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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from _Ark.
Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 20:25 (4 Years ago)
"U-understandable, but where to for now" Maven broke from his grip and flew beside him

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 20:22 (4 Years ago)
Maven squawked "Hey where are you taking me-"

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 20:19 (4 Years ago)
"Victoria, I'm nobody's boss, but please just leave her alone."

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 20:18 (4 Years ago)
"I-" he sighed "How are we going to handle Kiwi?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 20:12 (4 Years ago)
"Yeah! We need to all take our time and discuss and figure it out together...but seems we won't have everyone else to help for a little bit..."

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 20:04 (4 Years ago)
"Well, do you think we should reach someone above our own power to help? Or something else to track the devil down..."

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:52 (4 Years ago)
"Marshadow hmm? Well...that is likely maybe..." He remembered the other two in the one room of the house "I hope thier ok..."He muttered

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:45 (4 Years ago)
"And who might this villain you have defeated be?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:43 (4 Years ago)
"Hmm, well then. What do you think Yung? Victoria, have any guesses?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:35 (4 Years ago)
"Umm lemme guess. Darkrai?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:29 (4 Years ago)
"O-Oh...I see. Well to get our minds off of that matter, than can you explain to me more about the corruption, and how we many stop it?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:16 (4 Years ago)
"Y-Yung. On a scale of 1-10 how bad is that thing you said to her?" He followed Yung

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:11 (4 Years ago)
"Hey hey hey- uh, g-guys...what's going on?" Maven going by his own personality of being easily startled. Kinda ironic considering he wants to look tough.

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:08 (4 Years ago)
Maven squawked "AH! W-well, you're back..."

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:05 (4 Years ago)
"I- I'm not even gonna ask. She gave Halos a mean look too. I don't remember her being like that when I kinda attacked you both"

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 19:01 (4 Years ago)
"Was missing. Where were you Yung?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 18:57 (4 Years ago)
Maven walked in, looking around and realized "Say, that Yung was missing eventually after that fight."

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 18:54 (4 Years ago)
"Ah, is that the house we where looking for?" He flew up to one that was nearest to his sight

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 18:49 (4 Years ago)
"I guess we'll both find out more when we get to this house he speaks of, how much further Halos?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/03/2020 18:46 (4 Years ago)
"I haven't much of a clue what's going on either. I did see some of that stuff on the mountain though. It was messing with my mind. It seemed to...consume the mountain"

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