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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 03:01 (6 Years ago)
Kovu looked now confused at Rose and towards the dragon with a shaking head. ''I didn't hear anything.'' He said quietly. ''I hear nothing.'' He looked a little scared to think Rose could be hearing things.

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 02:41 (6 Years ago)
Kovu put his head in his hands for a second, trying to grasp what had just happened. He fell back with the pressure and energy between the two. ''No, it didn't attack you by any means...as it seems just as confused. Maybe we just can't touch dragons.'' He staggered to his feet and offered his hand to help Rose up. ''Or-.'' He looked at Sapphire. ''You two have some sort of connection with untapped energy.''

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 02:21 (6 Years ago)
Kovu moved slowly to Rose's side, wanting to be near her while in front of this beast. ''We come in peace and offer you fish.'' He almost whispered out of nervousness before deciding that it was better for Rose to do all the speaking. He would just make a mistake and have the dragon eat them.

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 02:12 (6 Years ago)
Kovu looked up at Sapphire, she was truly an amazing creature. ''That is a dragon.'' He said quietly, dropping the fish at the sight of Sapphire. He was beyond nervous to be so close to a creature so menacing, yet intriguing.

Roda began out the door now, looking at Stryke with narrowed eyes. ''I married you for a family and I did not receive one.'' She went looking for two able men that would search for Rose for her.

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 01:49 (6 Years ago)
Kovu was rather worried and stopped moving as soon as Rose said her words. He looked over at her before he began to glance around. ''Then it is likely just beyond the trees.'' He whispered.

Roda kept her eyes narrowed. ''Rose made that up to spite us! She has no 'feelings' for Hunter so of course she says those things!''

Stryke yelled back at her. ''Did we marry out of convenience or do you actually love me!?''

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 22:01 (6 Years ago)
Roda pointed to the door. ''If you do not feel this way, then you are not welcome here!''

Stryke glared back at his wife. ''Excuse me? Rose told me that Cyrus was forcing Hunter to spend time with her so she would choose him. He doesn't even like her! He just wanted his son to have the power! Why do you not believe that Cyrus just doesn't want the power!"

Kovu nodded before he glances around. ''I bet the blue one likes fish...'' He began to walk ahead of Rose, almost like he wanted to be in between her and a dragon if one was already on the ground.

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 21:45 (6 Years ago)
Roda rolled her eyes. ''Does it really matter whether or not you trust him? This is what Rose gets for disobeying all that I tell her! You will not object to the marriage.''

Stryke narrowed his eyes. ''I do not want my daughter hurt!"

Kovu followed after Rose, looking at the bag of fish. ''I can carry that for you.'' He offered. ''You should be spotting the dragon, while I carry the bag for you.'' He tried to smile, not wanting to be a downer.

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 21:25 (6 Years ago)
Kona bowed her head with a small nod. ''Of course, I always need help with gathering my herbs.'' She smiled, though she was worried for Rose. She wanted to know the man behind the killing of the dragon.

Kovu looked at Rose with the worst of thought on who the killer was. ''I am sorry for the news, but I hope to do all I can to help.''

Roda narrowed her eyes towards Stryke, grabbing his shoulder. ''I am done having to deal with her attitude and I wish to let someone else take over the village. She disobeys us and maybe now Cyrus will put her in her place. Cyrus or Hunter wouldn't do anything to her. Cyrus is older, knows much more than some young man...He shall be a find leader.''

Stryke kept shaking his head. ''I cannot trust him!"

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 19:54 (6 Years ago)
Kovu frowned with a shaking head, standing up straight, but still had a bright red face. ''I have no idea, I didn't stay to know...I just had to tell you.'' He said quietly. ''We need to hurry...who knows...maybe the next dragon killer could be your next husband if this one declines...but I cannot imagine it.''

Stryke shook his head, turning away from Roda. ''I am sorry, I cannot accept him as my...my son-in-law.'' He frowned. ''He does not like Rose, he will hurt her!'' He glared back at her. ''His son doesn't care for Rose and I worry for that! I do not know if I can trust Hunter around her, let alone his father!''

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 19:18 (6 Years ago)
Kovu doubled over as he was still trying to catch his breath. ''I think you have a husband...I think someone is going to marry you. Someone killed a dragon!''

Kona gasped, looking at Rose terrified. Again she seemed to miss a dragon attack.

Stryke shook his head, grabbing Roda's arm and leading her to their home. ''Cyrus? I do not think he...Roda...I...'' He wasn't sure what to say to her after hearing what Rose and Kovu said yesterday. ''He shouldn't be the choice for her husband. I do not think he works...Roda!'' He dragged her into the home, ''Cyrus just wants to be the leader and I don't want him to have the power.''

Roda tore her arm away from Stryke as they entered into the home. ''Did you not see the dragon head at the door? He did as I asked and he has the strength to be a leader. He didn't even care much for the Tribe Leader position, he seemed to generally care for Rose. I gave him the option to back out of the marriage proposal, but he accepted it. There is no arguing. He killed a dragon and saved many lives!"

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 17:06 (6 Years ago)
Stryke looked shocked, not at the fact a dragon was killed but the fact Rose was so easily given away.”Roda, who is it? Who killed the dragon?” He asked.

Roda glances about before looking at Stryke.”Cyrus. He killed a dragon just waiting to attack. I approved of the marriage as he has no objections to it.”

Kovu rushed through the door, looking rather grave.”Rose, something is really wrong.” He was breathing heavily from the run.

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 16:09 (6 Years ago)
Stryke smiled to see Roda outside for the second day in a row. He was trying to act like this was a joyful event, slightly figuring it had to be about Rose not being in the home. ''Morning my love, is something wrong?" He asked cheerfully. ''This day is rather bright and nice, maybe we should take a walk by the water like we used to? I could pinpoint the exact spot little Rose fell in by accident.'' He knew his mistake in his happy memory and frowned.

Roda narrowed her eyes. ''She was much better as a child, now she is truly a problem. However, she is not our problem anymore. She has a husband that shall deal with her and keep her in line. Someone killed a dragon.''

Kovu was near to where the two were standing, weeding away quietly. When he heard Roda's voice raise at the anger hearing about someone killing a dragon he panicked. Upon his panicking he didn't even stay to hear who killed a dragon, he just took off to the hut to tell Kona. He missed Rose as well that morning.

Kona agreed happily at the mere thought. ''Dragons and humans should be friends...we cannot stay enemies forever. Oh! Maybe you should bring fish along with you to help with your friendship. The dragon may like you even more when you offer a treat basically.''

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 04:00 (6 Years ago)
Roda watches Cyrus go and looks at the dragon. She wasn’t so sure on what to think right away before anger overtook her. This was Rose’s karma for disobeying her mother, this was what she deserved.”I never go back on my word.” She muttered. “If she would have just listened, maybe she wouldn’t be in such a marriage.” She rolled her eyes before searching for her husband now. He of course had to know of the news, something that he won’t be able to change.

Mona nodded a bit with a small nod.”True, I just wonder what it would be like to live side by side by your own dragon. A dragon that chose to be your friend and help you through life. I was thinking about that last night... how different the village will be with one and how truly different t would be with many. I especially like the idea of protecting us from the neighboring tribe. Thankfully we haven’t had any major dealings with them that would be for war.”

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Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 22:49 (6 Years ago)
Roda bowed her head a bit, as if it was a large pill to swallow. Cyrus was not who she hoped would have killed a dragon, his son would have fit what she was looking for. ''It is still on the table...'' She gave a long pause before she tried to smile. ''Welcome to the family. Thank you for killing the dragon and leave the head here for proof. I will warn Rose of her new husband...arrangements for the marriage will be on your terms on when. You are alright being tribe leader, now aren't you?" She asked.

Kona giggled with a smile. ''He sure will be. I don't think he believes that it is true that the Tribe Leader's daughter wishes to drag him along on such an adventure. I saw him in the fields coming here and he didn't even look like he changed. It is rather nice to know that he made such a friend, that we made such a friend. You can only be friends with your family for so long.'' She winked. ''I was also thinking...if we are able to get one dragon on our side, I bet it will be easy to get a bunch more. Do they live in...mm...I guess herds? I don't know dragons!''

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Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 00:40 (6 Years ago)
Ratholas growled lightly before nipping at Kanguard. ''I would appreciate if you would listen to my orders. Sarkany is rather young still...or to say she isn't growing up any more mature than she should already be. You are to care for all dragons, young and old...not just for yourself. Sapphire would be ashamed of you.''

Kanguard flinched and cowered. ''I am sorry.''

Roda seemed rather sick just to look at the dragon head again as she listened to Cyrus. However, due to her overwhelming anger with Rose for disobeying her orders again she had no objections. ''Do you wish to marry Rose? To take my offer?'' She asked, almost as if he wasn't going to take the offer.

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Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 00:02 (6 Years ago)
Ratholas looked over into Zeek's cave before he moved away from Kanguard. ''Did you give Zeek some of the Yak last night?" He asked, glancing back at the younger dragon.

Kanguard kept his eyes down, shaking his head. ''No, sorry. Sarkany and I were out late last night...Draig came and took us back to our cave. I am sorry.''

Roda heard the knock and figured it was someone telling on Rose. When she woke up she heard Stryke leave, but saw that he left alone. She tried to confront him, but Stryke left before she could ask if Rose was with him. She answered the door and looks at Cyrus, her eyes narrowed before she saw the head. She was taken back by the sight of a dragon head and backed up, looking at him. ''You killed a dragon?" She was actually shocked.

Kona smiled as she returned the hug happily. ''Don't worry, Kovu will help too. He is good at messing things up. Though he shouldn't mess up with the dragons.'' She laughed.

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Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 23:33 (6 Years ago)
Kanguard looked around for Zeek after not seeing him in his cave. He was only a little worried when he knew the dragon could be soaking his aching bones. “You are up early?” Ratholas doesn’t even look at him as he stretched his wings. He barely was in his cave as he sought to protect the other dragons as often as he could present his services. “Sorry, Ratholas.” He said softly. “I do not see Zeek.” He looked down.

Kona agreed with a small nod.”That is exactly right. Was no one’s fault at all!” She sighed. “However, you were the strongest and you deserve to be here. Maybe she will love you again when you have children of your own.” She said quietly. “As sad as that sounds... that is how my parents are. They don’t like I am an only child and I know they just want grandchildren.” She then laughed a little. “I will stand up against your marriage if someone does kill a dragon. Just let me be your bridesmaid and I will ruin the marriage all I can.” She winked.

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Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 22:37 (6 Years ago)
Kona smiled softly to know that she was trusted. “Kovu is rather happy you are allowing him to join. He had admired you forever.” She smiled happily. “He is loyal to a fault.” She began to dust now again with a smile. “I do hope your father comes to the reality that what you are doing will help us completely.” She glances at Rose. “Actually, I just want to show up your mother. She is so terribly rude. Was she like this to you as you grew up?”

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Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 20:50 (6 Years ago)
Kona looked down, her parents never spoke to her that way. ''I am sorry to hear that....did you mention the dragons to your father? I am sure he would allow you to go on since he is seemly on your side. I am glad that someone else is...he is a nice man.''

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Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 02:27 (6 Years ago)
Kona glared at Rose, shaking her head.”That is terrible. I can’t believe she would lock up her only daughter. If she did, fake being sick and I would break you out.” She smiled softly. “She is crazy and I am sorry you had to deal with that last night.”

Stryke woke up, nearly missing his morning walk. He looked at the letter and read it with a little smile. He was glad that she was helping Kona, not really thinking about the dragons.

Roda of course got up to see if Rose was still in the home. She was beyond furious to see that she ignored her ruling.”Stryke! Did you see Rose? Did she leave? I told you to not allow her to leave!”

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