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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 09/05/2020 19:27 (4 Years ago)
Toffee couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion as he saw Moon's face turn redder and redder at whatever it was she was thinking about. A passionate night with this monster she wished to make hybrids with perhaps? It was the most logical choice to him, and whoever this monster was better be sure to take care of Moon otherwise he'd have all three of Moon's personal monster guards and best friends to deal with. Though, he hated to admit, he was feeling a little jealous of the lucky Monster that caught Moon's eye, he couldn't place why, but deep down he felt that Moon was his queen, that only he should have the opportunity to do such unspeakable things to her. He took a small breath, but quickly had to divert his nose, that scent... was Moon, going into her own kind of heat? The idea of such a thought made his tail twitch slightly, but managed to keep his composure as he noticed that she was looking up towards him, regarding Queen Eclipsa.

"Well, yes, she did take a Mewman for a husband, but I think she took on Globgore as her lover, that might be why he was imprisoned." he gave a small shrug before he noticed her face shining so bright and red. "Hm? Moon, are you going to be alright? Turn any redder and your head might pop." he said in a slightly bored fashion, though he actually found it quite cute how flustered she was right now. gently running his hand through her hair again he gave her a small smile. "Everything will be alright Moon, did you want to talk to me about it?"

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Posted: Sat, 09/05/2020 08:56 (4 Years ago)
Toffee watched as Buff Frog and and giggling Matilda left through the 'private swamp' door and rose a brow, lightly nodding towards him as Buff Frog mentioned bringing Ludo to That Place later in the evening. "Good. I expect you both there. Enjoy yourself until then." he gave a small smirk, knowing exactly what was going to happen behind that door, a dark idea running through his mind of him keeping Moon pinned underneath him, his masculine form keeping her close as he would make her his. It was a fanciful thought, causing him to give the slightest blush before it was quickly lost, noticing some of the tadpoles leaving for a darker spot, only now noticing the diamonds on Moon's cheeks glowing.

"ah, my pleasure Moon." he ended up saying in response to her gratitude for answering her question. He raised a brow again as she gave that, to him, half-baked reason, but he wouldn't press too much farther unless she was willing to relent to his whim and tell him everything on her mind. "I believe the child was born to Queen Eclipsa and the feared Globgore. Though I do know that Mewni's History has been rewritten more than once, so she might not appear in any records at this point."

He watched as she hid her face in her hands, listening intently as she quietly admitted that she wished to have a hybrid herself, which caused his eyes to widen. Whoever this monster was must be quite special to her. He let his eyes return to normal and gave a small nod. "Alright. Well, I'm sure one day you'll have your wish Moon dear." 'and when I find out who it is... they'd better take damn good care of you, or else they'll have to go through me.' he though with a slight bitter tone in the back of his mind.

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Posted: Sat, 09/05/2020 08:23 (4 Years ago)
"hm?" Matilda looked towards Buff Frog as he took a hold of her hand, noticing him grab another towel as he helped clean, though with how close he was, it led to her to blush as she realized she was indeed still in her night gown, a small chuckle escaping her lips as she looked back towards him with loving eyes. She looked towards the children in Moon's lap before she looked back towards Buff Frog, gently running a finger under his throat sack as her cheek sacks inflated a little.

"Oh moy lyubimyy~" she gently chuckled as she playfully returned the motion, gently using one of her legs to caress one of his as they finished cleaning the table. "You are in knowing me so well, are you? Well, you are not in the wrong." she gave him a small wink as her ears flapped a little again. "I have been doing much thinking and the idea is pleasing in me." Feeling his gentle bite caused her face to glow a bright red as she suddenly started to feel weak in his strong arms.

Toffee couldn't help but notice Moon suddenly hide her face in his chest, a recurring event it would seem, not the minded of course, however he looked up to see what caused her to hide away so shyly to see Buff Frog and Matilda, causing him to sigh a little sarcastically. "Oh come on you two. Save that for your bed wont you?" he gave a small chuckle before he looked a little cross-eyed to her poking of his nose. Looking back towards her he gave a small smile, a little laughter in his eyes, glad to see she had definitely perked up since sunrise. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed breakfast then.. hm?"

He looked back down towards her to see her blushing face and raised a brow as she asked about hybrids. "Well, yes, they do." he started before he gently stroked her hair again. "Such a strange question to come out of you so early in the day, but I'll bite. Monsters and Mewmans have gotten together and have born a child between them a couple times..." he gave a small sigh, sure he knew of them existing, he only knew of one in actuality, and it would probably surprise her if she knew the truth, but, it couldn't hurt at this point. "Well, I've only ever seen one myself, a small princess, much like yourself. She had clovers on her cheeks, slit eyes, claws, furred arms and a long tail. She also possessed the ability to climb walls because of her claws. I never knew her name, but I did find out who her parents were. I have no idea what happened to her since I saw her, she was just a baby when I saw her, and that was quite some time ago." he paused for a moment, recollecting what he remembered about the child all that time ago. "Well, I suppose the appearance of the child would depend on which parent has higher influence when it's born. She was more like her mother, but she had capabilities of her father, and from what I've heard, she also possessed his abilities and could appear like him when angered... but I cannot actively confirm that one."

He gently closed his eyes and gave a small sigh. He felt like he's said enough unless she wished to know further, but now, he felt like he could ask a question himself. "Well then, Moon, you say you're 'just curious,' but what brought this topic up so suddenly? Did you want to make a hybrid of your own with someone?" he raised a curious brow as he looked back towards her, his attention looking towards the tadpoles for a moment as they seemed to be 'laughing' with their bouncing in her lap.

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Posted: Sat, 09/05/2020 06:09 (4 Years ago)
Matilda gave a happy croak as she watched Buff Frog's ears copy her, making her even happier than she already was. She adored her husband and her children, he was probably the most perfect thing to every happen to her, and he graced her with several beautiful, perfect children. She gently shook her head before kissing him back, following it with a playful wink. "Of course you are doing all you can in doing for our family, and our second family!" she chimed happily, obviously referring to Moon and Toffee. She gently ran a finger under his chin before she went to clean the table of their children's messy meal, her short night gown teasing her legs to Buff Frog as she cleaned.

Toffee gave a small sound, as if he didn't quite believe her when she said she was rested, but he wouldn't argue with her about it, he just hoped that she would indeed be rested enough for the evening at the Tavern. He thanked Buff Frog fro the breakfast and ate his share as well, raising a brow as he watched Moon scarf down her breakfast, causing him to chuckle a little. "hmhm, easy Moon, you want to savor your first real meal in a while, don't you?" he gave her a small chuckle before he playfully poked her nose, taking another bite of his meal before he saw her expression about a surprise for her.

"Yes, indeed, but don't worry dear Moon, you'll love it." he gave her a small smile as he continued to eat his meal, finishing several minutes later. He happened to eye the tadpoles watching them, well, mostly Moon, and gently gestured for them to hop onto their lap, he figured that Moon would like some time with the little ones, and he saw they always seemed to like spending time with her.

"Ah, thank you for the meal Buff Frog. It was wonderful." He gave Buff Frog a small smile as he placed his plate back onto the nearby table so he wouldn't have to get up and he could focus on keeping Moon supported in his lap.

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Posted: Sat, 09/05/2020 05:13 (4 Years ago)
Toffee was glad that Buff Frog was so understanding as he listened to the tale of the night, gently sitting back before he place his cup down on the small table by his chair. He could tell that Kenny was furious that Moon was alone now, but he knew that Kenny wouldn't say anything too much about it, lest it open fresh wounds, he thought. He looked onward as Buff Frog set the table and gave a loud croak, a small smile creeping across his face. He was grateful that Buff Frog was willing to help take Moon to the Tavern.

"Thank you my friend." he gave a small wave as he noticed the children bound out of their room to get ready for their breakfast, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "Surely Missus Matilda would be willing to watch the little ones for a day?"

Matilda gave a small laugh before she waved her hand, a big smile on her face as her ears did a little flap of sorts, showing she was happy. "Oh of course I can in watching my own babies." her voice wasn't nearly as heavy as Buff Frog's, but it was still distinctly the same kind of Russian that he spoke. "Yvgeny has always been so good in watching our babies while I am having the fun, so now, it's my turn." she croaked happily before she picked up a couple of her babies as they went to the table so they could eat.

Toffee gave a small smile in thanks before he noticed Moon had stumbled out of the children's room. "Ah, Moon. You should get some more sleep dear.." he was about to get up before she had fallen upon him, leaving him in the chair before he gently held her close again, making sure she wouldn't fall, he gently readjusted her so she was a little more comfortable on his lap. He gently brushed a free hand through her hair before he gave her a sincere smile. "Anything for you Moon. In fact... We have a surprise for you tonight. So, I do hope you'll be rested for it."

Matilda listened and watched as Moon went over to Toffee and he held her close, causing her croak happily, her eyes sparkling a bit. "Oh, Yvgeny, are they not in being the cutest right now? Almost as cute as our babies during the bath time!"

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2020 12:48 (4 Years ago)
Toffee watched with gratitude as Buff Frog was able to untangle his hair from Moon's grasp. He also found it quite cute how clingy she was to him, but he wouldn't say it aloud, he just watched as the little ones promptly buried Moon under them and gave a small chuckle. Hearing how Buff Frog wanted the whole story he nodded, but not without a good chuckle as his friend mentioned working with the Monster Auctions.

"Ah, thank you Buff Frog, a cup of coffee will do nicely." he gratefully took the cup before taking a few small sips. "and I'm glad that you too thought to bring along Ludo, the four of us together always seem to have a grand time at the Tavern and we could all use some time away from here." He seemed to raise a brow as Buff Frog mentioned specifically 'her' Mewni. Were there more he wondered? he gave a small shrug, that was a question for another time, he suspected. "That's a wonderful idea. The four of us, plenty of your cookies and a night at the Tavern will definitely do us all some good." he chuckled again as he took another sip of his coffee, giving a kind greeting to Matilda as he noticed her walk into the room, groggy and her hair a mess, as she went for her morning coffee.

"Hm... Well, I'd best get started with the events of the night then. Well, it all started when I went to check on her in her room early last night..."

He continued to regale Buff Frog, and apparently an eagerly listening Matilda, about the events of the night, starting with him finding her down at her desk, her suddenly changing the subject, how her journal opened and he admitted to reading the recent page, raising his hands and saying that he knew he was wrong for doing so and he already apologized for his actions and that he expected Moon to give him a good slap when she was able to, but that was how he found out about the castle keeping her mother's death in the recent battle a secret from everyone and her initial doubts about the treaty, but how much she loved and trusted the three monster men in her life, and so on. Then he moved forward with noticing that quite some time passed and she hadn't returned with the tea so he went to seek her out to find her crying in the cupboard in the kitchen and how he consoled her about everything and the story went on, dragging on for the better half of an hour before he finally ended the story with him 'queen-napping' her after her having a couple small childish tantrums and bringing her here so they could rendezvous with Ludo and go to the Tavern so she can actually unwind and have fun, and most importantly remember that she could never get rid of them just because she was a queen now.

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2020 12:16 (4 Years ago)
Toffee was grateful that Buff Frog was indeed awake and gave a small sigh of relief. He realized that he was doing that a lot this morning, but he shrugged it off as he looked towards the large frog man with a solemn smile. "Thank you Buff Frog, it's appreciated." Carefully letting himself in after the invitation he gave a small nod and walked towards the children's room, wanting to place the sleeping Moon with them, however, her grip on his hair did make it a little difficult, so he had to resign the idea and looked towards Buff Frog.

"Ah, my apologies, it seems that she doesn't quite want to let go of me right now." he gave a small chuckle as he pointed to her hand gripping his hair with his tail. "Do you think you could help with that? as you can see my hands are a little.. full." he gave a small smile as he knew that Buff Frog, like him, would do anything if it meant helping Moon.

"Well, I can give you the long version or the short version really." he gave a small shrug, either way he would probably end up saying the long version, knowing himself, and he figured that Buff Frog would want to hear the more informed version as well. "Though, I do believe that the long version has all of the answers you seek. and as for her waking up..." he looked back down towards her, his eyes softening as he looked at her peaceful, though tear-stained and mascara covered face. "Can't say for sure. She just fell asleep on the way here honestly."

He gave one more sigh before he managed to clear his throat a little and tried to give the short version either way, to at least give Buff Frog an idea of what's to come. "Well, for the short version, Moon's mother is dead, she has to take over yet feels she isn't ready for that yet, she's afraid that her Monster/Mewman treaty will fail and she's been crying all night over everything as well as thinking the ridiculous idea that because she's queen now we can never see her again so she wants to run away to the Tavern at the end of the Multiverse and not be queen for a good while... plus she'd really like some of your worm cookies and a drink... As for the 'black sludge.' It's her eye makeup. It ran because she was crying so much..." Only after he said the short version did he realize that he said most of that in one breath and stopped for a moment to take in a few deep breaths before looking back towards Buff Frog, ready for more questions.

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2020 11:45 (4 Years ago)
Toffee listened as she mentioned a trap door under her bed but gently shook his head. "No thanks Moon, that'd be too easy for me." he gave her another smirk before he felt her boop his nose. If there was anything he didn't care for was being booped on the nose, but he gave her a small smile as he let his eyes return to normal, watching her drift to sleep as he ran over the rooftops of the town, soon diving down towards the back roads where no one could easily see them.

"Oh, my dear Moon, you will be a great queen. But for now, my sleeping angel, you wont be doing anything royal until you've rested, both physically and mentally, so you can be more prepared." he looked ahead, he was heading right towards the swamp where Buff Frog resided, a small sigh of relief escaped him as he kept moving forward. He told himself that he could teach her everything she would need to know about ruling, but that would be for later. With her asleep in his arms, he knew what he should do. The kingdom didn't know of her kidnapping yet, and she had time now to be herself again. He approached a single hut, with his arms full he used his tail to knock on the door.

"Buff Frog? My apologies for such an early calling good friend, we need your assistance." He gently called, trying to not be too loud as he didn't want to wake up Moon yet, hoping that the busy father was awake. He could go in and out of Castle Butterfly at will with his secret passages, but with Buff Frog, he felt that intruding unannounced would lead to a bit of a scuff that neither of them would care to do. "It's for Moon..."

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2020 11:21 (4 Years ago)
Toffee watched as she threw her mini tantrum, he knew she rarely ever got this way, and secretly, he was glad that he was one of the only ones who ever got to see such a childish side of her. He gently nodded towards her as she grabbed his finger, glad that some contact could seem to get through to her. he gave her a soft smile, a warm smile in that he understood in just how much weight she had to carry was.

"Well, of course I am Moon. It's a little too 'dangerous' for me to leave at this particular moment. I'd be seen." he gave a small chuckle before he felt Moon nuzzle up to him. She must've been distraught, he never thought she would ever run out of tears in the duration of a night, but, he felt like he could understand, she went through the lowest pits of the underworld in the most intense roller coaster ride of her life and it all came to a sudden stop, undoubtedly sending her flying forward to a part of the track she wasn't prepared to face yet.

"Moon, you'll be a great one, don't worry about what they say, your rule is law now." he started as he gently brushed her hair with his free fingers. "They just have to--" he cut himself short as he heard the butler come back inside, quietly cursing to himself. When he saw her return to under the bed with him he held her close, letting her bury her face into his chest as he gently stroked her hair again.

He listened to her plea, a small smile creeping across his face as an idea struck him. Sure, he would be hated if they found out it was him, but if it meant that Moon would be able to smile again, he didn't care. "The Tavern?" he whispered before holding her a little tighter, a small sinister chuckle escaping his jaw. "Well then, why don't I... do something drastic then?" he looked down to Moon, his eyes slits again to show he was deadly serious about what he was going to do.

Without another moment wasted he used one of his powerful arms to hoist themselves from under the bed and made it to the window with her in tow. "Hold on tight Moon." He didn't wait for her to respond before he leapt from the windowsill, running across the rooftops before he made it to the furthest castle walls, his movements effortless as he kept her close in his arms. "You'd best sleep for now... and when you wake, well.." he gave another small chuckle. "You'll see."

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2020 08:36 (4 Years ago)
Toffee looked down towards Moon's seemingly frail body as she used him as a leaning device of sorts, he could see she was barely able to do anything, let alone reach for whatever it was she was wanting to give to him. He tilted his head a little as he saw her grab the small vial, his eyes widening as he saw his severed finger within its glass confines. He gently grabbed the vial and popped off the cork, letting his hand refuse with his finger as he looked back towards Moon. "Moon, you--"

He was cut off as she shoved him under her bed, the sounds of footsteps from the butler becoming apparent to him and he stayed quiet, the empty vial rolling ever so slightly away from him. Watching the vial roll he quietly cursed to himself before he managed to grab it before the butler had a chance to notice.

Listening intently to the small conversation directly above him, he tried to hide a small growl, how dare that butler try to touch Moon, let alone comfort her. He didn't know what she was really going through. He didn't know the torment and despair she was feeling, the kind of feelings that she only showed to those who she really trusted. He would deal with that butler later. For now, however, he turned his attention back towards Moon as he saw her fall face first from the corner of his eye. He wanted to just pull her close, remind her that he's still there for her and that everything will be alright. He did make a note about the cookies to himself, he would go to see Kenny as soon as he left, but first, he wanted to give her one more small affection before it was too late.

"Moon..?" he whispered quietly as he carefully maneuvered himself so he could face her from under the bed. He gently reached out towards her, his freshly repaired hand giving him some renewed confidence that he would do anything to make her smile again.

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2020 07:33 (4 Years ago)
Toffee listened to the broken words coming from Moon's tired mouth, he hated to see her like this, he really did. But he knew that no guard could ever actually hurt him, they could cut him, sever his limbs, torture him even, but they could never hurt him, and he knew that she knew that as well, but her exhaustion must've clouded her mind. He gave a small sigh, he honestly didn't want to leave, but as he was about to vanish from the window he heard her voice again. The sun was bright as it rose, and he knew it couldn't be good for her eyes to be looking towards the sunrise like that, but he gave a small sigh again as he carefully turned back, letting himself through the window towards her again.

"Moon... what is it my dear..?" he gently grabbed her hand as he sat beside her, a concerned look on his face as he looked towards her. He kept his voice as a whisper, gently leaning closer to her so she wouldn't have to speak up, just in case the castle staff tried to listen to anything. "What is you you have for me..?"

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2020 00:59 (4 Years ago)
Okay guys. That's it.

I'm shutting down this rp.

Why? I know you're asking... I've said several times now, anything magical does not work! this INCLUDES magical scissors. Since you guys can't seem to follow this simple rule, this rp is being stopped right now.

So, sorry to say everyone. This RP is closed. Please remember to follow EVERY rule for rps... I am the second in command and have every right to make these rules for the continuity of the rp universe. This is not up for discussion.

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 12:42 (4 Years ago)
Toffee gave a small sigh, he knew, he didn't need her to tell him that he did something stupid, but he let her do so anyways, anything that would help her ease her troubled mind, he told himself. In the rising sunlight he saw just how much the mascara ran down her face and he gently reached into his pocket, grabbing a soft cloth that he used to gently rub her face with, trying to remove as much of the stick back makeup as he could before generally giving up. There was so much of it that she'd have to run her face in soapy water to remove it all.

He kept her close in his arms, sure, she asked him to leave, the sun was up, it was dangerous for him to stay, especially now with the castle on edge since they lost their previous queen, he knew what they'd think 'that beast is trying to kill Queen Moon!' he could imagine the townspeople shouting. But he simply didn't want to let her go, not right now. In this time, she needed something that none of them could or would ever give her, compassion, the kind of compassion that only a close friend could give. He knew he'd have to do something for her, but with time running out, he had to be quick. It wasn't until he heard her mention the escape route that he even considered leaving her side. Even then, however, the idea repulsed him, he couldn't leave her here all alone!

"Moon, I.." his sentence was cut short as he felt her grasp loosen. He gave a small startled gasp before he carefully held her closer, making sure she wouldn't fall to the floor. "I'll get you back to your room..." he ended up quietly whispering as he disregarded the escape route. He had no idea where that path would lead him, but he knew a great way to get to her room from outside. Keeping her exhausted body close to his, he carefully unlocked the kitchen window, and, using his strong arm and claws, he scaled the building, careful to hide in the vines that were creeping up the castle walls as he did so.

It took several minutes, but he managed to get back to her room, thankful that she forgot to close the window after he got in initially, he was able to get her inside and gently laid her into her bed. He looked at the clock, he had three minutes to make himself scarce, he closed his eyes, that would be plenty of time, he told himself. He looked back towards Moon, she looked so small in that bed on her own. What he wouldn't give to stay by her side, keep her in his arms, whisper sweet nothings to her to help her sleep, but he knew he couldn't. Biting his tongue he gently ran his hand through her bangs again. "I'm sorry Moon. Today will be tough, but I'll return tonight. We wont let you be alone. That's a promise."

With a quiet sigh, he risked a small notion of affection, a gentle kiss on her forehead, before he quietly turned around, and slipped out of the window before anyone even knew he was there.

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 12:08 (4 Years ago)
He gave a gently sigh, he knew she would have figured out he read her journal by his words, but now was not the time to worry about such a trivial thing, right now, as far as he was concerned, was just him, her, this room and the rising sun. He could see that he scared her with his eyes for the moment, so he wanted to be careful around her, trying not to provoke any negative feelings in this sensitive time. The way she looked towards him, the black of her mascara running down her face only proved to him that she was indeed crying, and he needed to be there to comfort her.

"Listen, Moon, I'm sorry, your journal, it was open... I only saw the page you must've just written. About your mom, you taking over, remembering Ludo, Kenny and me." he gave a small pause, trying to talk quietly so that only she could hear him with the approaching sunrise. Soon the chefs would be trying to get in, he had to be careful. "I know it was wrong, I can't undo what I've done.."

He gently nuzzled deeper into her cheek, now his cheek touching hers as he felt her warm tears against his cold scales. "But no matter what happens, We'll always be here for you Moon." His eyes widened a little as she suddenly turned around, feeling her grasp his shirt he knew what she wanted of him. He gently tightened his embrace around her, creating a bit of a protective bubble between them and the rest of Mewni. He let her cry, watching as the sun rose overhead, it was too late to run and hide, any minute now someone would try to enter the kitchen, someone would be wanting to wake up their Queen to find she isn't in her sleeping quarters, a search would happen, they would find him here, with her in his grasp. They would try to kill him for attempting to kidnap their queen, only to find he was still unkillable. But none of that mattered to him right now. For right now, he had Moon, she was crying, and she needed him more than she needed the entirety of Mewni right now.

"I will. I'll stay right here Moon." he gently whispered into her ear, keeping her close to him so she could hear the slow, calm beating of his heart as he gently placed her head against his chest. "It'll be okay."

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 11:24 (4 Years ago)
Toffee turned his head rather quickly as he heard the sound of Moon's head hitting the ceiling of the cupboard, and the following sound of her crown rolling onto the floor as she fell out of her hiding place. He squinted a little as he tried to spot her in the darkness, giving up on using normal light he closed his eyes and let his natural thermal tracking find her. It was with this natural ability he had that he noticed her face was warmer than it normally is, she must've been crying, he thought to himself. He gently opened his eyes again as he made his way towards her, sure, his thermal tracking worked wonders outside, but in this kitchen, where everything that wasn't touched all had the same heat signature, it was more of a hassle than anything. Carefully, he made his way until he was behind her, gently placing his arms against the counter in front of Moon, successfully capturing her in that spot.

"Now, Moon, you and I both know I'm not going to do that. Not right now." he gently whispered to her as he kept her stuck in that area. "I've blocked the doors so no one can get in, but now... we need to talk." he soon gave her a cold look, his eyes going to slits again before he took a slow breath, letting himself calm down first before doing anything he might regret.

"Moon, I know it's got to hurt, I heard about your mother, but that's not all that's on your mind, is it?" he gently moved himself closer, bringing her into a comforting embrace from behind as he carefully nuzzled his snout against her cheek. "Talk to me. Cry if you must, I'm here... I'm here."

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 10:40 (4 Years ago)
Toffee gave her a small chuckle as he noticed her flinch, it was definite, she was emotionally unstable and he knew that deep down, she must be having the fight of her life. He couldn't quite put it into words, but he knew he couldn't hurt her again, not after last time. He watched her leave the room, his eyes narrowing into small slits as the door closed behind her, he knew what the sunrise brought to her, and he hated to see her so down. He hated to admit it, but the idea of Moon being sad or distressed, it angered something within him, something that would strike out at anything that would dare try to hurt her again.

Taking a small breath he took a seat in the chair she was just in, he noticed her journal open and glanced at it. Alliances and treaties, and talk of her friendship with Buff Frog, Ludo and himself. Himself... he read her section on him again, she was afraid of him all those years ago, he admitted, he didn't blame her, he did wear skulls as shoulder pads and his tent was decorated in plenty more, and not to mention she was very young, but at least he was civil enough to not hurt a child. At least, a child who wouldn't attack. He continued to read the part about their fight a while back and how he lost his finger to her dark spell. He was handsome? He held back a small chuckle, good to knew she thought him handsome all those years ago. He looked back towards his hand, the finder that was missing since that dark spell hit him never quite felt right afterwards, he wanted it back, but, tonight, tonight of all nights, he would keep his jaw shut about it.

Turning away from the journal he waited for Moon to return, it must've been several minutes now, the tea should've been ready a while ago, he knew their kettles were magical and could heat water to boiling in a matter of seconds, so the fact that it's already been close to ten or more minutes left him feeling on edge. She was never this late with tea, he shouldn't have been able to read that full journal page before her return. Steeling his breath he stood up, and quietly made his way to the kitchen, slinking past the butlers and maids that worked on cleaning the halls in the night. It didn't take him long to find the kitchen, and carefully barricaded the doors so no one could get in. "Moon..?" he gently whispered as he started to look for her. "Moon, where are you?"

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 10:09 (4 Years ago)
He watched as Moon reacted to his voice and notions, a bit amused by it all really, she must've been tired if her first reaction was to pull out her wand. He let his tail relax as she opened the window, the tapping finally stopping as he carefully stepped inside of her room, he could see that she wanted to cry, her eyes gave away everything to him, and he knew she couldn't keep up the facade forever. He gave her a small pat on her head, his scaly hand gently running through her bangs as he stepped a little closer to her. "It was no trouble Moon. I'm always glad to come see you." he gently whispered to her, knowing he shouldn't be too loud at this particular hour.

He noticed her bite her lip and raised a brow for a moment before he was about to respond, looking at her a little surprised at her sudden topic change so quick into his arrival. "hm.. Tea sounds lovely actually." he nodded, he wouldn't try to open her fresh wounds right now, he knew that she would need to talk about it soon before she explodes or something, but he wouldn't try to push her too hard about it. "Earl grey with milk if you would be so kind."

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 09:49 (4 Years ago)
"Then, my dear, you should probably consider doing so..." a low toned voice muttered from a nearby window, a narrow snout silhouetted against the glass could be seen from within the room Moon was in. He was listening to her talk the whole time, or so it seemed, as he gently tapped on the window with the tip of his long tail. It was Toffee, dressed in his 'causal' attire, which consisted of a nice tunic top, the top couple buttons undone, and his usual black pants and dress shoes. He lightly tapped on the window again with his tail, wanting to be let into the room.

"It's been a while, hasn't it Moon?" he gently whispered as he looked towards her from where she sat. He admitted, though only to himself, that she did look quite well as a queen, but he knew that she wasn't ready for such a position, and he felt that she knew that too. with a small 'I know what you're feeling right now' smile he waited for her to get to the window, his eyes locking with hers for a few moments as he waited patiently. "How are you holding up?"

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2020 08:04 (4 Years ago)
Thank you for the update Catrina~

though, I would like to bring note to something... two things actually.

1. again, dimensional scissors do not currently work so no portals are allowed. period. Remember, we are in a world with no magic

and 2. Drago, Blood, we get that you're eager for this, but you've both broken the guideline rule that we have in place. sorry to say, but this is your one warning for both of you...

I'm sorry I have to be so serious about this, but things like this do ruin the rp for others, especially those who can't be online as often as the rest because of real life. playing catch up to a story that may or may not even include them is rather difficult to do

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Posted: Wed, 06/05/2020 03:59 (4 Years ago)
Hekapoo managed to dodge the feather arrows that were thrown at her with a small startled sound before she stood up from the bushes, finally revealing herself to the Kappa woman and the half-Septarian boy. "Woah! H-hey!" she held her hands up defensively to show she was currently unarmed, her small hands open to show she didn't even have claws.

"Listen, I just heard.. a child crying and came to make sure things were... okay." she slowed her talking, she had no idea who either of these beings were, but one of them looked like they knew who she was somehow. "If..." she cut herself short, she did just hear the septarian boy offer her a place, but she didn't know if she could just trust this unknown-to-her boy and shook her head. "If you'd like, there's a cabin near here. It's abandoned." She eyed the two, one a bleeding mother, the other, a Septarian boy who seemed to want to help, but, she didn't know if she could trust either of them, but she did know that the child needed somewhere safe and soon, at least, before the Mewmans or Humans would start searching the woods again, but she kept a small distance from both of them regardless, staying behind the bushes.

"It's uh... your choice, miss Kappa, where you decide to go though.. but... that baby need somewhere warm... and soon. I don't think you'd be able to fully offer that to him right now, could you miss..?"

Back at the castle a female monster looked towards Marco with repulsion. "Excuse me?!" She gawked, her horns gave a small glint as her anger started to build. "Do you really think I'll just let myself be treated this way?! First the crops are vanishing from the monster fields, and now the royal squire can't even tell a woman from a man?" Her anger seemed to be misguided, but her voice was definately hearable through the main floor of Castle Butterfly.

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