

Shieta frowned. Something didn't feel right, or was she just paranoid?

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2024 02:32 (5 Months ago)
Ayran watched the two bloodies figures move in sync, killing the dangerous wolves like butter. At that moment, what Ayran see in his eyes weren't two humans, but rather some reaper of death.

Chills went up his spine.

Ayran wasn't a particularly brave person, but when it comes to perseverance he was second to none. But that wasn't the point here, even if he wasn't the bravest person, he at least had some guts.

But at that moment, his legs almost went soft!

Ayran gritted his teeths, and clenched [Seraph's Wings] in his hands tighter. He turned his gaze away from the duo and instead looked towards the pack of wolves that was meters away from him.

Now was not the time to dilly dally!

Counting down in his head, Ayran lunged at the pack of wolves. He knew he couldn't take them all at once with his current ability, but he never said he was going too anyways!

Skillfully twisting the dual scimitars in his hands, Ayran's movements flowed gracefully like water, but his swipes were deadly. With a few moves, already a pile of wolf corpse lay beneath his foot.

While fighting the pack of wolves, a sudden notification sounded in the corner of his eye. It was his system.

[You have unlocked the [PLAYER STORE]!]
[Congratulations, you are the Fortieth person to unlock the store!]

"Tsk.. I was higher up in ranking than I thought i'd be."

Ayran tsked, his movements didn't stop. He carried the wolves aggro, and brought it into a more popular area with more players. Now, the overwhelming amount of wolves are surrounded by an overwhelming amount of humans!

With a plan in mind, Ayran started to use more extravagant moves.

"I may not be great, but at least I have a pretty face heh.."

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Posted: Mon, 08/01/2024 20:29 (5 Months ago)
Accepted~ I shall try my best when your turn comes!

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Posted: Fri, 05/01/2024 23:41 (5 Months ago)
"...Call me by my name at least ma'am..." Sheita paused, then added. "..please." Thoroughly accepting her fate as a human cushion, Shieta grumbled glumly. What in the saints world did she do to deserve this treatment...

Laying her aching back against the grounds, Shieta summoned her status window.

Quote from Status Window[Stats]
| STR - 7 | CHR - 6 | DEX - 10 | INT - 10 | LCK - 3 |

-Inherent Skill-
[Witch's Brew] [B+]
Blessed, or even better, cursed by the witches of mischief; Shieta has the ability to concoct various potions with varying abilities from the system. Different effects includes: Health Regeneration, Stat Boost, Resistance, and much more. The potency of these potions depends on it's ranking. But not all effects are virtuous. Thus is the reason why it may be more of a curse rather than a blessing for others.
[Some potion effect are locked due to the fact that some conditions have not been met.]

Currently the highest ranking potion Shieta can make is: [B-].

Max potion she can make per day is: [5].

Before she could even comprehend and store all the information, a sudden splash of cold... metallic liquid sprayed towards the corner of her lips. As long as she stick her tongue out, she would be able to taste it. Not that she'd even dare to.


Oh she could smell it.

It was blood.

Shieta pursed her lips, exerted her strength, and pushed the Missy away from her, and getting up from the ground. Her eyes became chilled, as she looked towards the man fighting against the pack of wolves.


No it was more like a butcher on his daily hunt.

"How.. How is he so used to this?" Shieta mumbled, unsure whether if she should be horrified or amazed.

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Posted: Thu, 04/01/2024 01:55 (5 Months ago)
Quote from Status Window
[Ayran Herpich]

[Age: 26]

| STR - 9 | CHR - 9 | DEX - 7 | INT - 6 | LCK - 5 |

-Inherent Skill-
[Weapon Mastery] [A-]
Ayran can make everything into a weapon, like a branch could become the best spear in the whole world, but maybe after that single throw, the branch will turn into dust. Ayran can use anything as a weapon to his liking, but the more fragile the object is, the less time he gets to use it before it turns to dust.

[Warning: The weaker the material, the weaker the durability before it shatters]

After all, even the strongest blade can get dull when it is handled by a master. Ofcourse, how he uses this power depends on him.


[Seraph's Wings (Broken)(?)]

He had better stats than he originally thought.

But other than that, there was no other thing that caught his eye.. except his inherent skill. Before Ayran thought that it was strange why he the dual scimitars felt so natural in his hands. But it seems like his skill explains everything.

But there was one worry though.

If the weapon breaks before he gets a new one, isn't he practically doomed?

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Posted: Thu, 04/01/2024 01:43 (5 Months ago)
"...Hey, care to get off? Umph..!" Just as Shieta was about to sit up, she... got pushed back down again. At this point, it wasn't even funny anymore.

Shieta sighs, and just decides to give. It wasn't worth the effort. Surely.. the quirky women would notice her soon.. right? But something tells Shieta... it was just the beginning.

A shiver ran up her spine.

Shaking her head, Shieta puts herself in a more comfortable position and glances at the die that was just calmly floating above her hand. Thank goodness her dice didn't have a sudden outburst like others.

Shieta doesn't think she has the energy to do q quick game of tag right now.

Without further ado, she rolls the dice.

[drrr.. drrr...]

It glows brightly for a moment, before a rugged-covered book appears in her hand.

[Witch's Syllabus (C)]

The book opened automatically, as if it was trying to show off it's content. Mysterious letters floated out of its fluttering pages that Shieta has never seen before. It was something that seemed unfathomable to ordinary human beings, but now, it was available, just for her.

WIthout wasting even a moment, Shieta checked for the item description.

[The Witch's Syllabus! Something even the highest of witch's and wizard's started out from! Containing all of the basics that every newbie magician should know, and even some blank pages at the back for your own use to practice your own spells!

Covering all of the basics of all subjects such as: Enchantments, Curses, Blessings, Potions, Elementals, Illusions, to just general spells!

C'mon! It's a buy one get one free, effects are guaranteed!]


Shieta closed the book.

Wasn't this too cheap from the system?!

She should've known from her previous streak of bad luck, that there was no way something good was going to come out from her dice! She bets all of the money went into the presentation than the actual effects of the spells!

Gritting her teeth, Shieta resisted the urge to smash the book onto the ground with her bare fist.

No. She must calm down. Yes. Be as cold as ice. Keep your emotions indoor. All locked up. The Key? Gone.

After hypnotizing herself that everything would be alright, Shieta is already emotionally exhausted to even check her stats.

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Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 17:24 (5 Months ago)
Ayran twirled [Seraph's Wings] in his hands, the intricate design and the seemingly delicate blade moved smoothly in his hand as if he has been welding this weapon for years.

But clearly, Ayran has no perception about working with such weapon. Especially with such familiarity. The closest thing he welded to a weapon would be his set of kitchen knife or perhaps a butcher knife he would use to steal from his local butcher when they weren't looking.

But never these dual set of scimitars.

He shook his head, why was he analyzing so deep into this? It should be a good thing that it felt natural to his hands.

Ayran let out a tired laugh, and gaze high at the beautifully clear blue sky hazy down at them emotionlessly. It has never felt so easy to get lost under the blanket of blue, nor did it ever made them feel so small.

"To be so beautiful.. yet so cruel." His whisper gets lost in the wind instantly amongst the cries of others.

Alas now it was not the time to get melancholic, Ayran scolded himself and patted his face. With a firm look he calmly summoned his status window.

"[Status Window]"

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Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 01:56 (5 Months ago)
Ayran sneers at the angels above. Oh what kind beings, giving them a dice to decide their own pitiful fate. It doesn't take much brains to understand the hidden underlying meaning in their words.

If you get a trashy weapon in the beginning, its no ones fault except your own sh*tty luck.

Ayran sighs and shook his head.

[Roll Dice]

[Drrr.. drrrr]

The 100-sided dice rolled in the air magically as if a mysterious force just rolled it. Soon the dice rolled faster and faster before a slight golden glow started to appear. The glow soon overpowered the dice and an object soon appeared in Ayran's hand.

[Seraph's Wings (Broken) (?)]

Ayran looked for the item description.

[Previously one of Seraph's stationed weapon hidden away in it's arsonal until it became broken and lost it's favorability in Seraph's eyes. It is called Seraph's Wings for being a dual set of scimitars with a beautiful angel wing-like design on it's blade. As it is broken, the holy energy it gives off is immensely debuffed. Except for it being slightly bit more fatal to demonic species. It's just a regular dual scimitar except for it's beautiful design.]

...Did he just use up his entire life savings of luck?

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Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 01:11 (5 Months ago)
Just as Shieta was about to roll her dice, she... fell to the ground?

"...umph! Cough!"

Shieta choked on air as she tumbled along with another.. slightly? Just slightly taller human being? What in the world was happening today? Was her luck on cooldown?

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Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 00:59 (5 Months ago)
Wow not even a reply, how rude.

Shieta didn't exactly like being ignored despite being quite used to it back at that place. But this isn't that place. It was the infamous tower that came to being one mysterious day. From then on, people from all over the world started disappearing into the tower as 'players'.

Now Shieta was one of those players.

In front of her was a small but definitely a unique group of people. Especially their attitude to those angels...

Where in the world do they get all of their energy that they can even talk shit even when their life is on the line..

Shieta sighs.

Her small body comes with the fact that her social battery was about as much as her about-to-be nonexistence.

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Posted: Tue, 02/01/2024 20:19 (5 Months ago)
Ayran brushed his hair back as he observed his foreign surroundings. Now this wasn't the best place for him to be at in the current moment. But hey, anything was better than to be at a awkward funeral where you are at the center of attention.

Oh to be free... Was truly a struggle.

Shaking his head, he turned his gaze to above him, where an angel introduced himself to be.. what again?



How original.

Shaking his head (again) to get all those intrusive out of his head, he focused himself back to the current matter at hand. He can't die early, he was still young and beautiful after all!

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Posted: Tue, 02/01/2024 03:40 (5 Months ago)
Being woken up by people screeching and dying wasn't exactly the best thing to become conscious to. Shieta resisted the urge to pull her own hair out due to frustration and looked around her surroundings.

Well, aside from people dying, there are apparently angels now?

Filled with momentary confusion, Shieta dusted off her pants, and decided to hide first. Her physical are clearly not top-tier if it weren't obvious enough. Plus, if anyone knew she has the ability to heal, she would clearly be targeted.

Shaking her head, she went about cautiously, trying not to draw the attention of the totally kind angels above them, floating about menacingly. Shieta hunched her back, and slowly moved herself away from the chaotic crowd. Her gaze moved all around, anywhere but infront of her.

Thus accidently she bumped into a women, that seems to be part of a group..?


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Posted: Sun, 31/12/2023 00:29 (5 Months ago)
Tajador's priority order complete!

New Art Examples are added!

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Posted: Sun, 24/12/2023 18:19 (6 Months ago)
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Ayran Herpich


Male | He - Him


Ayran has curly low saturated messy golden hair that is swept to one side, and golden eyes with pale skin. With a height of 5'9, he have a well-built stature. A slender figure, that has lean muscles hidden beneath his loose outfit.

Ayran tries to wear comfortable clothing when he can. Like, but not limited to, a knitted turtleneck, blouse, and windbreaker. Paired with some black jeans, and white boots that are somehow completely white, without a single stain.

Very often, he carries multiple pairs of black gloves in his messenger bag.

Sly | Cunning | Extremely Intelligent | Great but not perfect memory | Mischievous | Wolf in a sheep's clothing | Coy | Kind | Generous | Tactless 50% | Stubborn | Grumpy | Unlucky Debuff 500% | Indulgent |

Ayran is extremely cunning and knows when to bargain and when to surrender, but that doesn't mean he isn't stubborn. When he really wants something, he will keep fighting till he gets it. Sly as a fox, yet kind and grumpy as a cat. It is often seen he has a soft spot for children, and often buys candy for them. Though on some situations, he can be quite tactless and oblivious to what is going on. But it is the truth, that Ayran wholeheartedly is a kind person. at times

Born as the son of a courtesan from a brothel.

| STR - 9 | CHR - 9 | DEX - 7 | INT - 6 | LCK - 5 |

-Inherent Skill-
[Weapon Mastery] [A-]
Ayran can make everything into a weapon, like a branch could become the best spear in the whole world, but maybe after that single throw, the branch will turn into dust. Ayran can use anything as a weapon to his liking, but the more fragile the object is, the less time he gets to use it before it turns to dust.

[Warning: The weaker the material, the weaker the durability before it shatters]

After all, even the strongest blade can get dull when it is handled by a master. Ofcourse, how he uses this power depends on him.


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Shieta RaVil


Female | She - Her

Lesbian | Asexual

With soft curly silver locks that doesn't past her shoulders that is usually let loose or tied into a low ponytail, Shieta is 4'9, with black eyes that has silver-ish blue iris and malnourished pale skin. But unlike her malnourished appearance, she still has her baby fat on her cheeks that refuses to go away that flush read easily when worked up much to Sheita's displeasure.

She wears a either maroon or beige cardigan, with a white or black dress shirt to pair with. To complete the outfit, Sheita doesn't wear a skirt, but rather a comfortable sweatpants and some simple sneakers that is always somewhat dirty.

Oh and for some reason, Shieta has really cold hands all year long.

| ISTJ-T | Logistician | Dry | Blunt | Slightly Cold to strangers | More of a follower than leader | Lactose Intolerant | Grumpy | Shy | Socially Awkward |

Shieta is usually an awkward and quite person due to the fact that many people think that she is quite hard to get along with, and is extremely stubborn when she sets her mind to something. Especially when her expression is dead set on being colder than the ice age.

Born from a previously extremely high class family, Shieta was told to be elegant, cold and restrained at all times growing up. She was perfectly fine with that. Perfectly fine with her opinion not needed. Her needs ignored until last minute. Perfectly fine with being used only as a decoration in the family.

That was until their family business went bankrupt, and the delicate balance collapsed.

| STR - 8 | CHR - 6 | DEX - 10 | INT - 10 | LCK - 3 |

-Inherent Skill-
[Witch's Brew] [B+]
Blessed, or even better, cursed by the witches of mischief; Shieta has the ability to concoct various potions with varying abilities from the system. Different effects includes: Health Regeneration, Stat Boost, Resistance, and much more. The potency of these potions depends on it's ranking. But not all effects are virtuous. Thus is the reason why it may be more of a curse rather than a blessing for others.
[Some potion effect are locked due to the fact that some conditions have not been met.]

Currently the highest ranking potion Shieta can make is: [B-].

Max potion she can make per day is: [5].


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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 03:06 (7 Months ago)
Jing Yu shooked his head, sighing. "No, no nothing is wrong.. Except everything is going wrong with me today!" he exclaimed, dramatically.

"You see this restaurant has been my go-to for the past couple of weeks, but now they suddenly changed owners without me knowing.. sniff sniff"

Jing Yu pouted sullenly like a wet puppy as he flipped through the menu, unaware of the piercing gaze drilling into him. Truly it was a pity, not only did it not fit his taste in terms of fashion, but isn't the atmosphere abit too ambiguous for a pair of friends like them?!

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 02:45 (7 Months ago)
Once Jing Yu entered the restaurant, his face visually contorts. Without a beat, he whips out his phone and types a few things on the search bar disregarding the waitress for a moment.

Ain't no way..

Jing Yu cusses under his breath, clearly just found out some new information he wasn't aware of. Nowadays restaurant refurnishing barely takes a day compared to back in the days where it would take months. He didn't know that his usual go-to place suddenly ditched him and completely swapped genres.

What was even more unfortunate was that this was the only restaurant near walking distance!

Jing Yu's shoulder slumped, but he still politely smiled at the hostess as she walked them to their seat. He inwardly grimaced at the over-doing of it all. It was trying to look elegant, but if anything, it felt like counterfeit goods to the real deal.

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 01:53 (7 Months ago)
Jing Yu stared at Nora Mawer with a smile, but his eyes were calculative. Just as the other hand their troubling things going around their head, so did Jing Yu.

Some questions almost escaped his lips, but Jing Yu kept it in. He flashed a cheeky smile and a credit card as he opened the restaurant door.

"Yeppp! Since I am the one inviting you this time, and I'm feelin generous~"

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