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Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 17:50 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 07:40 (9 Years ago) |
"OUCH." Axernle hits the ground in a forest, with Birdamon landing right on top of him. "Oh, you digivolved!" He picked Birdamon up and helped his other Digimon to their feet, them all digivolved to their normal forms. "Thanks Axernle, that was one big fall." Said Patamon. [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 19:57 (9 Years ago) |
"WHAT THE HEELLLL?!" Screams Axernle, as he falls, clutching his Digimon, all in their baby stages. [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 19:44 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 18:47 (9 Years ago) |
Title: OK LEMME JOIN THIS PERFECT RPName : Honey Appearance : ![]() Age : 13 Crush : None yet, but will soon be Axernle Bf/gf: See above Pokemon or digimon: Pokemon Team : Jade- female-Shiny Treecko (got lucky with her starter ;) ), Satoru Iwata-male-Shiny Pikachu (WTW FLIP YEA) Wisp-male- Litwick and Pride-Female- Litleo. Other : She is very blissful, and is a HUGE force to be reckoned with. She has a very dreamy personality but when you get her don't wanna know what'll happen. Name : Axernle Appearance: ![]() Age : 14 Crush : None yet, but will soon be Honey Bf/gf: See above Pokemon or digimon: Digimon Team : Patamon, Birdamon (that's how you spell it right), and that third gen Dino guy who I forget the name of. XD (the one that came to life from the paper...) Other : He can be very stubborn, but he is quite soft on the inside. I will edit with the appearance of both later [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 18:14 (9 Years ago) |
Title: Chapter 2- POKEMON. POKEMON EVERYWHERE."CREATURE ATTACKK!!!!!!" Screamed an important-looking inkling. Rouge ran downstairs as fast as she could and slammed open the door. "Brwaoo!!" Said a voice. Next minute, Rouge was on the ground being pinned down by a Litleo. "Ar-hack!" Spluttered Rouge, as the Litleo started scratching her neck. She started bleeding, and eventually had to resort to splatting the Litleo in the eye to get it away with the Tentatek Splattershot she inherited from her father. "Ar-cka...." She spluttered, trying to call for help as her neck bled. "ROUGE!!!" Came a voice. She stumbled to the ground, clutching her neck. "I-Ina?" She managed, after a while. Ina ran towards Rouge, worried more than she had ever been in her life. "Are you ok-?!" Said Ina, seeing Rouge's neck bleeding and splatting a Sentret that was about to attack the two inklings. "You were right, what Denton said is unspeakably wrong!!" Ina shrieked as she got hit by a Water Gun from a Mudkip. She started feeling faint. Rouge got up, and splatted the Mudkip. To her devastation, it did nothing, for Mudkip was a water type, and liked liquid things. She sighed in relief when she at least managed to distract the thing- the Mudkip started playing in the ink! She picked Ina up and ran, calling her friends. She ran until she could run no longer. When she stumbled down, panting, she found herself and her friends in the middle of a forest. "Is this really the Inkanne Forest?!" Said Maya, stunned as she looked around at the towering willow trees. "I think so," said Miyato. "But I thought it only existed in fairy tales!" "Well so did Pokemon." "Y'know, the kid has a point.." Said a strange voice. "WHOS THERE?!" Said Ina, Irma and Miyato, making a defence circle around Rouge. "Guys, it's just an inkling.." Said Maya. "But he does have a weird mark on his forehead....I guess it's just a birthmark." Maya approached the strange inkling. "Hey, don't touch me!" It said. "Lemme introduce myself. The name's Zoruan. Nice to meet you." Said Zouran, in a more humble voice then before. "Well he's pretty charming..." Said Maya, with a slightly head-in-the-clouds look on her face. "You better not be falling for him. We don't know anything about him, nonetheless his home place!!" Said Miyato, slightly annoyed. "I never said I liked him!" Said Maya, quickly. She looked as if she snapped out of it, and continued listening to what Zoruan was saying. "Oh, you wanna know where I live? Inkopolis, of course!" "Who knows you." Said Miyato, sternly. Zoruan was silent, and soon said "Well, you know, I sorta just moved there." Very quickly, as if he didn't want them to know about something. "I'm not from around here, you know." [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Tue, 14/07/2015 07:53 (9 Years ago) |
I'd love a Fusion please! Username: TheMewgon40 Offer your pay!: 5,000PD Base Pokemon: Suicune Other Pokemon: Articuno More pokemon: Extra: SHINEH [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Sun, 12/07/2015 18:09 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 17:34 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 14:41 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 14:38 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 10:25 (9 Years ago) |
Title: Chapter 1- That Tentacool"What happened?" Said Irma, wanting to know why Rouge had left her. The two inklings explained what Rouge had seen, and they went to check it out. "Tenta, tentacool!" It definitely was NOT an inkling. Unless it was some weird new language some gangsters had made up. They were always doing that, but within weeks the language was forgotten. The longest one of their languages ever lasted was a month. But when the figure started emerging from the water, they saw it wasn't an inkling at all. It was some sort of.....squid? They had no idea. The turf war continued, and at the end, they left Inkopolis Tower and went to Rouge's home to discuss the squid. "What the heck was that?" "I don't know, don't ask me." "Well maybe it was just our imagination." "GUYS!" Irma shouted. "Rouge has something she wants to tell us." "I have a book with a bunch of fairy tales, and one of them shows a thing that looks like what we saw. It says it was a creature called 'Tentacool'. It was part of a race called 'Pokemon'. There are many different kinds and they 'evolve'. Maybe it was a 'Pokemon'?" "Hahaha! Rouge, you must be going crazy. Something from a fairytale can't possibly exist in the real world!" It was Denton, the bully of the city. It was said he could break a steel bar with his bare hands!! "Well maybe she's not!" Said Maya. "Pfft! Puny kids, I'll break your necks someday to convince you that your puny friend is crazy." He left, and everyone but Rouge scowled at him as he left. Rouge, however, was considering what he said. Is he right? Am I really going crazy? [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 10:02 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 07:43 (9 Years ago) |
I'd love a Fusion please! Username: TheMewgon40 Offer your pay?: Hm, a Gardevoir? OuO Base Pokemon: Suicune Other Pokemon: Articuno More Pokemon: That's it. :3 Extra: Lemme tip you 100 PD~ [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 07:41 (9 Years ago) |
-------------- All inklings soon reach the age old enough to participate in Turf Wars. Nothing is different with Rouge, a young Inkling just starting out her Turf War career. She has many friends, Irma and Ina, Maya and Miyato. She had been with them ever since she was born and loved them like family. But on her very first turf war, everything went wrong.... Hello, and welcome to my fan fiction! You guys have been pushing me to do this for ages, and now, I'm proud to present "An Inkling's Journey"! It's a crossover Fan Fic between Pokemon and Splatoon. Hope you enjoy it, and the max comments you can make per chapter is 10! Thanks for helping guys, and I hope you enjoy. :) [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 21:37 (9 Years ago) |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 21:32 (9 Years ago) |
Daphlia could faintly hear screaming. It sounded like Sky. "daphlia.." She could here. She looked through the portal which was sealed so that it looked completely purpleish-black-so Sky couldn't see her. Giratina noticed Sky, and flew through the portal again. There was another "GRRRYWAAAAAA!!!!!!" And Giratina grabbed Sky, dragging him in and putting him on a flying rock that was a mile away from Daphlia. "Sky...!" She called out weakly. "Where are our....Pokemon?" Daphlia said quickly. Blazair and Strikairy had woken up and run outside. "What's going on?!" Demanded Blazair, as he saw Giratina. WWWHHHHOOOOOOO The dark wind had grown stronger. Blazair clutched the ground, but he was soon hit right in the chest with a sharp blade of dark wind. "ACK-!" He spluttered, as he fell down, bleeding from his chest. There was a hole straight through it. Someone didn't do anything and he would be dead before you could say "Blazair". Luckily, his Pokemon had some band-aids on them and wrapped them around his chest. He would heal, but it would take almost forever-the minimum being 1 month. Strikairy screamed as her Pokemon and Blazair's were sucked up. "GRRYWAAAAARRR!!" Giratina had taken advantage of Blazair being unconscious and swept him up and took him to the distortion world too. Strikairy was also taken in, crying for Blazair and her Pokemon. She soon fell unconscious, crying. [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 21:05 (9 Years ago) |
Title: Back[
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 21:01 (9 Years ago) |
Daphlia waved at the Loppuny happily and said to Flare in response "Well she's really nice! I wondered where that light had come from. Anyways, I've gotta go, have a good time!". She got onto Mew, who had transformed into Nasticune as a prank on him since he was off hunting. (He likes to hunt his own food.) "Come on Nasticune, let's go home." Mew started running home. "Bye!" Said Daphlia, more enthusiastic then usual. She arrived home to see Nasticune eating his freshly-caught fish in the play area. "Wait-what-MEW???" Said Daphlia. Mew transformed and flew out the door, giggling. But there was soon a loud "MEEEWWW!!!" From outside. Daphlia opened the door and saw another portal. It was passive when Daphlia came near it, nothing happened. But when TORCHAR came to see it, it sucked him in like a vacuum! "What the heck?!" (TONE IT DOWN, DAPH.) She ran to the portal but soon, the other three pokeballs she had on her were sucked in too. But then....."GRYWAAAA!!!!" Daphlia turned around abruptly. There, floating down, was an orb. The Griseous Orb. (That's how you spell it, right?) Daphlia swore she had heard Giratina's cry, though. She picked the orb up, but immediately dropped it again when she saw the dark pulse emitting from it. She stepped back. The stone started morphing. It morphed and morphed. The cry was getting louder. "GRYWAAAAA!!!!!!" Out from the stone came six black-red-gold appendages. A face appeared. Giratina emerged. "GRYWAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It cried. The trees flew back with the power of the cry, and Daphlia looked up at Giratina. It didn't look normal. It definitely was NOT normal. It was monstrous, like a combination of it and a Cerberus. It had smaller heads at the end of the appendages and was blood red with black streaks and gold stripes going everywhere. It had markings on its eyes that looked like cuts. It looked.......horrific. "YOU ARE COMING WITH ME "HERO OF HOENN"." "WAIT WHAT?!?!" Shouted Daphlia, over the dark winds and dark energy. "THEYRE CALLING YOU AND YOUR BUNCH OF IDIOTS THAT NOW. STOP SQUIRMING.". Giratina had swooped in and caught Daphlia in it's claws. Daphlia was squirming like crazy, but still couldn't get out of Giratina's grip. Giratina opened a portal.....into the distortion world. (OH BOY ARE WE IN FOR SOME AMAZING PLOT. Sit tight, the next 9 pages-the finale- will be AMAZING. I guarantee you that,) [Read more] |
Mewgone OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 20:05 (9 Years ago) |
A few hours after the date and the swimming (no time skip, this is around the time Chica and Loso are RPing at), Daphlia was heading home when she saw the white light coming from the forest. She followed it and saw Cotton, the new Loppuny, and Flare. "Oh, hi Flare. Is that Cotton?" Daphlia asked, pointing at Cotton. Strikairy looked at Blazair. They were in the main hallway of their house, reading a book and remembering how they met. Every time they did they would start giggling, and eventually laugh when they got to the part where Strikairy stuffed Blazair in the closet. (Funny~) They yawned and went to each of their own rooms, waving to each othe "good-bye", because after their naps, they both had stuff planned. [Read more] |