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Posted: Fri, 28/02/2020 10:33 (5 Years ago)
"Oh, I know him!" Raph said. "Well, not super well, but I've battled him a few times!"

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Posted: Fri, 28/02/2020 00:18 (5 Years ago)
"Ah, sorry about that!" Raph said as he picked up Smeargle. "I keep trying to teach him not to jump on people without permission but he's too friendly for his own good!" Raph held out a hand. "I'm Raphael! What's your name?"

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Posted: Thu, 27/02/2020 13:03 (5 Years ago)
Before Raphael could say anything, Smeargle jumped up onto J's lap.

"Smeagle!" 'Hello!' it cheered.

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Posted: Thu, 27/02/2020 08:48 (5 Years ago)
As Raph approached the lake, he noticed somebody else there. He called out for Smeargle to stop too, and was going to go somewhere else, but he noticed the stranger seemed kinda lonely so decided to go say hi.

"Hello!" he said as soon as he was in earshot.

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Posted: Wed, 26/02/2020 11:10 (5 Years ago)
@Moonsnow Ah, you might wanna remove the female from the giveaway field then. Anyway that's fine, I'm happy with just the others ^^

(Also I'm feeling a little off tonight so sorry if any of this comes off as rude or passive-aggressive, I really don't mean for it to)

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Posted: Wed, 26/02/2020 06:23 (5 Years ago)
Hey Moon, I want a lovely Pokémon :3
Username: nyabby-keromatsu
Pokémon you want: Satichu, Salandit, Alolan Meowth, Alolan Graveler*
Amount: 2 of the Satichu, 1 of everything else
Specific nature: Salandit female, everything else doesn't matter
Others: *Could the Graveller be holding an everstone just to make sure it doesn't evolve from the trade? I'll send the everstone back if you want, I just don't need another Alolan Golem. If not then that's okay, don't worry about sending it.

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Posted: Sun, 23/02/2020 07:41 (5 Years ago)
Raphael stepped into the Wild Area and stretched out with a yawn, his Smeargle standing right next to him and mimicking his exact movements.

"Alright! New day, new adventure!" he cheered, "You ready, Smeargle?"

"Smear!" the Pokémon replied, raising his tail.

"Race you to the lake?"


The two of them ran forward towards Lake Miloch, seeing who could get there first.

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Posted: Sun, 23/02/2020 07:19 (5 Years ago)
Name: Raphael
Nickname: Raph, Inks
Personality: Bubbly and excitable, always super positive. Pretty hyperactive. Tends to fail to pick up on other people's emotions but very in-tune with his own. Super attached to his Pokémon and treats them like people, finding them easier to get along with than a lot of humans. Secretly very smart and introspective but doesn't really talk about it.
Description: Messy blue hair with dyed green and purple tips, sort of curly, with a short ponytail. Silver eyes that are kind of reflective so can look like a ton of different colours depending on the lighting or surroundings. Red cap, red and green short-sleeve hoodie over an orange T-shirt and blue jeans. Purple, green and red sneakers with orange laces and blue and purple gloves. Basically his entire idea of 'fashion sense' is just 'COLOURS!!!!!'. Also often covered in Smeargle ink
Other: Almost always has at least one of his Pokémon outside of their balls, most commonly his Smeargle who's been his partner since he was little. Also has a Galarian Ponyta, Eevee and Archen, he's not a huge battler so they aren't super trained up.

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Posted: Wed, 12/02/2020 13:55 (5 Years ago)
Sending! Missing or favourite please!

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Posted: Wed, 12/02/2020 01:33 (5 Years ago)
it's complicated lmao

Evil for now but definitely has the potential to be good

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Posted: Sat, 08/02/2020 03:04 (5 Years ago)
Username: nyabby-keromatsu
Name: Felix
Pokemon: Cinderace (Spins), Litten (Kaen), Talonflame (Icarus), shiny Dusk Lycanroc (Cobalt), Umbreon (Moonlight), Boltund (Volt). He also has a Lucario (Rio) who helps him use his Aura powers. He never uses Rio in Pokémon battles, just when using Aura. He has other Pokémon as well, but they generally stay at Aether Paradise. Years later, while rounding up all legendary/mythical Pokémon, he ended up catching Zeraora, Marshadow and Zacian, which he takes with him in emergencies.
Nickname: N/A
Description: Dark green almost black hair, tied up in a short ponytail. Bangs that would normally cover his eyes are held in place by a red hairclip. Short and very thin with a small bit of muscle. Tanned skin covered in very faint scars from being scratched by Pokémon, plus a few deeper ones from recent years. All scars glow blue when he uses Aura powers. Wears a red tank top and black, grey and yellow pants (same style as the male Sun/Moon player character) and red sneakers with the laces untied, with a worn green hoodie wrapped around his waist and black fingerless gloves. Both of his eyes have a ring of blue in them, which glow when he uses his Aura powers.
Personality: Felix is much the same as he was three years ago. He's far better at socialising than he was when he was young, but still clams up under pressure. He much prefers to communicate/get to know people through Pokémon battles, and is able to tell a lot about a person based on their battling style and how they communicate with their Pokémon. He's super jumpy however, and can still go non-verbal if his anxiety is pushed far enough. This jumpiness has been increased ten-fold since Admin's whole incident in Galar. He's generally pretty cheerful and friendly, not afraid to get a bit roughed up by his Pokémon, but over the past three years has been struggling with feelings of dread and worry.
Backstory: Felix started his journey in Galar. At the time he was super shy and prone to anxiety attacks. He met Admin back then, but after he finished his Galar journey he went to Alola and eventually fell out of touch with Admin and the others (apart from Shaye).
After the Galar Incident, Felix became reluctant to leave the region. He still left at times when needed, but spent most of his time making sure everything was okay at home. He keeps in contact with everybody but doesn't talk to any of them frequently apart from Shaye (since she's the Champion). He spends a lot more time with Kabu, who's been his teacher for years and has become a father figure to him.

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2020 05:43 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2020 05:42 (5 Years ago)
Not having much motivation for anything lately :/. Still no Kyurem, gonna spend what little time is left of the event interacting as much as possible in hopes of getting one. School starts again in a few days, last time I tried going on here while there the website wouldn't load so unless they fixed it I probably won't be here too much on weekdays.

As of now (25/1/2020) I have 364 Pokédex Entries, 0 shinies, 4 Mega-Able Pokémon (but no Mega Stone).

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Posted: Sun, 19/01/2020 02:01 (5 Years ago)
Felix lazily walked into the stands of Wyndon Stadium, exhausted from helping keep all the citizens safe and relatively calm. Absently, he wondered where Moonlight was right now. She'd wandered off on her own before and always returned in time, so normally he wouldn't be too worried, but it had been quite a while now and with everything happening, he worried she'd been caught up in something...

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2020 12:02 (5 Years ago)
Felix glared at the floor, silent.

"Lu?" Rio quietly inquired as to what was wrong, but didn't get a response.

Spins emerged from her Poké Ball and walked up to her trainer, putting a law on his shoulder. "Cinder?"

"I'm fine..." Felix told her, putting his hand on top of her paw. He sighed heavily before turning to Shaye. "What now?"

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Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 14:11 (5 Years ago)
Felix arrived in Wyndon after having helped evacuate all the main cities of the Galar Region before they'd been attacked.

"Shaye! What's happening!?" he asked, running over to her.

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Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 08:32 (5 Years ago)
Felix nodded, preparing Icarus for yet another long flight.

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Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 08:26 (5 Years ago)
"Any idea where it is?" Felix asked, helping Rio up onto his shoulder.

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Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 08:17 (5 Years ago)
Zacian continued to show subtle affection towards Felix,, who giggled as it nuzzled him. Rio stepped over, awe in his eyes. Zacian turned to him, observing the Riolu for a moment before giving a soft smile and subtle nod.

Zacian turned back to Felix expectantly. Felix slowly took a Poké Ball from his belt and held it out. Zacian tapped the button with the tip of its nose and was absorbed into the Poké Ball.

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Posted: Wed, 15/01/2020 03:12 (5 Years ago)
"You're sure?" Felix asked. Zacian bumped its head against his hand.

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