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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 21:58 (9 Years ago)
Harisha was walking around when she saw Jessie and Arbok. She bounded towards Arbok and bit its tail.

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 21:18 (9 Years ago)
(Yes, sure. A multi-evolution Eevee. :3 But she starts like what I described her. Which is her second stage final stage is God-like but not in power)

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 05:05 (9 Years ago)

Name: Harisha
Age: (Adult, Teen, Kit, Young Kit) Kit
Species: I call her first evolution Draceon, but the final evolution is Angeleon.
Appearance: (Shiny, Accessories/Clothing) She looks like this because her mom was a dragon type Eeveelution, this is basically her Eevee stage. (Aw, you took the Eeveelution I like!! (The white God-like one..)) But she evolves into this: (the left one)
Personality and/or History: Um, can I put "to be RP'd"? :3
Inventory/Items: None yet
Other: Shes very shy, so she doesn't talk much.

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 02:30 (9 Years ago)
(The form I was talking about

Name: Hitsu
Gender: Male
Newmon (fakemon): Maxotrus, but will eventually evolve into Heavymor.
Family: Currently only known family is Andraya.
History: Newly "hatched".
Mate, crush or kids?: Will have a mate later in the RP.
Which side?: Neutral
Other: He's extremely attached to Andraya, can't speak yet and treats everyone like family. His nature is very friendly, but if you make him mad enough, like Andraya, he'll go psycho on you.)

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 02:26 (9 Years ago)
(Yes it can, and accepted, and also yes, but I'm already making the form for the fossil Pokemon. I'm sorry you can't be it. :c)

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 02:08 (9 Years ago)
Andraya was jumping through the various tunnels in her den. She was looking for something. She bounded through the corridors until she came to her room. She stopped and looked under her nest. "Ah, there it is!" She pulled out a small fossil. "Time to get a new friend!" She said, happily.

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 02:02 (9 Years ago)
(>:T Well I can't think of anything to start, how about you start?)

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 01:52 (9 Years ago)
Daphlia woke up to the sound of an explosion. "WHAT THE ****?!?!" Said Daphlia. Startled, she jumped up and fell off her bed. "Owwww....." She got up and went out with Mew. "So what was that-" "SHUSH MEW." Daphlia put her hand on Mew's mouth, signalling to her for her to shut up. She walked into the woods and saw Curse in the middle of the ruins of the mansion. "CURSE?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Said Daphlia.

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 01:23 (9 Years ago)
"Let's use this..." The Dimension Mirror shone, and everyone and their new legendarys were transported back to where they were before they were warped. They were back in the Gjinka World. It was night, so Blazair, Strikairy and Daphlia immedeatly took to their beds. They fell asleep almost instantly. (Why is Curse waking up at night, is he a vampire or something? BTW, time zones are different in the Gjinka world and the Regions. When it's day in the regions, it's night in the Gjinka World.)

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 01:12 (9 Years ago)
(Let's make this an RP night! ^^)
"Everyone, i must go. Goodbye for now..." Said Arceus, as he rode off again. "Bye!" Said Strikairy and Blazair "Bye..!" Said Daphlia, still Relieved that they had won and that Sky was ok.

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 23:19 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 22:33 (9 Years ago)
"I-it's ok." Said Nina, stuttering because she was still trying to recover from the shock of Sarini swooping in. (BRB, gotta trade with CrazyChaosQueen in AS.)

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 22:30 (9 Years ago)
"WHO ARE YOU" Nina said, startled. (Her nest is inside the cave.)

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 22:25 (9 Years ago)
"Um............Altair?" Said Nina, as she followed and landed in her nest with the fish basket.

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 22:21 (9 Years ago)
Nina flew off the ground and next to Altair, heading back to the island.

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 22:19 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 22:08 (9 Years ago)
"I think..." Nina showed off her new flying skills.

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 21:45 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 21:43 (9 Years ago)
"Thanks....." She smiled at Altair and ate the fish. She nudged him lovingly and went back to sit with Ember.

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 03:50 (9 Years ago)
Nina looked up excited and happy. "Really?!" She bounded torwards Altair with a fish in her mouth. She went in front of him and placed the fish in front of him (Altair's a boy, right?). "Want it?"

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