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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 12/04/2016 21:40 (8 Years ago)
((dear lord, this took a while. good reading??? OH I FORGOT DEAN AND KIANA ARE A YELLOW SOUL))

Dean and Kiana ran away from home because they had just seen their father trying to kill their mother by suffocating her. Kiana, angry at her dad's actions, took a sharp object and stabbed him in the stomach. Dean, petrified by all of this, ran to his mother, checking if she still was okay. She, fortunately was but Kiana, after seeing what she did, she apologized to her mother. Their mother accepted the apology but she said that they needed to leave. Kiana and Dean didn't want to leave their mother alone but she insisted. Kiana remembered the story their mother told and went off to Mt. Ebott, after saying their goodbyes to her and sending a signal to surrounding neighbors to help their mother. They both carry their respective Heart Locket. As they enter Mt. Ebott, they hold each others' hand and fall down. They both land in a bed of buttercups. "Buttercups? Why would there be a bed of buttercups here?", Dean asks Kiana. She shrugs and replies "Maybe someone died and they buried them here?", shrugging. Dean sighs, "Why do you always take it to the morbid side?". "Well, you can blame our father for that.", Kiana jokes, "Come on! Let's find out what our mother was talking about with that story about the monsters and this mountain!", she says with confidence, taking Dean's hand and walking towards the next room. They continue walking, past a suspicious green spot and towards a door. "Um, why do I have the feeling that there was something missing there, sis?", Dean asks Kiana. "Oh, well, whatever it was, it's probably gone.", Kiana casually replies. They enter the Ruins and see that most puzzles are done. "Huh, someone has already passed through here..", Kiana points out. They reach the spike puzzle and stare at it. " Now what do we do?", Dean asks. "Um, I don't know..", Kiana replies.

Sori got bored of wandering around the Waterfall, so she walks over to Hotlands and wanders around it, hoping to find someone to talk to.

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Posted: Tue, 12/04/2016 19:31 (8 Years ago)
((Idk if I'm able to add another character, well two. If I am, then I'll post form. And sorry for the lack of posts, school and stuff are kinda in the way cri))
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Name: Dean(Left) and Kiana(Right)
Age: Both 14, but Kiana is 1 hour older (Fake twins)
Weapon: Dean - Stick (1 ATK); Kiana - Pocket Knife (10 ATK)
Armor: 1/2 Heart Locket each (15 DEF)
History: Well, let's just say their parents were treating them badly so they ran away and came to the Underground because Kiana remembered the story about the Monsters and Humans
Other: Dean doesn't want to hurt monsters because they're also living beings like them while Kiana thinks they might hurt both of them because some look scary (And yes, she is afraid of Toriel). They walk most of the time holding hands but they sometimes wander off in the same room/small area (like the puzzle areas). If one of them wanders off too much, since shared soul, the other has its HP slowly drained until the other comes back, similar to Sans' pink damage fin. If one of them dies, the other gets the other half but oscilates between their personality and the dead twin's. The Heart Locket was their mother's gift when they turned 10 and the Pocket Knife belonged to their dad. Dean is very shy but kind while Kiana is brave but afraid.

Sori stopped singing with Shyren and waved at her saying goodbye. She wanders around the Waterfall, bored since she has nothing do so.

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Posted: Wed, 23/03/2016 21:56 (8 Years ago)
Sori listened to the conversation between Chara and Tim. She didn't pick up any hints that may link Sam to Chara but Sori still has the conviction that Sam is Chara. She walks over to the Waterfall and goes to look for Shyren. She's feeling tired from all of these problems and she wants to relax a bit. Sori somehow encounters Shyren in a corner. The two begins singing and it slowly echoes throughout the Waterfall.

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 21:12 (9 Years ago)
Sori just simply stares at them, confused as what to do or what to say because too many conversations at once. "So, Ema and Eira are Sans and Toriel's kids, Sam is some human who fell down, Tim and this Shade kid had dreams of dead people.", she thinks, trying to process all of the information she heard, "Well, Shade doesn't seem the human who has this murderer-like personality, but this Sam person... I don't like them...Tim and Shade said that they have dreamt about Chara, maybe, but they didn't meet them. Is Chara alive? Is that even possible? When Chara was alive, they had this...murderer-like tendency...And a human soul can persist after death so...Is it possible that Chara's soul persisted after their death for all of this time? And how did Angel get half of their soul if Chara already had fused with Asriel? Did Chara's genocide part of their soul persist in the following fallen humans who had the same genocide tendencies? And what does Tim, Sam and Shade fit into this? Tim talked to Sam as if they were Chara and said something about what happened in the Waterfall and in Angel/Asriel's room and starting over...Why do I still have this bad feeling about all this? Is Sam really Chara? If Sam is Chara, why are they lying about themselves? Does Sam/Chara want to kill somemonster? If so, who? I have a really REALLY bad feeling about all of this...", she continues her line of process, hoping that some of her theories are correct and that her theory that Sam is Chara is true.

((again, sorry if I just put long af lines like every 2 or 3 pages, too occupied trying to find the last two easter eggs @-@))

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 21:33 (9 Years ago)
Sori wakes up from a nice nap in the Hotlands. She looks around, confused as why she's there in the first place. She then remembers she talked to Tim and all. Sori stretches her arms and gets up. "Hm, where to go to now...", she thinks. She has been through all of the Underground exept the Ruins. Sori remembers she still has that evil-like feeling and it's pointing towards Snowdin. "...Duck, I need to find out what that is.", she says, trying not to swear even though noone is around her. She takes the River Person's ride to Snowdin. When she arrives there, she closes her eyes, trying to pinpoint where it is. As Sori's trying to do it, she slowly walks towards Sans and Papyrus' house. She opens her eyes just a few meters before it. She sees a commotion around the skeleton brothers' house. Sori recognises Tim, Sans and Toriel but she doesn't know who Shade, Eira, Loza and Chara. She hears crying and assumes it is from Tim, since he was like that a while ago. Sori's feeling that she had before is stronger than it was in the Hotlands, meaning that whoever is causing that feeling is in that commotion. She looks at Shade and Chara and she immediatly distrusts them untill other wise. She slowly walks there, not wanting to alarm anyone.

((Omg, I am so sorry for this long af post, I had to write smth to make up for the lack of posts @-@))

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 23:37 (9 Years ago)
Sori manages to calm herself down and sits down where she was standing. "No, it's nothing. Just a panic attack messing with me.", she says casually, "Well, yes and no. Yes because Chara is Angel's adopted sibling and shared soul and stuff and no because they can go from the nicest kid you know to a murderer in a split second, so yeah. That's kinda Chara in a nutshell.". Sori lays down and stares at the enclosed sky, considering her options about Chara and all. "Oh, also, could you not sit so close to the edge? I may have a panic attack if you decide to jump off at any second and I may not be able to catch you in that time span I have due to that. Thank you.", Sori says, trying to prevent what she said from happening.

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 23:37 (9 Years ago)
"H-hey! Don't be upset! You're strong! That I know of, noone has tried to stand up to Chara. Hell, I haven't!" Sori stuttered while trying to cheer him up, attempting not to say anything that could lead him to a bad end. "As I said, I consider myself pretty strong, and Chara is just, too powerful for me, so don't let yourself down!" While saying that, she began having a panic attack because of how he looked at the lava. Since her magic is beginning to get out of control, she gets up and takes a step back, taking deep breaths to calm herself down.

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 23:14 (9 Years ago)
She sighs. "It's true that I hate humans, but after what I've heard happening in that room, I may reconsider my hatred towards you. You did it because you didn't know Angel's condition. You did it because Chara said something to you that lead you to it. I don't know what it is but I'll find out and stop it from happening. You don't need to have regrets. Just...I don't know, try to move on.", Sori started saying. She isn't good with words and encouraging people but she's trying. "Listen, I know what that feeling is. I've...accidently killed a monster before. While I had a panic attack in the past, my magic went out of control and there was one passing by. They asked if I was okay and...I accidently attacked them, killing them in the process... Sorry if I ranted, I'm not sure if I can be of help."

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 22:56 (9 Years ago)
Sori finally finds Tim and hears him cry. She panics a bit because she doesn't know what to do but takes a deep breath and sits down next to Tim. She remains quiet, not to upset him or anything. She stares at the lava below and thinks about any possible outcomes that sitting on a edge of a cliff with lava below and being sad can do.

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 20:39 (9 Years ago)
Sori quickly exited the castle before too many people got inside and followed Tim. She wonders what happened in that room. She still has that feeling that she felt before near the Waterfall, and she was close to it back in Asgore's castle. She shakes her head to clear out anything that she has on her mind and continues following Tim.

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 00:22 (9 Years ago)
Sori gasps when she hears the word 'demon'. "Then it IS them! But, why did they give half their soul to Angel? It doesn't make sense..." she thought as she heard the conversation "Oh god, I just hope that noone kills noone in there.." As she listens to them, she slowly regains her normal height.

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 00:09 (9 Years ago)
While walking around the castle, Sori has that feeling again. "Wait, what?", she thinks. She slowly follows it and she hears voices in Asriel/Angel/Chara's room. She puts her ear against the door and listens.

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 00:06 (9 Years ago)
((Sorry if I haven't been active for a while. School and stuff.))
Sori continued to follow Tim, going through a different elevator to access Asgore's castle. Before she enters the castle, she freezes midway, having a panic attack. "Oh god, I shouldn't be here. What if he sees me and I have a panic attack again?! Oh god, oh god, oh god..", Sori keeps thinking to herself the same lines. She never went into the castle so she doesn't know what to do there. As she keeps panicking, her magic slowly becomes unstable and she unconsciously shrinks down to a flower-like size. When she calms down, she looks around and sees the underground in a different perspective. She curses her own magic and slowly walks in. She looks around to find Tim.
((Again, sorry if this is a long line. Didn't rp much so I made up for it C:))

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Posted: Mon, 14/03/2016 14:11 (9 Years ago)
Sori silently followed Tim untill she sees him with Mettaton. She covers her mouth quickly, trying to contain a screech. She hopes that either Tim or Mettaton don't start a fight or something bad could happen.

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 18:50 (9 Years ago)
Sori quietly follows Tim, in case something happens to him. She's worried that bad feeling that she had reappears. And if it does, she will defend him by all means, even if she hates humans.

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Posted: Fri, 11/03/2016 21:07 (9 Years ago)
"Tim i-is unconscious a-and I believe s-someone, Chara maybe I-I don't know, attacked him a-and I don't know w-what to d-do. Help h-him.", Sori stutters while explaining what she saw,"Y-you will p-probably say that I-I should've d-done something but I-I don't know w-what to do..."

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Posted: Fri, 11/03/2016 00:07 (9 Years ago)
Sori ends up finding Tim and stops for a second. "Wait...Huh?! But...they were here just then...What?", Sori talks to herself after seeing only Tim there and the feeling gone. She gasps when she sees him unconscious. "Um, um, um, what should I do? Oh god, I should've come quicker..", Sori says panicking. She runs as fast as she can to Undyne's house and knocks on her door.

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Posted: Thu, 10/03/2016 23:51 (9 Years ago)
Sori looks around The Core and The Hotlands. She needs to find whoever is causing her senses to go crazy. "Oh god, I hope it isn't them... Please that it isn't them.", she keeps saying to herself. She stops at The Waterfall to rest a bit from all that running. She remembers the human she met a while ago and thinks 'I hope that it isn't that guy from a while ago'. She continues running around to find him and that feeling.

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Posted: Thu, 10/03/2016 23:04 (9 Years ago)
Sori squeals and gets up in a second and hugs Mettaton. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!", she repeats over and over again "Thank you, tha--". Sori stops her chanting abruptly and stops hugging Mettaton. Due to her mix of powers, she has this ability to sense humans 'made' of LV. "Um, I have to go right now... I...I'll look for you and Alphys later, b-bye..!", Sori stutters while running off to find where ever that feeling was.

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Posted: Tue, 08/03/2016 09:53 (9 Years ago)
Sori gasps. "Really? Thank you, thank you thank you~!", she says happily. Sori brightens up when she hears that someone can help her. But she instantly get confused because who would help her? "Um, but who?", Sori asks.

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