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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 16:46 (2 Years ago)
Violet withdrew her fingers and she started to examine Athena’s wounds. “A bullet wound? Who did this to y-“ she was cut off by Luce scooping up Athena up and running. She quickly sprung to her feet and caught up to Luce and followed. Violet stood in the room with Elucian and Athena who was recovering, and stepped forward when she started to gain consciousness. “Don’t push yourself, relax” she said.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 16:32 (2 Years ago)
Kicking away rubble, Violet walked through the scene of destruction. Some jets still flew overhead and sprayed their guns, but Violet dodged the bullets, and even sent one back. “God, he better not have destroyed my favorite restaurant” she muttered as she came across something. No, not something, someone. It was Athena, who looked terrible. The look in Violet’s eyes changed as she slowly leaned down and put her fingers to Athena neck, hoping to find a pulse.

Drake stood over the dead soldier that Foxglove had thrown, rubbing his chin. “It seems you’re quite skilled with a knife, kid. Too bad this isn’t a dinner party” he said to Foxglove while his hand started to produce steam.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 06:12 (2 Years ago)
Before Kendo could finish the sentence he was starting, Violet was gone. The check that had previously been slipped to her floated slowly into his lap. She had vanished in the blink of an eye, leaving behind an $800 check and “Sorry :3” written on it. The waiter who had walked to the table looked at the door and then back to Kendo awkwardly.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2022 05:55 (2 Years ago)
Violet laughed and tried to steady herself, “It truly is an art, most people can’t learn to respect it” she said before she hiccuped. “I will say Kendo, I’m quite sorry” she started to apologize to him. Her fingers danced around the empty glasses on the table.

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 19:50 (2 Years ago)
Violet put her empty glass down on the table with a thump, it was her 5th. “I hate it when they interrupt my monologue! Those governments dogs have no respect!” She said while struggling to string her words together. “That regeneration of yours is quite impressive. Does it help with hangovers?” She asks. She noted Times appearance and disappearance.

Drake looked up to the rooftops, a piece of silverware had fallen and hit his head. After listening in, he could hear conversation going on as well. “What the-“ he said while scratching his head.

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 11:23 (2 Years ago)
Violet had finally stopped eating and was now only drinking, “Only time will tell, but I think there might be a few hidden gems. I didn’t really care to meet up, so how’re the others doing?” She asked Kendo as she moved the dirty plates towards the edge of the table.

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 11:06 (2 Years ago)
“DANG (mn) RIGHT” Violet said while matching his energy. Her pale cheeks started to turn a rosy red color from the alcohol. “I bet there are still some strong ones that haven’t popped up yet. I’ll crush them before they become a real problem though” she confidently said.

Drake walked through the outskirts of town, he walked slow but carefully. He was getting a slight sense that he might be getting watched, but he kept going.

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 10:49 (2 Years ago)
Violet laughed while spilling some of her drink, “He’s a fun one, but he does give me trouble. I can’t really touch him, unless it’s in the rain. But he wouldn’t be dumb enough to try to fight me in that circumstance.” Violet said while she stopped drinking. “It’s such a shame, I haven’t actually fought against most of the heroes here. I haven’t had the chance yet. Not that they could go toe to toe with me anyway” she said.

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 10:35 (2 Years ago)
“It’s quite boring, most of these so called heroes are just brainwashed teenagers who believe that they’re actually doing something for the greater good” she said while taking a drink. Violet snickered when he commented about his number, “You can give me your number all you like, but you’re just not my type” she shrugged, knowing that wasn’t what he meant. The server at the restaurant brought her out a new basket of fries and drinks for both of them.

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 10:16 (2 Years ago)
Violet kept eating, not looking up from her food. “Just trying to find the best food in this city, since nothing else is good about it. You reek of chemicals and tar” she said to Kendo as she scrunched her face. Her heightened sense of smell had a strong dislike for cigarette smoke.

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 09:51 (2 Years ago)
Rats danced around Drakes feet as he walked through a deserted alley. His body let off small amounts of steam as he walked, before turning a corner and leaving the alley. In the alley, a villain laid in a heap on the ground, almost unrecognizable. “Scum” he said under his breath while heading down a small street.

Violet slammed her drink down as she ate, causing somewhat of a scene in the run down restaurant she sat in. “This is great” she managed to say between mouths of food. Being oblivious to all of the looks she was getting was one of her stronger abilities. KEKW

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2022 03:56 (2 Years ago)
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Name: Drake Helen
Hero/Villain Alias: Vesuvius
Age:(15-21): 18
Ability: Magma and Lava control. His body has the ability to turn into lava or magma at will. This can be used to absorb attacks and or be the one dealing them.
Faction: Hero
Personality: TBRPD (can’t for the life of me make a good description of it :,))

(Credit to the artist, art is not mine)
Palpad: Sure
Other: pffttttt the power totally isn’t stolen from a show I like

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Name: Violet Hart
Hero/Villain Alias: Combo
Age:(15-21): 19
Ability: Her ability is known as overclock. This ability builds her already very high strength and speed by landing consecutive hits on the target. Every hit landed in succession increases her power and speed. The higher amount of hits, the more her strength and speed is multiplied. Her ability is interrupted and her stats turn back to normal when she hasn’t landed a hit on the target in the last 30 seconds. This time constraint shrinks when the “combo” gets longer, so her hits must be landed quickly. By about 10 hits, her force is equivalent to a small bomb. At 30 hits, her force is equivalent to multiple large bombs. She can also use this power on herself to “launch” herself.
Faction:(Hero/Villain): Villain (A+ rank)
Personality: TBRPD

(Credit to Hunyan on twitter)
Password: Aether
Other: She has a very hard time working with others as she often causes lots of damage.

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Posted: Sun, 11/09/2022 15:45 (2 Years ago)
“Yes please” Claude said to his mother as he set down the knife. “I think the ceremony will go good this year. Noah is good at these types of things. I may even be a little excited to see how he runs it” he suggested while cleaning up some mess he made on the counter.

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Posted: Fri, 19/08/2022 02:29 (2 Years ago)
Claude perked up at the voice of his mother, “I accidentally stayed up last night studying” he said while turning around to face her. His whole demeanor had shifted when he started to talk with his mother, he seemed oddly outgoing. “Are you ready for the ceremony?” He asked as he struggled to contain a yawn. Claude straightened his posture as he continued to spread sauce on his sandwich bread. Benny had started pacing around the queens legs to try and get attention.

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2022 02:20 (2 Years ago)
Claude slowly made his way through the castle halls while keeping his head low. He slipped into the kitchen and was promptly greeted by a servant, to which he responded with a head nod. He gracefully moved across the kitchen as he gathered the ingredients for a sandwich, almost dropping a tomato in the process. I hope the ceremony goes well tonight. Noah is good at these things, I shouldn’t worry. He thought to himself while he sliced tomatoes to put onto his sandwich. Benny waited patiently at his feet hoping to catch any scrap possible.

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Posted: Sat, 13/08/2022 15:10 (2 Years ago)
After a while of struggling, Claude finally found a pair of clothes that were half decent for today. As he wove his comb through his hair, his dog Benny circled around him. That was Benny’s way of asking for attention. Claude stroked Benny’s head as he finished up getting ready. The pressure of today was starting to build, he didn’t want to admit it but he was quite nervous. Claude walked towards his door and then left his room, with Benny in tow behind him. He slowly made his way down the hall, and headed to the kitchen in search of a late breakfast.

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 22:11 (2 Years ago)
Claude awoke to the piercing rays of the sun coming through his window. Groggily stepping out of bed, he tiptoed around the piles of books, candles, and other objects that cluttered his floor. He hadn’t intended to sleep in this long today, but a late night of reading had made it hard for him to get out of bed. Claude rummaged through his drawers and closets trying to find a nice pair of clothes for the event tonight. Claude frowned as he looked into his mirror, his clothes didn’t match at all. “I hate dressing up” he mumbled to himself while fighting to put on a new pair of pants.

Rose rummaged around her small home, trying to find her backpack that always managed to get lost in the piles of rubble. Nothing about the place would remind you of a home, it was a very old shack that could topple down at any second. “Gotcha!” She exclaimed as she found her bag under a pile of bloody papers. Slinging it over her shoulder, she made her way outside.

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 20:54 (2 Years ago)
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Name: Claude Lamonia
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: He/him
Role: Prince
Appearance: (Haven’t found a good picture yet) Claude has short and usually messy dark brown hair that covers his blue eyes. Claude stands at about 5”10, but due to constant slouching he isn’t usually that tall. He’s a little on the skinner side and he prefers to wear baggy clothes.
Personality: Claude is very reserved, he is the definition of an introvert. He’s most often found in his room, rarely leaving for anything. Being social isn’t a strong suit of his, and it’s fairly uncommon for him to be seen in public. He doesn’t have friends, and barely talks to his own family besides his mother. It’s not for a particular reason, it’s just how he is, and they’ve accepted that. Books are his friends. Claude has a mind filled with knowledge from the hours he spends reading, but his mind is very fragile thing. Hopefully he can hold it together in these upcoming events…
Other: He has a Tibetan Mastiff named Benny who is very protective of him. I hope to have him grow during the story, and he is killable.

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Name: Rose Hilden
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: she/her
Role: Apprentice Mage

(Not my art, credit to Quardri on Reddit)
Personality: Rose is very spontaneous, and often makes decisions on a whim. She doesn’t usually think for herself, and struggles without guidance. She’s a bit crazy as some might describe her.
Magic (Mages only): Blood magic. She can create things using blood, but she has to be using her blood with it at all times. So if she uses too much, she can easily die. She can use other peoples blood if her blood has touched it or she’s ingested the blood she’s trying to use.
Equipment: Vials, a spell book, syringes, and needles are kept in a torn up backpack that she takes almost everywhere.
Backstory: Rose was abandoned in the wasteland at around the time she was 5. Her parents were scared of her, as she was an…. unusual kid. (More TBRPD)

Past example

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 17:54 (2 Years ago)
Ahhhh hopefully I’m not too late to the party ^^? If not, could I reserve a spot or two?

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Posted: Thu, 06/01/2022 04:53 (3 Years ago)
Although her mist was dense in her area of the field, Mira could still see Thalia. Not exactly see, but sense her magic faintly. Thalia had made the right move by moving to advantageous terrain, although the battle wasn’t turned yet. Mira ran, the mist surrounding her and moving with her, almost as if it was one unit. This shrouded her with cover, although the one flaw this has was she couldn’t keep the mist too long if she wanted to conserve magic. “What to do…. She’s clever” Mira said to herself while analyzing the situation. “Good one, but the high ground won’t keep you safe” her voice echoed through the forest to Thalia.

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