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Trainerlevel: 64

Trainerpoints: 8,072/12,351


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP

About Me

Hello! You can call me Dragonstars, Dragon, or DS. I am a writer, knitter, and hardcore Pokemon fan. If you'd like to look into any of my work, you can click on the link to my discord for my knitted Pokemon plushies, or fanfiction.net for my writing. As of right now, I'm trying to get set up for my work to be visible in other places, as well as a large writing project I'm working on that's not visible anywhere yet, but there's a lot going on so the going's a bit slow.

Progress on Pokeheroes pokedexes:

Normal ~ Shiny

Kanto dex: 148/151 ~ 16/151

Johto dex: 127/127 ~ 6/127

Hoenn dex: 154/155 ~ 6/155

Sinnoh dex: 116/138 ~ 2/138

Unova dex: 167/175 ~ 0/175

Kalos dex: 112/117 ~ 2/117

Alola dex: 133/144 ~ 20/144

Galar dex: 41/129 ~ 2/129

Hisui dex: 8/27 ~ 1/27

Paldea: 4/36 ~ 1/36

Emera dex: 184/346 ~ 6/346

Mega + Giga dex: 21/126 ~ 0/126

Retro dex: 34/44 ~ 6/44

National dex: 1249/1715 ~ 68/1715

Eggdex: 591/790

Updated 04/24/24

well... time to get back to work.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
KD6-37 7 Days ago
Dragonstars 20 Days ago
Dragonstars 21 Days ago
Dragonstars 22 Days ago

Shiny Hunt

Dragonstars is currently hunting Deoxys.
Hunt started: 30/11/2021

Chain: 192

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Shiny Silvally!

Third on site.

First on site!

First on site!

First on site!

First on site!

First on site!

First on site!

First on site!

First on site!

First on site!

First on site!

Second on site.

second on site.

Second on site.

Second on site.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #396791969
Registration: 14/07/2014 (10 Years ago)
Premium member until 02/Mar/2026
Time Played: 2330:50 Hours
Total interactions: 2,808,362
Money: 5,177,191
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


By PokéRadar - 1 Hour and 26 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Deoxys hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #179)!

yeah! great gift on my birthday, Pokeradar! thanks!

one more to go. :)
14 Days ago
well, I should make 100 returned Orthworm. I doubt very much I'll reach the next tier after that, whatever it is.
16 Days ago
Leafeon explored Windy Prairie for 12.0 hours.
It discovered 0.1% of a new place in this area.
It found 5,194 while rumbling, yay!

Holy smokes, I've never seen a Pokedollar amount that high from a rumble before! Nice job, Leafeon!
20 Days ago
Of course the day of fast orthworm search times is the day I had to spend several hours moving things and organizing stuff around the house.

(had to be done, the room we're moving stuff out of needs repairs and refinishing, but the timing we had to do it... ;.;)
21 Days ago
a second shiny Orthworm.

figures, when it was the Tadbulb event and I needed two of them, I only got one. Only need one Orthworm, and I've got two. XD

I'll save it until the end of the event and see if anyone who wasn't able to get one wants it. Unsure what, if any, price I will put on it.
23 Days ago
Got my Ting- Lu egg.
23 Days ago
By PokéRadar - 16 Minutes and 15 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Deoxys hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #164)!

By PokéRadar - 14 Minutes and 37 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Deoxys hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #165)!


not to mention half of the shinies I need right there! WOOOOO!
25 Days ago
Yay! Dad's friend was able to fix my computer!

We don't have a clue what he did that we didn't- even he's not sure why it suddenly started working after five minutes of him looking at connection stuff and not adjusting anything yet- but that's a relief. :D
1 Month ago
My computer suddenly stopped connecting to the internet late last night.

I tried the tricks I knew; no luck. My dad just took a look at it, no results. He's going to talk to a slightly more tech- savvy friend of his tomorrow, but if that doesn't pan out I'll have to take it to the repair shop.

I can still get into some things on my phone, and my knitting projects will not be affected, but my writing just got put on hold. Not to mention I don't know how much the repair might cost.

1 Month ago
Man. I have too many tabs open right now. I hate having a lot of tabs open on my computer. But I also hate closing them until I'm done with them.

I have this game often open, three tabs currently open for some personal reasons, two tabs open to pictures of Pokemon that I'm working on making knitting patterns for (I'll be able to close those ones soon, I'm almost done) and three tabs that are open because I'm using them for references on my big Pokemon writing project. Some I'll be able to close soon, one I need open for most of my current story. That's 9 tabs open.

I know not everyone will think that's a lot, but it is to me. All stretched across the top of my computer screen.
1 Month ago
Oh my god. I just realized that all the chesto berries in my garden berry bag are gone. somehow I used them up during bulletin tasks. I thought I was being so careful to make sure I never used all my berries...

now I have to level them up all over again. I guess at least they're a faster one... can't believe I made a stupid mistake like that.
1 Month ago
The amount of snow we've had to shovel here for the past few days has been insane. I really hope we get a break from it for a while... the drifts and piles of shoveled snow are going to get as tall as I am if this keeps up. They've got to be around four feet as it is...
1 Month ago
Well. I've been working on getting all of my berries in the garden leveled up, just because. I set a goal of level 50 for each berry first; get each berry to level 50, then I'll work up to 100 from there. I've been going down the list to do this, assigning each garden to one berry that I'm working on; once the berry reaches level 50, I swap it to the next one on the list. (I did this with level ten, previously, and once all berries were level ten I started working towards 50.)

I was just today putting some of the lower- level berries that don't get used in any cooking dishes from my garden berry bag into my item bag to "clean up" a little and make the huge lists of berry levels a little smaller when I realized that somehow I've missed the Jaboca berries, which are sitting at level 10 as their highest.

How did I miss them? I've only got a few berries left at the bottom of the list to get from 10 to 50, but somehow I skipped the Jaboca. How annoying...
1 Month ago
pet peeve:

jar of gummy vitamins/supplements: Take two gummies per day.

Also jar of gummies: Has an odd number of gummies in it, resulting in one gummy leftover at the end.

me: >:(

does that drive anyone else nuts? Or just me? Why don't they put an even number of gummies in the jar if you have to take two per day?
1 Month ago
I realize this is not important to anyone else, but I'm proud of myself so I would just like to say:

I have FINALLY found that last missing location that was stopping my Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game from being 100% complete. After having the game for multiple years. Yes. My missing location was the eighth heroine statue, which makes no sense to me because that was part of a quest that I finished years ago. I did the quest. But somehow the location did not register. I don't know why. But regardless, I have at last achieved that 100% and I am. So happy. That I finished it off at last. That final 0.09% that I was missing, is missing no more.


Now I can start Tears of the Kingdom without unfinished business...
2 Months ago
Happy New Year everyone!!
2 Months ago
Scream Tail as one of the paradox Pokemon for the event, huh? Funny coincidence, I'm actually finishing the last details on a few knitted Scream Tails that I made, as well. Going to have them and the Slowpokes I'm making finished before midnight, or at least that's the goal.
2 Months ago
Well, with how busy today was plus the downtime, this is the first opportunity I've had and it's a bit late, but... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
3 Months ago
bugger. not going to be able to get that last door without breaking my chain... I don't have four eggs to hatch.
3 Months ago
lol, the image on the advent calendar was a snowling plushie when it said Polestar. XD
3 Months ago



Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (7 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

OroboniYesterday, 13:24
KARUbinYesterday, 01:52
SpiderrsTue, 25/Mar/2025, 17:55
JohnSnowMon, 24/Mar/2025, 17:49
KloppoSun, 23/Mar/2025, 20:06

Game Goals

Working on collecting nuggets until I have enough for a year of premium (mainly by buying them through item market when they are reasonable and I have enough PD over the amount that I like to keep on hand at all times). Once I have the premium, then I can continue my Deoxys hunt and get four in one hunt instead of starting over each time...

Important note to self (that I keep forgetting): in order to have the item in my goal update in real time, the code to use is [ bag=itemname ] but without the spaces after and before the square brackets.
Another note: the above trick does not work for nuggets. sad face.


eighth on site.

second on site.

third on site.

second on site.

second on site.

fourth on site.

fifth on site.

eighth on site.

sixth on site.

eighth on site.

fifteenth on site.

twenty-seventh on site.

twenty-eighth on site.

Thirty-first on site.

More Silvally!

Fortieth on Site. Second on site

thirty-eighth on site. Second on site

Fifty-fifth on site. Third on site

Fiftieth on site. Third on site