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Posted: Mon, 14/02/2022 23:31 (3 Years ago)
Andrea was carted away to another room, where she underwent even more torture. They literally separated her physical body from her smoke form, hurting the physical form, while putting the smoke in a chamber. They pumped some toxic gas into the chamber, before turning a “fan” on to mix it all up. It grew worse and worse, until finally the whole room shook, the lights flickered. Once…twice…and then simply nothing. No trace of Andrea remained.

Humanssss…are accidental by products of the world….mere atoms made for experimentation. Andrea had heard the silent voice calling to her, and she answered it. Her physical body was gone….forever. Her soul had merged as one with the chaos magic inside her, but she was still very much alive. This was her final, true form. Not that weakling of a human, but something far better. Her soul was the chaos magic, and she had full control.

My sweet Erin, I’m coming for you….and everyone else in this godamn facility working for the woman

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Posted: Mon, 14/02/2022 22:45 (3 Years ago)
Hunterz! I'd like to adopt that ball of fluff!
Username: -andrea-
Name of Inurame adopt: Valentine’s inuramu
Bid (should be higher than previous one): 61,000
Others?: inuramu cute, is mine >:3

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Posted: Mon, 14/02/2022 05:55 (3 Years ago)

Hunterz! I'd like to adopt that ball of fluff!
Username: -andrea-
Name of Inurame adopt: valentine inuramu
Bid (should be higher than previous one): 50k pd
Others?: inuramu

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Posted: Sun, 13/02/2022 09:47 (3 Years ago)
Andrea was being led to a intricate, very high tech looking chamber where she was stripped of anything other than her clothes. Well…the disc was jammed under her skin so they couldn’t see it nor retrieve it. The thing was— Andrea. Wasn’t. Scared. Not at all. She had experienced pain, and the one thing she learnt was that pain made her stronger, made her better. Actually scratch that— she experienced something others called pain. Unless it was really brink of death painful, she couldn’t feel it. Numb. That’s basically how she felt. Hollow, empty, emotionless, painless…perhaps that was what made her such a good manipulator. She is roughly shoved onto a bed, and they begin hooking her up to many different machines. The blood they extracted was pitch black, and the more they extracted, the more her eyes glowed black. They asked her various questions, and burned her when she refused to answer. She ripped apart the chain holding her to the table, holding her arm in mock pain. “Oww…..owww it hurts, it hurtsssss please I’m begging you just stop.” The woman grinned, taking out a pair of pliers and ripping a fingernail off. She clutched that finger, tears dripping down her face, eyes red as blood. She cries out loud, evidently making the woman pleased at her pain. After about an hour of that, burning and shouting of questions, she was covered in several burn marks that somehow weren’t that severe. She sits up, grinning. “Was that good? Eh? I learnt it in acting school. Oh wait I didn’t have an acting school, it’s just natural talent. What do you think, more or less emotion? Huh? Huh? What do you think? Any good?” The woman is furious upon hearing this, and throws her roughly onto a metal chair, with chains so tight she could barely move a muscle. The woman tried skinning her, using a rusty carrot peeler to peel off the skin. Andrea screams in laughter, insanity laced through each laugh, growing higher and higher as her hair grows blacker, eyes hollow, fingernails sharpened. She rises in the air, ripping the chair from the floor, pain and happiness one the same together. She explodes into a mass of black, chaos magic, shutting off all electricity for a mere two seconds, before collapsing, laughing gaily as she coughed up blood…once..twice, then all was still. The woman seemed shocked, and went over to examine her, stabbing her with a knife— no response. She gingerly opens an eyelid, and Andrea leaps up, screaming “BOO” he hands swiftly slashing under their armpit. The woman smirked. “Bad choi— what did you do to me?” The woman asks, horrified, as blood pours out. “Learnt it in 4th grade or something. The brachial artery. It is the major blood vessel supplying blood to your upper arm, elbow, forearm and hand. It starts in your upper arm, just below your shoulder, and runs down through the crease in front of your elbow. It separates into several branches along its route. This artery is deep, but severing it will result in unconsciousness in as little as 15 seconds, and death in as little as 90 seconds. Didn’t you know? Buh-bye, nighty night.

Andrea was bleeding in various places, bruised, burned, cut and worse. She was in a very bad condition, but happy. The pain was exhilarating, and that was all she could feel. She grinned, a cynical laughter ripping through the hallways, so loud and so high pitched it broke glass. The laughter rang out through the corridors, eerie, creepy, joyful and crazy, before she collapsed for real this time, half smoke half girl.

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Posted: Sun, 13/02/2022 02:51 (3 Years ago)
Hunterz! I'd like to adopt that ball of fluff!
Username: -Widow-
Name of Inurame adopt: Choco dessert inuramu
Bid (should be higher than previous one): 30k pd, I’m getting that no matter what
Others?: inuramu

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Posted: Sun, 13/02/2022 02:13 (3 Years ago)
”In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity. A thousand battles, a thousand victories”

” This is the weave of the world. This is reality. Everything else is nothing but a by-product – random and accidental – of this movement, and this combining of atoms.

Username - -Widow-
[Name[/b] - Andrea Lethonia Kingsley
Age - 28
Gender - Female
Appearance - Black hair with white tips. Purple eyes, likes wearing complicated but beautiful tunics
Power - Chaos magic. Andrea can manipulate the minds of others, causing them to relive their worst memory, for a period of ten minutes or lesser. She can also cause mass confusion, and change the hearts of many, which thus will stir up fights, but this particular skill is extremely draining (the more people she affects, the more tired she feels, and the weaker she becomes) She is also able to shoot circles of her magic at enemies, injuring them in various ways. Once more, the more severe their injury, or the more people she injures, the weaker she’ll become, and more tired as well.
Personality - She’s cunning and clever. Not a standard villain. To the enemy, she appears cold and calculated, but she does tend to lie a lot for other reasons. She either needs to use you or kill you
Background - She’s extremely stealthy, and carries a dagger and needle just in case she can’t use her powers. She has a high pain tolerance, but can’t last long without food. She can hold her breath underwater for a reasonably long amount of time. In terms of strength and speed, she basically sucks, but can conceal herself well. She’s ambidextrous, and can dislocate joints at will. She used to be a soldier, but seeing so many allies die before her in the battlefield, and having felt the blood on her hands made her change to become a spy.

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Posted: Sat, 12/02/2022 12:59 (3 Years ago)
andrea and her silly little thoughts :) - DNP

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Posted: Sat, 12/02/2022 12:26 (3 Years ago)
Hunterz! Doodle me this!

Art type:full body
Reference/Description (Please be as detailed as possible. Images are best): Andrea please!if possible can you also draw her with a smirk? Oh and the bottom can be anything you wish, I made this using picrew so I can’t find a bottom. oh wait but a skirt if it’s not too much trouble?
Coloured?: YES [yes/no]
Form of payment: PD + tips
Permission to use art as example? (Optional):of course
Others?:i didn’t know u could draw!! Oh and about that earlier, I really like gula Melaka coconut. It’s not a common flavour but you know?

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Posted: Sat, 12/02/2022 12:17 (3 Years ago)
Hunterz! I'd like to adopt that ball of fluff!
Username: -Widow-
Name of Inurame adopt: Choco dessert inuramu
Bid (should be higher than previous one): 1000 PD
Others?: inuramu

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Posted: Sat, 12/02/2022 01:15 (3 Years ago)
“Twenty minutes? Really? I’d say I’d known you for much longer then just twenty miserable minutes. But don’t you remember? Ah wait. Of course you don’t.” She smiles sweetly. “We-lll, since you said it so nicely, Erin, I’ll just call you that from now on.” She gripped the chair, swinging her legs, making sure to hit Erin’s, all the whole innocently smiling. Lips unmoving, she hissed out “I know more about you then anyone will ever know. Whatever you did in the past, I know it all. Don’t. You. Dare. Cross. Me. Otherwise my hand might just slip…and who knows? All those dirty, honest truths will come pouring out, then everyone will know about you.” Cold legs found even colder metal of the android, and Andrea purposely nudged it, gently yet oh-so-obviously, a warning for Erin, to not use that tone again.

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Posted: Sat, 12/02/2022 00:13 (3 Years ago)
oh dear this is already closed, sorry

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Posted: Thu, 10/02/2022 22:58 (3 Years ago)
“Can’t be doing nothing, can ya? You’re doing somethin, I know it. Everyone’s fussing about the prophecy. Library is a good place to find information. I s’pose they’ll all be going to the library to find out more about this prophecy, if not, more about duelling and trying to protect themselves.” Although Faith didn’t bluntly accuse Dimitri of searching for information, her word choice seemed to indicate she knew something about whatever he was doing. Not the whole truth perhaps, but to à certain extent she had pieced something together.

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Posted: Thu, 10/02/2022 22:48 (3 Years ago)
Lilith’s mouth formed a small “o”. Her eyes were sparkling as she tried to understand Agira. She claps happily, finally understanding, before gently pushing Agira out of the door, and waving goodbye happily. Her eyes are smiling, but her lips are frozen into a thin line, seemingly unhappy, yet she bears every other sign of happiness. She silently holds up Natalia, and Natalia waves her hand, without Lilith moving it

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Posted: Thu, 10/02/2022 06:15 (3 Years ago)
Faith just barely caught sight the tail of Dimitri’s robes entering in the library, and dashed silently in. “Hi Dimitri, How are you?” She asks in a whisper, holding a book on the Dark Arts in her hand out of nowhere. I checked this out a while back, I want to learn about the Dark Arts so I can fight it”

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Posted: Thu, 10/02/2022 03:11 (3 Years ago)
Lilith looks curious. “Oh? But I can use many weapons, just no long ranged ones. I’m very good with an axe.” She pauses upon hearing the knock on the door. She opens the door, looks sweetly at Xena and tilts her head. “Hiiiiiiii~ this is my room. Agira is here. But how did you know. Who are you? Can you fight? How do you know Agira?” She is still holding Natalia, and she holds it up for Xena to see

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Posted: Thu, 10/02/2022 00:43 (3 Years ago)
Andrea clicked her tongue as she smiled at Erin “Awww, don’t be like that. We’re bestiesssssssss” she drawls out, the last letter a hiss as her irises narrow for a second and she fixes her gaze on Erin. “Behave yourself. You wouldn’t want this to…..slip, would you?” She take out something that resembles a USB disk, so only Erin can see it. “I’ll be watching your behaviour, so you better watch out. Otherwise….well let’s just say life wont be so pleasant anymore, got that, princess?” She quickly moves the disk out of Erin’s reach, smiling sweetly, before blinking doe eyes at her as if nothing had happened. She taps gently on Erin’s metallic shoulder, whispering a sort of lullaby as she strokes San. She then turns fully to face Erin, staring at her with a wide grin on her face, tying her own hair into plaits. Her gaze at first glance was kind and cheery, but upon closer scrutiny would be identified as something not so friendly. Every time Erin did something that didn’t please her, she was click her tongue and wave the USB disk as a warning.

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Posted: Mon, 07/02/2022 23:10 (3 Years ago)
Andrea looks around at all the gun. Such immense security…such a waste. If I die, I will bring you all down with me, in ways painfully unimaginable. Oh whatever you plan to do to me, I’ll return it a hundredfold stronger. But on the other hand…this bunker was pretty impressive. It would be a shame to see such pretty, expensive, probably high tech machinery go to waste. Pity. Then again, they were most likely afraid of them. They were nothing but pathetic humans, whereas they were powerful, with abilities that could probably destroy cities. “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything. I’ll be as good as gold, you have my word. After all, this is our purpose in the world, isn’t it? To serve higher ups like yourself” Her tone was smooth and flattering, and almost unbothered by the fact that she was to be used as an experiment. Her smile was sweet, warm, inviting, her face bearing a look of innocence. She takes a seat right beside that red headed girl, before staring directly at Erin, patting the seat next to her. “Come on, sit down.” She chirrups, tossing her hair back, before daintily rearranging her sitting position.

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Posted: Sun, 06/02/2022 03:13 (3 Years ago)
“Thank you for your concern. And don’t worry, I will. The Hunger Games is the perfect way to carry out my plan.” She swings the ‘toy’ axe from her back onto the wooden dresser, causing it to splinter into pieces. “Thought it was a toy? I’d hope to give the Capitol that expression. Oh I can’t wait for the interviews!” She claps her hands daintily, eyes sparkling with excitement. “Talking of weapons though…do you have any?”

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Posted: Sun, 06/02/2022 01:50 (3 Years ago)
“I grew up at an orphanage just like you. Except our caretaker had died a while back. She was nice, really nice to all of us. The older kids helped to take care of us, after her death. We would visit her grave often. Then one day we were attacked by god-knows-who. Several of my friends were heavily injured. One of them- Alice…she…she died from a stab wound. I swore that I would learn how to fight, to protect what remaining family I had left. And so I did. I killed everyone who attacked them. My sweetness is nothing but poison to some. And because of that traumatic incident, I developed a split personality. One side of me truly wishes to help others, the side I’ve always had. And this other side of me……..which went down the path of darkness. She’s full of bloodlust, evil and she will stop at nothing to kill everyone on this earth. She may have started off with good intentions but….” Lilith pauses and sighs. “Don’t tell anyone will you? She hasn’t taken over yet, so no one’s seen that side of her. But I can feel her straining for control…..” As she tells her story, a flicker of the other ‘girl’ she mentioned appears. This girl’s eyes are cold, and her fingers seem to drip with blood. Her teeth are jagged, and her fingernails seem to sharpen. It was Lilith, but then again it definitely wasn’t her. Lilith shakes a few times, scratching harshly at her skin, causing red lines to appear. She lets out a scream, before all traces of the other girl disappears, and it’s just Lilith. “That was her, her name was Melissa. I’m sorry you had to see her.” Lilith pauses for a while, placing Natalia on the bed, then pacing about. “My hatred for the capitol is as such: i have a very strong gut feeling that the people that attacked my orphanage were capitol supporters”

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Posted: Sat, 05/02/2022 00:38 (3 Years ago)
“I won’t get into trouble. And neither will you. After all, who could resist a sweet little doll girl? She hops off the bed as if to demonstrate, showing Agira cute puppy eyes and a very sad pout, as she rocked gently from side to side, holding Natalia in her arms. She looked like one of those small children asking for lollipops. Except this time, apart from the cuteness, there was this sinister look in her eyes, promising death to anyone who denied her request. She holds the pose for a while longer before breaking it, surveying Agira closely. “You’re getting as pale as me, that’s not good. Have some chocolate.” She breaks a piece and hands it over.

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