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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 17:00 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel gave the person a strange glance as they ran away, they had their suspicions that she may be involved but they couldn’t confirm anything. They continued down the hall until they saw the mangled remains of a door. They then peered into the room behind the rubble and saw a rather peculiar sight. A rather short girl with light blonde hair, a taller boy with similar hair and an expression of disgust and fear of his face and most peculiar of all, a girl with darker blonde hair and what appeared to be a butterfly grafted on her face who stood in a defensive posture, ready to attack Astrophel if necessary. “Good day and well met,” they spoke with a comforting tone, “You appear to have witnessed quite the ordeal. Do you have any notion of what transpired?”

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 16:10 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel decided to simply sit back and watch Ambrose and Scarlett work on the dress. All of a sudden they heard a sudden, distant crash. “Pardon me, but I sense that something is amiss. I bid you farewell.” With that they turned around and morphed into their shadow form in order to move more secretly. They glided along the walls until they saw a figure that somewhat resembled Scarlett though this one wore a tattered cape and wore a crossbow. They noticed that this person was running at a great speed away from the source of the noise and decided to ask her if she knew anything. “Pardon, but do you have knowledge of the source of that terrible crash?”

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 03:34 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel accepted the bandage from Ambrose. “Ah, I owe you my thanks. As for my origins, I am afraid I must be the bearer of disappointment. I myself do not know the true nature of my origins. All I know for certain is that my abilities are rather… unusual compared to others in these lands.” They then saw Scarlett approaching and they then handed over the needle. “Apologies, I am rather unfamiliar with this craft.”

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 03:14 (3 Months ago)
“I’m flattered Ambrose,” Astrophel replied to the compliment with a slight bow. They then turned their attention to Scarlett who was giving them basic instruction on sewing. However as they picked up the needle, they accidentally pierced their own skin. They initially watched with interest as black smoke began trickling out of the tiny prick like steam yet this reminded them of the fact that they do not belong here. Their interest quickly turned to disgust before they shoved those thoughts out of their mind, quickly covered the wound with a small piece of cloth, and continued learning how to sew.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 02:17 (3 Months ago)
“I would be honored to help, though I do not know if I can be of any real value!” Astrophel said with a small yet hollow giggle. “As for you, it is a pleasure to meet you.” Astrophel said to Ambrose, clearing away their alchemical equipment and extending a hand out towards him.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 00:01 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel walked long, embroiled in self loathing, they eventually saw Scarlett on a nearby bench working on something. Deciding that conversation with a friend and engagement in simple crafts would do well for their psyche, they proceeded to sit down next to Scarlett. “Salutations Scarlett, I must say I envy your craftsmanship. I admit I have not practiced much. I devoted most of my free time to my research yet that has yielded rather disappointing results. Now all I have is my alchemical work.” They talked rather lightly yet that concealed a heavy heart. Almost as heavy as the myriad flasks they produced from their robe and proceeded to busy themselves with.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 15:10 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel, after that rather… peculiar encounter, managed to make their way back to their room without any further trouble. They decided that it was finally time to read the book they had gotten from the library. So without any further delay, they began reading.

The Beasts from the Sky

On a bitter winter night with no moon, several objects fell from the heavens and burst aflame as if they were truly stars colliding with the ground. Yet it was not the flame that bore us ill will, but what emerged. Instantly, several shadows fled the light, as if they feared it, with blinding speed. We almost believed that their presence was merely an illusion; how wrong we were. The next months were evil times. It began slowly, occasionally a hunter would go missing in the forest. However these creatures became emboldened and revealed themselves to us fully. They would attack under the cover of night and would ransack our grand city. They would tear down walls and feast on king and commoner alike. We were plagued by them frequently. However, we learned that they fear the light for good reason. They derived their strength from the void of darkness and in the presence of bright light, they are no more powerful than a man. Their appearance also changes from an incomprehensible monster to a that of a mere man. With this knowledge we have eradicated their filth from the lands yet I write so that many shall remember the hardships we went through

After reading this introduction, Astrophel turned the page and saw drawings of these beasts. Their human forms looked similar to Astrophel themselves and their true form reminded them of… no, they refused to think about that night any longer. They then closed the book and began to ponder about the knowledge the book had given. “So I have sated my desire to know my true origins, yet I almost wish I have not. I know realize that I am not meant to be here. I am unnatural, a plague to the naturalborns of this world.” Astrophel then decided to go for a walk to clear their mind, stashing the book away for future reference.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 02:53 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel, on the way back to their dorm, passed what they believed to be the same blonde girl that they had just encountered. Their curiosity piqued, they proceeded to question her. “I hope you’ll pardon me once again but do you possess the ability to teleport? I believe I had already encountered you and yet here you are in front of me”

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 02:10 (3 Months ago)
“Then I shall impede you no longer, I bid you adieu.” With that Astrophel decided it was best to return to their room. Perhaps they could now get started on that book. They did take a rather long break after all.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 01:59 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel also got up, relieved that Scarlett at least got over the chocolate, “Farewell then Scarlett, I shall meet you once it is time for the celebration. I suppose I too should leave from this area.” With that, Astrophel got up from the cafeteria and made their way out. They proceeded to wander the halls in search of something to do. They turned a corner and almost bumped into two girls. One of which they recognized from the cafeteria.“Ah, pardon me, I trust that you two are alright?”

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 01:13 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 00:16 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel sighs, in awe at how someone could ignore such a grave warning in a sugary euphoria. “Scarlett, I understand your excitement yet I implore you to listen to what Kalyteros has to say.” They then gently tapped her on the shoulder trying to get her to snap back to reality.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 21:19 (3 Months ago)
“Quite the sleuth are we?” Astrophel said with a slight laugh. “Very well,” they proceeded to reach back into their robe and pulled out a small bar of chocolate. They then broke off a few squares and tossed them over to Scarlett “I always keep some extra nourishment on my person, but I appear to have been caught in the act!”

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 19:29 (3 Months ago)
“Ah, it is nothing, I was simply adjusting my robe,” Astrophel quickly said, “I rarely find any use for such luxurious clothing so it often folds due to being relegated to the drawers for extended periods of time. I do hope that I look presentable.”

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 18:07 (3 Months ago)
“Ah, I did not mean to evoke troubling memories.” Astrophel quickly apologized, “But now we know that Kalyteros may indeed be truthful. Though we cannot know for certain until the ball.” Astrophel decided to stay with Scarlett to provide her company as the information seemed to cause her dejection. They began reaching into their robe for something to give to her but then quickly decided against it, they could manage themselves, they had trained constantly to prevent a repeat of that grievous incident, they did not need help and even if they did, they did not deserve it after the lives that they had taken.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 17:24 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel found Scarlett in the cafeteria and sat down next to her. “I’ve been searching for you. Kalyteros has given me more information regarding the assassination. The assassin goes by the name of ‘Sydney’. Are they familiar to you?”

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 03:47 (3 Months ago)
"Quite the sleuth are we? Very well I shall drop my facade. Protecting her was already my intended path Kalyteros, yet you have proven useful. Now I know for certain that there is an assassin. I must bid you farewell but know you have my gratitude" Astrophel then walked back to where Scarlett was but noticed that she was not there. "Perhaps she went back to the cafeteria, it is reaching lunchtime about now, I shall make my way there." On their way to the cafeteria, they began to ponder about Kalyteros "first he orders an assassination, then he arranges every possible measure for the defense of the target, he must be up to something"

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 03:26 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel was returning after changing into their ballroom attire. Their battered cloak and tattered gloves had been replaced with a deep blue robe emblazoned with arcane golden patterns and a set of elegant, lustrous bronze gloves. On their way back to Scarlett they encounter Kalyteros. Knowing the potential danger this conversation could pose, they kept their guard up but talked as if nothing was wrong. "Greetings, Kalyteros, I hope you have found relief from what was troubling you earlier?"

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 03:02 (3 Months ago)
"You have no need to worry about my safety," Astrophel reassured Scarlett, "I am rather capable of holding my own in a fight and more importantly, I do not have bear the burden of an assassin after me, a luxury you sadly cannot afford. I shall accompany you, but I must put on more appropriate vestments first." Astrophel then began making their way back to their room. As they walked, they reminisced; they would not allow any more deaths to happen as a result of their action or inaction, not after that terrible night so long ago. Even if Scarlett should deny any protection, they would still protect her, it was the only way they could hope to right their wrongs and they knew that if they were to leave Scarlett to be and she died, the guilt would swallow them whole.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 01:35 (3 Months ago)
Astrophel initially thought about going back to their dorm once Scarlett left; however something deep within their mind told them that something was off. Due to this, they shifted into a shadow and began to secretly follow Kalyteros and Scarlett. They made their way to the balcony and listened in to their conversation. They were secretly glad that the conversation was short; the midday sun was especially brutal as Astrophel could not shield themselves with their parasol while in their shadow form. Once Kalyteros left, they shifted back to their normal form and proceeded to discuss with Scarlett what Kalyteros had revealed. "Manipulating someone to kill you and then warning you about it?" They asked incredulously, "what an odious creature, it is probably best to stay away from him. But there is the rather troubling notion that there is now a rogue assassin after your head. I shall accompany you to the ball, if it be alright with you, as I trust that together we can fend off whatever ruffian this may be."

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