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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 16/07/2016 15:33 (7 Years ago)
28 Days Later (I always wanted to say that, one of my favourite movies lol)

Not much to report, got latios, keldo, and grabbed a blind Articuno from the lab which I gather is quite rare. Decided to keep a set of leggy dogs for myself instead of keep selling them. I think my focus is going to be on saving up and getting a ditto with someone else as OT, it would make breeding a whole lot easier and I would like to be able to breed the mineral pokes in the future.

Boxes are looking OK, egg box now at 2 slots, 9 boxes at 250 and a 10th at 100, and I've started to find more time for fishing, it's quite fun although I'm only on the super rod right now.

Trainer level: 39
Dream Level: 5
Gardener level: 35
Total Interactions 1,035,372

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Posted: Tue, 12/07/2016 00:26 (7 Years ago)
Day 23, another event springs up but at least it's not a pay to win event like the Mew Plushies. Any task that can't be achieved through extreme hard work is a cash grab.

Managed to grab 4 megas and a shiny for under 45K, grabbed a shiny cherubi from the Honey tree and sold it. All upgrades are brought including the third garden so I can just focus on boxes now. All Rumble areas now level 7 but still only 3 bags.

Trainer level: 36
Dream Level: 5
Gardener level: 33
Total Interactions 826,000

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Posted: Thu, 07/07/2016 02:35 (7 Years ago)
Ty Kimie, that makes so much more sense now :)

Also on the Daycare page it says they go to the lab if not picked up:

QuoteKeep in mind. If you do not obtain the egg in less than 24 hours, they will be sent over to Prof. Rowans Lab for other people to adopt...

But on the in game message it says they go to the wild

QuoteBy Daycare owner - 15 Minutes and 3 Seconds ago.
Hey, SallyAnn! We recently found an egg in our daycare. We're sure that this egg belongs to your Pokémon.
We really don't know how this happened...
However, try to take it as soon as possible, or I'll release it to the wild!

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Posted: Mon, 04/07/2016 04:18 (7 Years ago)
Did we have to be level 30 before this started? I only ask because I've hit level 30 now and there's nothing at Bills house.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 02:11 (7 Years ago)
Day 13 brings the 3rd anniversary so I have a bit of a hurdle to try and breach - level 30 to get the Glitch egg.

Highlights have been getting a dragon gem, a star piece, a mega stone, a mega evolvable gift from Rowan and a shiny Voltorb, sadly I had to sell the shiney to buy account upgrades.

Next task is get 250,000 for the leggy radar, some batteries for the shine recorder and 500,000 for the third garden - then I'll be all done I hope apart from upgrading boxes. I've not done much Royal Tunnel, fishing or gem forging so not sure if there's more PDs to pay for more upgrades yet. Rumblings going OK, only 2 bags so far but all areas at level 5 and 3 of the special evolve areas unlocked.

Trainer level: 26
Dream Level: 5
Gardener level: 24
Total Interactions 275,145

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 01:13 (7 Years ago)
Happy anniversary :)

Is Bills thing only available to over level 30's?

QuoteChecking permissions... ERROR! (Permission type "Trainerlevel >= 30" required)

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 17:35 (7 Years ago)
Some things have evolved I guess as the sites got older - the retros you can win from the Concentration game you can't even give away for free, 50-100 of a pokemon every day being put into the system changes the price of them. I guess the only person who looks silly if the prices are so far out is you.

Prism scale value is wierd as well, you can sell them direct to the shop for more than the price listed here (4950).

(I could buy DaikeXx's from her shop and make 950 free PDs lol)

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 16:59 (7 Years ago)
hehe, so 2 opposite answers, Toothie the guide didn't have any number crunching or maths as to what was most effective time wise/level wise which is why I asked here if there was a user written guide going into more depth hidden away.

Right now I have the time so I am spamming 5 minute and 30 minute missions and levelling up all areas evenly since I only have 2 explorer bags. Based on what both of you say I might just spam 5 minute missions to one single zone to level it up faster and get more items per rumble.

Thanks for your time :)

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 16:45 (7 Years ago)
I run it with animations disabled and I still have to scroll down the page to click the spin button again every time.

The only way I can prevent this is by viewing the page at 60% in my browser so the spin button isn't off the bottom of the screen after every spin, then swapping it back to 100% view when I finish.

(Just in case, sorry if you have a different word for it but I am talking about Scrolling as in moving down the page, not scrolling as in the spin animations)

Edit: Testing this out and it seems it's a problem exclusively with Firefox not handling the site and totally reloading the pages every time - works fine and doesn't take the page back to the top after every spin in other browsers.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 16:29 (7 Years ago)
Definitely support this, although I'd say if this came in then the numbers would need to be balanced out so the amount of berries was hugely increased that the Miltanks needed - or make then supply less milk for a level 1 berry and more for a level 30 berry to encourage you still working hard for your moomoo milk?

The feedbag is a pretty fun suggestion.

I am sure the economy wouldn't be effected and people would still be buying berries from the store - just more berries would be fed to pokemon instead of Miltanks.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 16:19 (7 Years ago)
Definitely support this and/or Rohawks suggestion here to make it act like the coin flip where you can spam away at it til the credits are gone. http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=47274

Right now it's really silly having to click the spin, then scroll wheel down, then click the spin, then wheel scroll down, then click the spin, then scroll wheel down again - well you get the picture.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 15:45 (7 Years ago)
Sorry for the double post but it's been 3 days and this is a new question.

Is there a members newbie guide to rumbling anywhere. I'm not looking for the wiki, I'm more looking for things like;

How do you level up your rumble areas effectively?" - do you spread them out evenly - ie level them all up at the same pace, or do you focus on one single area to get it really high level? What's the benefits of one tactic over the other?

Do you do loads of 5 minute missions when you are online or just really long ones? What's the benefit (or not) of doing short ones over long ones, or vice versa?

How many items on average do you get, does it depend on how high the rumble area is? (I send for 12 hours and was getting only 1 item when all rumble areas were below 4, now they are level 5 I get 2 items per 12 hours off my 2 available rumblers so I'm looking for the maths behind this)

(All these bearing in mind you only have 2-3 rumble bags to start)

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 22:03 (7 Years ago)
When you play treasure hunt it says:

QuoteHey young fella! Are you feeling lucky?
Listen up, I've got nine treasure boxes and one of them contains a super-special prize! Simply choose one of these boxes and open it. But decide wisely!
Wanna give it a try?

Fella is short for "fellow" which is for male only (and also used to denote someone's boyfriend.)

I am sure ladies play Treasure hunt too :P Maybe "hey young trainer!" or something not gender specific?

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 15:23 (7 Years ago)
Thank's David, the reason I used PM was because I didn't want to post this on the forums if it was supposed to be a secret still - as that would spoil the surprise lol

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 14:35 (7 Years ago)
This ones just really the explorer bags pages/forums not matching up.

The entry on the main Rumbling page says:

QuoteGetting explorer bags: There are three possibilities to obtain explorer bags:
From the Item Shop. One Explorer Bag can be bought under the Special Items tab.
From Rumbling. Sometimes a Pokémon may find an additional explorer bag while rumbling.

There is another method, but it is kept unknown, so it won't be shared here and it should not be shared if it is known.

But when you go to the Explorer Bag entry itself it says all the methods for getting them.

QuoteHow to obtain it:

1 Explorer Bag can be purchased from the Item Shop, another 2 are obtained from completing your first & second Badge Case, and the last 3 can be randomly found by your Pokemon while they're rumbling.

Not sure if this is an oversight or not, I assumed the badges method was the secret one which wasn't allowed to be told anywhere but it's been posted by mods in these forums and is obviously available on the Rumbling bags wiki page itself so probably just a case of copy-pasting the Explorer bags entry across to the main Rumbling page so they match up.

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 14:25 (7 Years ago)
Thank-you :) you're a superstar Max!

I'll go and post there now.

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 14:07 (7 Years ago)
How long does it normally take members of staff to get back to you?

I contacted one of the wiki staff about 2 pages that kind of contradicted each other and havn't heard anything. (Explorer bags entry and the explorer bags section under rumbling - one says super secret must not be told, the other page gives all the methods freely. I assume the super secret method is not a secret anymore since I've seen staff post it in these forums)

I would assume common courtesy would let them at least get them to let me know they got my PM and say thanks, or it's fine as it is - so I don't move on to another member of staff with the same thing as I think they didn't get the message.

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 19:26 (7 Years ago)
Definitely support, my avatar piccy has fitted on every other site I've been on but here it's too big so it would be awesome if it resized it.

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 12:35 (7 Years ago)
I hope this isn't considered a necro but I wanted to post the exact same thing.

Right now I can't even see how many pokemon I own (without adding up every individual box), or how I compare with the other 79,035 users on the site. I'd like to be able to compare myself to the rankings on the main rank page.

Stats are a good thing which is almost every collection type site has them in abundance - numbers are good - they encourage users to improve and stay on longer (perhaps donate more) if they see themselves rising in any sort of ranking.

I'd also love to see some sort of daily interactions stats ranking - showing only 10 people out of 79,035 users over 30 days doesn't really tell me anything about how well or badly I am doing, or ask myself do I want to add this person to my palpad for daily clicking or do they never bother to click.

I'd love to see the stats we see under notifications (Interactions made, Interactions received, Eggs hatched,Forum posts) on users front pages. I find it bizarre that in order to see if someone is active and clicking you have to type every individual name into the Interaction Stats box which is hidden away. It's far more useful to see daily click stats directly on peoples profiles.

Stats are really only useful as long as people can compare themselves against others. Right now if you are not in the top 10 and you don't want to type 50,000 users individually into the interaction stats page you have no chance of comparing anything.

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 06:58 (7 Years ago)
As a newbie I just want to say thank-you so much for putting this together and keeping it updated, it so helpful.

Is it worth to put a comment that the time of day effects prices quite a lot? I've picked up a few fossils for 400-800 and unowns for 2000 during quiet time (ie between now and 3 hours ago) - when I put them back up to sell then I do it in prime time and they then go for more like the prices in the OP.

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