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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 14:57 (5 Years ago)

Title: Nailed It

Well, off to a good start. I managed to successfully start a Diary without incomprehensibly messing everything up.


Today I clicked 5000 pokemon in a row in the desperate search for an Event. I have also - prior to that 5000 - clicked 10,000 pokemon in total today. If I ever have to interact with that many pokemon again for one Event, I think I may actually cry. The cool thing is, doing all that clicking - and trying to do it over a few hours - got me another Solgilyph egg. So now I have two of them, although both of them are female, which kind of sucks. I'm about 10,000 clicks away from getting the next one. Maybe if I get that, it'll be a male.

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Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 14:52 (5 Years ago)
So I am highkey petrified of typing in forums of any kind. I am almost convinced I'll manage to mess this up somehow, even though there's literally one button, and each Diary is considered a Thread, and I am very much creating a New Thread. It's the anxiety.

Totally gonna use this to keep up with myself on various things (given that I actually manage to get this right, which, as I've already mentioned, I probably haven't), and to generally gripe about how bad I am at things - like trying to get events.

Also, hoping this'll give me that badge. If I can get that badge without awkwardly trying to shove my way into five different forums, that'd be awesome.

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