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Posted: Tue, 17/03/2015 14:20 (9 Years ago)
@curiousangel @pitaryt: Commission accepted. :D

@pinkie_pie: Still not started. You can see in the second Post, when your map will come ;)

Commissions are now closed for a while. I want to finish some comissions before I made my new commissions ;)

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Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 21:01 (9 Years ago)
Both is possible. What Kind of Atmosphere do you want? Bright underwater oder something darker?

And yeah. But it will take some time ;)

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Posted: Mon, 16/03/2015 20:23 (9 Years ago)
@cony: Ok. I think I have some ideas for water :D

And now the Commission for Tezio was finished! It's a bit too much filled. I Hope you like it xD

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Tileset-Credits goest to ChaoticCherryCake, Barubary, Sagaxxy, Magiscarf. The Libertine and me.

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2015 20:27 (9 Years ago)
@Tezio: ok, I think I have a Idea how to made it :D

@XD001: A whole Island on this size is not easy, but I think it's ok.

@Cony: Why am I not surprised about Vaporeon? xD Shiny Caterpie costs more!. What Kind of Water do you want to have? Halftransparent? Oder normal Water?

Tommorow I will begin to map them ;)

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Posted: Sat, 14/03/2015 21:01 (9 Years ago)
Thread is now much better. Less Spoiler, colours and now: Commission! You can find more information in the first post!

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Posted: Wed, 11/03/2015 21:57 (9 Years ago)
Commissions Overlook:

Actually: Open, but only limited! (Means, I'm most likely not gonna accept really big offers) ~

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Quote not filled


Quotenot filled

QuoteSlot actually Closed


Quotenot filled

Quotenot filled

Have to pay:

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Posted: Wed, 11/03/2015 13:06 (9 Years ago)

Hello and welcome to my map thread!

I'm making map for about 2-3 Years now. Obviously I don't wanna show you my first stuff. So all you will see here is from the Year 2013 to now, cuz' these are my only work, thats not ugly xD

I also made commissions for you. It's not very expensive. The price depends on the size and what is on the map. But you have to give me some time, because mapping can sometimes eat much time:X

You can choose what's on the Map. What kind of envoirment should it have? Do you want a wish-Pokemon on the Map (only from generation 1-5 and some in Gen6; Only for Avatar-&Signature-Maps!). Do you want a special-tileset? (If used, them link me the map with it.)
One advide. I'm very bad at using fonts. So I only making the map, not fonts and effects!

I can make you:

Avatar: 1000 PD: 150x150. With wish-Pokemon(-family). Can be made together with a Signature.
Signature: 2000 PD: max 384x192 (can be smaller). With Wish-Pokemon(-family) and Tileset.
Both together: 2500 PD: Like the one in the examples (last Spoiler). Only the Map. With wish Pokemon(-Family).
Bigger Maps: Can be used for all kind of things. The prize is depending on the size. Maps bigger than an Avatar or a Signature often takes several days (or even longer) to make, because mapping can eating a lot of time.
160x160: same as an Avatar
320x320: same as a Signature-Map
480x480: 4000 PD - can took some days.
560x560: 5000 PD - Not making them everyday or for all. Please name a reason, because this ones taking a lot of time.
Higher than that: Only making them for special reasons. Prize is depending on the Map. These are taking even more time ._.

Now some exaples of my Maps. I've made my during the years.
There are maannnyy Maps. Of you want to see the details, open them in a different Tab!

Contest Work:
Some of my order ones. Not rly the bust, but halfway ok.

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Route from east to west:
Credits: Chimcharsfirefork, Gallanty.

Route 120(1)-Remake
Credits: Red ex, Hydragium, Chimcharsfirework, Gallanty, The Libertine, Hek el Grand

Habitat for Crab-Pokemon:
Credits: Chimcharsfirework, Gallanty

Safari-Zone for Unova: (VERY Big map!!)
Credits: Red ex, Hydragium, Ultimospriter, Sagaxxy, Chimcharsfirework(&co), U-Seigel, Barubary, Pokefreak, Philosprite, Zetavares, Hek de mon, BW Ultimate-mix.

Election in a city - Bad big city D: :

Credits: red ex

Bond Bridge Remake:

Credits: Evolina X, bw-Mix, Sagaxxy, Kyle-dove

3rd Gen City:
credits: Nintendo/GF, Yuria, Joka

Map without trees:
credits: Barubary, U-Seigel, Chimcharsfirework, Loreena, Kyle-dove, Sagaxxy, EvolinaX, Zetavares, BoomxBig, tyraniteDark, Kymotian, WesleyFG, Pokefreak, Dewitty

Remake Route 111:
[/B]credits: Kyle-dove, Yusei Fudo, BW-Utlimate-mix, EvolinaX, Alacus, Dewitty, Zetavares, r92, JanSyurichu, Cuddlesthefcat

Prehestoric Times:

Credits: BW-Ultimate-mix, ChaoticCherryCake, Barubary, U-seigel, Salyka.


credits: EvolinaX, BW Ultimatemix, U-seigel, Barubary, Zetavares, Riolu-Fan, Sagaxxy, alacus, Dewitty

Lavandia on a new place:

[/B]Credits: Alucus, Dewitty

On a Journey:

Credits: EVoLiNaX, Zetavares, Alucus

Very Bad map:

Credits: Magiscarf



[/B]Credits:Alucus, Minorthreat0987, EVoLiNa X, Robo-Pikachu, Pokémon Gaia Project, Zetavares, Mapmaster, Majiata, Red Ex, Hydragirium.

[b]Route 118 Remake:

Credits: EVoLiNaX, Zetavares, BW ultimate-mix, Alucus, dewitty

Ice Floe / Piplup Habitat:

[/B]Credits: Dewitty, zetavares, majiata

Route 5 in the future:

Credits: Minothreat0879, Kyle-dove, Dewitty, nSora-96, Alucus, Sagaxxy, Heavy Metal Lover, Alucus, Gallanty, Barubary

Just a little Town:

[URL]http://fav.me/d76ezh5[/URL], Alucus, 19dante91, Minothreadt0879.


Credits: TheRed-ex, hydrargirium, Mew1993, gallanty, Barubary, zetavares852

The Tale of Magikarp Carpona: (It's a panel. The Map connected to the one, comes next. With a few exceptions)

Credits: magiscarf, thatssowitty, sagaxxy, evolina, fav.me/d7e706f und fav.me/d76ezh5

Fear Town Remake:

Credits: BW-Mix, Dewitty, Alucus, Chaoticcherrycake, WesleyFg, Kyle-Dove, Red ex, Hydragirium, Mew1993, Heavy-Metal-Lover, Barubary, U-Seigel, Zetavares, Mr-Duke

Random mountain Route:

Credits: Gibson, Kyledove, Princelegendario, Alucus, Evolina_x, BW-Mix, U-Seigel, Barubary, red ex, Hydragirium.


Credits: Salyka, Dewitty, Baruybary, U-Seigel, Kyle-Dove

Friend Safari - Grass:

Credits: BW-Mix², Magiscarf, Chaoticcherrycake, Dewitty.


Actually none :(

Other Contest work
Contest on other Sites or littel Contest during the Years.

Fail Fighting Arena (early 2013):

credits: EvolinaX, Zetavares, Sagaxxy, Barubary, Alucus, [URL]http://fanart.pokefans.net/tilesets/27561[/URL]

Santalune City preview?(Summer 2013; before XY comes out):

Credits: Hydragium, Mew1993, Red ex, BW-Ultimate Mix, Zetavares

Big Forest(mid 2013)

credits:Red ex, Hydragium, Mew1993, BW Ultimate Mix, Dewitty, Barubary, U-seigel, zetavares.

Spring Town: (Early 2013)

Credits: Barubary, Gallanty, Chimcharsfirework, DNZGames, Thatsowitty, red ex, Hydragium.

Summerresort and City (Summer 2013):

Credits: BW-Mix, Salyka, Alucus, Dewitty, Barubary, Sagaxxy, Zetavares, Alister

Fall Town in Gen 5 (Late 2013):

Credits: U-seigel, EvolinaX, nsora96, Pokefreak, WesleyFg, kymotonian/Kyle-dove, Rverah-duh, speedialga, Platinum Tyrant, Spacemotion, alucus, pokemon-diamond, kizemaru-kurunosuke, danerdydude, KageNoSensai, klnothincomin, anutter, epicday, thurpok, ultimospriter, iconforeverxshoddybattle, dewitty, minorthreat0987, tyranitardark, princelegendario, boomxbig, takaiofthefire, HekelGrande, Sagaxxy, Salyka, Mew1993, Red Ex, Hydragirium

Ranger Mission (Late 2013):

credits: BW Ultimate-Mix, U-Seigel, Sagaxxy, Barubary, Hydragirium.

Union Cave - Remake (Late 2013):

Credits: EvolinaX, Zetavares

Icy Island City (2014):

Credits: Alexa88, Zetavares, ChaoticCherryCake, Red ex, Hydragirium, Mew1993, Gen 5 Ows

Minimap: Coast Village (2014):

credits: Boomxbig, Ultimospriter, HeavyMetalLover, zerudez, Kyle-Dove, Mepotes, zetavares852.

Minimap: Jungle(2014):

Credits: BW-Mix + Light Jungle Trees

Other good work
These one weren't for contest, but I've made them for other reasons.

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Gallery Tileset-Test (2013):

credits: Alucus & me

Love Island (Earyl 2013):

Credits: Barubary, U-Seigel, WeasleyFG, Chimcharsfirework, englishkiwi (?), poke freak

Very Random Route (2013 or 2012):

Credits: zetavares, pokemon gaia project

XY Tileset Test (2014):

Credits: Zeo254, FinalArtz, Empichucha

#Yolotad (2014):

Credits: Zetavares, Heavy Metal-Lover, Dewitty, WesleyFg

Remake of Route 104 (North) (2014):

Klick, EvolinaX, Dewitty, Kyle-dove, Red ex, Hydragirium, Mew1993, Thunderdove, Sagaxxy, Barubary, Loreena.

Farm Island - Route 1 (2015):

Credits: EvolinaX, Zetavares, Kyle-Dove, Chaoticcherrycake

Work for CS:
Actually I'm working for a little german browsergame. Most parts of the region are completed, but here are some maps from the game

Part of Route 6:
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credits: Chimcharsforework, Pokefreak, mapping freak, weasley fg, EvolinaX, Dewitty

Ardhon Falls:

Credits: Dewitty, DarkTyranite, BoomBix, kymotian, Zetavares, Pokefreak, Chimcharsfirework (&co), WesleyFG, u-Seigel, Salyka

Part of Route 11 + Spring of Dragon:

Credits: Dewitty, Evolinax,EvolinaX, Chimcharsfirework, Kyomotian, BoomxBig, TyraniteDark, Zetavares, Pokefreak, WesleyFG
PS: The Tree which is out of the line has a reason ;)


Crdeits: Sagaxxy, Loreena,BW Ultimate Mix, Barubary, EvolinaX, U-Seigel, Cony Kisaki/Crypto-Aquana

Part of the Gold Oak Forst:

credits: Hydragirium, U-Seigel, Zetavares, Dewitty, EvolinaX, BW ultimate-mix

Tol Village - Area One:

Credits: EvolinaX, Dewitty, zetavares, WesleyFg, klick

Faloth Cave - Deepest Cave:

Credits: HeavyMetalLover, Zetavares852, Loreeena, Kyle-Dove, Gibson, Alucus, Sagaxxy

Winner's Village:

Credits: Credits: Dewitty, TyranitarDark, Kyle-Dove, Zetavares852, Sagaxxy, Barubary

Secret Routes:
They are called "Secret Route". These are special Routes that were only open durung Events.

Tyrant Desert:
credits: EvolinaX, Zetavares

Halloween Forest:

credits: zeri, Zetavares

Christmas Village:

Credits: Kyle-dove, zetavares, ThatsSoWitty, TheLibertine, JanSyurichu.

Easter Forest:

credits: U-Seigel, Dewitty, EvolinaX, Kyle-dove, 19Dante91, N-sora96, WesleyFG.

Fort Dusknoir:

credits: Magiscarf, Chaoticcherrycake, Alister, Zetavares, TrikePhalon, TyranitarDark, Mr.Zero

Avatar & Signature-Maps:
Since this Year, I'm making some Signatures for friends. They are Random - I know, but some like them :3
Please don't use them! They are reserved! :D

Some Examples:
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credits: Credits: Kyle-Dove, EVoLiNa_X

credits: Zetavares

credits: Kyle-Dove, Evolina

credits: TyranitarDark, Hydragirium, Dewitty, Kyle-Dove, Zetavares852

credits: Zetavares

credits: ChaoticCherryCake

I Hope you like them (somehow xD) and if you want you can give critique or just leave a comment xD

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 13:45 (9 Years ago)
i don't know if this is the right thread, but I have a little question about "Fanmades" Forum.
The only Forums I see are Fanarts, Fanfictions and Sprites. But where can I open a Thread for example maps or others? :X

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 21:21 (9 Years ago)
hello :3

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