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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ~SpiritBeholder~.
Posted: Sun, 20/10/2024 02:38 (2 Months ago)
Gastly when are you going to birth a shiny
a Blacephalon and Solastra is waiting on your slow a-

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2024 19:09 (2 Months ago)
no wifi ⭐⭐⭐

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Posted: Mon, 14/10/2024 18:00 (3 Months ago)
@Eisner, finished!!!

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Posted: Mon, 14/10/2024 02:05 (3 Months ago)
Sent! :3
(For clarification I am Spirit 😭)

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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2024 18:18 (3 Months ago)
@eisner, accepted!

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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2024 17:48 (3 Months ago)



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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2024 17:30 (3 Months ago)
What will is there to live if no Yinyang

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2024 12:33 (3 Months ago)
So, I seriously am debating whether or not I should draw every II character in one drawing. I guess this is like a poll thing? Should I or should I not? ^^

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2024 02:36 (3 Months ago)
Wait on meeeeee!!! I have more!!!!

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 13:36 (3 Months ago)
@Dellatae, accepted!

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 12:20 (3 Months ago)
@Espy2015, accepted! :3

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 05:15 (3 Months ago)
@GlitchMode, sounds good! Yeah, this place is still open. Feels like I'm cleaning cobweb here... whoops. Anywho, it'll have to be tomorrow because it's 1am here and I need sleep.

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Posted: Tue, 08/10/2024 02:01 (3 Months ago)
can I get one please? <3

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Posted: Sun, 06/10/2024 20:55 (3 Months ago)
(first thing that came to mind)

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Posted: Thu, 03/10/2024 10:36 (3 Months ago)
Awwww thank you! They're so cute! <3

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Posted: Tue, 01/10/2024 23:35 (3 Months ago)
@plantbunny, alright, and you're okay, I've delayed longer than you xD

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2024 19:54 (3 Months ago)
@GlitchMode, I've seen some of your art, don't worry lol! Also, gifts are awesome, but I usually give like 10 random gems and at least 1000 PD for gifts, bare minimum x3

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2024 11:28 (3 Months ago)
@plantbunny, I love your art <3
I can pay like 25-30K, but I wanna know if it sounds too low? I don't know, give me your opinion!

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2024 10:28 (3 Months ago)
haha yeah how to draw couches :3

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Posted: Mon, 30/09/2024 01:10 (3 Months ago)
✩ Bump! ✩

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