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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Amuu.
Posted: Sat, 23/06/2018 17:14 (6 Years ago)
(I'm going to start without Knight because she takes forever.)

It was like a flash, and then everything was chaos. Like nobody was there to help the innocent and tend to the wounded. Nobody could stop it.
The fire raged on, swallowing up any building in its way. A monster. It refused to stop, it refused to let anything bring it down, resisting the light, resisting mercy.
There they were, the so-called 'heroes' of our world. The last shine of hope - gone.
Underground they stayed, hiding from all the waste that had been laid.


Lilac sat quietly in the corner, hugging her legs close to her chest. Her friends, even herself, had lost all morale. Was this really how they would die?

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Posted: Tue, 19/06/2018 12:51 (6 Years ago)

Name: Lilac
Age: 16
Abilities: Grass. Lilac can summon roots out of the ground if it's grassy. To fix this, Lilac uses up a lot of her energy to make the terrain grassy temporarily. She must yell 'Grassy Terrain' in order for this to occur. If the core is found underground and is destroyed, the terrain will fade and will result in Lilac being heavily injured or even death. Lilac can also summon a sword out of roots, but it can easily be destroyed by fire attacks, as well as the underground roots. Finally, Lilac may give her allies regeneration until she is out of battle. She touches fingertips with her ally, and must chant 'Regeneration'. Lilac's weakness is fire, and her strengths are against water opponents.
Personality: Lilac prefers to spread the joy wherever she goes, which can be either to an advantage, or disadvantage. She can be too kind and selfless for her own good, resulting in easy manipulation, or giving away way too many of her things. Lilac enjoys being of more of a support character so she can help out those in need.
Relationships: Younger sister to Caesar.
Good/Bad: Good.
History: Before she was born, Lilac's mother, father, and brother lived a peaceful, happy life until their small town was threatened by a neighboring colony. With no other option, Lilac's father led the town as his own tribe and ended up demolishing the people that came along that threatened the citizens. Her father and brother soon ascended into bloodlust, and their tribe soon transformed into madness, being the attackers rather than being on the defensive.

When Lilac was the age of two, her mother had enough of the villanry that occurred through the tribe and ran away with the baby in her arms. They were ordered to be chased down, and the group of people searched for the runaways. Eventually, they discovered the two by a lake resting. The group decided they should kill her mother, due to her always being against what they did. Searching for young Lilac was impossible, as she'd already been taken in my Chloe and her parents, who raised her to be kind and spread the joy in people, rather than travel down her father's path.
Other: N/A


Name: Caesar
Age: 19
Abilities: Caesar can summon fireballs from his hands. He can throw two at a time, or summon four in front of him every now and again. The strength of his fire is dependant on how sunny it is outside. He can use fire from his hands to be fuel for boosting him around in the air. His spiky power bracers are what absorb the light. His weaknesses are water and darkness, his strengths are light and grass.
Personality: Caesar is very stubborn, and will always fight to get his own way or try to be right in an argument. He tends to try and play the leader and enjoys bossing people around. He has a big thing for teasing others (in a bad way) and generally loves to be a pain in the backside, especially to his sister.
Relationships: Older brother to Lilac.
Good/Bad: Goes between both.
History: Caesar, his mother and father lived a peaceful, happy life until their small town was threatened by a neighboring colony. With no other option, Caesar's father led the town as his own tribe and ended up demolishing the people that came along that threatened the citizens. Himself and his father soon ascended into bloodlust, and their tribe soon transformed into madness, being the attackers rather than being on the defensive.

Caesar still lives with his tribe and tries to retrieve his sister when he can, as well as wanting to destroy everything she cares about - as revenge for escaping. He blames her for his mother's death.
Other: Photo creds to Shadic!

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Posted: Tue, 19/06/2018 12:44 (6 Years ago)
(I've put the plot on the main post, do not worry!)

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Posted: Tue, 19/06/2018 12:24 (6 Years ago)

Mobius used to be such a peaceful place.
An abundance of nature and joy.
What went wrong?
How did this happen?
... did we fail to protect our home?

The fire rages.
Buildings fall.
Our home loses its beauty,
right before our eyes.

• Infinity
• Greggory
• Knighty
• Sterg
• wolfgirl2398

The roleplay is set in the plotline of Sonic Forces. This is an AU where all canon characters are removed, and our OCs are put in place as the world is taken over by an evil uprising. What will our characters do? Will they start a resistance, or give into darkness?
For those who are unaware of the story of Sonic Forces, the story is about Sonic being captured after a battle involving him and the new villain: Infinite. As you can infer, Sonic lost by a crushing defeat and was held captive for six months. In this time-space, Infinite and Eggman had taken over the world. Everything was in ruins. However, now we have enemies, Infinite and Eggman are removed too.

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[b]Relationships:[/b] (This can be family, crushes, or lover).

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Posted: Tue, 19/06/2018 11:06 (6 Years ago)
(Nope! It's an all new AU!

Discussed with Greg, our characters are going to be in Sonic Forces.
All canon characters will be removed, and it's going to be about what our characters would do to save the world!)

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Posted: Tue, 19/06/2018 10:51 (6 Years ago)
(I'll start making it!)

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Posted: Tue, 19/06/2018 10:33 (6 Years ago)
(I don't mind making it all snazzy if you want me to do it?)

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Posted: Mon, 18/06/2018 15:05 (6 Years ago)
Hide looked at Kitchi taking a crisp from the packet right after she was offered the bag. Instantly, she didn't like this girl. "Give you my luck? No way. I need this for myself. I'm not that naive." She scoffed, turning away from her. "Besides, you could always ask someone who has already done it, couldn't you?" It was already clear that Hide wasn't the kindest of people.

Kiyoshi stared at her, his gaze seemed like he was slightly concerned. "Uh, yeah?" He replied, a little weirded out by this socially awkward girl.

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Posted: Mon, 18/06/2018 13:31 (6 Years ago)
”You wanna be a... villain?!” Hide whispered, eyes twinkling in delight. The thought of being a villain was glorious. Money, adventure, it had it all! The best part? Power. What she craves the most. “Me too.” She added, chuckling.
“Just the thought of it makes me tingle!”

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Posted: Mon, 18/06/2018 12:22 (6 Years ago)
”Oh, Same here.” Hide replies blankly. “Doesn’t sound too hero-like, eh?” She added, swinging her legs a little. It was true that Hide hated helping people, and only really fought for herself. Having yet another person who had the same goals as her sounded like a spar for dominance. She didn’t mind. Much.

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Posted: Mon, 18/06/2018 11:57 (6 Years ago)
”You’re just as insane as I am. I’m going to like you.” Hide chuckled, giving him a friendly nudge. “So... how’d you end up here? And why do you wanna be here?” She questioned, peering over at him.

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Posted: Mon, 18/06/2018 09:14 (6 Years ago)
Starry eyed, Hide admires Evan’s crisps. “I love crisps!” She exclaimed, shoving her hand into a packet and eating one, squealing a little. She gulped, swallowing it, and then gulped again. “Oh, Sorry.” She paused. “I won’t have anymore, promise.”

Kiyoshi nodded, sitting on the floor. He had no idea what he was supposed to do.

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Posted: Mon, 18/06/2018 05:52 (6 Years ago)
The girl decided to approach the students who weren’t taking part in the activities, grinning from ear to ear. “Hello!” She beamed, bouncing over to Evan and Kichi. “I’m Hide, Hide Kato!” She took a minor pause. “I can’t wait to meet all of you properly. Then, I’ll show you who’s boss!” She cheered, winking.

The boy, on the other hand, nervously walked over to the teacher, sweat beads appearing on his forehead. “H-Hello...” He cleared his throat to avoid a slight stammer. “You must be the teacher. I’m Kiyoshi Yukimura. A pleasure to finally meet you.” It was kind of easy to make out what he was saying through his scarf, he must have raised his voice.

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Posted: Sun, 17/06/2018 20:49 (6 Years ago)
With convenient timing, the door to the field swung open, and a brown-haired girl came bounding out, a huge smile on her face. “Here’s where the fun begins!” She rejoiced, jumping around like, well, an excited schoolgirl... which is... what she is...
Closely behind her was a dirty blonde boy. His nose down to his chin was covered in a yellow scarf, his hands in his pockets. He seemed reserved, yet, he had an enigmatic aura that seemed strong on the wake of his presence. He spoke no words, his eyes curious; they wandered around his surroundings, analysing the area.

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Posted: Sun, 17/06/2018 19:51 (6 Years ago)
Name: Hide Kato
Gender: Female

Personality: Bigheaded, cocky, and downright insane, Hide is a very unpredictable girl who tries to take the lead and be as dominant as she possibly can. However, in her team, she will listen to them as a group - but only if it means well her her, as well as a positive outcome.
Power: Blessed touch. Hide can choose whether to heal or poison people by touching them with her hands, depending on her feelings towards the target. The healing/poison would be dealt through tick (over time) and will not be instant. This is why she must grow to hate everyone who strives to be a hero. She also has a potion launcher that does more damage on a direct hit, and less indirectly, this means that it deals area damage, but has a small radius. The launcher can only shoot 10 shots before it runs out of all of its ammo. The liquid for the shots is stored in a vial attached to a belt around her waist, a tube connecting to her launcher supplies the ammo.
Good or Evil: Evil
Hero Name: The Catalyst
Drive: Blinded by the potential of her abilities, Hide strives for total domination of her enemies, and refuses to back down from a fight until death. She's a total bighead, in other words.
Other: Hey, just wanted to pipe in. I'm the one who reserved a spot, so hey!


Name: Kiyoshi Yukimura
Gender: Male

Personality: Kiyoshi is quite a shy boy who tends to hide under his 'scarf' when spoken to, making his voice muffled. His speech can be quite slow, and he likes to stay in quiet areas where nobody usually goes. In fact, sometimes, he wraps himself in blankets when he gets the chance.
Power: Scarfed-up! Kiyoshi has a scarf that's attached to the back of his neck. It can stretch up 5 metres, depending on how much strength Kiyoshi has. Also, he must unravel the scarf first, which requires a charge.
Good or Evil: Good
Hero Name: Tangle
Drive: Kiyoshi would like to try and socialise more often. Becoming a hero may help him break out of his shell. he would also like to help people because he doesn't have the guts to approach because he always feels like he can't do much to help.
Other: Images not mine, credits go to the unknown artists.

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Posted: Thu, 05/04/2018 09:03 (6 Years ago)
Hey Miku, I want Crayons!~
Username: Infinity
Up to chest or Fullbody: Fullbody!
What you want drawn: Pukoo!
Backup character/drawing: If you have difficulties with Pukoo (if you can't draw buns), could you draw Mirai instead? Thanks <3
Payment: 400k PD?
Anything else?: No thank you!
Password: Sansica

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Posted: Thu, 29/03/2018 15:48 (6 Years ago)
Mina rushed to the window, looking down for Ethan.

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Posted: Thu, 29/03/2018 15:35 (6 Years ago)
(I'm not sure where to go on from here...)

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Posted: Thu, 29/03/2018 05:41 (6 Years ago)
Amy winced a little as Ethan screamed. It wasn't long after that before she passed out, the pain getting the better of her. Mina puffed her cheeks in anger. "You idiot! Look what you've done!" She bellowed. She sighed and went into the kitchen, grabbing an ice pack and wrapping it up in a towel, before coming back and holding it over Amy's head.

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Posted: Wed, 28/03/2018 18:21 (6 Years ago)
Amy stayed quiet. She didn't want to speak. Her head was thumping like a child beating drums. She closed her eyes again, but was still awake.

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