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Posted: Sun, 23/07/2023 17:45 (11 Months ago)
“I won’t break so easily—“ He continued to shock Khalfani. Thankfully for Scaramouche, constriction was only an inconvenience at most unless the pressure did manage to break him, considering as he does not have blood for the blood circulation to be cut off. In his attempt to get out, he saw Elodie just. Standing there. “Hey— Don’t just stand there like an idiot— fight, or do whatever it is you do—“

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Posted: Fri, 21/07/2023 15:05 (11 Months ago)
Yawen had just smiled at the compliment from Aria Grace. But just what did she remind her of…

“Tracks..? Yeah, they don’t… and there are these crystals too..” She picked them up, before dropping them suddenly “Ah! Hot!!”

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Posted: Fri, 21/07/2023 14:55 (11 Months ago)
“Hey!” That was fast. Apparently he did dare. A surprise, really. “Get off me!” He electrified himself, trying to shock him off.

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Posted: Tue, 18/07/2023 01:18 (11 Months ago)
I assume you are talking about accessories for the beauty contest? If so, on the beauty contest main page there should be a task for you to complete. As soon as you complete it, you will gain accessories for your pokemon, they are not able to be obtained in any other means

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Posted: Mon, 17/07/2023 21:08 (11 Months ago)
“Like you could even get close enough” He made a quick slash at Khalfani, a warning, with the intent to say ‘try that if you dare’

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Posted: Mon, 17/07/2023 19:33 (11 Months ago)
“I’m not falling for that—“ he was still fighting. “You humans and your petty mind tricks. I don’t fall for those anymore.” Or really, so he thought

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Posted: Mon, 17/07/2023 17:57 (11 Months ago)
“Well, I came for conflict. Only one of us will get what they want then.” He continued to fight. His task was to kill them, and if they didn’t value their lives enough to defend themselves, well, that wasn’t his problem.k

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Posted: Thu, 13/07/2023 03:08 (11 Months ago)
“Are you done chatting? I could kill you while you speak, but that’s dishonorable.” He also liked to brag. The best thing about being actually good at fighting, is that you can boast while being able to back it up. Another swing of the sword. He’d use elements when he felt like it.

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Posted: Sun, 09/07/2023 02:16 (11 Months ago)
“What am I, an idiot?” If he didn’t follow, Bliss would find a way to dispose of him. It was better to do as he was told. Besides, he might get another power boost if he does well again. Suddenly, he was in front of them, slamming down his sword quickly.

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Posted: Sat, 08/07/2023 03:51 (11 Months ago)
“Kill them, obviously” He said, like the two weren’t right in front of him. Stupid. “Unless you have any better ideas, my sword should do just fine.”

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2023 13:50 (11 Months ago)
“And here it was that I just told you, we’re here for you. It’s a shame, with each passing second, you become more and more idiotical.” He sighed, clearly annoyed already.

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2023 13:23 (11 Months ago)
“Finally. Any longer and they’d assume I was bluffing.” Of course, that would have also worked in their favor, but it was his habit to scold.

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2023 04:05 (11 Months ago)
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that” He was quite annoyed. Fight him?! He was actively being antagonistic. Ugh, he was starting to sound like Tartaglia. Hard pass. “We’ve already established your observation is quite bad” Was Elodie even here. he wouldn’t know. But she will be.

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2023 03:57 (11 Months ago)
“That’s a pity” He looked at his nails like he was completely disinterested “That was my purpose for coming here. See we simply cannot allow you to continue on like this.”

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2023 03:48 (11 Months ago)
He stared blankly at the man. What was with these people? Pretending they know something about him that he himself does not know. Preposterous. “I’d shut your mouth if I were you. Clearly, you don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2023 03:38 (11 Months ago)
He rolled his eyes. “Are you an idiot? I thought it was quite obvious. You can call me Scaramouche.” he is so cocky, it’s a wonder that he hasnt just been. Murdered

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2023 03:30 (11 Months ago)
“Quite some time. You know, your conversation was rather intriguing. Shame your observational skills don’t match your conversational ones.” he laughed, but he was the only one who found himself funny, probably.

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2023 03:01 (11 Months ago)
“Well that’s quite rude” Scaramouche said, revealing himself because probably he wouldn’t get a better entrance time. “Talking about someone behind their back?” He had a smirk on his face, and a sword in his hand. Girlboss

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Posted: Wed, 05/07/2023 04:24 (11 Months ago)
Scaramouche had been watching the two chat. Partially because he was tired out of fighting from earlier. But also because their conversation was interesting. But he knows that pretty soon he would have to reveal himself.

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Posted: Mon, 26/06/2023 19:07 (1 Year ago)
“Fine then.” He said sharply, disappearing then reappearing right behind her. In an instant, she was on the ground with the tip of his sword pointed right on her neck. “This training is done. I won’t try to help you again.” Scaramouche shot a glance at Bliss. He was completely serious about that.

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