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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Yurtle.
Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 16:54 (9 Years ago)

Title: @Cynda

Sorry if this assignment took a long time 'cause I was busy the past days and schools is starting.


I would like to be a student here!
Username: Yuichi
Nickname(s): Turtle
Preferred teacher: Viper
Class(es): Color Splashed
Prerequisites: My Shop
What program do you use?: Paint
Would you like to be critiqued?: Yeah, sure.
Do you mind if we showcase your sprites?: Ok
Forum or PM lesson?: Forum

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Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 16:53 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 16:50 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 14:36 (9 Years ago)
Maybe Mega Extension in the Pokeradar is in the another section and it'll be needing more electric gems, PDs or other.

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Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 14:30 (9 Years ago)
Well maybe it must be seasonal like how Kyurem works. Like if this event is happening there will be a new place called Black and White Towers in Route 53 or new place. where only flying pokemon can go there and sudden a while or if you wait... there will be a battle thing like what happens to the rumble area. And there you can get the egg if you won the battle. (I mean not really a battle like how the Vs. thing works). But you have my support. ;) Also you can choose what tower to go and maybe answer some question.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 15:08 (9 Years ago)
@Yuki-chan: All for 28500. Rare Candy GTS and Gem GE.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 14:19 (9 Years ago)
@Chaotic_Harmony: It's only 36500. :) The Gems in GE and Spray Ducks in GTS

Thanks for buying!

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 14:05 (9 Years ago)
@Salamence: All for 4075 PDs! :) Check GTS

@Greili: It's only 154075 PDs. :) BTW thanks! ^_^ Check GTS.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 13:08 (9 Years ago)

While strolling around Emera town, you saw an Item Shop named "Yuichi's Item Shop". You saw some peoples checking the shop out. Your curiosity-sense is tingling and making your body walk to the store. After few seconds, you found yourself standing in front of the shop's door, and now your mind is deciding what to do and here are the choices:

[Enter now!] || [Nah, Just leave.]

(Continue on reading if you chose [Enter now!])

As you enter the shop, you heard the wind chime above you is making pleasant noises that will catch everybody's attention. Someone came to you and said...

Yuichi: Welcome to my Item Shop. How can I help you?

He asked.

You: I want to see all of the items you sell here.

He handed you a stiff paper showing all of the item he got for you.

- 0 = 160 / 1
- 0 = 330 / 1
- 10 = 550 / 1
- 0 = Error 404 Neither Cost nor Item can not be found

- 0 = 750 / 1
- 0 = 850 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 =500 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 750 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 750 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 2,000 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 50,000 | 33 / 1

- 1 = 7,500 | 5 / 1

- 1 = 17,500 | 12 / 1
- 1 = 17,500 | 12 / 1

QuoteEvolutionary Stones:
- 2 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 1 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 1 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 1 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 4,875 | 3 / 1
- 0 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 1,575 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 3,750 | 3 / 1
- 40 = 150 / 1
- 0 = 3,000 | 2 / 1
- 2 = 11,000 | 7 / 1
- 0 = 6,000 | 4 / 1
- 0 = 6,000 | 4 / 1
- 0 = 6,000 | 4 / 1
- 0 = 10,000 | 7 / 1

QuoteForme-Change Items:
- 1 = 30,000 | 20 / 1

QuoteBasic Ingredients:
- 195 = 15 / 1
- 410 = 100 / 1
- 150 = 700 / 1
- 150 = 700 / 1
- 125 = 700 / 1

QuoteFinished Meals:
- 0 = 500 / 1
- 0 = 500 / 1

QuoteRumble Maps:
(Sky Pillar) - 0 = 75,000 | 50 / 1
(Marine) - 0 = 75,000 | 50 / 1
(Terra Cave) - 0 = 75,000 | 50 / 1
(Spooky Manor) - 0 = 90,000 | 60 / 1
(Hollow Space) - 0 = 110,000 | 73 / 1
(Vortex of Time) - 0 = 110,000 | 73 / 1
(Volcano Cave) - 0 = 110,000 | 73 / 1
(New Moon) - 0 = 450,000 | 300 / 1

QuoteSummon Items:
- 1 = 45,000 | 30 / 1

QuotePokémon Vouchers:

(Zinc) - 0 = 2,250 | 1 / 1
(Carbos) - 0 = 2,250 | 1 / 1
- 0 = 2,750 | 1 / 1

QuoteHeld Items:

Form for ordering:
[b][color=green]Yuichi, I want something!
What will you pay with:

Quote from Mr.Buyer0123Yuichi, I want something!
Username: Mr.Buyer0123
Items/Quantity: 2 Pink Boxes, 1 Weather Balloon
What will you pay with: PDs
Password: Guam

As you look down the paper, you saw a reminder.

Reminder: In What will you pay with, put PDs if you're paying using PDs, Nuggets if Nuggets. You must send a PM of telling me you will give me the payment so that if I went back online, I will respond to you and we can start the exchange. For the Password, put the country where you live. If you didn't use the form, you will be warned by me saying use the form and if you didn't use the form correctly, I will tell you to correct or read the whole post again, and if you received 3 warnings, you will be listed in the black list where you will be ignore or not able to buy here again.

List of people who were warned:

List of people who were in the black list:

Yuichi: Alright, I will leave you for now. Just tell if you need something, okay? Happy shopping!!!

Also I'm looking for Mystery Gold Box for 13,000 each. I'm only looking for 4 Boxes.

I'm only selling my stuff if I put "open" in my post's title because I'm active during holidays and when class is suspended.

I'm also hoarding Froakie Plushie. You can use that as a payment. We just need to negotiate about it.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 12:30 (9 Years ago)
Oh sorry but how many PD for a starter plushie?

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 12:05 (9 Years ago)
How much does the Rumble Gems cost?

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 19:43 (9 Years ago)
I mean show us how it gonna look like this...

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 19:11 (9 Years ago)
To make this become a better suggestion (which is already did), why not make a visual preference for it like how it will gonna be look like? Also... SUPPORT!

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 19:09 (9 Years ago)
Well the Monthly Event must be held in the last week of the month.

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 19:03 (9 Years ago)
If someone is worrying about the sprite for the Cosplay Pikachus, there are preferencen in the Pokemon Stadium Just search "Pikachu" and wait 'til the Cosplay Pikachus are visible.

Edit: And I read what TailsPrower said and I think this thing must work like how Sprite Brothers do. So that we can not worry about Pichu Sprites or Raichu Sprite (Let's just pretend Pikachus promised each other that no one will evolve). or re-launch the Pikachu Event! Like you'll send a Pokemon to Route 113 or Yellow Forest and look for their eggs, if you caught all of the Pikachu Cosplay that comes in eggs, there must be special PH - exclusive Pikachu Cosplay as a reward like how Sprite Brothers work with Rainbow.

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Posted: Sat, 13/06/2015 15:36 (9 Years ago)
Making a contest for everyone every month and the winner gets it playable-adoptable-trainable-interactable-feedable version of it pokesona might work. Like I won the monthly contest, what will happen is the spriter will ask me what my pokesona looks like or send it to him/her and put it to life (like how pokemons work here). You can still participate in the next contests but only get a different prizes if you win again. Well I still won't give my support here but if the suggestion gets better, we'll know.

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 14:10 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 13:07 (9 Years ago)
I searched using the search thing sorry if this was suggested (But I think no).

I suggest to have Event points hourly and daily task! Like how Dream points hourly and daily task work. So that you can earn some event point than spending nuggets or trying boxes. Every task counts so when you finish some task you'll level up and earn more event points.

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 13:01 (9 Years ago)
I'm confused, Maybe explain more? Why will you subscribe a post but you don't want to receive any post from it? Unsubscribe it?

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 10:59 (9 Years ago)
I tried to look it up if this is already suggested but didn't see one (sorry if it's already suggested before) so here I go...

I suggest to make the pokemon in the box become highlighted if they are in the Battle Team, Salon, Daycare, Route 53, GTS, Wonder Trade, Auction House, or Rumble Area. Like this -

Each color represents a location like -
Red for Battle Team,
Orange for Rumble Area,
Yellow for Salon,
Green for Route 53 (Moomoo Ranch and Honeycombs),
Blue for Wonder Trade (Shiny and Normal),
Indigo for GTS (Trades and Offer),
Purple / Violet for Auction House.

Well, the colors will be depend to the coder.

Quote from CrysticiaI really like this Idea. I would be happy, if it it possible.
But if it is to complicated to realize, than I would agree with Gaspoo.
Maybe with an abbreviation behind the name like:
(H) Honeycombs
(M) Moomoo Ranch
(T) Trade
(O) Offer
(A) Auction House
(R) Rumble Mission
(S) Salon
(B) Battle Team

I think this will be easier to realize. Oke, you already have to click the Poke, if you want to know, it is free or busy, but I think, it would help too.

Well as Crysticia suggested, one way to tell if the pokemon is busy is by highlighting it, the other way is telling it in its information if the pokemon is busy like this-

Quote from GaspooI like the idea! But, with my little experience programming, I don't think it is possible having that highlight without making new images for every mini pokemon sprite (which is insane). But I'm not sure.

A way to make it work can be with a little asterisk or something, next to the sprite. Or maybe when you click the pokemon, in the details, you could see if it's busy and what is it doing.

Here are the possible abbreviations:

Battle Team - B
Salon - S
Daycare - D
Honeycombs - H
Moomoo Ranch - M
Trades - T
Offer - O
Wonder Trade - W
Auction - A
Rumble Mission - R

(Same as what Crysticia said)

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