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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 00:16 (3 Months ago)
"Ah it appears we have a small bit in common then!" Astrophel remarked about Scarlett's love for reading. "I suppose I should give you my name, after all you were kind enough to provide me with yours. I am Astrophel and-" Astrophel suddenly heard a familiar voice nearby though it seemed... different, more angry, and even a hint of spite lingering off of it like a noisome aroma. "Pardon me Scarlett, we shall perhaps meet again another time, I sense something rather troubling is at play here." With that, they turned around and began to search for the source of that voice, but they didnt have to look far as only a few feet away stood Kalyteros, though something looked... different about him: he looked more cold and stoic than the glowing young man in the library and he still had that limp from earlier. "Kalyteros?" Astrophel addressed his earlier acquaintance, "what seems to be the matter?"

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 21:18 (3 Months ago)
“Yes I indeed plan to attend the ball. My attire is still within my quarters however,” Astrophel responded to Scarlett. “But where are my manners? I have not even condescended to trouble you for your name!” Mentally, Astrophel decided to hold off on reading the book. After all, they had spent what felt like an eternity researching, perhaps it was finally time for a break.

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 14:01 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel began reading the ancient tome. What they read utterly fascinated them. They only read a few pages but those few pages were enough to excite them greatly. They decided that their dorm room would be the best place to revel in their newfound discovery. They finished their tea and proceeded to make their way out of the dining hall. However, Astrophel soon encountered a large group of students milling about the halls. With uncharacteristic haste, Astrophel quickly turned into a shadow and began hurtling along the walls and across the floor to their dormitory. The only thing running faster than their body was their mind. “Does this truly hold the answers that I seek?” They asked to themselves as they glided past hordes of students.. Once they were past the crowds, Astrophel reverted back to their original form. However they noticed that they emerged right in front of a unique looking satyr already dressed for the ball. Realizing that they had gotten too far ahead of themselves, Astrophel quickly apologized. “Ah, apologies, I trust that I did not disturb thee in any significant manner?”

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 03:13 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel, having borrowed their book, left the library. They were sick of being hunched over at the table in their room reading books and decided that a change of scenery would do wonders for their mood. By this time, the sun was starting to rise higher, causing reading on the Academy grounds to become rather undesirable. Perhaps a small table to themselves and a cup of steaming lavender tea at the cafeteria would do quite nicely. As they made their way inside an to a small unoccupied table, they began to hear a small commotion. They turned around and saw a rather tall blonde boy in extremely casual clothes talking to a girl with wings and horns. Astrophel could not make out most of the words but they did catch a few snippets, "Tearing invitations?" they thought to themselves "How indecorous." Astrophel spared the, in their opinion, rather odd duo one final glance before turning around and seating themselves at their table.

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 02:40 (3 Months ago)
"The prospect of a brightly lit hall, I admit, does not resonate with me much, yet I do not deny that I feel some form of anticipation for this event," Astrophel stated, answering Kalyteros' question. "I do appreciate the information you have given my regarding my reading, but I must be on my way now." Before leaving, something odd caught Astrophel's eye "My goodman, I have just noticed that you have a limp, do you require me to escort you to the infirmary?"

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 02:04 (3 Months ago)
"Ah, well met Kalyteros," Astrophel replied. "I do find solace that a few students such as yourself have managed to forget somewhat the grievous damage done that night. As for this," Astrophel proceeded to retrieve the book from their cloak, "It is simply an interesting piece of ancient lore that I have had the good fortune to come upon". Looking to steer the conversation away from the subject of the tome, Astrophel brought up the ball that was set to happen within the coming hours."So, have you made adequate preparation for the grand celebration this evening?"

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 01:15 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel returned to the library a few hours later, unsatisfied with the books they had borrowed. Once there something caught their eye, an old, black tome simply titled The Beasts from the Sky. They recollected how the witches who raised them said that they had been found in a crater as an infant. Astrophel, having deduced that this meant that they had likely fallen from somewhere past the atmosphere, became more interested in the tome, hoping that it held the answers to the questions that troubled them for so long. Just as they were about to begin reading the tome, they heard a voice. They quickly placed the ancient book within the recessed of their cloak and turned around, seeing someone they were not too familiar with. "Ah, greetings," they replied to Kalyteros "May I trouble you for your name? Though I do wonder if you have more worthwhile endeavors to pursue," they said, allowing the faintest smile to pass their lips.

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 21:24 (3 Months ago)
After finishing breakfast, Astrophel leisurely made their way back to their room. Once they arrived, they drew the curtains and turned off all of the lights. They knew the dangers that this posed to those around them, but since the ball would be held at night, Astrophel wanted to ensure that they had a strong grip on their powers even in total darkness. As the final light extinguished, Astrophel began to grow into a more monstrous form and emanate a dark haze from their very being. However, before they completely lost control, Astrophel exerted all of their mental power and reverted back to their normal self. Although it was difficult, they were able to keep themselves stable for a 30 minute meditation session. Once this exercise was complete, Astrophel opened the curtains and let light pour in, relieving their burden. After composing themselves, Astrophel made their way to the grounds of the Academy and sat under a large oak and began to read more literature from the Academy’s vast library in a final hope to find any explanation for the uniqueness of their powers.

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 12:19 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel received their invitation to the ball and proceeded to make preparations for later in the day. Although they loved their battered blue cloak and scarf, they laid out a magnificent indigo robe with gold patterns emblazoned on it for the evening, one of the few luxuries Astrophel afforded themselves. For they had no taste for wealth or gold; they only cared about knowledge. After getting their evening clothes ready, Astrophel dressed themselves in their cloak, scarf, and of course, the plain black parasol that they always carried with them. As they got ready, they reflected on all that happened at the Academy. “I have toiled long simply to be relegated to the Gemstone class?” They thought with a hint of anger. “Though, I suppose it is a generous rank for myself, especially after what happened first year”. Having calmed themselves down and made themselves ready, they proceeded to make their way to the dining hall for breakfast and settled themselves into a chair in one of the more dimly lit areas as they treated themselves to a cup of tea and a modest platter of toast, jam, and fruit.

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Posted: Sat, 08/06/2024 22:33 (3 Months ago)
Name: Astrophel
Gender: Unknown
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 18
Appearance: An inky black humanoid figure with glowing white eyes. They emit a faint black haze around them that gives them the appearance of being composed of gas. They prefer to wear a long blue scarf, a navy cloak, and bronze colored gloves. They also carry a small black parasol.
Personality: Astrophel is reserved yet highly curious and inquisitive. Due to this curiosity, they have acquired a large sum of knowledge but can still be rather naive from time to time. Astrophel is wary of their powers as although they are extremely powerful, they are also highly unnatural compared to those of their peers. Astrophel often attempts to learn the origin of both themselves and their powers.
Background: Astrophel was raised by a coven of witches who claimed that they found Astrophel as an infant in the center of a small crater. They adopted the customs of the witches and donned a cloak. However, once Astrophel grew old enough to begin rudimentary magical training, the witches discovered Astrophel had no affinity for fire, ice, lightning, or any other common element. The witches then discovered that Astrophel had other, unnatural powers. The strength and volatility of these powers eventually became hard for even the witches to control. The witches then proceeded to send Astrophel to Riganois Academy in order for Astrophel to learn how to control their powers.
Powers: Astrophel has three unique abilities. They can alter their body, allowing them to be incredibly versatile in both combat and in day to day tasks. However the truly unnatural ability is their ability to interact with shadows. Although they emit no shadow themselves, they can attack the shadow of their enemies. All shadows attacked by Astrophel will act sort of like voodoo dolls, causing any damage done to the shadows be projected onto the caster of the shadow. Astrophel can also turn into a shadow themselves, allowing them to slip through cracks. In addition to their shadow manipulation, they can also expel more of the dark haze that surrounds them in order to temporarily dim an area though this is extremely draining in most cases.
Weakness: Astrophel’s abilities stem from darkness and thus, they are weaker in the presence of light. In typical daylight, Astrophel is able to alter their body somewhat but they cannot alter their size nor make any other drastic alterations. Their shadow manipulation is also reduced as they can temporarily slow someone down by grabbing their shadow but they cannot cause any direct harm to the shadow. Extremely bright sources of light can even strip Astrophel of their powers entirely. It is for these reasons that Astrophel is always seen with a parasol on hand. However, Astrophel’s abilities grow in the absence of light. In total darkness, Astrophel can make significant alterations to their appearance, paralyze people entirely by grabbing their shadows and even rip people to shreds by mutilating their shadows. Although this may seem like a strength, Astrophel has trouble controlling themselves in this state and is constantly on the verge of going berserk.
House: The Enchanted
Rank: Gemstone
Misdeeds: In their first year, Astrophel had gone berserk during the night due to their powers. It took many people with torches and lanterns in order to subdue them but not before causing major damage. Although this event was not considered as a true misdeed as Astrophel was not in control of themselves, it still prevented them from becoming a diamond or elite.
PP: Yes plz

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Posted: Thu, 06/06/2024 23:50 (3 Months ago)
Assassination Classroom

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Posted: Thu, 06/06/2024 12:23 (3 Months ago)
Ah sorry, Lunala is in my Alola box. Also I would love to be in the group chat! As for my stock, I currently have:

17x Fire Stones
6x Leaf Stones
7x Oval Stones
21x Thunder Stones
16x Water Stones
2x Deep Sea Scales
1x Deep Sea Tooth
1x Galarica Wreath
2x Metal Coats
2x Razor Claws
2x Razor Fangs
2x Soothe Bells
1x Sun Stone
2x Up-Grades
2x Cracked Pots
2x Dawn Stones
1x Electirizer
4x Kings Rocks
1x Leaders Crest
1x Prism Scale
1x Sachet
3x Shiny Stones
1x Whipped Dream
5x Ice Stones
10x Spray Ducks
10x Weather Balloons

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Posted: Thu, 06/06/2024 05:58 (3 Months ago)
☆ Can I Become A Worker? ☆
Username: CarnifexCoronatum
What Store Are You Working At?: Evolution Shop
Do You Have A Mascot (A Pokémon)?:

Have You Read All The Rules And Agree With Them?: Yep
Password: Spectrier
Other: Nope
☆ Thank you! ☆

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Posted: Thu, 06/06/2024 04:21 (3 Months ago)
Hello There!

Lets say you are trying to start a Shiny Mega hunt, bid on something rather valuable, or REALLY want to make an offer on a trade, but you're short on cash. By the time you get the cash, someone else would have surely already claimed the trade or bid on the auction. What will you do?

Luckily that is no longer a concern, as you can take out a pd loan at my humble lil bank!

But before we get ahead of ourselves, there are some rules that need to be followed. This bank only lends Pokedollars and you can’t ask for more pd than I currently have. Secondly, you will need to give me some form of collateral roughly equal to the value of the loan you are taking out until you pay back your loan. This collateral can take the form of Pokémon, items, or nuggets. I will also give you a time frame to pay back your loan. If you have not paid the full amount back by then, you will have to pay a 5% interest which compounds weekly alongside the remaining balance.

Now that you know everything about my service, let’s get you the money you need!

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Posted: Mon, 03/06/2024 23:09 (3 Months ago)
Tenebrous, having reached a different part of the forest on the back of his new vulture servant, began to set up camp: the eventual throne of his new dark empire. Though before serious construction could begin, he would need more servants. Recalling how Nebulus became bound after being consumed by the Frenzied Ritual, Tenebrous took the Blooms of Frenzy that he had brought with him and crushed them, revealing seeds that he then planted in the ground. As for the mangled remains of the cursed flowers, he piled them right outside his new lair. Soon enough, the rotting remains were swarming with ants, maggots, and flies. Tenebrous patiently waited as the vermin ate their fill and when the time was right he emerged and uttered the forbidden words of the Frenzied Ritual. The bugs, bloated with the blooms, began to be consumed by the ritual, growing in size to become slightly larger than rats and became enthralled by Tenebrous. Seeing this, Tenebrous' mouth cracked open into a wicked grin, as he knew that his revolution was indeed possible.

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Posted: Fri, 31/05/2024 02:25 (3 Months ago)
grimmsnarl, it gets up screens and gets out

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 23:07 (3 Months ago)
Escavalier (Bug/Steel) - 39

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 23:07 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Sun, 26/05/2024 21:57 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 23/05/2024 23:13 (3 Months ago)

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