Just accidentally put up a Mega-able Charizard for auction because
for some reason in the auction menu it doesn't tell you that
they're able to mega evolve. So I thought it was a regular
Charizard. Whoops.

#MyFavoriteMemory I already said it but I'm typing
another because I spelt 'favorite' wrong >:/

#MyFavouriteMemory I'm not sure I have one, but the
first thing that came to mind was recently when we had a storm and
instead of hiding like she usually does, my cat came to me and when
I held her she hid her little face in my arm, it was the sweetest
thing ;-;

me: okay I missed the first 3 days of December so I have to get
every Advent Calendar now-
Advent Calender: fill your party with fire types
me, with a Zamazenta egg that's only half hatched: OH COME ON

I haven't been on this site in a while and I forgot how to get
Great/Ultra Balls. Do they just rotate into the shop?

Does Retro Gastly evolve? I think I've seen other people with Retro
Haunter but my Gastly is at level 56 and hasn't evolved yet.

Sorry I disappeared for months, my school discovered that this site
exists and blocked it from the school wifi network so I wasn't able
to be online at school and didn't have time to when I was at home

I swear I've searched the whole site (that I have access to) and
I've only found 13 eggs orz

Wow that Zeraora appeared way quicker than Shaymin did - not
complaining of course!

Just traded for a shiny Sobble, anybody got any name suggestions?
I'm gonna have it fully evolve into Inteleon.

has anybody gotten any valentine's cards yet? I haven't :/

I haven't done any breeding on here, any tips?

I FINALLY got a Kyurem at the last minute!

I cannot figure out the trick to evolving Karrablast and Shelmet, I
can't seem to get it right orz

Current Main Goal: Complete Alola Dex (if anybody wants to help out
it's highly appreciated but of course not necessary)

how do i get Galar Pokémon? I know some were from the Advent
Calendar but what about Wooloo, Chewtle, Falinks etc.?