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Posted: Sun, 12/02/2023 22:51 (2 Years ago)
“I have three illusion cloakers, one for each of us. They each last for ten minutes, max, but provide a decent disguise. If you try fighting with the illusion cloaker, your illusion will be shattered so it’s not the best, but if we’re just walking through Wildana it shouldn’t be a problem. Or if you want, I have these so-called appearance-changers. They last longer, for an hour, and fighting won’t ruin your disguise. These will physically change your appearances for a set period of time. However, they come with varied side effects like nausea, headaches and the like, the intensity and severity depending on the person. Sometimes it’ll leave traces behind, after it wears off. So, are you guys up to using any of them?” Andrea asks, pulling out six small hexagonal devices and showing off several brightly colored vials that she had hid in a secret pocket of her garment.

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Posted: Sun, 12/02/2023 22:40 (2 Years ago)
when I feel like it :p

(jk soon soon)

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Posted: Sun, 12/02/2023 01:59 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 12:33 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 04:09 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 00:07 (2 Years ago)

reminder! to those who haven’t, remember to finish ur for

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Posted: Fri, 10/02/2023 00:15 (2 Years ago)
Andrea swiftly matches Azazel’s quickened pace, taking longer strides to compensate for her shorter height. Since Azazel seemed to be taking charge, she leaned down, her hood covering her mouth, as she whispered, so only Peter and Azazel could hear. “There’s a girl watching us. I doubt she’s friendly. She doesn’t seem like Wildana’s folk either.”

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Posted: Thu, 09/02/2023 22:28 (2 Years ago)
“Wheeeee” Lilith giggles, flying daintily across the wasteland. “Bye bye kitty!” She chirps as she waved in the direction of Cath Palug. “That was fun” she mumbles dreamily, as she lands on two feet. It didn’t seem like others landed very smoothly though. “Miss Iteral? Are you…..alright?” She asks, before summoning another pair of cloth wings for Iteral. “You’re not able to stand by yourself…use these! I don’t know how to do first-aid so I can’t really do much for your arm and leg apart from allowing you to be able to move without using your arms and legs…Yue? Caspian? Do you guys know how to help?” She asks.

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Posted: Thu, 09/02/2023 13:28 (2 Years ago)
Lilith stares for a moment, before closing her eyes. “Cath Palug….Cath Palug……” She croons, as she sways from side to side in the air. Several Cath Palug dolls appear at her command, dancing around the real Cath Palug. She snaps her fingers, and the Caspians, Iterals and other doll figures launch themselves at Cath Palug, darting in and out, weaving around playfully to the tune of Ring-Around-The-Rosie, more of irritating insects to the Cath Palug then anything else. She motions for the Selaphiels to jump onto Cath Palug, doll feet walking and jumping and playing on the back of the beast, like little ticks in a dog’s fur, too small to get rid of yet sufficiently annoying.

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Posted: Thu, 09/02/2023 05:16 (2 Years ago)
“The dolls, the dolls! Give me one moment!” Lilith screams, waving her hands and causing several Caspians, Iterals, Liliths and Selaphiels flying towards Iteral. “Any and all of them, all are fine! No one will get injured if you sacrifice the dolls. Just don’t touch the doll Lilith with the blue amulet!”

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Posted: Thu, 09/02/2023 00:00 (2 Years ago)
“Thank you- oh woooAHHHHHHH WHY IS IT SO FASTTTTTT” Lilith yelps as the broom speeds up, gaining altitude. “If you can’t use your power to escape, grab on to the cloth copy of me wearing a blue amulet. Her wings can withstand your weight!” She yells, hovering out of reach of the Cath Palug.

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Posted: Wed, 08/02/2023 23:44 (2 Years ago)
Andrea followed Azazel, walking just a few steps behind him, trying to look friendly in case anyone was looking at her.

Lilith shrieks in fear. “Miss Iteral! Miss Selaphiel!” She cries out, now panicking. In her state of panic and fear, Lilith starts crying, produces several copies of herself, Caspian, Selaphiel and Iteral. She hops onto the broom. “Miss Iteral how do you steer this thing?” Lilith asks, balancing unsteadily at the edge furthest from the “broom” part.

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Posted: Wed, 08/02/2023 13:49 (2 Years ago)
Name: Lilith Amberstar
Age (18+ only): 18
Gender: Female
Team: Blue
District: 8
Appearance: misaki mei
ISTP | The Craftswoman

Lilith loves puzzles, and will approach her environments with a flexible logic, looking for practical solutions to the problems at hand. She is independent and adaptable, and typically interact with the world around them in a self-directed, spontaneous manner. She is attentive to details. Because of her astute sense of her environment, she excels at reacting quickly and responding to emergencies. She is somewhat reserved but enjoys taking action, and approaches the world with a keen appreciation for the physical and sensory experiences it has to offer.

She is able to control dolls, create duplicate dolls of other to control them and create a flexible replica of herself which is able to rotate joints a full 360 degrees

o Strengths
Can withstand hunger for a long period of time, quick and agile, small, and both book and street smart
o Weaknesses
her sarcastic comments may deter others from befriending her, and short range combat is NOT her specialty
Palpad?: si

Name: Chan-Juan
Age (18+ only): by right she’s 17, by left she’s 18
Gender: Female
Team: red
District: 3
INTJ The Intellectual | 5w4 The Philosopher

She is confident, analytical, and ambitious in their behavior. She loves to pursue knowledge and tend to be very logically minded. She tends to listen to her strong intuition and loves to see how everything connects together. She is focused on the bigger picture and may overlook small details.
Intellectuals are very logical and rational. She bases her decisions on what makes sense and might have a harder time connecting emotionally. Chan-Juan is organized and prefers following a plan, loving to set and achieve goals.
Chan-Juan will willingly sit with you as you pour your soul out to her, but don’t let her sweet facade fool you. Underneath that pretty, empathetic face is a serpent waiting to strike, to get hold of you.

Soul Sucker
Chan-Juan lives on souls. She is able to pull the soul out of another’s body, whether they are dead or alive. Of course, an alive person can still function without a soul, they will just be like a husk of their former selves. Apart from that, she can also sense one’s soul purity. Forcibly removing one’s soul from a body (when they are alive) is more difficult, and immensely painful for whoever that person might be. Thus, Chan-Juan is more like a vulture, swooping in after people are killed to suck their souls out.


o Strengths

o Weaknesses

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Posted: Wed, 08/02/2023 13:24 (2 Years ago)
Lilith picks up the relic that Iteral dropped, fiddling with it. It seemed to be a piece of a roof. She turned it over i her hands, tracing her finger over what she assumed were runes, before placing it in her bag and continuing to search. “Blue orb….orb…blue orb…hmmm” she calls out Lena again, before asking for her help to look for the blue orb.

Andrea rolls her eyes. “Now that that’s out of the way, shall we get a move on? The longer we linger the longer we attract unwanted attention amongst these dead bodies. We have a kingdom to take over don’t we?” She asks, watching Noctis retreating figure. “Fear….that’s not an emotion I’ve felt from others before this whole situation began. Nice to feel it again.” Andrea seems to be rejuvenated, and she smiles to herself.

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Posted: Wed, 08/02/2023 03:08 (2 Years ago)
accepted, welcome aboard Charlie- I mean Kara.

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Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 23:09 (2 Years ago)
Royal, Seren, April all reserved!

Unfortunately, DragonSlayer, you are rejected! Unless you can provide proof that you will be able to post paragraphs each time, you will not be able to join the roleplay, sorry! If you have samples of your writing that satisfies the condition stated above, pm it to me and we’ll see how it goes from there

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Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 23:01 (2 Years ago)
“Yes darling, you helped the bad guys. We aren’t those dashing princes here to save some captive princess or whatever dumb fairy tale story with a happy ending. We’re not good, at least not from your perspective.” Andrea pauses, staring at him. “So are you going to fight us? We’re the “bad guys” after all.” She walks closer to Noctis, her voice taunting even as she whispered “You better find a good hiding spot, because you’ve just killed many innocent guards. I don’t think the supporters of the Saint are gonna be very happy, are they? Especially Wildana’s folk. What a pity….you could have really forged strong bonds with them too, you know? Too bad you lost your chance….” She steps back, returning to her position, standing between Peter and Azazel.

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Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 13:12 (2 Years ago)
Lilith squeaks in surprise, having been standing a little too close to Iteral. She takes out her cloth wings and stares at them, looking terrified. “Wings…?!?!?” She whisper-yells to Iteral, holding them out, in partia bewilderment and fear.

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Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 10:43 (2 Years ago)
ItsKendo, res!

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Posted: Tue, 07/02/2023 09:22 (2 Years ago)

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