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Posted: Sun, 29/01/2017 19:40 (7 Years ago)
When the same ditto was offered up as a prize for the 5th different competition and then sold 3 days later for nuggets and never given out as a prize for any of them I thought for sure it was a scam - but when I went through the site rules and the lottery thread rules I couldn't see anything to actually report them for.

There seemed to be no rules against putting "this OR that OR the other" in the prize list as long as they gave at least one of the listed ones out. They didn't exactly lie to anyone, they just baited people in with the ditto prize but then gave out the lowest value prize on their list.

I'll definitely mention it to mod next time I see it, once one user started doing it I saw at least 2 others doing the same thing - numbers 1 and 2 are actually real examples I witnessed.

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Posted: Sun, 11/12/2016 11:47 (7 Years ago)
Pokemon came out in 1996 so people that were teenagers back then are 18+, so I disagree the site is for children. There's also people that came here from other collection site games which cater to all ages.

That said I can't give support to any of the things asking for private forums, private pal pads, private this that and the other - Riako pays money for this little part of the internet and that money should go towards improving the game, not him paying for more internet space to cater to only a small part of the community.

If people want to do private things that are not PH related and (as other threads suggest, hidden away from Mods eyes) then they can pay their own money for their own part of the internet to do it in and deal with the legal aspects of allowing minors to make accounts themselves.

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Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 18:40 (7 Years ago)
Username: SallyAnn
Amount of gems (at least 50): 100
TTT or GE?: GE please
Do you agree with all of the rules?: Yep, ae :)

Edit: No worries on the delay, I am slacking here myself and playing BL2, gems sent :) )

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Posted: Fri, 02/12/2016 15:19 (7 Years ago)
Name all trading partners, including yourself: SallyAnn and LovelyLilDevilWings
Trade arrangement: SallyAnns Ditto for LovelyLilDevilWings 4500 nuggets
Comment (additional): Thanks guys.

Edit: Thanks so much for the assist, really this is an invaluable service, I really appreciate your time and effort :)

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Posted: Fri, 25/11/2016 17:39 (7 Years ago)
Yeah, for sure I support anything that gives users more stats they can see.

Would love a whole bunch of them even if they are private just for me - because unless you've been here a long time you're competing against yourself mostly.

Stats and numbers keep interest up and give users something personal to aim for when the leaderboards are way out of reach.

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Posted: Thu, 17/11/2016 06:36 (7 Years ago)
Whats promoted me to suggest this is the large number of raffles and lotteries recently that have prizes listed but are these are never given out, or the exact same prize is offered in 5 or 6 of the same users lotteries over a period of weeks - but is still never handed out as a prize.

I can't help but think offering a prize you will never be handing out is heavily misleading to users donating their goods and falls under the scamming users into thinking they might get something they never will.

Some random examples:

"Donate and Win a DITTO or LEGENDARY BIRD or a summon item!" - prize turns into an enigma stone

"Do this and win DITTO or NUGGETS or PD!" - Prize turns into 100K PD

"Donate this and win a MEGASTONE or a RARE SHINY SLOT or shiny plushies" - the prize turns into shiny plushie

I'd like to propose a simple change to have a rule stating lotto/raffle prizes must be clear - and actually handed out if they are listed in the post/thread as a prize.

I think this will serve well to protect users from getting scammed with these sort of "fake" prize lists.

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Posted: Wed, 16/11/2016 10:43 (7 Years ago)
I don't really see a need for this either, unless maybe if you'd prefer the survey to be anonymous?

If you don't need it to be anonymous feedback then you have the Suggestions Forums right here to post in if you think something can be improved - or if it's a more sensitive issue involving people but you don't want to submit a ticket you can pal pad a Mod, all the ones I've spoken to about different things have been great.

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Posted: Mon, 07/11/2016 16:23 (7 Years ago)
Riako has already announced he is re-releasing Vivillon Pokeball before the end of the year - so to most of us it's worth nothing.

Riako's statement -

Quote"There are currently 526 Vivillon (Poké Ball) in the possession of active players - I don't think it will be hard to find someone who lends you their Vivillon for the Dex?

Also, it obviously will be distributed again in the future, very likely already this year."

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Posted: Sat, 05/11/2016 03:52 (7 Years ago)
Name of Evolution Stone: Megastone please
Number you want brewed: 3
Offer: 150K (discount rate) - all gems will be provided.

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Posted: Fri, 04/11/2016 08:37 (7 Years ago)
Getsuga I would like a Slot please!
Username: SallyAnn
Shiny/Normal Slot: 1 x Normal Cresselia slot
Payment: 1 x sky pillar map and 1 x hollow space map

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Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 21:47 (7 Years ago)
Wow at the waiters costumes prices, you pretty much have to spend 10K PD on food per day to stand a chance to get one - and it averages at 1 every 7-10 days so 70K - 100K spent out - just to sell for 30K? It makes no sense, it's not like you get them "free" from rumble boxes, or for a few K game chips on treasure hunt.

(I have noticed this week they've not been selling at all - but I'd take an educated guess that's only because people are saving for & only spending on the new things as they may be time limited, maybe see what happens in a couple of weeks and adjust those prices)

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Posted: Fri, 28/10/2016 03:49 (7 Years ago)
I have a Submarine Volcano (Map) and would like to order another Thundurus if it's possible.

(Edit: thanks so much, map sent :) )

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Posted: Fri, 28/10/2016 03:30 (7 Years ago)
Getsuga I want to Donate!
Username: SallyAnn
Gem and Number: Fairy Gem x 10

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 20:56 (7 Years ago)
@Zathis - the pokeball vivillon is not worth more now, Riako has already said he is redistributing them before the end of the year so if anything they'll be worth much less.

I know 2-3 people paid over 1.5 millon for one but you can't make the mistake of saying something is a price just because a small amount of people overpay and then AH flippers saw this and bought anything lower simply to try and resell flip a profit. Just like Dragonsumehs Mimi is an overpay exception - they are not worth 900,000 PDs - but when others saw it they all tried to sell for 800,000 and failed. Same thing happened for the strange ornament - it was only "worth" 550K for like 6 days due to overpayers, after most people have one it's simply vendor trash.

Any news on the waiters suits being added here? I sell a lot and if I put them on the correct pokemon and up for 95K it's no sale, 85K occasional sale, 75K always a sale. (I've seen them held by the wrong pokemon but not selling as low as 60K though) Hope this helps/fits with your observations.

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 19:49 (7 Years ago)
Dragon gems are easily picked up for 30-40K nowadays on the AH. (I can only assume they pay the extra 10K for convenience of buying directly off someones feed at a time that suits them instead of waiting to be outbid by 1 PD.)

I think the Price check reflects this perfectly. I live on the AH and it's a really great job for everything the guys have done.

The only things that looks a little wrong are Lugia, but like you said, you can't lower it too much, ditto prices should be higher, all the AH ones have gone for 7.2 million and the AH tends to be the low end of prices. If you sell a ditto for 4K nuggets (6 mil) it'll sell within seconds - indicating it's well under priced.

Also black keys, there's really not enough sold to be able to gauge them - I think they would sell for much more than 350,000 - 450,000 easily.

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Posted: Thu, 20/10/2016 14:03 (7 Years ago)
Kids here.

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 12:28 (7 Years ago)
Great idea, I am on PC and I have 2 windows open, Firefox for watching my sci fi shows and chrome 1/2 sized so I can do some clicks - it does the same thing on PC as on your phones when you have your window smaller.

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 12:24 (7 Years ago)
The first part I agree with - being able to see users that you've blocked somewhere. I was pretty surprised it's not already in your friends list page at the bottom.

I block and report a lot of lazy beggars and trade spammers who can't get that an igglybuff isn't quite what you want for your legendary. Maybe they will eventually learn from their mistakes and you can see on your list to unblock them.

I also block & report any scripters/botters/multis that I spot & I like to track them since they make similar mistakes when they try and come back. A list of blocked people would save me writing it all down and trying to track name changes which cheaters seem to love doing.

I can't see any reason for having a list of people that have blocked you available - it's their private business if they choose to block you. I could not care less who has me blocked or not.

There's only 1 reason I can think of that people would want to see a list of who has them blocked - to create drama and whine about it on a feed to get attention.

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Posted: Fri, 30/09/2016 21:36 (7 Years ago)
I think the new GTS that's coming might let people do that, offer in nuggets or PDs or items for a pokemon?

If someone pays for their trade to be promoted for 4 days then they probably want a lot of people to see it and we each value pokemon differently.

The "buy now" would allow rich users to manipulate the market a lot and buy up all of one type of pokemon instantly - then they can resell for higher - and keep buying up anything priced below their auction to force higher prices.

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Posted: Fri, 30/09/2016 13:27 (7 Years ago)
Thank's for the feedback, I'm definitely interested in getting feedback from heavy gem exchange users.

I figure if the bigger players manipulate an NPC regulated market too much then it might mean more business on the new GTS where old style gem offers could still be placed human to human.

But if bigger gem players do choose to forcibly inflate certain gem prices by taking all those gems - then the benefit is that another type of gem must be super cheap. With an NPC exchange for something to go up - something must come down.

I would find it interesting to watch for sure, I've seen players manipulate/maintain prices on the auction house through sensible selling procedures - so I'd be interested in how users would react to a "stock market" for gems and see the tactics used.

Maybe we could even keep the gem exchange as it is but have the site display an average price per gem based on recently taken trades - so users could quickly check what's trending on any given day. (coding might be really hard for that though)

(bug gems are a bit weird though, they should be priced higher since they can't be got from rumbling but they are a bit undesirable hence they sometimes fall lower than common rumble gems)

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