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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 01:57 (9 Years ago)
(The other plates will have to be found in 11 pages. :3 QUE THE PLATE COUNT!!)

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 01:38 (9 Years ago)
"Yea.....Sky. Are you ok, though..?" Daphlia wasn't crying anymore, but she would sniffle every once in a while.

"Reshiram, Arceus is leaving, should we ask him to give us something to transport between worlds? (Guys, you'll get something that will let you switch between worlds, but in Hoenn and the other 5 regions, you will be your original form. In the gjinka world, you will be a gjinka and your legendarys might be gjinkas too. This will be carried over into the sequel, but only around the same page as this, or page 40 if you want. Also, for the sequel, should we make it about the original character's children or should we continue with the originals just a few years in the future?)" said Blazair. "Yes, I say we should. Reshiram and Blazair went to Arceus and told them. Arceus gave them a Dimension mirror-something that would let you travel between the two worlds. They put it away in the bag.

Strikairy and Zapdos are having a race while waiting for Arceus to transport them to the gjinka world. (All the normal Pokemon are in they're pokeballs right now.)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 22:38 (9 Years ago)

Title: Yes. Bump indeed. X3

(Although it's really to early to bump. :/)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 22:22 (9 Years ago)
"Yea, it wants to join your team.." Said Dahlia, still crying.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 22:11 (9 Years ago)
"No Sky..." Said Daphlia, crying cheerfully.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 22:09 (9 Years ago)
(So, should I end the RP at page 50 or page 40?)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 22:02 (9 Years ago)
(Wait wat. XD)
Daphlia saw sky injured and ran at him like lightning. "SKY!!!" She cried.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 22:01 (9 Years ago)
(Um, I think the sequel will be when we get to page 50? That's when the RP is gonna close and I'm gonna make a sequel. Or I could move it to 40 if you want.)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 21:56 (9 Years ago)
(I'm just giving everyone their legendarys and hinting to a sequel. Also, SHIPPING)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 21:54 (9 Years ago)
(Oh, and sequel it is! :D )

(I tried to post before you guys.)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 21:52 (9 Years ago)
(My hand hurts from it...DX)
"Well then.....should we get going?" Daphlia asked Arceus. "You can stay here all you like. You can return to the gjinka world anytime, but for now, you are going back to normal." "No!!!" Said Daphlia, hurriedly. "I wanna spend more time with sky!! (First Sky x Daphlia romance in a while! O.O) "Well I can understand-" "And I want to spend more time with Blazair!" Said Strikairy, bragging into the conversation. "Well then, I guess it wouldn't hurt to let you stay there for a while." Said Arceus. "Hey! Are you sky?" Said a calm voice. "I'm Lugia. I just saw that epic battle, can I join you?" Asked Lugia, soling up to Sky. "I would be pleased to stay with you, Blazair." Said Reshiram. "I would love for you to stays with me!" Said Strikairy to Zapdos, who was now standing next to her, getting its feathers pet. "I wouldn't mind." Said Zapdos. "ALL LEGENDARYS. I AM GIVING YOU PERMISSION TO STAY WITH THE GJINKA YOU WERE PARED UP WITH AS THEIR PARTNER." Announced Arceus." Strikeairy immedeatly hugged Zapdos. Reshiram grinned up at Blazair, who was still on its back. "Yay!" Said Lugia, flying in circles around Sky.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 21:44 (9 Years ago)
(It took so long...DX)

(Hey guys, should I make a fan Fic of this when ip the RP is over? Or a sequel?)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 21:42 (9 Years ago)
(Don't worry, he gets it soon. :) Everyone who didn't get their legendarys yet will get them very soon.)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 21:36 (9 Years ago)
Daphlia watched the chaos unfold. Suddenly, mew SCREAMED: "STOOOOP!!!" Daphlia looked down at mew, still a Yveltal, and looked surprised. Blazair and Strikairy looked up to. Everything stopped. Mew made an announcement. "Guys, why are we fighting??" "To take control of the world, of course!!" Said the three legendarys-Mewtwo, Darkrai and Kyurem (?). "To save hoenn!" Said Strikairy and Blazair. "Why? Why?" "Your right. Why would you need to fight. I have already chosen who to support, who to help, who to give life to." It was Arceus. The sun shone very bright as his figure came riding towards everyone. He landed with a big [THUD.] He stumbled as he landed in a dark void. "Ugh....Darkrai....." "Heh. Arceus, what is the point of having you around now the world and everything in it's made? Seriously." "To maintain it!" Said mew, very angry. She turned back to her normal, cute self and floated Daphlia down to safety with psychic. "WE DONT NEED TO FIGHT! WE ALREADY KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO TRY TO TAKE THE WORLD OVER. RIGHT ARCEUS??" "Yes." Said Arceus. "You have no need to fight. This is a world for all to share. This is not for only legendarys, only shinys, only for regular Pokemon. This is for everyone." "BULLS**T!" Said Kyurem (?). (OH GOD NOT KYUREM (?) TOO! XD) "THE WORLD IS FOR THE POWERFUL, THE VAST. THE RIGHTFUL RULERS OF THE WORLD. NOT PUNY HUMANS OR WEAK PIKACHUS!! (OH SH*T I WENT THEERE)" "No. Humans have power you do not know of. That is why I have entrusted these legendary trainers and powerful Pokemon this power." Said Arceus, softly. "It is you who shall pay......not me." The sun shone greater then ever, and a great white beam of a laser came down. It surrounded all of route 2- route 4. The beam was enormous. "AAAAH! NO ARCUES, PLEASE!! NOT JUDGEMent....." The voice faded. When the beam was gone, so were the three legendarys. The battle was over. We had won. (WOW THIS TOOK TEN MINUTES TO WRITE. O.O)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 21:24 (9 Years ago)
(Sorry, right now you can't join. Also we already have a Zorua so I'm probably gonna have to reject you. We're in the middle of a big battle, so you can't join right away. Maybe afterwards (but you'll need to change your Pokemon) :) )

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 21:20 (9 Years ago)
(Loso, you might get a warning or two. YOU CANT MEGA EVOLVE WITHOUT A MEGA STONE. Also, your to early in the RP for me to allow you to mega-evolve yet. >:T)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 15:44 (9 Years ago)
Name: Joseph
Appearance: Male Inkling, he has an extra tentacle on his head in human form that leans over his forehead like a bang, swept to the side. In squid form he has a marking on the top of his head that looks like the bang.
Species: Inkling
Age: 18
Other: He's the counsellor of Cat cabin (ok?).

Name: Ina
Appearance: Female inkling, turquoise.
Species: Inkling
Age: 12
Other: She's Irma's twin sister.

(Btw, on request from the owner....RP's OPEN!!)

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 03:07 (9 Years ago)
So I joinz because invited. :3

Name: Kirbette
Game/Show: Well, actually, I made her up. It's basically Kirby with a bow and one eyelash on each eye. LEMM- SO BASICALLY KIRBY SERIES
Appearance: Above
Species: Puffball.
Age: Same age as Kirby.

Name: Cosma Knight
Game/Show: Made up
Appearance: She's galacta knight and meta knight's daughter (I have a theory that the two are married and that galacta knight is a girl. OwO) She has a mask (just like her parents. ~w~), a gold crescent-shaped thing above her head (it's sorta like a crescent moon upside down with it looking a bit like a U.), containing her power in an orb floating in the middle of it. She is lavender. She has wings that sort of warp but look a bit like bat wings and they bend with the space-matter that makes up her wings (only the bones are the real part. The rest Is cosmic power.) She has space-coloured (basically pitch black) feet.
Species: Puffball.
Age: About....11?

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 02:39 (9 Years ago)
"I don't know either, but it's not to far from home." Said Nina, munching on a fish.

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Posted: Sun, 14/06/2015 02:28 (9 Years ago)
"Ember...?!" Nina couldn't believe it. She offered to share a fish or two with him and said "Where have you been??"

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