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Searching for: Posts from Mikleo.
Posted: Sat, 05/11/2016 16:05 (8 Years ago)
Finished with CinnaBun's genes :D

Went from her "totally fodder" looks:
(I actually took her from an exalting lair as hatchling)

to "Awesome and Unusual" look:

Next one to gene up is Tristan, this handsome GenOne Bogsneak with purple ranged 1rst and 2nd genes and the 3rd one matching his eyes.
Right now he's triple basic, but I want him to look like this:

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2016 12:17 (8 Years ago)
I have almost twin brothers from Eleonora and Xavier for sale at 5000 treasure.

Still one of my favorite pairings

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Posted: Wed, 02/11/2016 11:31 (8 Years ago)
Name of the Dragon: Unnamed
Primary - Purple Cherub
Secondary - Purple Peregrine
Tertiary - Fuschia Glimmer
Price: 5000 treasure
Contact [user]Mikleo[/user] With any questions

Name of the Dragon: Unnamed
Primary - Purple Cherub
Secondary - Purple Peregrine
Tertiary - Blood Glimmer
Price: 5000 treasure
Contact [user]Mikleo[/user] With any questions

Name of the Dragon: Unnamed
Primary - Coal Crystal
Secondary - Rose Facet
Tertiary - Rose Stained
Price: 5500 treasure
Contact [user]Mikleo[/user] With any questions

Name of the Dragon: Unnamed
Primary - Fog Crystal
Secondary - Rose Facet
Tertiary - Rose Stained
Price: 5500 treasure
Contact [user]Mikleo[/user] With any questions

Name of the Dragon: Unnamed
Primary - Mist Crystal
Secondary - Rose Facet
Tertiary - Rose Stained
Price: 5500 treasure
Contact [user]Mikleo[/user] With any questions

Name of the Dragon: Unnamed
Primary - Storm Crystal
Secondary - Rose Facet
Tertiary - Rose Stained
Price: 5500 treasure
Contact [user]Mikleo[/user] With any questions

To make it easier to sort: First two are pearlcatchers (both males), the rest four are imperial (last one is male).

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Posted: Wed, 02/11/2016 11:29 (8 Years ago)
My 4 eggs nest is now open, I need to sell at least 2 of the hatchlings to welcome BlitzNoir's dragons on my lair.

Two different nests here, everyone with low prices
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Male: Purple - Purple - Fuschia (5000 treasure)

Male: Purple - Purple - Blood (5000 treasure)

Female: Coal - Rose - Rose (5500 treasure)

Female: Fog - Rose - Rose (5500 treasure)

Female: Mist - Rose - Rose (5500 treasure)

Male: Storm - Rose - Rose (5500 treasure)
(also posting this in the new thread)

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Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 13:31 (8 Years ago)
Well, I'm still here ^^
I'll pm you tomorrow after I empty a bit the lair.
(Or later today if I'm able to sell at least one of today's nest)

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Posted: Tue, 01/11/2016 10:01 (8 Years ago)
@BlitzNoir: Still looking for an earth nest?
I don't have any open spot right now (I wish I had read this first), but I can have a nest open tomorrow.
Going to be a bit hard because it's a 4 eggs nest and I have only 5 open spots on my lair, so I have to sell some of the hatchlings before welcoming your dragons on my lair.

Also, Janja looking epic and evil

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Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 16:31 (8 Years ago)
About Earth and dom: As the smallest flight, Earth gets more "exaltation points" for each dragon exalted, so it's not rare to see us in the top 3.
(since we're smaller we need to have more bonuses to make the game fair for everyone)

For example and with random numbers since I don't really know how it works:
Plague exalts 200 dragons and gets 200 points.
Earth exalts 100 dragons and gets 200 points.
Guess that only the admins know the real numbers

BTW: I still have these 2 pretty girls for sale

Triple Caribbean = 6000treasure

Tri-colored pure 2nd gen = 5000treasure.

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Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 06:28 (8 Years ago)
Everyone should join Earth, we rock 8)

@Lania: Fave dragon?

It has to be my pretty boy Cies.
170k of dragon from when glimmer was the total money waster, still not regretting his purchase

Eleonora is also on point, I love her almost as much I love Cies.
My pretty 7-digt old lady who was at fodder price in the AH, I totally saved her from being exalted

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Posted: Fri, 28/10/2016 08:25 (8 Years ago)
I have 4 hatchlings for sale.
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Female, Caribbean

Male, Caribbean - Azure - Caribbean

Male, Leaf - Honeydew - Pear

Female, Pear - Honeydew - Pear
Nocturnes are 6000 treasure, Tundras are 5500.

The tundras are both from the first nest of Grasslands and Konoha :D

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Posted: Tue, 25/10/2016 19:20 (8 Years ago)

Saw this guy in the AH and I couldn't resist to buy him.

Anyone has gene ideas? (prefferable treasure genes only)

poor CinnaBun stills without her 1rst gene because I totally killed my savings with this guy

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Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 14:56 (8 Years ago)
Look what I hatched!

She's a pretty cat .w.

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2016 17:29 (8 Years ago)
Since Circuit is gem gene, the most similar (visually) treasure option would be Contour.

She looks kinda cool with the Speckle-Contour combo but...

I feel like Clown-Contour looks even better on her.

Both options are actually being considered .w.

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2016 17:18 (8 Years ago)

I saw this girl yesterday night on an exalting lair and I couldn't resist the urge of saving her of her destiny. I tought that she was too pretty to be exalted, probably without a name.
So I asked the owner to swap her for one of my fodder hatchlings and acepted :D

I might change her first gene since I'm not really a fan of Crystal.
Any re-gene ideas to swap her 1rst and 3rd genes?
(prefferably no-cherub or gem genes)

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2016 09:16 (8 Years ago)
Look at him!

He was in the AH for a really low price and I couldn't resist, my first bogsneak :D
He isn't really really cute, but he's already a perma on my lair.

I even got him a partner with kinda similar colors and gene rarities

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Posted: Fri, 14/10/2016 08:33 (8 Years ago)
Hey guys! I have these two brothers for sale at 6000 treasure in the AH.

This little guy would make an excelent Earth representant for your lair
(specially if you're able to swap someday his saturn with shimmer)
He gives the feel of muddy water.

And his over stunning and lucky brother, he got 2% chance Iridiscent!
His 3rd gene fits the iridiscent's gradient.

Looks awesome as adult with any other gene that isn't underbelly
(specially with stained or runes)

they also have a sister but she's too ugly to look

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Posted: Fri, 14/10/2016 08:10 (8 Years ago)
Nothing, they just gain experience.
Except if one of them is a Ditto and the other a breedeable genderless pokémon (magnemite line, staryu line...), you get eggs that way.

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Posted: Wed, 12/10/2016 20:16 (8 Years ago)
@BlitzNoir: If you're able to get compatible parents (similar colors and genes), I can breed them for you to get the Earth eyes.

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2016 11:47 (8 Years ago)
Thanks to Earth being second in dominance this week, I was finally able to afford runes for my progen :D
She's looking epic and really fitting for her Ambassador role.

(Without apparel and accent)

Now I just need a earth-looking accent for her .w.
*crosses fingers because Earth fest is next month*

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2016 23:37 (8 Years ago)
Anyone from Shadow flight with an open nest?

I'm trying to breed a dragon for Kurumi, but she needs it with shadow eyes and my nest lending friend from that flight hasn't been online for a week.
The pair is ready to breed tomorrow, I offer as payment all the fail hatchlings from the nest to keep/sell/exalt.

(I will add treasure/gems/pd if they only lay 1-2 eggs)

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Posted: Fri, 30/09/2016 17:09 (8 Years ago)
These are mine:
A few of them were really expensive to get and gene.
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both Gen1breeding trio Female is Gen1 Female is Gen1

And the unnoficial pairs (breeding together but without Breeding card) / Not final mates.

Luke and Ruby (almost "official" since I doubt I can get someone better for him)

Velvet and Dezel

Edna and Acelga (also almost "official")

Cyandine and Shigure

@EnderTheDragon: Next time you breed Seafoam and Sky, let me see the hatchlings, I would be totally interested on one with purple-range gembond (going to be a bit hard since it has only 15% of passing)

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