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Posted: Sat, 07/10/2017 05:33 (6 Years ago)
1,5 Mio PD for Mewdoom.

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Posted: Wed, 04/10/2017 11:25 (6 Years ago)
1 Mio PD for Mewdoom. uwu

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Posted: Tue, 03/10/2017 19:34 (6 Years ago)
500k PD for Mewdoom.

Just... cannot... resist. Ugh.

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Posted: Wed, 26/07/2017 16:04 (6 Years ago)
@Twin: Beautiful as always. I love that your coloration is always so soft but also bright and intense. I don't know how to describe it perfectly, just wanted you to let you know. <3

@Aki: Such a cute sketch. ;u; Smol kitty vs. tol kitty. Aww.

@Furret: I kinda love this dramatic pose (in combination with the expression of the character it looks pretty much dramatic XD). Love the "sketchy" shading here. Not a common way to shade but it's pretty. ♥

@Woomy: People and their crazy talent for mouse art. LIKE... HOW? lol I think it looks great. Love the eyes (sparkles!!!) and how you did the skin in general. On top of that it's really adorable. ;u;

@-tomato-: Semi-realism is tricky. Doing this for years now and it took me a while to combine comic with realism but I think it's also a good practice to understand anatomy better. Anyway, for your first try it looks good. I like her face and if I see that correct the armor of her. I hope that you had at least a bit fun trying something new? C:

-SaltMachine-: That frog is so endlessly cute and now I'm craving for melons. Thank you. ;__; XD

So, I was productive the last days when you fail rl but you're still determined to draw lol and wanted to show you the results. ´//u//`

My current avatar, as you can see, in a higher resolution. Still trying to find a good human style and I'm super pleased that it turned out this way because I'd love to keep this style. I need to practice a lot but at least it's a beginning and a good step in the right direction. Oh, it shows Elder Maxson from Fallout 4, btw. He's one of my favorite characters in this game and it's a real pleasure drawing his handsome *coughs* face. ♥

A current WIP of another fanart I'm working on. Paladin Danse and Dogmeat from Fallout 4 this game and its characters consumed my soul orz. I think this will take a while. I made the great decision planning a real naturalistic background after quite a while, so... let's see how much I screw this up in the end. lol

Aaand here we have a non-human drawing, actually a commission for Liirah of her and Yatos Deino/Luxtra fusions Mi and Ki. Even if this whole thing took me almost an eternity, I enjoyed drawing these two so much. I'm more than pleased with the outcome. <3

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Posted: Sat, 22/07/2017 18:14 (6 Years ago)
@Lance: Your lineart is everything but messy. Pssssh. I think it looks great. <3 I really love your improvement. The old version has its charme but the newer one is so much better. Keep it up!

@lysol: You should try to use bigger canvas next time to avoid these blurry effects. But after all it's a cute drawing. I like the shading here. >u<

lizz-uwu: You have a good eye for details. ;U; I adore the way you have drawn the hair. It's so pretty! ♥

Lii: Darling, you know how I think about your art. //sobs It looks great as always. Love the warm touch here. ;; <3

Twin: I like both of your drawings. <3 Your humans are gorgeous. ;A;

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Posted: Mon, 10/07/2017 20:59 (6 Years ago)
Ewww Erdnussbutter.

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Posted: Sun, 09/07/2017 11:45 (6 Years ago)
How come that I see this only now??? You draw again! Omg Kelsey that is awesome. I'm happy to see new stuff from you again. ♥

Whatever you feel like to draw, I just put Noci here and maybe you're in the mood for my grumpy Mightyena bab. <3

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Posted: Fri, 07/07/2017 15:36 (6 Years ago)
@Aki: Your ingenuitiy for character designs is truly amazing. It's always a pleasure to see your stuff posted here. <3

@Lance: You have a good eye and patience for details. Drawing so many characters at once is is one of the few things I really need to learn. I love the wings and the colors + the soft shading. Even if I'm not familiar enough with Voltron (I think I finally need to watch it soon, I really like the look of the characters), I think, you have drawn all of them very well. I don't know what to criticize. >u<

As a few of you know I have this annoying art block which gives me the feel to give up on drawing for weeks now. Drawing became more a job to me than a hobby, and now I have the feeling that cannot manage to find some time for improving. Sadly it's all about commissions. They're more exhausting than enjoyable, so the whole fun part of drawing seems... kinda lost. However, yesterday I had the sudden urge to draw. F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. And I'm thankful for all those peeps in my friendlist who mentioned "art fight". I made an account and I think this is now my new motivation for getting out of art blocks.

To cut a long story short, I created two attacks (or rather defenses) and I'm quite happy with the outcome. Yes, it's pure intention that I only used minimal shading, more a flat color style. Remember, I still have a crisis and I'll concentrate only on fast lines (+ new brush sets) to get my drawings done a bit faster. I'm tired of working hours for clean outlines while the "rushing" way seems not so bad either.

I'd like to post the other one as well but it contains a moderate use of gore/blood and we cannot forget that it's against the rules to post anything like that here. <3 But you can go check my art fight if you really want to see it.

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Posted: Sat, 27/05/2017 18:33 (7 Years ago)
Gahhhh it's so hot today. //fans herself

Okay, I know I should work on commissions at least I was able to continue Lii's commish a bit //coughs but I'm not feeling well for two days, struggling with uncontrolled rage for some reason, so I decided to draw me a new avatar of my Pokésona Nocivo while I was listening to my "anger management" playlist. lol

I love how this whole thing has turned out - and that's one of the rarest moments when I admit something like that. Sometimes drawing's the best therapy for aggressive moments. Now that I finished this piece I feel so much better and sorta relieved. :')

And now excuse me while I'm melting away~

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 17:23 (7 Years ago)
@Lii: Haahhhh looking through your pics wants me to buy one for myself, too. ;_; xD Have fun with that bab! ♥

@fluttershyfan2: I already heard about Bendy and the Ink Machine but I never played it before which is a shame since I'm huge fan of indie games. Maybe I should keep my eyes on it for the next steam summer sale. uvu Anyway, I know exactly how you feel about the "easy to draw" thing. I started with those "cartoonish" characters as well because they always seem a good practice to get along with drawing in general. I like it that you have added some hair to the character and that you were trying to work with more details. That gives the whole thing some sort of own touch compared to the original artwork. <3 I would also say, that you should try to make the hands bigger (specially the right one), the feet and maybe his body. Probably more roundish or "plumper". But apart from that I think you did a good job so far. C:

@The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady: I'm a real sculpture noob, so you have all my respect. lol The dragon head looks amazing. I love how you did the snout and those "bony" structures. You definitely have to share the colored version with us. >u<

@Foxly: It's cute. It's pixel work. Me likey. I have nothing more to say because in my opinion it's perfect how it is. ;u;d

@Kels: Seeing that you're posting a wip in this thread makes me a very happy sheep. You know that I really, really love your stuff. ;; ♥ I'm always amazed by your smooth and fine linearts. I bet the finished piece is turning out great as usual. <3
Also, I agree with Furret. There is nothing wrong with the ears.

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Posted: Thu, 18/05/2017 17:29 (7 Years ago)
@Kit: No idea what that is but it's really adorable and it reminds me of a turtle because of that turtle shell? Please explain! ;_; xD

Your pixel art makes me jelly. sobs

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Posted: Thu, 18/05/2017 17:00 (7 Years ago)
I really need to post here! For now on I'll try my best to write a comment on your art. <3

@Lii: Like Aki said, PLEASE SHOW US PICS! ;A;

Just finished the reference sheet of my Mightyena Pokesona "Nocivo". Took me long enough~

Refs are always full of details and time-consuming and I have the weird feeling that's one of the reasons why I rarely draw ref sheets of my oc's. lol But I'm pleased with her new look + the warrior form idea. Dem feathers!

EDIT: For full resolution click here!

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Posted: Thu, 11/05/2017 11:52 (7 Years ago)
Das ist auch kein großes Talent alle 2 Minuten: "Kennste? Kennste? KENNSTE?" zu fragen... :V <xD Obwohl ich, zugegeben, über manche Programme von ihm Tränen lachen musste.

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2017 16:07 (7 Years ago)
Echt? Was wird da berichtet? "Vom Kellner zum Internet Meme!"? xD

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2017 15:55 (7 Years ago)
Ich auch. xDD Konnte es mir jetzt einfach nicht verkneifen. Hahah.

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2017 15:54 (7 Years ago)
Salz? Okay. Bitteschön. :3

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2017 22:45 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2017 22:14 (7 Years ago)
Danke! ;u; Magen ist nicht ganz so fit wie er sein sollte... ich hoffe, das legt sich bald wieder.

Ja, irgendwann! xDD Aber das kenne ich sehr gut. Ich hab eigentlich noch so viele Spiele offen, die ich mal durchzocken wollte... nur iwie. Meh.

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2017 22:02 (7 Years ago)
Was macht man, wenn man am kränkeln ist und Zeit hat? Genau, man schaut mal wieder ins Forum und in Threads rein, denen man ewig keine Beachtung mehr geschenkt hat.

Anyway, ich hab, glaub ich, nach der 2. Prüfung nicht mehr gespielt? .//. x'D

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2017 21:59 (7 Years ago)
I'm artsy fartsy, let me join!
Username: Liffy
Thank you!

Stumbled in this thread a few days ago and I think that's a pretty good idea to help and support one another. <3

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