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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 19:27 (9 Years ago)
(JUST DO IT I DARE YOU. >:D And BTW, time skip because I wanna see dat sexy Thestral. OH GOD HELP ME I HAVE SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME. XD)
Hally and Hishi came back from Transfiguration. Hishi went up to their room to play with Leah, while Hally stayed downstairs to do homework. (GTG, bye.)

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 18:46 (9 Years ago)
(Let's time skip to tommorow and a transfiguration class. WARNING, PLOT TWIST UP AHEAD!!) Hishi and Hally were heading down the halls to Transfiguration. They were chatting about Leah, who was quietly purring in the very bottom of the biggest pocket in the bag. "Do you think you'll be able to keep her with those nasty slytherins? Some of them'll be able to speak parseltounge, and might get the information about the little newborn out of her by persuading her to." Said Hally. "You make a good point..." Said Hishi, worried. "BRRRR!!" Leah roared, alarmed. "SHHH!!!!" Said Hishi quickly. "Ooooh, I hear a DRAGON'S CRY!" Said a voice. It was Caesar Callarin. The nastiest Slytherin out there. "OH F#%*." (TONE IT DOWN OH GOD HISHI YOUR GONNA GET ME ANOTHER WARNING) "WHAT?! THATS IMPOSSIBLE!!" Said Mcgonagall. Unless Hagrid's got ANOTHER dragon, but I haven't seen him in 2 days. She thought. "OH GOD NO LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE LEAH." Said Hishi. Just then, at the ABSOLOUTE WORST MOMENT, Leah wriggled out of the bag at the sound of her name, looking sorry. "Purr...." "AHA!! TEACHER, I HAVE EVIDENCE!" Ceasar snatched up Leah and brought her into the class. Hally put her hands over her mouth holding in an enormous urge to tell Mcgonagall EVERYTHING. Hishi slowly dipped her face into her hand, crying like her life had been destroyed. She was going to get expelled with her cousin. They were going to kill her dragon. They were going to put her parents in jail. It was all over. She was crying a waterfall as Mcgonagall gasped and the rest of the class was speechless except for the slytherins (this was a Ravenclaw-studies-with-slytherin class) who cheered. To EVERYBODIES surprise, Mcgonagall put down the little dragon, smiling. "I believe she has not and cannot do any harm to anything here. The worst thing she can do is scratch things with her tiny talons, and she's newborn, newborns shouldn't be killed because they just started their lives. This is the only dragon a student has ever had in Hogwarts history, and definetley the first one hatched here! For this time, AND ONLY THIS ONE TIME IN HOGWARTS HISTORY, I will let this dragon stay here." "OH MY......OH MY GOSH, PROFESSOR, YOUR GOING TO LET ME KEEP LEAH?!" "Is this what this dragon is called?" "YES! YES!" "Lovely name! She'll grow up to be great. In the meantime, I suggest you don't bring her anywhere for now. We don't want the ministry on our tails." "YES, PROFFESOR, YES!!" Hishi was happier then she had ever been in her life. Caesar snarled as Hishi took Leah out of Proffesor Mcgonagall's hands and put her back in her bag. Leah won't die. She won't. She's safe.

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 18:12 (9 Years ago)
(I think we're all gonna have to re-read the whole RP again. XD)

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 18:04 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 16:26 (9 Years ago)
(Ah, ok. I can see it now.)

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 16:23 (9 Years ago)
(I swear I ate one. D:>) "But what about everyone else?" Mia says, continuing to pack up her stuff. "Plus, if our parents find out, we're busted."

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 07:58 (9 Years ago)
"A-an adventure....wanna come?" Mia was still startled so she said this shyly (I just got terrified of ants. D:>)

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 07:51 (9 Years ago)
Mia shudders as she didn't expect anyone to come into her room. "I-I'm packing up..."

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 07:48 (9 Years ago)
(Wait wut. Apparently I'm blind and didn't see your post until about a week after you posted it. XD)
Mia was lying on her bed. So booorreeedd....why can't I go on an adventure...? Wait, what am I saying, of course I can!! Mia soon started packing up her stuff.

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 15:53 (9 Years ago)
Ok. I'll just repost it when you open again. XD Looking forward to It~

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 13:37 (9 Years ago)

Title: For later, when your accepting.

(Now please don't kill me)

Username: TheMewgon40
Design types: A Dragon, with its size being small, large, etc (it can change size). Celestial style please. Colours: Black, Space-blue and purple. Try to make them look sort of star-ish... If you can make it sort of simple-God-like, that would be great.
Features: Beautiful, dragon-feather wings, with a cosmic pattern for the skin under the bones of the wings. Furry ears, no horns. A long, sleek tail and body, with a celestial flame at the end of the tail. Paws with claws that can change their shape and have a celestial pattern. Shining, pupil-less eyes with a small cosmic flame pattern behind each eye. A cosmic flame streak of fire flowing out of where there would normally be spines. A big patch of fur shaped like Yveltal's on its neck, with a combination of black, purple and space-blue hairs.
Markings: None
Other: Can't wait until I make a whole life for this. <3

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 12:52 (9 Years ago)
(Ok. Hai hidden. :3 There is no picture. :/ ACCEPTED ANYWAYS. XD)

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 06:28 (9 Years ago)
Hali ran over to a panting guard, his leg bleeding. "What happened??" She said, worried for the safety of the guard. "They got me.........with some kind of orb....." THEY HAVENT GOT THE ORB OF POWER, THEY HAVENT GOT THE ORB OF POWER, THEY HAVENT GOT IT... Thouught Hali, trying to calm herself down.(The orb of power is a golf ball, no joke. They just throw it with a lot of force and it can kill. XD)

Tina saw Hali and ran to her and the guard. "What happened Sis?" She said. Hali didn't hear her. "Deep in her thoughts again..." Said the wounded guard. "STRONGSLAY DOGS!!" Hali immedeatly jumped in front of Tina and the wounded guard and slashed at the dogs. One fell to the ground, dead, while the other one escaped with a broken paw. She was vicious now.

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Posted: Sat, 18/07/2015 19:25 (9 Years ago)
(Yey <3) Hali was patrolling the borders of TearTear territory (teer-tear is the pronunciation oops). "Have you seen any no-pelts? (Humans)" "No, miss." "Very well." She continued walking along the border.

Tina was chatting with her friend when she heard something. "STRONGSLAY DOGS SPOTTED AT THE BORDERS!! PREPARE FOR ATTACK!" Instantly, Tina was trampled by a bunch of dogs rushing to the borders.

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Posted: Sat, 18/07/2015 19:14 (9 Years ago)
(Okay so who wants to start)

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Posted: Fri, 17/07/2015 19:59 (9 Years ago)

(Wait my pony isn't called meep she's called Aura. :/)

(Wait my pony isn't called meep she's called Aura. :/)

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Posted: Fri, 17/07/2015 19:57 (9 Years ago)
(A-ccepted. And that's a husky. If you were trying to spell Corgi, the correct spelling is right here. :) )

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Posted: Fri, 17/07/2015 18:33 (9 Years ago)
You were raised as a puppy. You lived in the forest with other escaped dogs. But there was something even worse about to happen......

Story before now
Wolves ruled the wild. Sure, there were Tigers and other big cats on the other side of the world, but the other side of the WORLD, they're not here.....right? Well, yea, they're not. Problem is.....there's something even worse here, worse then BIG CATS, Tigers, Lions, and Leopards!! They are humans. Capturing wolves in the wild and taming them. Killing them for their pelts or fangs. Driving them off with strange things. We're not safe. Ripjaw, the leader of the dominant pack, is fighting super hard to keep us safe. He's lost his left eye because of that. A human shot something at him. Humans. They are here again. They've captured our pack. Our kind. Our family. And now, revenge has come.

Story Now
You have lived in the while for practically your whole life. You've been raised as a pup to fight, your dad's leader of the pack after all! Well.......he...was. He was killed when your pack was attacked by humans. You and your mother were captured. You've stayed in an area called "The Pound". It's terrible, but you've only been here a few hours and your already planning. Your pack depends on you. But when will you escape?

Age (1 dog year=3 human months):
Family (optional):
Future Crush/Mate?:

My Forms:
Name: Hali
Age (1 dog year=3 human months): 11
Family (optional): Tina
Pack: Teartear
Future Crush/Mate?: None yet
Other: Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa

Name: Tina
Age (1 dog year=3 human months): 10
Family (optional): Hali
Pack: Teartear
Future Crush/Mate?: None yet
Other: iiiiiwwwwweeeennnntttttthhhheeeerrreeee

Currently dominant pack: Teartear
Teartear: Rank 1
Clawkill: Rank 2
Strongslay: Rank 3
Sereshreik: Rank 4

The forgotten:
Healhowl: Rank of Mystery:1

2. be nice
3. Invite only means invite only.
4. Speak ENGLISH, please.
5. Ask to kill someone or be their Crush/Mate (later in the RP)

No-one. Let's keep it like that. :)

No-one. Let's keep it like that. :)

Forgotten Packs
Some packs have been forgotten. Some claim they were to powerful and banished- eventually forgotten. Others simply didn't have enough pack members to survive. Nevertheless, these packs don't really exist anymore. They exist up there in Dogven, just not down here. The ruling pack of Dogven is Healhowl- the only pack to be forgotten (so far) and the only one banished for its powers. It is said its mysterious powers were to powerful for all the dogs and wolves to handle, so they were banished for fear of causing harm, even though they were the friendliest pack of them all. Friendly but powerful. But Healhowl's lore is a story for another day. All in all, clans up in Dogven have been forgotten.

Pack Ranks
Packs have a sort of ranking system where the more powerful the pack, the higher the rank. Each month the Pack Dominance changes, with the pack at the end of the month (1 month in the RP= 1 real week) having the most power becomes the Dominant Pack. One dominant pack: Rank 1, could be down in the dumps: Rank 4 within a day. So keep your pack powerful!

I will edit my form in later. Please be patient as this post will be added onto soon. Thanks. :)

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Posted: Fri, 17/07/2015 18:03 (9 Years ago)
(I didn't see mine till myow) leMME JUST SAY HOW WELL THAT LOOKS. EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED. <33 PLUSHIE. TO YOU. NAO. <3333

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Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 20:29 (9 Years ago)

Title: For later, when you're taking orders.

I'd like a Sea Bunny!
Username: TheMewgon40
Main Color: Purple
Secondary Color: White
Reference: (Optional. Use if you want me to base the Sea Bunny on one of your characters.)
Other: For later. Can you please make the tail Turqiouse? Thanks~

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