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Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Tue, 24/01/2023 09:58 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 15I been busy all weekend on Dauntless for the double exp, so now I'm taking a break from that game... I played to many hours on there. So now I'm back to clicking, I'm sorry to all the people I normally click that I haven't been around. I found an easier way to click all these eggs, While I'm on the computer playing the mini games and stuff I can click on my phone which is easier then what I was doing before. I'm watching my partner play Persona 4 this morning, also getting meat ready for lunch (5am), yes I know its early but the other haft works night and I need to make something before they go to work.... They sleep at 12pm so Lunch for me is before that. So I'm now level 26 and I hope I can be on here most of the day, I got many clicks and eggs to do... I guess I will be doing mini games for a bit today as well I got to do some of the Slots and hope I can some stuff from it. Well if anyone wants to chat today at all and you see I'm on feel free to palpad me. [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Fri, 20/01/2023 21:11 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 11Day 10 I didn't do much once again, just click over 10K same as everyday, but today I was able to unlock the egg search for starter Pokémon today which is great. I started to look for a Bulbasaur egg and it says it takes an hour... I guess I have to wait. Plus Wooper is doing good, but I wish it was Sunday so it could stop this leveling for the Prof. How is my Wooper doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 247, I see. Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Wooper is on Level 80, so you're currently in the lead! Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then. I still have no idea what this is for with Wooper but I hope its worth my time. Well I got a few new goals I have been trying to get so we will see how everything goes : So wish me luck, if you want to help your welcome to, if not a Good luck is all I can ask for. Friends are still no go sadly, it get bored though the day on here when I'm clicking so much in so many hours, but I guess I will wait still, even though I have people I can trust in the game, I just don't have a chatty friend so don't take this wrong in anyway my trusty Pokéheroes [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Thu, 19/01/2023 07:29 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 10Well Day 9 wasn't to much fun, I only clicked over 10K and hatched eggs. Not much just a quiet day..... I been working on wooper for the Prof and so far this is how its going : Hey, Kimuoia! How is my Wooper doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 206, I see. Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Wooper is on Level 57, so you're currently in the lead! Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then. I'm still trying to find out which shiny hunt I should start and yet no one has voted on the poll so I don't know which one because I can't pick between a couple of them myself. I may not be on much later today maybe a couple of hours, I got to do some streaming for a game I play (Dauntless) but we will see how my hand feels, I pulled my hand about 7 months ago and I'm still healing sadly, I was told it could take a year or more to heal. Very little chatting done today, feels weird not talking to people but sometimes it's nice to relax alone, but I need a good friend who I can talk to about somethings and only sometimes.... I saved a dog here about 5 months ago and I been having a stressful time with him and the old owner and it's been stressing me out alot... I know I can't change anything but I can vent.... So that's why I been stepping back away from people and just asking a few questions or just saying 2 things people don't like and stop talking, it's life and it's the internet for a reason.... So I will tell about day 10 later tonight, Nighty-night [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Wed, 18/01/2023 03:28 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 8Well today has been a long day, with a 4 hour nap and putting food in the slow cooker for tomorrows lunch. I still ended up doing over 10K+ clicks as always, I also got a few unknows from the lab today as well which is cool. Wooper is now level 171 which is way higher then the Prof in the lab, I wonder what I will win on Sun.... Well I'm still looking for people to chat with on Palpad though out the day and night, someone who is a bit older then some of the people I have messaged/palpad, I seen a lot of visitors to my profile but its a stop in and that's it.... Well back to finishing cooking and then off to click again.... [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Tue, 17/01/2023 18:25 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 8I wasn't able to do anything much yesterday due to the computer lagging so I had to find out why and it took me 1 day to find out sadly, but I'm and no lag so clicking I been doing so I can click over 10K like I always do. I have to get 100 of the same Pokémon for a badge, which I think hunting a shiny will do that for me, but what shiny should i do? Ampharos? Pachirisnow? Gastly? Ponyta? Granbull? I have so many to pick from right now I just don't know what one... I guess I will keep thinking and in the mean time I can keep getting eggs from the Lab and maybe a new one will come up. So you can see not much has happened due to the computer but Hey things happen and I'm back [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Mon, 16/01/2023 08:26 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 7I have been on Pokéheroes for a week now. Everything I have learned in 7 days on here is awesome, I have learnt about some of the evolves on here can be a little different then the Pokémon games, I learnt who to Find out how much PD to nuggets [2,000PD = 1 Nugget], I have learnt that there is people you can trust FatHead for an example. I got my Gengar today finally thanks to FatHead, I also got Spring and Winter Deerlings so Im haft way there for my Deerlings, I used all my PD today sadly to unlock stuff I didn't have, I also Met another person who has been very nice to me, and likes to help new players, Jdmdemo has helped me a bit with pricing of PD to nuggets, and have done some really nice things for me (Won't say what it is because I don't want people bugging them). I started working on leveling Prof. Rowans Pokémon for this week and so far I am ahead he is at 14 and I was at 26 last time I checked, so we will see how this goes when Sun 8am comes.. Wish me luck. I have clicked over 5K already on day 7 and I will have more done by tonight, which will be great because I only have 8,156 PD right now... Got a lot to buy still for upgrades. [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Sun, 15/01/2023 19:32 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 6Well I been fishing and I got my good rod so far so its a start there. I'm now started on my level 100 Pokémon and sadly its a damn applin......Last I looked at the Applin it was level 53 so hoping it will get there in the next few days... I redid my profile today, and I love the looks of it so far, I'm not finished yet but it all takes time. I'm hoping it looks alright to others. I'm enjoying the game from time to time, I'm meeting very cool & good people. I still feel like a loner sadly, being anti social its hard to make friends but I'm trying my best to talk with people, come to find out people use PalPad and not messaging here so that's why most do not reply, sadly I do not use palpad and I won't... Maybe that's why it's hard to find people on here... Also I have learned that I need to be careful on what I offer people for trade on here as well, most of them will block you if its not good enough from what I been told... I wish I could find someone chatty, maybe I will be lucky soon enough... P.S - Just learned what palpad was and its kinda cool!!!! [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Sun, 15/01/2023 06:00 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 5Today has been a long day, I haven't been able to be on much today so I'm hoping I can click like a mad women tonight. I have a breeding pair in daycare so we will see how this goes. I ended up losing 2 nuggets out of no where, so I got ahold of customer service and we will see how this goes, they seem to want me to repeat what I already told them.... So now I'm waiting to see. Well I won't be on much longer due to the long day so I will leave my Diary like this for today, I know for 2 days it hasn't been interesting [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Sat, 14/01/2023 06:45 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 4Well today was a weird day, I was putting up Pokémon for auction for a bit... But I made a mistake sadly, I thought I was going to lose my jigglypuff, I made a mistake by putting it up auction and sadly I started freaking out. I ended up making a post on feed about what has happened, & next minute I know someone ended up buying it for the buy out, then they gave it back to me.. This is what you call a true Pokémon Friend, I thanked them more then once because I am so greatful that I didn't lose my jigglypuff. If you read my profile or know me you know I love Jigglypuff and two others. So other then that all I have done is hatch eggs and click over 10K like I always do..... That's my 4th day [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Fri, 13/01/2023 20:37 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 4there wasn't much on Day 3 to write anything, but on Day 4 I still been trying to find a female combee but sadly they are hard to come by, so i'm taking a break from trying to find one. I been trying to find a hatched egg still that I want to level 100 but once again I still haven't found one. Today has been a lazy day, I did a little bit of streaming and now I'm on here for a bit till I get sleepy so clicking here I come. See nothing interesting has been going on.... so I will write later tonight if anything fun happens [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Thu, 12/01/2023 08:24 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 3It's now the start of day 3 on pokeheroes, and I'm sitting here with a headache which isn't caused by the game. I ended up hatching the legendary egg which was Raikou and now auctioning it off for the pokecoins, its not really one I want to keep same with Mewton M. Meowth. I am enjoying hatching eggs still and still learning about someone the evolution, like when you go to evolve iggybuff to jigglypuff is base on friendship, I didn't know you could do it with in 15 mins. I got all Jades today for the Ancient Cave, so now I have to level up a hatched egg to level 100 and I haven't picked which one yet so we will see what hatches thought time and I will pick once I feel like I want that one. I'm now level 20 in 3 days and have no idea what to do next besides getting stuff from the shop to help with the radar. Since I had my nap though a lot more people have been nicer to me so venting is needed sometimes, and when you have no friends what are you going to do?? [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Wed, 11/01/2023 20:52 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 2I have been very busy once again today, I have gotten 3 breeding pairs right now to do chains later on for shinies. I also got myself a Legendary as well from the game shop, but now I'm looking for a male Milcery so I can unlock the wheel in the game tab, but then i found out there is no male and I have to use a ditto... So now I look stupid, its been so long since I have played Pokémon that there is so much new ones I have never seen in my life. I'm starting to feel like I don't belong here on pokeheroes when I have had a few negative things that has happy on my 2nd day here... I just don't have time for negative when I just come here to have fun and chill out with people and hatch eggs.... So today has been hard on me sadly, but nothing I can do to control it. I just need time on here to understand things again, I haven't even played the new ones or the one before it. (Sword & Shield, and Violet & Scarlet) It sucks I can't remember the old games.... All i remember is being Ash with pikachu would follow you (Pokémon Yellow). I don't know what to think anymore... do you know what I should do? [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Wed, 11/01/2023 04:49 (2 Years ago) |
Well my first 24 hours is coming to an end here on Pokeheroes and I guess I didn't realize that I did 100,000 clicks, I guess I like pokeheroes a little to much.... I seen a poll on someone's page asking how many clicks I do in a run of a day and the last vote said 10K and wow... well I guess I out beat that but a little bit. (I guess I have no life) Im still working on my goals, but seems like I need 4 dragon gems right now for a quest, just having a problem getting them without spending Pokecoins, so Im going to keep trying. Well its ll:40pm where I am, and im going to keep playing and keep enjoying myself, but still feel like I can't make friends to chat to, but I do have people who sent me plushies that I have tried talking to, and it doesn't go to far after thank you's. I want to have more people I can help with for clicking.... just over 3K isnt enough..... In the middle of trying to get a pumpalbowl in the daycare but internet got cut off and i had to reset my settings for the internet.... Took about 10 minutes to reset after I had a 3 hour nap so now I feel bad for not getting my egg fast enough for my friend who is williing to give me a miltank... (I know its worth more then a miltank) I just want to show them how nice I can be for the help, they do not even have 1 of pumpalbowl. I love helping others when I can, but sadly I don't know much on this game.... Im still trying to get sets of male and females to do breeding as much as I can to help others but trying to find sets is becoming very hard to find or have the items or pokecoins for it... I still dont understnad why some pokemon are more then others.... I do understand if its shiny or legendary cost more, but other stuff like Miltank is just under 4K at the highest but some people want 10K..... I was told by my mentor the price of the 4K... [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 20:48 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 1I been working really hard today to finish some goals and so far i have gone some done... The goals as of right now are : - G̶e̶t̶ A̶ F̶l̶o̶w̶e̶r̶ G̶i̶r̶l̶ - Get A Flower Boy - Get A jugglepuff - Get A Gaslty - ̶G̶e̶t̶ ̶A̶ ̶G̶o̶t̶h̶i̶t̶e̶l̶l̶e̶ ̶(̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶g̶e̶)̶ - Get A Shiny Pokémon - Make Friends - Get more Badges - ̶G̶e̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶ L̶e̶v̶e̶l̶ ̶1̶5̶ - All Seasons of Deerlings - Get A Female Solar Eevee - Male & Female Slowyore So far I have done a few, Level 15, Gothita, and got my flower girl.... I dont know what to work on now out of my list so I will have to sit back and think.... I am working on getting a miltank, which i do have an offer as of right now and they told me to surprise them with a payment for it.... So a surprise they will get, I will tell you in the next time i write. I have found away to make a little bit of Poke Coins and its a bit easy, I been breeding the event Pokémon's and auction them off, I been getting about 30K each time which will help out a bit in the long run. I still work love to have people to message and chat with, but Im new so we will see what happens.... P.S - Anyone is aloud to reply to my diary if you wish or message me. [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 10:45 (2 Years ago) |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 08:11 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 1Its now day 1 of Pokeheroes, and I got to say I got luckier and luckier as the time went by. I have added new goals other the day that has passed and I can say I have completed 2 goals in one day!!!! I got my Flower girl & my gothita. Gothita was a new goal after remembering the name of it, (I knew the last stage was Gothitelle when i wrote the goal). I also learned how to put "train" button for the pokemon in my signature as well which is pretty cool. I have met someone who was willing to give me a gengar or a jigglypuff but I said no because I prefer to get to know them as a friend first and not just take hand outs, Which I said thank you but turned it down. I ended up getting the event Pokémon in male and female as well, I dont know how will this will turn out, but Im hoping to get some new stuff from the shop today, and time to think of how to get Dragon Gems. Now that I woke up at 3am I got to get started on my clicking again. [Read more] |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 21:11 (2 Years ago) |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 19:50 (2 Years ago) |
Kimuoia OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 63 |
Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 19:21 (2 Years ago) |
Title: Day 1Today was my first day on Pokeheroes, and once I got though the tutorial on the game I looking around and found forums for telling people about, so I posted there. I have met one person with in the first 9 hours, they have been helping me out a bit as a mentor. So my first 9 hours was about trading, hatching, and 30K in interactive clicking. I have reached level 12 so far, I can say that I'm really enjoying this game a little to much, but I just wish I could met new people to chat with and just relax with on this game.... Maybe over time I will find cool people. (Little Anti-Social) Next thing that has happened in the first 9 hours is that I did get the event Pokémon, and also won on an auction for another event Pokémon, so right now I feel like my luck is better here then other places. Let's see where my luck brings me There is so much more that I have been doing. I have finished 2 steps for the Raylong, and I have added some Train icons for the Pokémon I like that i have so far. I have set up goals as well. Goals - Get A Flower Girl - Get A jigglepuff - Get A genger - Make Friends - Get to level 15 Now I'm learning about prices of items and Pokémon's for selling and for buying, so I'm hoping this will turn out alright with me being new to the game... I'm kind of worry about this.... Im still clicking away at the interactions, I know it take a lot of time but I do enjoy it. [Read more] |