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Searching for: Posts from andrea~.
Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 03:53 (2 Years ago)
Lunastar589, Victoria33, I would require samples of your writing and roleplaying skills.
puppet_master, accepted
thanks for sending in your rp sample

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 00:05 (2 Years ago)
stamps, accepted
Lunastar589, Puppet_master, please send me samples of your writing. neither of you have done so

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 00:00 (2 Years ago)
After a long swim, Glimmer hops out of the water, shaking all the salty seawater everywhere near her. She heads to the lower deck and comes back out after a while, dressed in a corset, a long skirt, and a vest. She had ditched some of her clothes from that morning, seeing as they were now soaking wet. “We’re headed to Pellipers Gulf.” She told Quincey. Julia lets out an impatient snort. She wanted attention. Glimmer sighs, and pats the Milotic, giving Julia a treat to pacify her

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2022 23:09 (2 Years ago)
“Jack of all trades, master of none, it’s better yet still than a master of one”

Username: -andrea-
Name: Andrea Apate Raven
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her, bisexual
Appearance: apart from when she used her “powers”, Andrea appears mostly feminine, with light milky skin and eyes that shimmer like the sea glass you find on the beach. her hair is straggly and thin, often wet and plastered to her head. it remains a somewhat tangled mess, black and uncombed, resembling a birds nest.
Personality: ISFP

- Very aware of their environment
- Practical
- Enjoys hands-on learning
- Loyal to values and beliefs
- Dislikes abstract, theoretical information
- Reserved and quiet
- Strong need for personal space

Sca/Nobleman: Sca
Mistborn/Misting/Feruchemist/twinborn/Ferring/Normal: Feruchemist
Years Training: 10 years
Anything Else: blue cheesecake….weird…have you heard of that??
Palpad: sure


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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2022 08:58 (2 Years ago)
Glimmer lets out a noise akin to tinkling wind chimes. “Sorry sailor. Didn’t know you couldn’t read.” She replies, voice devoid of cruelness. Although she had been rather blunt with her observations, she didn’t want to make Howl think she was trying to offend. Glimmer glances at Quincey, who was fast asleep, and huffs a little, before ‘boarding’ the Milotic. “Call me if you need me. My name’s Linh” she tells Howl. Glimmer then coaxes Julia to jump into the water to swim, diving to check if there was anything unusual underwater. She might as well be useful, and report any possible damages to Rei. Without much persuasion, the duo jump into the water with a graceful splash and disappear below water.

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2022 03:55 (2 Years ago)
Glimmers throws Rei a almost lazy salute, and waltzes over to Howl, the Milotic following, towering over her somewhat petite frame. She waves a piece of paper in front of him. “You know what’s going on and how the Kabutops roll. What do you need done?” Her face remains blank, and she seems almost bored. They had taken a long time to set sail. She’d seen others do it faster, despite giving no comment. She didn’t really know why it took such a long time.

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 22:53 (2 Years ago)
Glimmer writes on the piece of paper again: That’s really nice. Same for me, I’ve had her since I was young. She was originally a Feebas. Evolved when I was 13 or thereabouts. Your guess is right, that there Milotic is mine. Julia, upon figuring out the Dartrix was Quincey’s Pokemon, stretched up to the crows nest to look at it. After a short pause, Glimmer speaks again. “Think the Captain’s got something for us to do?”

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 14:05 (2 Years ago)
Glimmer tilts her head to stare at the person who’d just dropped down to meet her. “New girl’s been pretty noisy. Ain’t a pretty sight nor a pretty sound.” She relaxed her stance, and grabs a stubby pencil from her pocket, along with a scrap of paper. She licks the stub of the pencil and scribbles on it, handing it to Quincey. The paper read: Name’s Glimmer, don’t really talk much but we can communicate via writing. Since we’re gonna be crewmates, is that there your pokemon? Glimmer gestures to the Datrix, then motions towards Julia, who gracefully arches out of the water and lands on board the ship, looking expectantly for a treat she knew would come.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 03:27 (2 Years ago)
Glimmer had been relatively silent ever since she boarded the ship. There wasn’t really much to talk about after all. Cat like eyes raked over the scene before her, and she twirled her hair idly whilst waiting for the Captain to finish her long speech. Glimmer was a woman of few words, so she couldn’t understand how people could stand to use their voices that much. Rei hadn’t given her any specific instructions, so she figured she hadn’t been noticed yet. She winced at Zoe’s overwhelming voice. Why, why was she so LOUD? And why on earth was she giving our instructions? Wasn’t that the captain’s job? Glimmer shot Zoe a withering glare, before leaning against the banister to throw her Milotic, Julia, a treat.

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Posted: Thu, 28/07/2022 23:49 (2 Years ago)
Gecko, reserved.

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Posted: Thu, 28/07/2022 22:36 (2 Years ago)
I need to be certain you are able to write semi-lit paragraphs. Thus, I would require a sample from past experiences and how long you would usually write in a roleplay

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Posted: Thu, 28/07/2022 22:32 (2 Years ago)
Username: -andrea-
Character name: Glimmer Linh Song
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: a tanned freckled face, covering 70% of her face, over her nose bridge, curly red hair and forest green eyes. her nose is slender and rather sharp, and she bears a permanent scar on her cheek from a badly cast fishing hook. her eyes are slanted like a cat’s and her pupils narrow when she’s in a particularly foul mood (like a cat). She wears a white corset with a tri-pointed hat, and a flowing black skirt, coupled with a dark vest. She has a large dark purple-ish blue ribbon sash tied around her waist.

a mix between these two
Pokemon: Milotic (named Julia)
Pokemons Moves: Waterfall, Surf, Blizzard, Dragon Beam
Other: Bisexual dry juicy curry

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Posted: Thu, 28/07/2022 05:50 (2 Years ago)
Lunastar589, Puppet_master, please send me samples of your writing.

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Posted: Sat, 23/07/2022 03:37 (2 Years ago)

Hunterz! I'd like to adopt that ball of fluff!
Username: -andrea-
Name of Inurame adopt: Cosmos
Bid (should be higher than previous one): 1 ultra saddle + 1 griseous orb

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Posted: Sat, 23/07/2022 00:12 (2 Years ago)
around 200k according to stonks

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Posted: Fri, 22/07/2022 13:33 (2 Years ago)

Hunterz! I'd like to adopt that ball of fluff!
Username: -andrea-
Name of Inurame adopt: Cosmos
Bid (should be higher than previous one): 1 ultra saddle

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2022 12:03 (2 Years ago)
or you can search masquerade mask on goggle

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Posted: Thu, 14/07/2022 03:58 (2 Years ago)
all accepted. @Lunastar589, please give me an example of your writing skills.

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Posted: Sun, 10/07/2022 14:07 (2 Years ago)
sterg, reserved

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Posted: Thu, 07/07/2022 11:40 (2 Years ago)
There has long been whispers of a plot. A plot to take over the throne, created by power hungry anarchists. Well, at least that was the most popular rumour spreading. The people behind the plot ranged from commoners to anarchists to the princesses/princes. You really can’t trust anyone, can you? No matter who it is, one thing is certain. Find the killer, otherwise the situation will end badly forever.

You have been invited to the royal ball, the one held to find a new fitting princess or prince to take over when the current queen and prince die (queen’s consort…monarchy….blah blah you must have royal blood yada yada yada) It has been hosted in the form of a masquerade- a ball whereby people have elaborate costumes and masks.

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This is a mystery/escape room themed game, meaning accidents can lead to character deaths, and the villains will be decided via RNG. Should you become a villain, your job will be to act just like any other. I’ll fill you in on other plot details, once you’re selected. There will be two sides — the attendees of the ball, and the villains. Now, since there are character deaths, you will be allowed a maximum of four characters. However, if luck is not on your side and all of your characters die, you will pick the first character that died to reuse, except you will change the name (for obvious reasons). To avoid spoiling the plot, villains ARE capable of dying when playing as the innocent amongst the rest, and the same rules apply. You will be playing as nobles/royalty, also known as “The Gifted”, and you will have superpowers.

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No bunnying
No OP characters
Standard PH rules apply
Do NOT try to take control of other player’s characters
You must have a minimum of four sentences per post, as this is a semi-lit rp.




Name (Lord/Lady):
Mask(must be related to superpower):
Others(If you are a noble, it would be nice if you could include what house you call from e.g. House of Raven):


Name (Lord/Lady): Marquess Apate Raven
Superpower: Blood manipulation/chaos manipulation
Mask(must be related to superpower):
Others(If you are a noble, it would be nice if you could include what house you call from e.g. House of Raven): House of Raven

Name (Lord/Lady): Princess Jasmine (or Kai)
Superpower: Energy focus- allows her to concentrate her mental energy into something, allowing it to grow like a pest plant. This power works best in solitude and silence as it allows her to build her mental reserve. Once this “seed” bursts, it unleashes destructive power. The longer she has been focusing her energy, the more destructive the explosion
Mask(must be related to superpower):
Others(If you are a noble, it would be nice if you could include what house you call from e.g. House of Raven):

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