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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 08:20 (5 Years ago)
@Moon-shadow123 not accept. No wings on human appearance please
@PerfectBidoof accept.
Making thread now, might be inactive

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 08:14 (5 Years ago)
Sorry, I was distracted with school
here we go.

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Posted: Thu, 06/02/2020 08:12 (5 Years ago)
Today is the day that train 177 comes to the station, the whole town is silent today. There was a cold wind, mist clambered around the buildings. The Deadly Ride will begin at 8:00am.

Bring what you please but dont be late.

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 07:11 (5 Years ago)
@Cosmixx accepted
@Howlarmoon yes, you can go up to 3 characters if you so wish
@TheReckoningCatrina accepted
@Admin accepted

Ill set it up after school :)

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2020 00:17 (5 Years ago)
This is a place i am using to put little mini bits and bobs of stories in, use them if you like. Warning: possible blood and gore

Moon raised her head "so what would happen if mewtwo ate catnip?"

Stone sat up from his lying down position "..."

" ... "
Srone got up with a pile of catnip

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2020 23:48 (5 Years ago)
This is a Pokémon rp

For years Pokemon and Human kind have been in harmony, but some people arent that accepting. They wanted to make war between the two species and in the middle of an experiment that could have been just what they wanted, something went terribly wrong. A blast covered the earth two times over, sending out a signal that joined human souls with their best friends, the pokemon. It has been 3 dreadful years since then, a vibrava has come to your location bearing a letter. Will you accept

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Pokemon Species &Appearance:
Human Appearance:

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2020 00:19 (5 Years ago)
Darknes, complete Darkness. The only noise was the soft clinking of chains and the sigh of breath. 9 years of the glitchy shadow of a prison had made the metal rub away his black fur. Nine years of waiting for something different to happen. She has been weakening. It it time. He stood, chains rattling, and yanked away. They broke away this a loud ring. And with a crooked smile he lifted his head and growled
°I'm Ready, F-°,

[Chapter 1]
'FALL!FALL. What the HELL are you doing?'
"Leave me alone"
Shard prodded at his hosts body, who was flopped next the edge of a cliff in Outertale. His tail lashed angrily, unsheathing his claws he slowly pressed on her spine, between to vertebrae. Fall sprang up in a ball and landed heavily on all fours.
"I said leave me alooone. I will be forever lonely."
'youre just jealous of you fell version'
"OF COURSE I AM. A MATE AND PUPPI-!!!" She was interrupted by a white paw planted on her muzzle 'oh shush your noise. We better go in case Error had a bad day'
'Cool it before i lock you in a freezer'
"Mfff freeza heh pphh"
'you are never having a phone again i swear'

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Posted: Mon, 27/01/2020 07:14 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2020 13:44 (5 Years ago)
Name: Haylenna Preece
Backstory: Born into a happy home, Haylenna couldn't help but see the best in things. Even at a young age she trained with her two brothers and boasted about how she would be the best adventurer in the family. As she grew up, she became so focused on her goals and bow(no not bow and arrows, a different kind) training that she drifted away from her family. But she still wants to make them happy
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Mousy brown hair, light blue and black armour. Black hair bow. Uses long smooth wooden staff(a bow).

Summons: Pikyuon, Magibeast Gaul (cuz I love them both ^^)
Equipment: Monster Fang Charm. Hung around Magibeast Neck

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2020 15:37 (5 Years ago)
Spread the word, spread the myth

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2020 10:28 (5 Years ago)
@Menma Accepted
Spead the word Spread the myth

@kelbunny13 if they look human and you dont use their powers then ye

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2020 01:18 (5 Years ago)
Cosmixx accepted.
Spread the works, spread the myth

PerfectBidoof, yes

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2020 01:11 (5 Years ago)
Ok his is just..
..accept spead the word
Spread the myth

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2020 01:04 (5 Years ago)
Six to play. Play the game
Six to ride. The Fated Train
Train on Tracks. Never Look Back
A Fun Game. Cant Escape.
One Leaves. Leaves Or Die
Who will win? Win The Game?

There is a myth, of a train that stops at one station, picks up 2-6 passengers. They say the train number is 177. After they leave the station, it doesnt stop until all passengers die.
Today you go on a trip on the train, can you solve the magic of madness?

Rules and Info
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●Normal PH Rules
●Yes your character might die once
●You can have up to 2 characters
●This is a roleplaying game, if you need details PM me.
●I will keep in touch with everyone through private messages.

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Appearance :
Why you going on train:

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2020 22:44 (5 Years ago)
F- fennekin
A- Axew
L- Lucario!
L- Lampent

N- Noivern
I- Ivysaur
G- Gardevoir
H- Houndoom
T- Typhlosion

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2020 22:31 (5 Years ago)
2/10 seen you a few times but not many

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Posted: Mon, 13/01/2020 04:31 (5 Years ago)
Rwy'n dy garu di in Welsh (we dont realy have an im in love with you, but this means I love you)

Thick Whales in you language

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Posted: Mon, 13/01/2020 04:22 (5 Years ago)
Chocoroo, the fluffy illusion pokemon.
This pokemon has no true form, and changes to different pokemon each day. Today it chooses eevee, but be careful. It may eat you and become you

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Posted: Mon, 13/01/2020 01:30 (5 Years ago)
7/10 the french fries bit if funny, but it all seems abit empty

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Posted: Mon, 13/01/2020 01:24 (5 Years ago)
8/10 just love it

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