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Posted: Sun, 06/11/2022 02:23 (2 Years ago)
Nox's eyes widen when she sees Liliac, and Cath, step out of the wall and into the dining room. She glances between Liliac and Cath, wondering if somehow Cath had an ability like Liliac. But from what she had seen, she doubted it.

Whatever, this isn't important. We need to get moving. Now! Nox smoothly stands up and glances towards Liliac. "So you'll be joining us?" Nox asks. Good, I have questions for you. "To answer your question, our best bet would be to find a new Resistance base... But any shelter would do. Out there, we are going to be out in the open. It's going to be dangerous. I hope you are all ready for it" there was a serious look in Nox's eyes as she gazes at everyone. "Heh... Who am I kidding. You guys will be okay."

The same, puppy-dog energy returns when Belphi almost awakens. Aster opens his mouth, ready to demand that they get moving, until the demon falls back asleep. He frowns, glancing at Grimm with a 'what now' look.

He pauses, sniffing the air. Desperately trying to track his prey. If what he smelling was it, his prey was far. It would be a pain to track if they moved, but then again, what would be the fun of it being easy? "We have time" Aster says while sitting on the ground. "Grimm, once Belphi awakes, we are going to hunt some pesky humans. Will you join us?" He asks.

Meanwhile he pokes Belphi's shoulder, then shrinks back, not wanting to risk facing the other demon's wrath.

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Posted: Sat, 05/11/2022 16:19 (2 Years ago)
Dakota Thorne

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Nox is quiet. She doesn't like to talk very much, so she chooses not to unless she has to. There are a few close people she is willing to strike conversation with though. She is analytical, usually trying to see two or three steps ahead of everyone else.

Appearance: She has white hair, cut short into a pixie cut. Her cold, calculating eyes are an usual shade of gold. She stands at about 5'5, and has a fairly muscular build. [May have to change, just assuming] She wears the school uniform, but incorrectly. Hanging the jacket over her shoulders rather than actual putting her arms through the sleeves. The collar is fastened in place by a chain so it won't easily fall off.

Palpad: Yes!

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 04:21 (2 Years ago)
It took a long time for Kara to regain control of her muscles. Even then, she wasn't able to keep up with the two brutes who were dragging her between them. It certainly didn't help that the third Peacekeeper- the one who she had kicked, had injected her with... Something. It took a furious glare and a grunt of pain to make one of them pick her up and carry her in their arms. Why didn't they just do that in the first place?

If Kara didn't feel so weak, she would've probably attacked the one who was carrying her. But for some reason, it seemed to be taking a lot of effort just to keep her eyes open. Despite all this, she was vaguely aware that they were heading towards the Justice Building. Inside, a man whose face resembled an owls was waiting for them inside.

"Hello Kara. It's wonderful to meet you, although I'm disappointed you didn't comply. I was hoping I wouldn't have to meet you while you were in this state. Your mother assured us..." By this point, Kara wasn't really listening. She just stared at the man's face. His eyes were wide and they almost looked like they would pop out of his head if he blinked hard enough. His nose was long and narrow, he had a thin mouth and very patchy hair. He almost looked like he was a cartoon character. Under better circumstances, Kara would've laughed. Instead, she just silently glares at the man.

"...Enough chatting, I do hope you were paying attention. It was very critical information, let's get going." The five, or more, the four, walk down some stairs. Kara doesn't have the energy to feel panic, at least until she enters the room.

It was painfully bright, and super clean. The smell of cleaning solutions and hand sanitizer made her eyes water. She found that she had to focus on the man because the whiteness of the room hurt her eyes. Her panic rises when she sees two hospital beds in the center of the room. A boy her age already lay on the further one. He appeared to be asleep.

She struggles, but whatever they injected her with was doing the trick, it took all her strength just to lightly slap their hands away as they lay her onto the bed, much like her friend on her right. Who is he? He looks familiar. Where have I seen him?... she winces when she feels a new needle jab her arm. "Don't worry Kara, this is just an insurance. We don't want you or your fellow tribute running away on us" the man tells her while placing a comforting hand onto her shoulder. "Now just relax."

Kara was vaguely aware of retreating footsteps. Then silence. She was awake, but her thoughts were foggy, almost as if it were a dream. She couldn't move, unlike before where she could, if even a little bit; with enough willpower. She also felt oddly calm, likely another side effect of whatever they gave her. She knew the Games would never be fully over, life was just that cruel. But this was certainly a surprise...

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 01:52 (2 Years ago)
"Heh, that's the Neo that I remember" Nox says with a soft smile. She doesn't bother fighting her grin when she turns back to face him. He had a way of making his happiness contagious. It was something she didn't realize she missed until now. "It's Nox now" she replies, a flicker of sadness hits her eyes, but she manages to blink it away. "Are you two ready to leave?" Nox asks while leaning against the wall.

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 01:04 (2 Years ago)
It had gotten noticably quieter within the next room. This must be her cue. Nox slowly strides in, looking visibly confused to see that Cath was gone. She also noticed that Mei was absent too. Hmph, this is what I get when I don't pay attention.

Her eyes scan the room and fixate on Abyss- no, was it Neo now? She felt a dark sense of relief to see that he was back. For one, she wouldn't have to worry about fighting him in the future and two... Well, she hated to admit that it was nice to see a familiar face. "Nice to have you back" she tells Neo dismissively, turning away to hide the visible relief that was hiding within her eyes.

Aster winces at the thought of having his leg amputated. How else was he going to hunt his prey? "Thank you" he says while inspecting his bandaged leg. "Now, what should we do about Belphi?" Aster asks while walking back over to the other sleeping demon. Even Aster knew better than to wake the sleeping demon. No thanks, he did value his life a little bit. "Any ideas on how we should wake him? We have some prey to hunt. No way will I let him get away that easily!"

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Posted: Wed, 02/11/2022 23:33 (2 Years ago)
Footsteps pound towards Kara, heading directly towards her left side. She eyes the group, a flicker of annoyance filling her gaze before turning into surprise when they were still heading directly towards her!

"Heh, I've already been having a long morning. I'm sure mother will forgive me for this" Kara mutters to herself while discreetly removing a glove the moment the 'Peacekeepers' approach her.

"Are you Kara Rhys?" One of the three ask. Kara couldn't put her finger on it, but something about his voice sounded unnatural. But she didn't take the time to consider why, because first of all, how dare he-!?

"Of course I am, and who are you?" She snaps. "I'm heading towards the Reaping and I am plenty early, now go bother somebody else!" She strides forward, only to be stopped by a hand grabbing her wrist. What the-?

"Miss Rhys, we have orders to take you with us" the same man tells Kara.

"Is this a joke!?" Kara demands, her voice unintentionally rising due to her anger. She could feel the eyes on her, but she chose to ignore them. "Leave me alone!" She shouts while smashing her palm against the exposed skin on his neck. It causes him to loosen his grip enough for her to wriggle free.

Footsteps sound behind her. She doesn't have time to regret her actions, she was too focused on the Peacekeepers quickly surrounding her. She moves quick, with a surprising amount of balance she manages to lift and whirl her leg around to kick one of the Peacekeepr's legs, making him collapse onto the ground. Hm, pretty good for a girl in heels. The poor Peacekeeper groans in pain and Kara calmly steps over his slowly recovering body with a smirk. "That was a warning shot. Don't you dare put your hands on me again!" She takes another step forward only to suddenly feel her body tense up.

She feels her muscles tense followed by excruciating pain. She falls towards the ground and would've crashed if not for an arm grabbing and supporting her. She doesn't fight- no, she can't fight the two Peacekeepers, who grab her arms and haul her onto her feet like a ragdoll. She was too busy trying to catch her breath, otherwise she would have demanded an answer as to why they tazed her!

She isn't able to resist them as they drag her... Somewhere. She wasn't really focusing on the direction they were going. What is happening?

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Posted: Tue, 01/11/2022 14:16 (2 Years ago)
Nox took Cath's instructions to heart. Once she was certain that Cath and Athena had everything under control she left the room to restock her supplies. She really only needed medical supplies, she was living off of scraps for the longest time. She tries to ignore the three people. It pained her to leave them behind, but Nox took comfort in the fact that they would be safe under the careful watch of Cath's medical bot.

She passes by one of the bathrooms and pauses. Slowly she enters and lifts down the collar of her shirt to inspect her chest. Despite feeling like the wound had ripped open yesterday, it appeared to be perfectly normal today. What had happened? She shakes her head, deciding that this was something she would have to think about later.

After restocking she makes her way back to the room, pausing by the doorway, but not actually entering the room. Based on what she was hearing, she should give them their space. She rests against the wall next to the doorway and tries to ignore them, as to not eavesdrop. It was difficult not to, she didn't trust Abyss, and she was certain Cath and Athena felt the same. But they could handle it, although it still made Nox feel better being able to be close... Just in case.

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Posted: Tue, 01/11/2022 13:31 (2 Years ago)
There weren't a lot of sounds that could be heard within the Rhys mansion at this hour. Maids lightly pace through the halls, silently dusting crooks and corners and preparing breakfast for the family. Kara's mother was still asleep in her room. Somehow, her mother managed to get a good night's rest, despite today being the day of the Reaping.

Kara was in the gym. She was busy punching and kicking a punching bag. The heavy bag swung with each punch and the slightly rusted chains groaned under the weight when Kara landed a particularly powerful kick onto the bag. Sweat dripped down her face. Her hair was wild and messy. She had woken up feeling unwell and decided that working out was a great way to calm her nerves.

"You will win." A voice tells Kara. She bares her teeth and punches the bag with more force than what's necessary. Her skin cracks and immediately starts bleeding.

"Dear, you have no choice. You have to win." Kara does the same thing, but with her other hand now. She doesn't even notice the pain.

"You understand right? It'll make your mom very happy." Kara suddenly screams out her rage, she slams both fists against the bag, visibly wincing when she feels a sharp pain. She slowly lowers herself down onto her knees and rests her head against the bag.

She was already exhausted. She didn't want to die out there... No, she wouldn't die! Afterall, this is what she has been training for. She'll win all right, and play a hand in strengthening the Rhys' name.

Slowly she rises and prepares for the day, doing whatever is necessary to put on a good look for the Rhys name. She wears a sleeveless red dress with black high heels, she fixes her hair and puts on light makeup. She bandages up her hands and hides them under black gloves. Nobody would guess by appearances alone that she were terrified.

After eating breakfast she hangs by the door, leaving at the last moment necessary. Her mother hadn't come to wish her luck. She hides her hurt under a charming smile. Her eyes, which should be filled with rage are soft and gentle. This would the normal life of Kara Rhys. Appearances were powerful, she wouldn't allow insignificant emotions to potentially ruin people's perception of her.

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Posted: Tue, 01/11/2022 13:08 (2 Years ago)
It was hard to keep up with what Cath was saying- there was a reason why Nox slayed demons instead of working as a scientist, but she managed to understand the general sense. A glimmer of respect fills her gaze. Cath was proving to be a wonderful ally- everyone here was. Cath, who was intelligent and not afraid to take charge. Athena, a fearless fighter. Mei, who not only had supernatural abilities, but likely had critical information about these demons and where they reside. Even Abyss, or formally Neo, would benefit the team. She knew what the other demon hunter was capable of. She would be stupid to turn this opportunity down.

"Someone is going to need to keep you alive out there. It's not just those two demons... If it's just the two, that'll be bothersome. There are more 'normal' demons out there. I'll take care of them. I did promise to keep you alive, so long as you can work on saving the world" Nox tells Cath with a smile.

She frowns at Cath and Abyss. She too, didn't trust what Abyss was saying. Belphi was proof enough that demon's don't think twice about lying and deceiving. Maybe she was wrong, maybe Abyss would be a problem. What if he were working for his own kind? This whole Neo act could be a trick to make them lower their guards. Looks like I'll have to keep an eye on him

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Posted: Mon, 31/10/2022 20:12 (2 Years ago)
Grimacing slightly, Aster takes a step closer to the other demon before speaking. "Belphi and I had a little.. situation with a group of humans. I got a bit injured" Aster says while showing his hurt leg and hand. "Belphi also fell back asleep again. He may wake up on his own, but I don't know how long that'll take. Can you help?" Aster asks, bearing his teeth at the last line. How embarrassing, the great Aster shouldn't need help!

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Posted: Mon, 31/10/2022 18:30 (2 Years ago)
Nox eagerly accepts the tea and reaches for the cup with slow and sluggish movements. Has it really been this long since I've had a good nights rest?

It took Nox a few seconds to realize that Cath had asked her a question. "I'm exhausted" she says with a light chuckle. "And confused... What happened? How did you stop the demons? And where did they go?" Nox knows that she should feel relieved that the two had fled rather than finish them off. Still, the unknown of where they were and what they were planning terrified her. But Nox was desperate to hide those fears. Her job was to slaughter demons, she shouldn't fear them... But those demons were different from the normal ones she that she is use to facing...

"What about you?" Nox asks, trying to banish her current train of thought. "I'm sorry you met so much trouble yesterday" Nox adds with a regretful smile. "We really aren't good company" she jokes.

A comical oof sound sounds as Aster suddenly crashes onto the ground. He slowly and shakily stands up. He growls at his sudden weakness and turns towards Belphi, he was about to chew him out for dropping him when he notices that Belphi wasn't moving.

Slowly, Aster approaches Belphi and checks his pulse, he relaxes when he realizes that Belphi was just sleeping, again. The timing was poor, but whatever was happening to him saved his arse, so he was willing to forgive Belphi for this.

So what now? Aster was no medical expert, and both him and Belphi would need help. Fortunately, help was close. Aster smiles, recognizing a scent close by. Grimm!

What a sorry sight he would be. His pride couldn't take anymore hits. But he swallows his pride and walks closer to the scent, but remains close to Belphi. "Grimm!" He shouts out. "Where are you?" He asks wearily.

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Posted: Mon, 31/10/2022 13:46 (2 Years ago)
Very slowly things were starting to become clear. Aster could no longer hear that annoying ring. Instead, he could hear the sounds of nature and footsteps. How am I moving? Aster slowly opens his eyes only to realize that he was staring down at the ground. What the-?

"Belphi!?" Aster shouts, bewildered. He struggles slightly, trying to stop the other demon from moving. They were far away, Aster wasn't even sure if the scents he were smelling in the distance was truly the group. "What's going on? Why are we retreating?" He growls. His agitated gaze turns into shock when the memory of what happened suddenly hit him like a truck. They were knocked out with absolutely no effort. It should be impossible, yet it had happened.

"Belphi, put me down!" He demands while smacking the back of the other demon's head. "We have to go back!" And then what? Aster ignores that thought, he was too angry to care.

Nox couldn't really remember much when she came to. She remembered Cath knocking the demons out, then stabbing them. She hoped that would be it, that they would be finished. But she wasn't a fool, she knew it would take more than that to kill them.

That's when one of the demon's- Belphi, she remembered Abyss calling him Belphi, commanded that they sleep. She had fallen, somehow managing to find a chair so she could slump down comfortably onto the table. She woke up to the sound of voices, which sounded far for a few moments, despite being close to her. She doesn't move, she just allows herself to wake up while listening to the voices. Cath, if she were smart, and she had proven multiple times that she were, was likely going to move. So what would happen to her? Would Cath risk bringing her?

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Posted: Sun, 30/10/2022 00:56 (2 Years ago)
This was going to be fun! He couldn't wait to slowly cut his way down towards Mei. Her kick caught him off guard, but it showed both him and Belphi what she was capable of. He couldn't wait any longer. He was about to rush past Belphi and attack Abyss when a ringing attacks his ears.

The sound makes him painfully clench his jaw. He tries to turn his head, desperate to block the sound. He lets out an irritated growl when he is unable to escape the sound. His muscles were tense, he finds that it freezes him in his tracks and makes him unable to move. What was happening? Had their technology seriously improved this much.

His vision was becoming dark. He was quickly starting to lose consciousness. It was a struggle, but he takes a step towards the room, desperate to spill some sort of blood. If he is going down, then someone would be going down with him! But he only manages to take a step before collapsing onto the floor.

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Posted: Sat, 29/10/2022 13:40 (2 Years ago)
Send birthday one?

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Posted: Fri, 28/10/2022 15:45 (2 Years ago)
It was quite intriguing to see the technology that the humans have developed come into play. As Aster watches the girl run off, he was tempted to turn his back onto the plan and chase the girl down. Their technology was something, but it would be nothing compared to his full speed. Oh how badly he wanted to test out his powers against their technology...

But the scent of the purple haired girl was driving him crazy. Curses, why did he have to waste time on that girl? He bears his teeth and stares towards the door right as Belphi comes running out. He smiles at Belphi's words. He wouldn't openly admit it, but Belphi was right. The girl would be back, hopefully she would return to corpses. He strides towards the door, frowning when the girl passed by the two and nearly throws herself inside.

"Well that wasn't very smart" he said with an amused smile. "Please, waste your energy before the real battle begins. An easy snack will hit the spot after this fight!" He presses his hand onto the door, holding it open so he can look into the room. A wide grin appears on his lips when he catches Mei sitting back onto her chair. "There you are! Found you~!" He chants.

The demon was right there... Why didn't I attack? Why? Nox shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts and waves of exhaustion. She would have time to scold herself later. Now, she would have to ensure everyone in this room survived.

She takes a step forward to catch the woman that Belphi threw, her muscles buckling under her weight. Fortunately, her body seemed to be complying. So she was slowly breaking out of whatever spell she was in just moments ago. She tries to drag the woman inside, clearing the hallway so Abyss, who was standing closest to her, could fight without worry.

Her eyes widen when she sees Belphi slam the door shut. Don't think about that now, focus! Once the woman was safely inside the kitchen Nox relaxes a little bit. She stands close to Ceberus, Cath, and the woman. She silently begs that Athena will be okay and visibly relaxes when she sees Athena throw herself inside. But a horrified look appears on her face when Aster calmly walks inside behind her. She grips her daggers and glances between Abyss, Belphi, Aster, and Liliac, looking visibly anxious on what'll happen next.

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Posted: Fri, 28/10/2022 12:46 (2 Years ago)
Aster had to admit. He was caught off guard to see his prey literally charging towards him without a second thought. (Giving Belphi the benefit of the doubt) he also mockingly screamed at Athena, a look of fake shock and terror appearing on his face before melting away when she girl had actually sliced him.

Okay... Now he was really angry. He already had to wait for his busted hand to heal, now his leg? The girl attacked without any real thought, seemingly swiping the air at random- desperate to land a hit. He chuckles mid fight and aims a kick at her chest. "Aw how rude, Belphi shut the door" Aster whines while he waits for Athena to recover from the blow. "How am I going to seek my revenge now?" He swipes the air in front of Athena's face, purposely misjudging the distance so that his claws would just barely miss her throat. "I guess you'll have to do for now" he growls.

That girl, Athena. Why did she run out there? Sure, Nox did tell them to attack, but option A or even option C would've worked a lot better. Would Athena be okay? Could she really hold her own against one of these guys? She could tell already that these demons weren't any ordinary demons.

Wonderful assessment Captain Obvious. Nox was still feeling the effects of exhaustion when Belphi came bursting inside. Once again, he was claiming to be friendly and promised to lure away the other demon. Again, Nox was inclined to believe otherwise. She had seen... And well, eventually killed, enough demons to know that they were tricky and didn't really care about humans. Lies and deception are their legal middle names.

So why wasn't she reacting? She should stab this demon right now. It wouldn't take much to move within range. Was she really this desperate for his words to be true? Her gut was screaming at her to attack, but she ignored the feeling and straightened up, trying to appear as menacing as she could. "Drop the girl off and leave" she tells him while glancing behind her and towards the kitchen towards (afk) Cath, Abyss, and Liliac. She was confident about her team, Athena would have to hold her ground for only a few minutes longer if things turned South. Right?

There is was again, another hit of exhaustion. Sure, the food was great and the walk today was long. But was she really this tired!? She didn't remember being this exhausted moments ago. She takes a step back, no longer trusting that she would have the strength to fight any of the demons if things turned South.

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Posted: Fri, 28/10/2022 05:46 (2 Years ago)
The others may not be impacted by Belphi's spell, but Nox most certainly was feeling the effects. She could feel herself drifting off, only to snap back into action moments later. She had to lean onto the doorframe now and found that she was struggling to force her body to comply with her actions. Already, she could feel her hand itching to rest by her side instead of wrapping around the hilt of the dagger. Sleep? Oh how wonderful it would feel to go into a nice... Deep... Sleep.

"What?" Nox's voice was slurred which startled her enough to snap out of the spell, at least for a few moments. "Are you serious? You? A demon? Wanting to help that girl?" She laughs at how outrageous it sounded and frowns at the woman in the demon's arms. She was unmistakably human, that part was true. If that was the case, she needed their help.

-So why don't you do anything?

-Why can't you do anything?

-It's just like before...

Again, Nox snaps out of it. She glances over Belphi's shoulders, towards a figure that was slowly approaching the doors. He had a huge toothed smile on an unnaturally shaped jaw. He raises a finger to his mouth, mockingly shushing the woman. Does he think that I am scared?

-Am I scared?

-Attack! You are under attack!



The final thought startled her awake. She leapt into action, regretfully shutting the door with as much force as her tired mind was willing to give. Which likely wasn't enough. I'm sorry. She couldn't save the girl, she hoped that she would one day be forgiven.

One step, two steps. The urge to fall asleep weakened the further away she got from the injured demon, but it still slowed her down. "Everyone! Run! Fight!... Do something!" She shouts. She finds that she has to squint just too focus, but fortunately, she had gotten the words out and managed to grab ahold of both daggers. Here we go.

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Posted: Fri, 28/10/2022 03:57 (2 Years ago)
How entertaining! Aster was tempted to chase after Belphi. But he had to remind himself that Belphi had to first get them to open the door, so he would have to stand back a bit. Also, he would have to play fair, afterall Belphi was running with extra weight on his back... So he would give the other demon a five second head start.

"Five... Four... Three... Two... one!" Aster's voice got darker and darker with each number he counted. On one he shot forward, and wow was the other demon quick! Aster found an odd wave of childlike enjoyment on being able to chase the other demon. He nearly forgot that this was supposed to be a hunting strategy. He slows down, buying the other demon more time. The moment the door was opened, they could easily force their way in.

Nox was about to answer Athena until she heard a knock on the door. She was tempted to ignore it, but the urgency of it made her stand up. She moves towards it, but suddenly pauses at the hallway in front of the door.

For some reason, her chest hurt. It was almost as if the scar was tearing itself open. Nox manages to swallow down a pained scream but holds onto the wall for support. She desperately tried to catch her breath. What is happening to me? The feeling slowly passes and Nox is back on her feet, although feeling slightly dizzy now.

She opens the door and glances at the unfamiliar duo with an almost glazed look in her eyes. "What's happening?" She shakes her head to clear it and places a hand onto the hilt of her dagger. "What's wrong?" She asks far more forcefully. "Who are you and how did you find us?" There didn't seem to be much urgency in her voice, despite the situation on hand.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2022 21:43 (2 Years ago)
To his credit, Aster listens in silence. He actually almost takes pity on the other demon. This new life was most definitely daunting, but still, was it really his problem that Belphi had allowed himself to sleep for that long? "You Intelligent types are strange. There is nothing you need to know other than the current situation." He spreads his arms out and lets out a crazed laugh. "Fate has extended our hunting grounds and gifted us with prey that is feistier in the Living World compared to Hell. What else is there to know?" Aster asks. "You are overthinking things friend, just take some time to enjoy this moment." He suddenly stops. The bunker was in sight. "We are here."

"Tch, with all due respect, is your family history really that important right now?" Nox asks. "I can piece enough together, something happened between you three. As long as you don't make it a problem we can worry about it later." How hypocritical of her, she was about to fight Abyss for doing something as small as inadvertently challenging her. She had no place, but was too tired to care. The heavy combination of walking all day and eating a good meal was quickly wearing her down.

She focuses on Liliac. Frowning at her story. It certainly lined up with what she has seen. She didn't even seem too surprised when she revealed that she escaped from Hell. In a world filled with demons and someone with powers- her escaping Hell was the least surprising thing she heard since she arrived.

This girl, if she escaped from Hell then she would be of good use to them. Maybe she could give them critical information that'll allow them to end this war for good. It was unlikely that Liliac would give information like this up. Nox was seconds away from slaughtering her just moments ago, Liliac had every reason to avoid helping her. Still, she had to try. "So how did you get here then? And how do the demons get here?" Nox asks.

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2022 13:31 (2 Years ago)
The sudden coldness shocks Nox in place. Liliac's-- or whatever her real name really was-- icy hands seems to cut through her heavy coat and shirt. She felt tempted to whirl around and attack, but she had a feeling that she would just disappear anyway.

Besides, Abyss and Liliac both confirmed her suspicions. Although Liliac's anger is what really tipped her off. But now Abyss seemed to be challenging her!? She chuckles to herself and most certainly does not put away her weapons. She was about to respond to the challenge when Cath speaks. She listens to the woman, staying rooted in her spot. Cath was asking all the right questions, so she didn't feel the need to say anything.

When it was her turned to be chewed out she sheaves her weapons and sits down onto her chair. Muttering something like "I wasn't going to kill the dog" under her breath while she gently pets the dog's head.

Besides, she should go back to silently analyzing the group. Cath was right, the two had secrets to share- Nox was an open book. Slaying demons kept her schedule pretty busy to take part in traitorous acts.

She glances towards the door, nodding at the newcomer. She wasn't sure how to feel about her. But Cath had welcomed her inside with open arms. Abyss seemed to recognize her too. Well isn't this a jolly, happy reunion? She narrows her eyes at Athena and Abyss. Watching how Athena had come in ready to fight only to relax and snap back into action once she caught sight of Abyss. Interesting...

Belphi's question makes Aster pause in his tracks for a moment before he continues forward, closer to the scent, closer to their prey. "She wears a dress, has lavender colored eyes, and purple[?] hair. That's what she looks like when she isn't hiding in the shadows. She is a brave one, it'll be interesting to see how she'll react once we make our move." Curses, did he really just compliment his prey?

"She had a dog with her. I can't tell if the dog is currently with her now... Too many scents are clustered in that spot. It's a possible weakness to exploit. Since you're so kindly giving me the girl, I'll allow you to have the dog." He pauses again, glancing back to peg Belphi's reaction and see if the other demon was still keeping up. "So what really made you want to release that human out of Hell? Miss Persephone isn't going to like that you know... And I'm not sure if I should believe that you wanted to use it as bait." He narrows his eyes and watches Belphi's reaction closely.

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