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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 03:34 (6 Years ago)
Colin nodded. "Um, is everyone ready?" He asked.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 03:33 (6 Years ago)
"Alright. So when my dad was stationed in Unova, he found an abandoned egg that he identified as a Zorua. When that Zorua hatched, he became my dad's partner for a bunch of missions against Plasma. But he remained unnamed for over two years."

Aite nodded and accepted the keys. "Alright then. I say that you work on the bread and I work on the gnocchi. Sound good?"

"Yeah," Watt nodded. "Or do you think that's a little too on-the-nose?"

"Sweet, sounds good. Ready?" Toka asked, preparing to attack the tree to make it fall.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 03:17 (6 Years ago)
"Ooh. Now that's a good gift," Mira smiled.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 01:29 (6 Years ago)
"...Oh," Colin nodded, surprised, and walked out of Berry Forest. "Gotcha. ...Good thing, too."

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 01:28 (6 Years ago)
Mira smiled. "That's really cool, actually. I have a similar story for Aite."

Aite grinned and held the door to the pokemon center open for Cyndaquil. "By the way, do you want to wash off that poison powder beforehand? I could get everything together in that time."

"Uh. It's for a date, right? So um... A tablecloth, some mood lighting. Can you think of anything else? ...Gifts!" Watt squeaked thoughtfully.

"Here's one," Toka called, pointing to a burnt tree. "Looks like it got struck by lightning."

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 00:44 (6 Years ago)
Mira smiled and set her empty plate down on the table.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 00:44 (6 Years ago)
"Whoa, you can sail? Since when?" Colin blinked, shocked.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 00:43 (6 Years ago)
"So you named him after a hero Dragonite," Mira hummed. "That's really awesome, actually."

"Ooh, good plan. I can make gnocchi?" Aite suggested.

Toka took off after Kibo. Watt nodded.

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 20:45 (6 Years ago)
And with that, all slots for shiny rockruff have been filled!

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 19:21 (6 Years ago)
(I remember tryhardninja did a song for CaptainSparklez and I immediately fell in love with it ack)

Mira stretched as well. "As I mentioned, I don't have a gift for you quite yet, since the party has been taking up a lot of time."

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 19:10 (6 Years ago)
"I thought we'd end up in there at some point anyway," Colin admitted with a shrug. "But who knows. Anyway, let's start heading to the mainland now."

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 19:09 (6 Years ago)
Mira nodded in understanding. "I guess because they were a little stereotypical?"

"Right, yeah," Aite nodded. "What meal are you thinking, anyway?"

"Right?" Tira snickered at Pidgeot, nodding a kind greeting.

"And then we'll all meet up back here, right?" Watt asked.

"Nah, of course not," Toka nodded in agreement. "Let's be off, then."

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 18:49 (6 Years ago)
I have to give you another warning for a) making a short post and b) minimodding. It doesn't matter whether or not I'm on. They weren't breaking any rules and I'm not sure why you thought they were.

But as for everyone else, you're accepted. Welcome 20GayTeen to the staff!

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 16:06 (6 Years ago)
(Awesome, thanks :3)

Colin giggled slightly at Yuki and nodded. "Looks that way. I'm sure Lum will be that happy, too."

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 16:00 (6 Years ago)
"No," Mira looked over, intrigued.

Aite laughed. "That sounds about right. Mira always wears blue under her jacket in some form."

"Sweet!" Watt jumped onto Charm's back. "But, uh, where?"

"Gladly," Toka grinned. "We'll have to do it quietly, though."

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 15:50 (6 Years ago)
"Me too," Colin nudged her. The Eevee shrugged and licked Colin's cheek. "Though right now she's a pretty good stress-biter."

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 15:44 (6 Years ago)
"Stories? Sounds good," Mira nodded. "Erm... Anything in mind for you?"

Toka snorted. "Definitely."

"Remember, Toka, Mira will ONLY wear a dress if it is blue. BLUE," Aite advised sharply. Tira sighed.

"I can't believe she's still on that, but yeah," She nodded. Toka shrugged.

"Let's get going already!" Watt squeaked.

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 15:32 (6 Years ago)
Colin nodded in silent agreement and lifted Lum onto his shoulder. "...Did I tell you? Lum decided that she wants to evolve into a Leafeon," He mused, trying to lighten the mood.

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 15:25 (6 Years ago)
Since the previous user has failed to claim their shiny within 48 hours, it will go on to you! I apologize that it evolved into an Ivysaur, but that hopefully shouldn't make much difference, no? (If so, I can hatch another for you :3)

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Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 04:51 (6 Years ago)
"Know any games?" Mira suggested.

Toka nodded and landed, letting Tira off of her back. "Sounds good," Toka nodded, sending Watt and Aite out. "We'll keep them busy for as long as you need us to."

"Awesome," Tira nodded. "Ready to make this thing happen?"

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