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Posted: Thu, 14/12/2017 06:01 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2017 19:02 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2017 15:13 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2017 07:34 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2017 05:54 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 18/11/2017 21:10 (6 Years ago)
part of me doesn't want to get into this because I forsee a massive possible argument... but, the other part of me says, one post and leave. so...

cancers are indeed increasing due to a LOT of factors- climate change is not the only one, but it is one. increased pollution in the air is contributing... so is the changing atmosphere, because sun's rays are getting trapped around the planet, and rays from the sun are the biggest contributions to cancer (plenty of radiation there). we're also not getting good nutrition from food anymore- so many things are processed now, or with added unpleasant things, and even the stuff that is grown is sometimes missing nutrients it used to have long in the past (try some research on vitamin B17- I'm not saying it's the ultimate cause here, I'm not saying that that specifically is a "magic bullet," I'm just saying missing nutrition is likely to have a role).
so in summary, it's not the only cause, but things associated with climate change and in part climate change itself are contributing to it.

reducing our use of fossil fuels and plastics is definitely a way to go. however, realistically, we aren't going to be able to get rid of them completely all that fast. we as a society are quite reliant on things like that. but, reducing what we currently use (for example, do things that are in a package really need to also be individually wrapped?) is more than possible, and a good start. we also need to phase out coal- it's the worse energy source there is for it, and if we transition correctly, we can manage without it. it's just a matter of planning and careful transition. oil and gas, we aren't going to be rid of so easily.

renewable energy. also a good option, but as Mrinja pointed out, everything is going to have it's own downsides as well. it's a matter of learning how to minimize them and work with them. it can be done, people just have to be willing to do it.

and raising awareness is probably the single most important thing on your list. that needs to be done, definitely. I don't think anything is being blown out of proportion, here. if we keep going without change, we will end up with no safe water, ground, or air to drink, farm, and breathe. maybe it won't reach that point in my lifetime, but it will in someone's, and it's not right to make them suffer.

"We do not inherit the world from our parents, we borrow it from our children."

sadly, lots of people do not believe in it. I've seen a lot of people saying it's just a money grab, a hoax, that the climate has always changed and humans have nothing to do with it.
they are right about one thing- the climate has always changed. it has gone through warming and cooling periods both. that is true. but we are definitely affecting it; we've released so much carbon into the air that we've changed the atmosphere enough to trap sun's rays like it never has before. it takes centuries to millennia for natural climate change; it's changing far faster than normal. that's because of us. there's an unbelievable number of humans on the planet; our overpopulation is causing more problems than people want to think. our actions are slowly poisoning the planet.
it is going to be an expensive fix; that's why people don't want to believe it. it's not convenient for them. but ignoring the problem won't make it go away, and that's why people have to learn it. we could even just cut back on the ridiculous things to begin with, that would be a start... for example, I used to go to this campsite that was near a lake. not only was it near a lake, but it had swimming pools. a very unnecessary waste of water- why do you need a pool WHEN YOU HAVE A LAKE? seriously?

and finally, a point out of the effects. I live in Canada, so I have been relatively lucky, but I have seen what has been happening. I've heard of how bad air quality gets on some places (kudos to China for pledging to make a difference!) and I watched the hurricanes this summer- entire islands and chunks of the US and Mexico were devastated. it seemed like each one coming broke records. and people were saying "Well, it's hurricane season, duh, not global warming."
hurricane season, yes. that is going to bring in hurricanes. I'm not telling you global warming caused the hurricanes. climate change made the hurricanes BIGGER. there will always be extreme weather patterns. climate change will make them bigger, deadlier, and more expensive to deal with.
I've seen people say, "They can't even get the weather right, how do they know what the weather will be in hundreds of years?"
they don't. weather changes rapidly, sometimes unpredictably. climate is different. climate is not supposed to change rapidly. climate follows patterns that can be determined with research and science. and the pattern that it has been following is changing. if it was following its pattern, we should be entering the next ice age now- we are not. the global temperature is rising, not falling. we've cancelled the next ice age- there's too much carbon in the air now for the planet to cool down. that is how we know we are in trouble- the climate is not changing right. maybe we're not exactly spot on for the future, but using the same science that has correctly and accurately predicted a lot of things, if not the weather, it is very likely that what has been predicted will come to pass. if you want to point out that it has not yet, that is because of the strides already made and steps already taken. we have been able to slow it down some, but if we don't keep at it, it will happen, and it may even speed back up.

now, here in Canada, weather changes like crazy on any normal day. it's hard to determine what might be normal or not. but I've noticed things about my country too. we've broken records in both hot and cold temperatures in the last few years. some of our winters in the last five years have been more bitterly cold than I remember ever happening; some of the summers more hot than ever before. this summer was an exception; last summer, everything dried out. perhaps that was just normal patterns of a dry summer; it happens. but, I know that it is forecast to get worse. our winters are supposed to get wet; we'll be flooded. our summers are going to get hotter and drier; parts of the country are scorched out of existence every year by fires already, and that's only going to increase. we're used to weather extremes, and while global warming might not hurt us in exactly the same way as places that are currently suffering from smog and heaps of pollution and disappearing food and land fit to farm on, everyone is going to suffer eventually. parts of the US will also disappear underwater; places that never had to worry about flooding before will eventually get used to it being a possibility. even earthquakes are affected by climate change; nowhere is safe.

it can't all be stopped, unfortunately. it's too late to completely halt it. but we CAN limit the effects to something more manageable, and once we have done that, then perhaps we can start fixing the damage we have done. the earth is very resilient; once humans stopped using the chemical that was tearing a hole in the ozone layer, the ozone layer began to repair itself. that planet won't give up that easily; with our help, it can heal from this too. we just have to expect the change back to be far slower than the change we have already started.

and we also have to expect EVERYONE to play a part in this. if we don't all work together, and I mean every person who shares this planet, then we can't expect to be able to make enough of a difference.

in closing, I'm not trying to depress anyone, I'm trying to point out reality. it won't be a simple process, but then, dealing with what happens if we don't won't either. but while it's not easy, it's not completely impossible. do your best to produce less garbage- I know it's easier said than done, but look at things a little different and see what you can do- if you're a crafty person, don't throw out those plastic straws, clean and save them- weave them into something new! I myself am working on a basket. just give things another look. re-use.
turn off lights when you're not using them, take shorter showers. install some solar panels; if you're worried about birds, put up something to scare them off. just be mindful of what you do.

and above all, teach people that this is real. that's the only way we'll really make a difference. all is not lost- we're still here! but we need to be here, together.

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Posted: Mon, 28/08/2017 00:27 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 02:36 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 00:58 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 26/08/2017 00:37 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 24/08/2017 15:04 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 24/08/2017 03:07 (7 Years ago)
if you look under the heading "community," there is a section that says "sky gift." it's temporary- sky gift is an event that will disappear- but if you click on it, it will show you the gifts you have been given and, at the bottom, there will be a spot you can send gifts. they cost a little pd for the first 3 each day, then start costing nuggets.

I'll send you one, since your post is above mine, and you'll see it in there in a couple moments; you send me one, since my post is above yours.

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Posted: Thu, 24/08/2017 02:11 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 20/08/2017 22:00 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 20/08/2017 19:48 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 19/08/2017 20:15 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 19/08/2017 19:43 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 19/08/2017 18:44 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 08/08/2017 14:30 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 09/02/2017 21:23 (7 Years ago)

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