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Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 22:54 (1 Year ago) |
"I'm Venus Lunacre, and welcome to the Nevermore Academy Opening Night!" "On our tour we will cover up; Dorms, Classes, Clubs, and Programs!" "First we will talk about the dorms but before we start do we have any questions?" "Yes?" "Oh yeah, the bathroom is in the Orphelia Hall, on the left- Yeah" "For our dorms we have 4 large hallways...," "Let's start with Orphelia Hall, Orphelia Hall is where our female werewolves, vampires, and psychics stay after school, It is located on the east side of the school." "Then we have Calypso Corridor(Fanmade Name), That's where our girl sirens, gorgons, shapeshifters, and all the other minor outcasts, it is located on the west side of the school." "For our male psychics, gorgons, and vampires, they will be staying in Alwin Hall(Also Fan-made) which is located on the north side of the school," "Last but not least we have Divyae Passageway(Fanmade) for our male werewolves, shapeshifters, and other minor outcasts," "A note about the dorms, there is at least one huge bathroom in each hall, and for our gender-neutral students, you will be staying in a dorm with another gender-neutral student depending on outcast," "We have many classes in Nevermore..." "Our classes are; Arithmetic, Art, Science, Physical Education, Writing, Music, and other fun subjects. You can find every classroom in the school except for the Greenhouse where we learn about plants. Also, PE, Art, and Music, are completely optional classes! We also have a library next to the writing classroom, it's huge! Also remember to be on time!" "We've had many wonderful clubs..." "For now, we do not have any clubs, our students are usually the one's who make them, so during your time here, remember to visit the office and ask our wonderful secretary Miss Gertrude for a club request form! We used to have many clubs! A few examples are: Pitch Snaps Club(A Choir ran by Bianca Barclay), Archery Club, And even one for taking care of bees!" Nothing to see here! :) Name: Age: Outcast: Gender/Pronouns: Appearance: Uniform Color: Parents: Classes: Dorm(Image)(I will be pairing you based on Aesthetic): Password: Signature ___________ 1. No Outcast Racism/Discrimination 2. You can swear but keep it minimal 3. Be respectful(Unless you have an enemy) 4. Stay out of other genders' dorm/bathroom 5. Werewolves must stay in the Lupen Cages during Wolf-Out nights 6. Sirens are not to manipulate anyone 7. Any problems should be reported to Headmaster Arnold Cryfin 8. Being Wednesday or any other character in the show is prohibited "Venus Lunacre out!" [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 20:45 (1 Year ago) |
Name: Cecilia Articily Gender/Sexuality/Pronouns: Female . Straight . She/Her Age: About 23-5 Position in the Family: Lady Cecilia Articily is known for being beautiful and having the most perfect manners, she is also known for teaching young girls how to be a lady. She teaches cooking/baking, sewing, nursing, and simple spells. Species/Race: A "normal" human woman on the outside, but she is 64% siren on the inside. Magic Specialization (You can perform all magic but to different extents): She has a very persuasive voice(As she is more than half siren) and can also do simple spells. Appearance: A honey-haired woman with curls who wears a pearl hair piece wears a magical ocean-blue dress that changes shape whenever she likes. Personality: She is a kind woman who makes snarky and sarcastic remarks to people in her family. She is also known as "The Mother" because of her lecturing everyone. Colour (BBCode Colour, BBCode Here): Almost a teal Palpad?: Sure? Password: "I, Cecilia Articily, have understood the rules of the Royal Family, and I shall comply with them." Other: [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Tue, 23/05/2023 20:23 (1 Year ago) |
Rosie sighed as all her guests left, she had so much fun in one day. Although she was sad, she knew she would see them soon. THANKS FOR JOINING IN THIS SHORT RP!!! [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 20:49 (1 Year ago) |
Let me see if I have one.. [
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 15:38 (1 Year ago) |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2023 15:27 (1 Year ago) |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 23:42 (1 Year ago) |
Subin looked around to see many people, ages ranging from high school to adults, some sitting, some standing, either way, all of them were either chit-chatting or sitting down quietly. Subin brang out her flip-phone, yes- flip-phone(because her mother didn't want to give her a smartphone), she looked at the time was 2:30 pm, but how was that possible? The time was 2:24 when she left her mother and teacher talking. She tries to call her mother but..."This number is unavailable, please try again later," She thought smartly, 'It would be better, perhaps if I talk to these..."humans", after all...they must know best' She headed towards the little group of people and introduced herself. It was a good thing she got A's in English class. "Hello, I'm Subin Kang-Choi, and I would like to ask what is happening currently," She felt a little silly as most of them were at least a head taller than she was. [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 15:15 (1 Year ago) |
"Hello Gloria, Oh I'm doing well," She answered. She looks at the title of the book Gloria was holding. "Magiae Antiquorum Artefactuum". Looks like Gloria wanted to learn about controlling artifacts. "I wouldn't mind trying to learn that," she answered. "I heard it's extremely difficult though," She remembered her father trying to learn that multiple times and then giving up. "Gloria, which magical artifacts do you currently have? I only have two as my father passed them down to me," She said. "Maybe you want to try learning it together?" [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2023 14:59 (1 Year ago) |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 20:17 (1 Year ago) |
Subin felt ever so bored, her mother was talking to the principal of her new school and it felt like hours. It's not like she didn't want to go to the school, well not like she really cared anyways. Subin was always at the top of her classes, but she never had any friends. So people at school try to scare her, but they were always unsuccessful. Subin was twirling around the hallways and sliding downstairs, until... "HELP! PLEASE HELP ME!!" At the bottom of the stairs, a girl was there. She was sitting on the floor, her leg in an awkward angle. The girl had light brown hair up to her shoulders and wearing the school uniform. Subin, not exactly concerned stepped down a few steps. "I broke my leg when I fell down these stairs.." The girl said. The girl tried to get up but she fell back down again. Subin sighs and then goes down the stairs when she hits the third last stair. She starts sinking through, not quickly, but slowly. Subin alarmed grabs the other stair when suddenly the girl steps on her hand. "Why are you doing this?!" Subin asked. The girl lifts her head and smiles, now her eyes were pitch-black and her mouth was full of fangs. A Kishin, great. Subin starts hitting the Kishin with her fist, but the Kishin didn't seem very affected. Her head was now in the stair and she couldn't see anything she waved her arm around but eventually sank. [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 15:29 (1 Year ago) |
"Lady Alice!" Adrienne runs into the huge Elysium Plains. Today was the first day of battle, and her day wasn't going well. First, a light spirit ran into her, spilling a light elixir on her. Then, one of the Members of The Legion of Alice accidentally called her "he". Now, she had to run all the way to the Acheron and Ekuto rivers. She saw Alice there and called. TBC [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 02:23 (1 Year ago) |
"Oh wow, this place is huge!" Ariadne was a pretty young girl who was known as "The Snow Lady" because of her appearance. She had white wavy hair that hit the back of her. She had pale blue eyes that were filled with kindness, and she always wore white. Today she felt out of contrast with the cathedral, as well..everything was dark. Ariadne felt like she was the only bright person or thing there. She sighed as she tossed her hair over. Today was her first day of being an official member. Before that, as a child, she would follow her "father" (who was a past member of "Le Monde Rouge" around when he was working in the Cathedral. So nothing was really too new for her. Nothing frightened her either...well except Ms. Blackthorne. Ariadne remembered when she was four, she had somehow managed to turn the black-fire lanterns, into bright-fire, which had angered Ms. Blackthorne. She remembered that Ms. Blackthorne had threatened to punish her father for that. Then before her father carried her away she had seen a flicker of fire in Ms. Blackthorne's eyes. Although it's not like anyone she told believed her. She explored the cathedral more, she passed the kitchen and into the Library. The library was still beautiful as always, there were books lined up, neatly on their shelves, and no book was out of place. Just like how everything else is in the cathedral. She pulled a book out of the shelf when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Surprised, Ariadne quickly turned back to see a young redhead woman. The lady had shoulder-length red hair and wore a scarf to cover her mouth. She had one book in her arm and she looked pretty startled too. "Hi! Sorry, just wanted to ask who you were," The lady said. Quickly she replied; "I'm Ariadne," "That's a nice name, I'm Marginále Rouge," Marginále Rouge Perhaps Ariadne's day isn't going too bad. [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Fri, 19/05/2023 02:08 (1 Year ago) |
Name of Character: Adrienne Tourmaline Character Age: 18 Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge) Personality: She is sadistic and cold. She can be awkwardly sarcastic sometimes. She likes to be by Alice's side thinking of herself as being "important" Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human)A black-haired girl with red eyes, a contrast to Ariadne. She wears a crown of spider silk metal, with jewels made with frozen blood. She wears black battle armour. Looks a lot like Anastasia Blackthorne. Backstory: Adrienne was found on a snowy mountain by Alice 18 years ago, it was back when she was banished from Black Garden. Alice who pitied the baby took her and raised her like a sister. Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty: Serpens Aeternus - The Eternal Serpent, Garnet. Weapons, if any: A long spear Sexuality: Ase first, then discovers that she's lesbian. [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 23:44 (1 Year ago) |
Then Muffin the flower girl came in. Then at last Rosie came in. "Do you take this pokemon as your mate?" Asked Preist. Oak "Yes," said Rosie. "Do you take this pokemon as your partner?" "I do," Says Taffy. The two pokemon hugged and they left to sign papers. The maids and servers came in handing out plates and utensils. The table was covered with lots of delicious food. "Please help yourselves!" Says one of the maids. [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 23:39 (1 Year ago) |
He stood in the middle and the music started. [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 18:55 (1 Year ago) |
"Hello Soboble, haven't seen you for a long time," [Read more] |
Junghyun OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 75 |
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2023 01:52 (1 Year ago) |
Age(14-19) 14(Before Le Monde Rouge) Description: A pretty girl with long white wavy hair and pale blue eyes. She wears a sapphire hair jewellery piece on top of her hair. She is seen wearing a long white robe down to her knees. She is very sensitive so she wears gloves and long stockings. She also wears long furry winter boots. Personality: Ariadne is kind and charming, although her weakness is saying "no" to others if she can do the request. She gets along with other students and does well in her studies. Her hobbies are playing the clarinet and water coloring. House: Phoenix House Magic Type: Lightning(She then develops her own based magic in Le Monde Rouge) Class List: Weaponry, [/b]Alchemy[/b], Spells, Dueling(Optional), Forging(Optional), Music(Optional), Poisons(Optional), Merchantry(Optional), Art (Optional), Leadership(Optional) Backstory: Ariadne was an adopted daughter of a past member of Le Monde Rouge, her guardian(preparing her for her battle) sent Ariadne to Newbury Academy so she could learn magic. Other: The timeline currently when 2 years before Le Monde Rouge for Ariadne, She studied at Newbury Academy but then left the month before her 16th birthday because her guardian had died. [Read more] |