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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 01:19 (6 Years ago)
Mira gave a thumbs-up and stretched. "They're taking awhile."

"Ah, really?" Aite smiled. "That sounds more difficult. ...Y'know. Since they blow up."

"Yeah, great!" Watt nodded, grabbing the Pallet Town snowglobe. "That's it, right?"

"Good question," Toka hummed, helping him out with an aqua tail. "...Ooh, I've got it. We could convince a flock of wild bird pokemon to quote unquote 'attack' and we could dump them in a river or something."

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Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 00:12 (6 Years ago)
"It's no problem, Wildcat. Maybe I should head out soon, too, and send you your gift in the mail later?" Mira suggested with a shrug.

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Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 00:11 (6 Years ago)
Colin snorted, covering his mouth with one hand. "Oh my god. Guys. ...Just oh my--" He was wheezing slightly. Lum shook her head.

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Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 00:05 (6 Years ago)
(Yeah, I used to be a pescetarian. I just can't go without meat without feeling hungry xD)

Mira laughed. "Yeah, but you did look dashing on that night. So did Mel. Is it right to call a female dashing?"

Aite nodded in understanding, mixing the mashed potatoes with egg, flour, and water to create a dough. "Fish is definitely her specialty. And not just when it came to cooking it. She and her dad once kept a pet Magikarp. They were pretty good at it."

Watt hummed and curled his tail thoughtfully. "...Maybe this one for Tiger--" He pointed to one with the city of New Bark. "And this one for Mira." He pointed to one of Pallet Town.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 23:51 (6 Years ago)
"Yeah, ditto-ing Lion," Colin couldn't help but snicker. "What happened?"

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 23:49 (6 Years ago)
"See you guys!" Colin called, waving, before shutting off the video call. Mira put her pokedex back into her pocket.

"I'm glad you guys liked it. Fireworks are always the best part to set up," She grinned.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 21:19 (6 Years ago)
Mira laughed as well. "...But I have seen Charm pull a trick on you before to get you a suit," She thought aloud.

Aite nodded and took the potatoes out, mashing them. "He did a pretty good job, actually, she's not the worst chef now. She's at least able to make dinner out of something other than fish."

Watt held the lights under his arm and tapped his foot. "...Ooh, I've got it," He squeaked, running over to a rack of snowglobes. "Do you think these would make nice gifts?"

Toka nodded and looked around. "See any weaker looking ones?"

(That's fine, good luck with the scheduling thing :3)

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 14:11 (6 Years ago)
Mira laughed. "It's no problem."

"I just ran out, so..." Colin shrugged. "I actually better head back to Two Island now. My boat is leaving in fifteen."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, sorry. But it was fun while it lasted, guys!"

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 14:09 (6 Years ago)
"Right? I was convinced once or twice that they were real," Mira chuckled. "Y'know, when he does it without my knowing. Be thankful you don't have a trickster like him."

Aite got started on the gnocchi next, peeling some potatoes and dropping them into a pot of boiling water. "Dude. I never understood why Mira never learned how to cook until Tiger came along. It's really not that hard."

Watt looked around as well. He jumped up and grabbed a string of lights.

Toka smiled back. "Okay. Think we should do one more?"

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 13:51 (6 Years ago)
"I do!" Colin nodded. "Say hi to Seel! I found him by the Seafoam Islands on my way to Three."

A Seel entered the shot and waved his tail.

"...Aw, he's cute. I love Kantonian water types," Mira mused with a smile. "But anyway, yeah, happy birthday Tiger. I've equipped a child with explosives for you."

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 13:49 (6 Years ago)
Colin nodded and jumped onto the boat. Lum curled up on a seat and laid down.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 13:47 (6 Years ago)
"Yeah, I'd agree," Mira giggled. "That human illusion of his is good for more than getting him into trouble, though."

"I bought a bunch of groceries over there, so take your pick!" Aite called, stirring the sauce.

Watt followed, looking around. "I've never been in one of these stores alone before," He hummed, flicking his tail.

"Are you alright?" Toka asked, looking over Kibo for a moment.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 04:29 (6 Years ago)
Mira smiled. "It's nothing, Wildcat, it's what I do. ...Besides, I had to do something with that stash of fireworks on Three Island."

Her pokedex went off again and Mira picked it up, looking at the screen. "...Colin," She murmured, accepting the video call and turning the screen so that everyone could see.

"Hi! Happy birthday Tiger! I heard that the police officers are gone so I can do this without getting arrested!" Colin greeted, holding up a match. Another firework lit up the sky.

"Shush, it's totally legal."

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 04:27 (6 Years ago)
"Nah, Mr. Canip will take care of it. He used to be Bill's assistant, too," Colin shook his head. "Let's just head there ASAP."

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 04:26 (6 Years ago)
"Well, Aite's prank involved pretending to be a little boy lost in the forest. Practically drove my dad insane, since Aite kept running off and forcing him to chase him," Mira laughed. "They didn't get lost, though. Thankfully. After the ordeal, my dad decided to name him after the goddess of mischief, Ate. We just spelled it differently."

Aite hummed and made a call to a local grocery service, ordering the supplies for the dinner. They arrived soon (and Aite used Mira's credit card to pay) and he started out by chopping the tomatoes and vegetables, adding them to a pot.

"I think that should be enough, though," Watt shrugged. "Depends how pricy we want to go. But that's fine!"

Toka grabbed the top of the trunk and made it fall slower so that it wasn't too loud when it hit the ground. "Nicely done."

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 04:08 (6 Years ago)
Mira grinned and unlocked her pokedex. She tapped on it for a moment before putting it down again and waiting silently.

Fireworks suddenly went off high above the trees.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 04:07 (6 Years ago)
Colin nodded once more and looked around the island. "Hey, Mr. Canip!" He called. A younger looking fisherman looked over.

"What's up?"

"Take these," Colin tossed him a pair of keys. "Go to Two Island, and tell Bill that it'll be awhile before I'll be back."

"Gotcha!" Mr. Canip nodded, calling out his Fearow and jumping on, flying west.

"...I figured we wouldn't have time to do that myself," Colin explained nonchalantly and located Mira's boat on the harbor.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 04:03 (6 Years ago)
"Well, about a year before I was born, the Zorua had grown very strong. He wanted a name more than anything else--sort of like recognition, as he called it," Mira recalled the story. "My father was hopeless when it came to naming his pokemon. None of his other teammates had names, mainly because he was always awful at coming up with them. So, the Zorua tried to 'help' my father come up with a name. ...By using his human illusion and pulling a prank on him."

Aite followed and unlocked the room, stepping in. "Mkay, I'll do sauce first," He mused slightly to himself.

"Yeah, right!" Watt nodded. "By the way, how much money do we have?"

Toka dove forward with a dragon rush, slamming into the tree. A crack was heard.

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 03:56 (6 Years ago)
So I'd like some opinions on a philosophy I've written for one of my personal projects. Mainly stuff on whether or not you agree/disagree with it and how I could improve it. I'd like the feedback but I'd mostly like for this god send of a forum to be revived.

Quote"Free will could be the finest example of chaos in the universe. It is free will that creates friendships, it is free will that destroys friendships. It is free will that creates life and it is free will that destroys life. It is free will that starts wars, but it is free will that also ends wars. It is free will that leaves the universe in a constant state of uncertainty. The only way for perfect order to be achieved is for free will to be completely stripped away. For one person to be in control of it all. By taking away free will, you take away the human spirit--and you are given order."

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Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 03:34 (6 Years ago)
Mira smiled. "...Uhm, if you guys are ready, I guess I have a little gift."

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