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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from BakugouKatsuki.
Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 23:45 (5 Years ago)
Sending. ♥

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 14:44 (5 Years ago)

Hippowdon please! ♥

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 00:43 (5 Years ago)

Heatmor, please? Thank you. <3

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 00:22 (5 Years ago)
Sending! ♥

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Posted: Tue, 29/01/2019 00:17 (5 Years ago)

A missing one or one of my favorites, please. Thank you! ♥

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Posted: Mon, 09/07/2018 21:49 (5 Years ago)
Sending. <3

Anything missing or from my collection (see my profile). Thank you! ♥

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Posted: Thu, 03/05/2018 22:38 (6 Years ago)
1,200,000 PD for Autumnal Espurr. qwq

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Posted: Wed, 04/04/2018 16:35 (6 Years ago)
Sending! <3

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Posted: Wed, 04/04/2018 16:29 (6 Years ago)
Sent! <3

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Posted: Wed, 04/04/2018 12:40 (6 Years ago)
Sent! :3

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Posted: Wed, 28/03/2018 21:30 (6 Years ago)
Sent! <3

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Posted: Wed, 28/03/2018 13:39 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 11:37 (6 Years ago)
Neuroticfish & Grendel - Agony (Grendel Remix)

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Posted: Mon, 19/03/2018 00:46 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 14:29 (6 Years ago)
Refunds sent.

400k PD - LeChatBox
500k PD + 50 nuggets - Trager
1000 nuggets - Dcasom
300k PD + Shinies - Ayase

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 04:36 (6 Years ago)
I swear, you're such amazing and lovely people and I want hug and never letting go all of you. :') ♥ Your words make me feel so much better. I'm more than pleased to hear that you understand my decision. Thanks a million for that! <3

I do hope I can offer commishes again as soon as time makes it possible. Until that I'm gonna sort things out for making life better and less complicated. And well, time gives me the opportunity to practice and hopefully improve more, right? With that I would feel even more comfortable accepting
your orders. u//v//u

You stay awesome as well!

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 20:21 (6 Years ago)
Alright, I'm thinking about this for a long time now but I couldn't bring it into words what I was trying to say. Let's get this strict to the point, right? I honestly feel torned between finishing the last oustanding commissions or just giving refunds. I know that all of you are super patient and understanding which I appreciated more than ever. Though I feel extremely uncomfortable, not to mention that I have some personal troubles now. Starting with the fact that my old graphic tablet just gave up two days ago (I already have seen it coming), I ordered a new one a week ago. Unfortunately I've expierenced huge issues with the driver software, even contacting the manufacturer and testing an updated version couldn't fix this problem. On top of that the pen buttons don't work anymore after the last crash. I'm still in contact with the manufacturer and they're already working on a new driver software. This may take up 2-3 another weeks. I insured them that I'll give it a try and wait until the new software is up since I really want to work with this wonderful tablet. Until that I cannot use the time practicing with my new tablet. ´U`''

The truth is, I'm tired and embarrassed of putting off my "customers". No one of you deserve that ridiculous waiting time and even if you're always trying to assure me that it's fine and that you can wait, I just can't do this anymore. I reached the point where I want to give up on commissions. Drawing is still the one thing in life I really love and enjoy but when it comes to money or "other currencies" I feel highly under pressure. I don't wanna give empty promises - that's not how I'm usually be. I'm afraid people would point at me and say that I'm the one artist that cannot keep any promises, that I'm not a reliable and trustworthy person when it comes to commissions. I probably exaggerate it but that's just how I feel.

It hurts writing this and it hurts even more making this decision, knowing that the few of you who are still waiting, might getting disappointed which I can fully understand. I would be also disappointed - it's your perfectly good right! But I think it's the best for all of us cancelling those last outstanding and already paid commissions. Of course you'll get your full refunds back. I'll contact as soon as possible!

At this point, I wanna thank any of you for supporting me and my art. Pokeheroes helped me greatly to improve my art like no other internet platform, and it's not even an art community! You encouraged me to try out new things, you're always so nice and sweet and gave me the feeling of being somehow important for once. You're literally the best! ♥

Maybe, one day, when I feel better and when life is hopefully treating me better, I can offer commissions again but for now I prefer requests or raffles, and more important personal projects, without having the pressure of "money" in my head. I hope you can understand my situation. I feel so sorry that it had to come this far, but sometimes we have to go through unpleasant decisions to lift a burden from the shoulders.

Thank you for everything!


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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 01:52 (6 Years ago)

(any plushie I don't own yet or one of my collectables. <3)

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Posted: Fri, 01/12/2017 00:07 (6 Years ago)
I was hoping for Piolla and BanetteXD to win. Love both entries so much. ♥

Also, I'm super happy right now that I'm one of the winners. This means a lot to me! Thank you! ;A;

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2017 18:31 (6 Years ago)
Hours and 50+ layers later~ I've finally finished my entry. ;u; (x)

(Large version can be found here)

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