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lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 23:10 (7 Years ago) |
She grumbled quietly as she rose, though she only rose to her knees. She didn't feel much like standing yet, even if it meant getting herself out of the muck. She was still terribly tired, and her weird craving for something other than dirt wasn't making that any easier. She glanced around. The others were already waking up, it looked like. Some were shouting back and forth, some talking, even more still face-down in the damp grass. She brought her hand to the left side of her face, trying to brush some of her hair out of her eyes, but then she noticed that she couldn't see her hand. She tried to wipe her eye, figuring it was probably covered with mud or something else from on the ground, but was met with little resistance and her hand slipped into the... She stared blankly at the ground for a few seconds. And then she screamed. [Read more] |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 07:40 (7 Years ago) |
sort of a WIP (warning: super freakin long) ![]() Age: 16. Appearance: dunno about armor (i haven't drawn her with any, unsurprisingly) but her normal images are (gore tw) here (gore tw). additionally, her hair isn't really white at first (it's light brown) and her eyes are, instead of pink, either green or hazel (i haven't had to design her younger form yet, so i haven't decided jgkgkldnf) Personality: somewhat stuck-up and aloof, but not in a really mean way, if that's possible? like, she doesn't much like wasting her time with people who don't understand her, nor does she enjoy associating with whom she deems unintelligent or useless, but she's not explicitly retaining information just to be rude, or just.. generally being byakuya togami. she's not very social, but that's not to say she's awkward or antisocial. she doesn't find it very productive in most situations, though. if she really has to, she'll talk to people--like if she has to bond with a new team, or stop a fight, or whatever. sometimes she'll just talk to other people because she's exhausted all her other options.. or she's just plain old bored. she's somewhat anxious, and, even though as i established earlier, she doesn't much like people, she's internally really worried about what people think about her, and if she makes anyone mad. she often has lot of really violent, disturbing thoughts (most likely a side effect of the mouths), and is often a lot angrier than she lets on, though due to her people-pleaser-ish tendencies, she hates to bother anyone with those problems. this likely connects to why she doesn't bother socializing that much--she's worried about having people think about her issues, and would rather stay silent and have people be happy. relatedly, she's not very assertive, and would most likely have trouble voicing disinterest if someone were to, i dunno, try to romance her... or something. Power: caspian can grow extra eyes or mouths. it's easier for her to grow them where there's a pre-existing orifice, but they also pop up pretty easily on her arms, back, and neck, especially with the eyes. mouths tend to replace other features rather than grow on their own. the most difficult thing to do would probably be to grow a mouth on her foot. there's some that are semi-permanent (she has to really think about it to make them disappear), like her left eye-mouth-thing. the one sort of opening they can't really replace is cuts. i mean, i guess they could if it was a particularly life-threatening gigantic dang slice, but even pretty large cuts are preferred less than popping up on bare skin, even with mouths. sometimes, the eyes and mouths leave scars/cuts of their own. Downside: she can't control her power all that well, and sometimes if she feels a Very Strong Emotion™ it'll act up and she'll just. randomly grow eyes or mouths. it's really inconvenient. she also experiences some difficulty controlling the mouths/eyes themselves, the mouths particularly. they, in actuality, have a lot of control over her. if she has too many mouths, she starts to get hungry a lot quicker, and, due to that, somehow gets even more irritable. if she has too many eyes, she starts to get overwhelmed and dizzy. having too many of both is hard to achieve, and thankfully so, because it wouldn't be very fun for anybody. Weapon: she mainly uses her mouths as a weapon. the eyes are also useful for being particularly unnerving. i mean, if someone was mad at you and suddenly started looking more like a heavily mutated, admittedly rather pale spider than a human, you'd be pretty freaked out, right? when she can't use her mouths/eyes, like when she's fighting a distant enemy, she generally prefers long-range weapons like bows. Crush/BF/GF: n/a; bi; open, palpad me History: caspian had a pretty average childhood from birth to the age of seven. then stuff got Bad. (this wouldn't be an oc of mine if it wasn't in possession of a dark edgy backstory.) her father, who, conveniently enough, was a rather awful person from the start, started to emotionally abuse her. (cliche, i know.) her mother was exempt from his rage, and she was, while a far better parent than her father, a bit inattentive, and didn't (or maybe pretended not to for her own safety) notice caspian's father doing it. and like a lot of emotional abuse sufferers, she felt that it wasn't actual abuse, since he wasn't hurting her, but it really messed with her mind. the abuse continued for the rest of the time she lived with her father, which is.. well, the whole time up until this special day in the classroom. in that time, the abuse started to get more physical, escalating to a point that i'm not too keen to go over. her mother started to get concerned (damn, took ya long enough) and started making plans to take caspian and leave. however, before they could, it reached the present and the Special Day In The Classroom™ happened... Other: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i spent more than an hour writing this. help ![]() Age: Appearance: Personality: Power: Downside: Weapon: Crush/BF/GF: History: Other: [Read more] |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Mon, 08/01/2018 23:49 (7 Years ago) |
@below them? [
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Wed, 27/12/2017 12:16 (7 Years ago) |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Mon, 25/12/2017 03:25 (7 Years ago) |
![]() @below; my sona? [
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Tue, 05/12/2017 13:24 (7 Years ago) |
i'm supposed to be driving somewhere so no art yet but TONIGHT. promise, [Read more] |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 02:39 (7 Years ago) |
@below draw god (it was originally a doodle of angie yonaga from ndrv3 in case anyone's curious) [Read more] |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Wed, 20/09/2017 17:49 (7 Years ago) |
edit ![]() @below him? [
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Wed, 26/07/2017 17:50 (7 Years ago) |
edit: ![]() @below coliau? [
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Fri, 07/07/2017 01:54 (7 Years ago) |
![]() [center][size=14][color=lavender]DEFINITELY
AYANO AISHI[/color][/size][hr][color=lavender]discord:[/color]
[color=lavender]mood:[/color] [color=pink]hella jeff[/color]
[hr][color=lavender]on semi-hiatus until august 2017[/color][hr]
[color=lavender]|[/color] [color=black]trash[/color]
[color=lavender]|[/color] [color=pink]honest-to-gods[/color]
[color=pink]but okay with[/color]
[url=]![/url] -[color=pink]matching avatars with nobody.[/color]-[spoiler]pinch me im memeing[/spoiler][/center] [Read more] |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Tue, 27/06/2017 21:11 (7 Years ago) |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Sat, 24/06/2017 21:48 (7 Years ago) |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Fri, 23/06/2017 23:23 (7 Years ago) |
Crimson, after a while of walking, finally arrived at the castle. He had no intention of going in, but, for whatever reason, he felt drawn to it. Like some sort of strange force was pulling him there. He stood, looking it over for a while, not having noticed Ella yet. [Read more] |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Fri, 23/06/2017 15:39 (7 Years ago) |
Stormriser turned back towards the continent, landing on the shore. Nothing exciting happening today, he thought. Not even a single RainWing or NightWing wandering through the forest.. I mean, I suppose it's early, yes, but... Crimson spotted the SandWing palace (or whatever/? iunno,) in the distance. Perhaps he could go explore a bit, seeing as he had nothing better to do. Turning towards it, he began to walk, once again. As soon as Stingray touched the bracelet, she winced. Why am I taking it off, even? she asked herself, spontaneously thinking about why she should keep the bracelet on. She shook her head once again, glaring at the bracelet. This must be part of the enchantment. [Read more] |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Wed, 21/06/2017 22:39 (7 Years ago) |
Crimson began his descent. From his previous location in the Sky Kingdom (he had been visiting a relative rather than being in his hometown elsewhere, for whatever reasons), he had flown all the way down to the Kingdom of Sand. Glancing around to make sure there weren't any Sandwings patrolling around--even in a world where peace had reigned for many years, you could never be too careful--he proceeded, making his way across the newly sunlit dunes. Stingray crept further inland, until she was sitting at the near-center of the island. She glanced at the bracelet she never was seen not wearing, eyes narrowing. She'd always been a very calm, agreeable dragon, but she couldn't help being a bit suspicious of her accessory. A close friend of hers, a Seawing princess, had given it to her. Stingray didn't much care for jewelry, but she'd accepted it nonetheless. She'd never suspected her friend of being an animus--perhaps the skill did run in the royal family, but if her friend had it, then she'd never brought it up. Or perhaps she had, when Stingray wasn't around... Why wouldn't she have told me? Stingray argued with herself. Her friends trusted her wholeheartedly! She didn't care for drama, but she wasn't a backstabber and she wouldn't've told anyone who wasn't supposed to know. Shaking her head, her mind returned to the bracelet. She hadn't started the rumor herself, but many people seemed to think that it was animus-touched. She had never had a chance to see if it was, much less a way. She wondered if she took it off, whether she'd be any different... [Read more] |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Wed, 21/06/2017 21:35 (7 Years ago) |
edit: @ below him or her?? [
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Tue, 20/06/2017 16:54 (7 Years ago) |
Stormriser awoke near-silently. His mind was awfully quiet, thanks to it being so early, not to mention that he preferred to sleep away from everyone else. He picked up a few distant thoughts, coming from especially intense dreams, but that wasn't what he was looking for. He sat up, glancing around his sleeping place. The valley he had chosen was awfully barren, looking as if some enraged dragon had decided to take out his flaming vengeance on the plant life. He'd managed to scrounge up some leaves to lay on, but that was about it, besides a few patches of sparse grass sprouting up from the bare dirt. He finally stood, stretching his wings, preparing for takeoff. Crimson, unlike Stormriser, had woken up rather noisily, protesting against his younger siblings. Skywings didn't have family groups, like the Mudwings did, but that didn't stop Crimson's relatives from being a pain in the tail to him all the time. Another thing that set Crimson apart from Stormriser was the fact he had woken up extremely early, though he couldn't fathom why his siblings had chosen then, of all the times. Having nothing better to do, he was aimlessly flying, steadily getting further away from the Skywing kingdom. Stingray hadn't slept at all. She'd spend her entire night tossing and turning, achieving nothing but spooking the fish and making a mess out of her sleeping spot. Swimming towards one of the islands, she felt unnatrual panic creeping over her. Stop it, she thought to herself. You're tired, and you're imagining things. Just try to stay calm. She crept up onto the shore, glancing around to make sure there wasn't any dangerous things nearby. Thankfully, she was all alone. At least, she hoped so. Being unable to sleep always made her uneasy. [Read more] |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Mon, 19/06/2017 20:56 (7 Years ago) |
lucid OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 1,076 |
Posted: Mon, 19/06/2017 00:08 (7 Years ago) |
hnnhnnhh,, i SUCK at making forms so you can make your own if youd like; [editing as we go] ![]() Name: ![]() Age: ![]() Gender: ![]() Species: ![]() Appearance: ![]() Personality: ![]() Relationships: ![]() Stingray - Unknown Miscellaneous Info / Trivia: ![]() ![]() Name: ![]() Age: ![]() Gender: ![]() Species: ![]() Appearance: ![]() Personality: ![]() Relationships: ![]() Stingray - Unknown Miscellaneous Info / Trivia: ![]() ![]() Name: ![]() Age: ![]() Gender: ![]() Species: ![]() Appearance: ![]() Personality: ![]() Relationships: ![]() Crimson - Unknown Miscellaneous Info / Trivia: ![]() AHAHA HOLY HECK I SPENT FOREVER CODING THAT [Read more] |