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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:52 (6 Years ago)
Piper shot a grin over at Kelsea. "I'm totally sleeping with a book on my face to block out any extra light. Definitely." She mumbled sarcastically, placing the tome on her face.

Hayden frowned. "...I'll take your advice."

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:40 (6 Years ago)
Piper looked up and frowned. "Why-y. Sleep keeps me from studying."

"Go to sleep, Piper," Hayden called. Piper looked over at the older boy and groaned, putting Nigel into her pocket and resting her head on a pillow begrudgingly. "I don't know what's going on, Natalie, but I hope you figure it out soon," Hayden sighed to Natalie, resting his head as well.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:37 (6 Years ago)
Mira laughed. "I love Ko, though, he's such a sweet pokemon. Snow's doing a good job with him."

"I just wish I was around sooner to travel with you guys. It seems like you've been everywhere," Hori blinked.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:36 (6 Years ago)
Mira gave the thumbs-up to them and looked back to her notebook. Tira darted off towards the treehouse again.

Cokeldurr grabbed a few streamers as well and tied them to a few lower branches in the tree.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:34 (6 Years ago)
"Mhm!" Hori nodded eagerly, awkwardly "hugging" Tiger.


"It's cool, Lion, I've got it. I worked a part time job as a waiter," Colin blinked, but offered a plate anyway.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:33 (6 Years ago)
"I lick because I love," Char grinned.

"...What she said," Mira laughed. "Honestly, Tiger, I just think that Arcanines are either proud, regal pokemon or hyperactive furballs. There is a middle ground, but it's not very common."

"Yeah. I've had fun so far!" Hori smiled.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:30 (6 Years ago)
"I still don't think you--" Hayden cut himself off and brought his wand away. "Okay. There."

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:23 (6 Years ago)
"Definitely," Toka grinned, handing over her decorations as well.

Mira sorted through them. "Okay! Toka, Kibo, blow up these balloons. There's a helium tank over there. Tira, run back and grab the fold up table I hid underneath Tiger's treehouse. Setchi, Charm, Conkeldurr, you're all on streamer duty."

"When did you find time to buy and hide a fold up table?"

"Don't question, Tira, just run!"

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:16 (6 Years ago)
"You wouldn't. Couldn't. What year are you in?" Hayden looked up. "Nevermind, hold on--" He waved his wand, actually mumbling the spell this time, and healed the wound.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:15 (6 Years ago)
Hori nodded and extended his arms, asking to be picked up.


"Here we are, waffles for everyone," Colin called, balancing a few plates on his arms and hands.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:14 (6 Years ago)
"Oh really? I'd like to meet them," Mira snorted in slight disbelief, stepping into the center.

"Wow. That's weird. I didn't think anything was bigger than Saffron," Hori admitted sheepishly.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:13 (6 Years ago)
Toka looked back at him and grinned, landing in the clearing below the tree.

"Yeah, definitely!" Tira barked cheerfully.

"Thanks guys. Now all we need to do is decorate, get a cake and food--I've already arranged catering--and we'll be set!" Mira grinned.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 04:11 (6 Years ago)
Hayden's hand was brought to his mouth. "I-It's fresh," He murmured. "There's no way you could have--"

He trailed off and fumbled for his wand.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 03:43 (6 Years ago)
Hayden pushed open the door. "...You don't look too bad. What was that about?" He asked, more curious than concerned.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 03:42 (6 Years ago)
Hori giggled slightly. "I hear you. I like living with trainers much better."

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 03:41 (6 Years ago)
"I'll drop Toka off, too, though I don't think Char took any damage," Mira hummed thoughtfully, petting the Arcanine.

"This place looks bigger than Saffron," Hori commented.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 03:40 (6 Years ago)
(Okay then time skip for setchi, conkeldurr, tira, and toka lol)

Toka smiled and quickly kissed Kibo's cheek before taking off into the air.


Mira yawned and looked at the tree. The ladder and floorboards had been completed. "This looks terrific," She smiled, climbing up onto the platform. Conkeldurr nodded and smiled.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 03:19 (6 Years ago)
"I am too, but I trust you guys. You both say she'll be okay, she'll be okay," Hori pointed out softly.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 03:18 (6 Years ago)
"Yeah, me too," Mira shook her head and smiled, going through with a nod of thanks.

Hori grinned and climbed out of the bag, landing with a grunt and waddling alongside the trainers.

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Posted: Sat, 14/07/2018 03:15 (6 Years ago)
"Yeah, true. The two know each other better than anyone else," Toka snickered. "I hope Tiger likes everything."


Cokeldurr nodded a thanks and started nailing one of the floorboards to the tree.

(I might ask for a quick timeskip for them lol)

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