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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 02:55 (6 Years ago)
Eura was knocked to the floor. "Oh boo hoo, everyone's got their own issues. Big f--...freaking deal!" She snarled, somewhat furious herself. "Look at the big picture for the love of everything! This all means nothing!"

She slammed her fist into a wall. "This means something! That we're all stuck in here!"

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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 00:15 (6 Years ago)
Eura’s gaze hardened. “He probably saw something you didn’t. It’s his job. Not yours.”

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 23:38 (6 Years ago)
“Let someone fail?” Eura whispered aloud, stunned. He could do that? She sighed deeply and rubbed her horn stressfully. A sort of thankful grief washed over her and she looked over to the conversation between Joshua and the others.

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 22:48 (6 Years ago)
Eura blinked as Chae hesitated in front of her and she said nothing as she passed, but might have given a little smile. Now that it was done, she watched the others file out, wanting nothing more than to follow.

She looked around at her roommates until her gaze rested on Chae. I couldn’t even imagine.

She didn’t feel good for passing. She felt awful. Dirty, even.

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 21:53 (6 Years ago)
...What the actual hell?

More than curious, she was nervous. Nervous that maybe the touch is what decided whether you lived or died. She kept her composure as best she could, wings nervously twitching as she waited.

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 17:24 (6 Years ago)
Eura looked at Valkyrie. “...Thanks,” She mumbled. “But I think I’ll be good.”

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 16:04 (6 Years ago)
Eura looked over at the voice and managed a nod at Taura before heading to the wall. She narrowed her eyes. It started early. Makes me glad that no one in this group made a stupid decision.

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 12:24 (6 Years ago)
“There you go. It’s like a puzzle where everything just kind of fits,” Eura nodded at Marina. She was kind of tired of seeing all these angels and demons with physical powers flaunting that they were the most powerful. At some level, Marina’s power (or even Taura’s) was a refreshing change of pace. “...And the puzzle pieces on top that refuse to fit into the puzzle and insist on leading will probably be thrown out first.”

She cast a quick glance at Garrick. The analogy was flawed but it held true all the same.

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 00:38 (6 Years ago)
Eura looked around the room to the other demons and angels around. "You're right," She decided, looking back to her. "An individual escaping is entirely impossible if you ask me. But all of us cooperating doesn't look too viable, either. Two people almost died by the hand of another. Twice. The first time, it wasn't sparring."

She looked at Lunara and Krys. "...But then again, our powers do mix well," She mumbled half to herself, half to the three of them.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 23:36 (6 Years ago)
"The dragon doesn't attack or anything. They're still incorporeal," Eura shrugged. "It's just really a manipulation thing. Not extremely useful. But if you say your power if useless, then your power is useless." She meant that. It's what the user made of it, after all.

She turned her attention to Taura. "We were checking out your powers so it's only fair you check out ours," Eura pointed out to Taura in a very matter-of-fact way.

(Not really sure? Just a bunch of sparring and practice with powers and such)

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 23:14 (6 Years ago)
"That... Seems more than useful to me," Eura raised her eyebrows, suddenly unconvinced that Marina truly believed her powers were weaker than everyone else's here. She blinked as she looked over. "With that kind of alertness, nothing can take you by surprise."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 23:01 (6 Years ago)
"Illusions aren't all they're lived up to be," Eura replied, tone flat. "What's your power, then?"

Eura looked over at the fight as she heard the whimpering. Yup. They're finally gearing up to kill one another.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 22:54 (6 Years ago)
Eura tipped her head slightly to look at the little tree. "Yeah, I do." Her eyes suddenly glowed a dim green light that was hard to notice at first glance. "Just ask my twin."

"Hiya," A lookalike of Eura suddenly stood beside her, indistinguishable from the original.

"Or a dragon." The lookalike suddenly morphed into a black beast with sharp yellow eyes and crimson plates on its back. It glared at Marina before disappearing.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 22:34 (6 Years ago)
"Eura," She introduced, bowing her head quickly. She tapped her foot. ...Yeah, it does check out. She decided, pursing her lip worriedly. It wasn't that she cared for these people--not yet, at least. She just didn't want to see anyone (particularly the younger ones) dead. "...And yours?" She added, temporarily forgetting etiquette.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 22:13 (6 Years ago)
"...Crybaby? That's the best insult he could come up with?" Eura snorted again. "He can do better than that." She shifted so that she was standing upright, lifting her weight from the wall.

"So I've heard," She went on. "And while I'm a firm believer that brute strength isn't always the answer, it very well might be in a situation like this."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 22:01 (6 Years ago)
Eura shrugged. "I 'know' a lot of demons," She answered rather nonchalantly. "Him? Not really. Rumors float around sometimes, but that's true of most demons. How about you? Do you know him?"

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 21:53 (6 Years ago)
Eura was now snorting too much. Screw the punching bag, this was good.

Someone (Eura thinks it's Kaz, all of these names are jumbling as there are so many demons and angels around, now) was crying, some people were still training, a bunch of Chae look-alikes came in. Things just got interesting.

"I've heard of him. This isn't anything new," Eura stretched, deciding to quickly butt into Marina and Kaz's little conversation. "...Not that I know of." Still think it's something of a defense mechanism, but whatever. She added silently.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 21:45 (6 Years ago)
(whoawhoawhoa recap??)

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 19:11 (6 Years ago)
Eura was debating whether or not to join the others. She could fight, sure, but manipulation was more her style. Illusions helped greatly with that. She glanced at a punching bag and tapped her foot.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 18:30 (6 Years ago)
“Uh. ...Thanks?” This was, remarkably, one of the only things she didn’t expect. Eura glanced around, thinking over the “termination” comment. If it was someone she knew or her family, she may well never know. Still, the thought brought a strange rush of fear and anger.

She hung back, taking in her surroundings and trying to stop the adrenaline rush.

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