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Posted: Mon, 07/06/2021 07:44 (2 Years ago)
She twitched her nose. Why did she smell... raw meat? Xeraphina pushed herself up and looked left to right, scratching her head and yawning. Where was Geira? What was Geira doing? She arched her back with caution and uneasily stood to her feet, looking down to remember that she slept in her normal clothes. Oh. She pulled her blazer lazily over her shoulders and tucked her hands into her pocket, scratching the side of her face and avoiding the scars over her eyes as she did so.

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Posted: Mon, 07/06/2021 07:23 (2 Years ago)
The raven froze for half a second, before gingerly raising a claw. “I saw you in the Dreamscape and.. recognised you were from Votum, and felt magical energy, particularly around your neck, there...” He moved his claw to gesture the dog tag hanging on Alaparos’ neck, his gaze turning from desperate to curious, cocking his head slightly to the side.

Finch wasn’t wise, but she definitely just noticed him change the topic of the sentence. Her grin faltered for a moment before returning, waddling now slightly faster from foot to foot.

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Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 20:21 (2 Years ago)
Finch held her gaze with Alaparos, her button eyes wide with emotion. She seemed to shrink into the grass after Al spoke, desperately thinking of anything to say. Sure, she was charismatic, but situations like these were definitely not a strength of hers.

The raven opened his beak to say something, but closed it moments after. He wrapped himself in his arms and looked away, eyes tracing the edges of blades of grass while emotions ran through his expression. His tail feathers were twitching.

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Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 20:17 (2 Years ago)
Harper lowered her eyebrows and put a hand on her chin thoughtfully. “Stories? How about the time...” She trailed off slowly before looking away. She continued after a moment of pausing, her tone completely changing when she next spoke. “I was framed for robbing a corner shop. I got chased for a while, had to jump some roofs to get away. Obviously I didn’t actually rob it, so...” She forced a grin, keeping her eyes in front of her.

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Posted: Sat, 05/06/2021 21:31 (3 Years ago)
Oneiro watched quietly, not making much of a reaction and keeping his face disappointed yet concerned.

Finch, however, looked up at Al with her usual charismatic button eyes. “I’m sure you can be good to us! Another friend is... another friend, right? Strength in numbers?” She suggested, grinning and waddling from boot to boot. Honestly, she had no idea why Al might be wanting to withdraw, but she wasn’t thinking about it at all. Not out of dislike of Alaparos, just out of, well, empty-brain-ness.

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Posted: Sat, 05/06/2021 21:21 (3 Years ago)
Was that the sound of a fridge? Xeraphina’s tail tip twitched as she felt a claw of hunger. She poked her head up and felt pain coarse through her. What position had she been sleeping in? She groaned, putting a hand on her side and shoulders and rubbing at the aching she felt. Sleeping on a sofa? Clearly a bad idea. Why did she..? You know, it was good to avoid the social interactions. Xera raised her head to see a familiar wolf tail swaying. Oh great. And her hands were shaking again. Just perfect! She slowly lowered herself back onto the sofa and curled her tail around her in a more comfortable position, pretending to sleep despite having just made the noises of an awake-imp. She squinted her eyes shut and tried to stop the shaking, which she knew she couldn’t do.

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Posted: Sat, 05/06/2021 13:53 (3 Years ago)
Xeraphina stood rigidly on the ground as she watched Geira walk out of view. With that, she let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding. Oh my god. Xera walked into the house, scratching the base of her horn while her tail flicked furiously. She didn’t dare follow Geira, instead, planting herself on a sofa. It was pretty hard, but she was fine with that. She exhaled into the fabric, gripping the sides with shaking, clawed fingers. Everything sucks and she surprised herself by wanting to go home. Just stop thinking, it’s gonna be fine. Every action has an equal opposite reaction, karma. Karma will save her, right? It will turn right back around in her favour, she just needs to stop thinking.

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Posted: Sat, 05/06/2021 13:45 (3 Years ago)
Oneiro’s breath caught in his throat, his hat flopping off-centre as he raised his head in surprise. “B-but, you graduated Votum, right? I thought you were all capable...” He trailed off, a conflicted expression on his face. “Surely I’m not wrong, right? I’m not.. wrong?” His eyes widened desperately, his eyes trailing up and down Al. He straightened his hat and desperately scratched his elbow tufts, eyebrows furrowed and eyes wide. He seemed terrified of something, whether that be of being wrong or something else. He was showing himself in a surprisingly vulnerable state.

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Posted: Fri, 04/06/2021 20:08 (3 Years ago)
The raven moved a clawed hand to hold his nose-bridge, or rather, beak-bridge? Anyhow, the emotion he was showing was stress. Onerio tilted his head upwards a bit, going back to pacing up and down the clearing, tail feathers bouncing as he stepped. “I don’t mind speaking, really, I needed to prepare for this better...” He grumbled, inhaling through gritted teeth. He began to speak again, counting his clawed fingers as he continued, “I need you guys to fight off the curses,” One claw, “I’m pretty sure you guys can beat them right now, I don’t think I can right now,” Two claws, “Dunno how many, probably a lot,” Three claws, “They get executed by magic, you have to knock out the person and then sorta... will them out. It happens.” Four claws, including his other hand.

Finch tilted her head and grinned, looking up at Oneiro. “Why are you all weird now? Like shy and stuff? You sounded mean last night.” She asked nonchalantly, as if the words carried no emotional impact.

Oneiro froze for a moment. “S-speaking to conscious beings is much harder than unconscious ones! You wouldn’t get it...” He spoke so fast he found himself tripping over the words. “Did I um... answer all the questions?” He exhaled, tone high with exasperation.

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Posted: Fri, 04/06/2021 19:57 (3 Years ago)
The Imp froze, finding her limbs quite unmovable. “Geira? Are you.. Geira?” Xeraphina asked, her voice low and hoarse. Awkward. Her tail flicked across the ground, the tip twitching as she willed herself to move. As she.. willed herself to move. Was she stuck? Did this... wolf person.... make her stuck? She realised her hands were shaking again. Shaking aggressively. Oh, right, she wasn’t stuck, she was just socially awkward. Perfect. She rigidly moved one hand up in a shaky wave, her elbow staying at her side.

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Posted: Fri, 04/06/2021 19:53 (3 Years ago)
Harper felt like she should be disturbed by the sudden break out of emotion, but she only widened her grin. She kept her other hand on his head, feeling warmed for actually helping someone emotionally. She tilted her head upwards slightly. “You’re welcome, it’s the least you deserve.”

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Posted: Fri, 04/06/2021 10:41 (3 Years ago)
Xeraphina is about ready to have an emotional overload. She gulps again, putting a foot at the wall. “Hold your breath and close your eyes, okay?” She spoke loudly and clearly, making her mouth and throat dry up. The imp focused on the wall for a while, holding her breath and planning her action. Okay, Xera, you’ve got this. Three, two, one - with a sharp inhale and a forceful pound with her foot, she shoved her shoe against the wall with the aims of breaking it, hoping that the wall crumbled away under her force.

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Posted: Fri, 04/06/2021 10:17 (3 Years ago)
The raven raised an eyebrow at Al’s suggestion. “Oh, I mean physically. Their brains are all.. messed up? I can’t explain it, I’m terrible at it.. uh...” He trailed off, scratching the underside of his beak with one claw, furrowing his brows with an annoyed, thoughtful expression.

Finch raised her head, her hat jumping as she did. “Like magic?” She asked, twiddling her thumbs under the poncho.

Oneiro snapped his fingers, somehow, his face lighting up. “Right! Like magic. Curses wanna do bad things. I dunno what they’re up to though, and I’m very sure it’s not good. I’d like to call myself their rival, but I’m dead. Like, I don’t know why I look like this, I was a human when I was alive.” He folded his arms, one eye open a crack to look at the group. He was surrounded by them, he couldn’t escape if he tried. One steady breath later and avoiding the sharp glare from Vale, he turned to Eyre. “No idea. I think they’ll want to stay together for a while, just before they start spreading.” Oneiro answered steadily, his voice low.

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Posted: Thu, 03/06/2021 22:01 (3 Years ago)
Harper surprised herself by what she did next. All the talk of magic had made her tired, so when she heard a sad voice speak to her, she immediately swung her and planted it firmly, probably too firmly, on his shoulder. “You’re a good kid, whatever it if that you’re doing, or gonna do, you’re gonna do great,” She grinned, ruffling his hair with her other hand. “Just be you! What, are they gonna get mad at you doing what you want? They gonna force you to be sad? They gotta deal with you as you are, or the you you wanna be.”

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Posted: Thu, 03/06/2021 21:53 (3 Years ago)
His lip lifted slightly in a display of.. emotion, whatever that emotion might be. A moment later, he broke out into laughter, ruffling his hair, or feathers, and looking at Alaparos with a raised eyebrow. “I like your style, you remind me of.. uh.. me! I guess. I’ll take no offence to that, I can’t really blame you. After all, I’m relying on you guys, you don’t have to do this.” His voice wavered towards the end of this sentence, his gaze dropping onto the grass.

Finch waddled slowly over to Azure, pressing the side of her face against his fur and keeping her eyes on the raven the entire time. She didn’t like things she wasn’t informed on, and this was certainly one of them.

Oneiro coughed once and began pacing up and down the grass, taking pauses to look at the group. “So, I told you that curses were back? I guess when I died, I got this sixth sense for ‘em or something. I thought I sent ‘em off in a beautiful golden fireworks show, but some- some thing brought them back,” He spat the word ‘thing’, the venom in his voice returning from the dream from last night. “They’re like parasites. They attach to an existing sentient creature, and then they’ll act like they usually do. The only difference is, they’re all working towards a goal, or a group, or a person... I’m guessing they’re all aiding a group, and I’m quite sure I know what,” Oneiro took a great breath, straightening his back as he stopped pacing. “So, you know those people that just came into power? I’m pretty sure the curses are attached to them, the curses spread to the people who they trust most,” He frowned and let out a over-dramatically loud sigh. “What I’m saying is, the people in power of this country are all corrupted.”

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Posted: Thu, 03/06/2021 18:30 (3 Years ago)
Xera froze. “Destroy,” She breathed, her hands shivering as she held who could be her spouse’s shoulder. “Destroy the door? Can you not... reverse?” She widened her eyes, feeling incredibly awkward and nervous. She didn’t care about her spouse, but she cared about people. Injuring someone is not a thing she enjoys, that’s one thing she’d learnt over her years. She gulped hard upon seeing the wagging tail. Just who would she have to bond with..? She gritted her teeth harder.

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Posted: Thu, 03/06/2021 18:27 (3 Years ago)
Harper nods a few times quickly, continuing to look through the window at this Lynn Elseat student. She didn’t realise how much she enjoyed listening to Val list off all the random knowledge he knew in that moment, though she was more than happy listening to him talk. “Our town being a kingdom? Sounds like a pain honestly. Fantasy stuff was always kinda weird to me.” She snorted, grinning.

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Posted: Thu, 03/06/2021 18:16 (3 Years ago)
With a single swing of his curious eyes over the group again, he gestured ignorantly for them to be quiet by waving his clawed hands. “Too many words, questions, sentences.. I’m tired of hearing it,” Oneiro grumbled, twisting his head away and curling his talons impatiently into the grass. He cocked his head to the side for a moment and then spun back around to face the group. “Hey, you all don’t mind if I unapologetically info-dump on you all again about my situation? Because I think I’m gonna do that anyways.” A crooked yet smug grin spread across his face as he shrugged, pausing for what can only be interpreted as him creating a pause for ‘dramatic effect’. Finch shuddered wordlessly.

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Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 22:00 (3 Years ago)
Her spouse, whoever it was, oh she would let them know how much she wanted them gone. Xera felt a furious red cover her face, her grip tightening around the page as she thundered down the path, until she reached her house. And her spouse. Who was stuck. In the... door? Her anger melted away immediately. “Geira?” She muttered, eyes wide and as she gently put her hand on who could be Geira’s shoulder. Her tail twitched as she fought the conflicting emotions she was feeling. Thinking about emotions, she forgot how angry or upset she was, replaced by her usual dead-pan quiet demeanour.

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Posted: Wed, 02/06/2021 20:52 (3 Years ago)
Xera shakily took the things Wy handed to her and rigidly walked away, struggling to move her limbs due to the horrible feeling of her bones rubbing together. Everything was so cold. She pulled her blazer further over her shoulders and shuddered hard. She didn’t trust the walls nor floors, feeling like they might ravenous snapping jaws. She exhaled shakily and walked through their maws.

Shaking her head a if dismissing the thoughts that wouldn’t leave, Xeraphina rummaged with the map. She squinted and traced her finger along the page, finding where 23 Short Street was and walking in that direction. Despite how aggressively her hands may be shaking, the bags under her scarred eyes weight on her heavily. Xera ruffled her hair and approached the residence, keeping an eye out for whoever her ‘spouse’ may be. Yeah, spouse, right. Most of her negative feelings would be towards them. She narrowed her eyes decisively and stalked onwards.

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