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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 19:50 (9 Years ago)
If your fear is making a typo when changing your user name, then write it someplace with a dictonary or double or triple check.

And I'm not sure why you'd ever change your name to asdf.... gibberish on your own free will. Not only is it not the fault of the site but it was your choice and to be honest I'm not sure how you managed to write that out without seeing it and thinking "I don't want this to be my new user name" and delete it. And the fact you didn't notice the 122 day rule, a rule put there for a reason, it isn't the fault of the site and shouldn't be changed because of a mistake you made.

So, no support. You should be more careful when writing your user name. Instead of putting what you just put.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 17:50 (9 Years ago)
No support.

As someone who is mega hunting I find seeing the bubble in the storage box alarming enough for me to notice. When you're mega hunting and you're hatching the same egg over and over, then chances are you're releasing them the quick and easy way through checking the box in the storage box, or moving them in your storage box. So you will see the bubble most likely in your storage box right next to the Pokemon while the other Pokemon in won't have it, making it pop up even more.

So, as a mega hunter, I wouldn't find this necessary and can see the bubble in my storage box just fine.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 16:13 (9 Years ago)
Quote from Professor_Joe[/quoteQueen how much time/money are you really willing to spend to get at least 40 eggs to reach max chance then maybe more to get the shiny ....

What does that matter? I don't want to shiny hunt these birds, thought I made it clear in the last post, so I don't even want to waste time hunting the lab for them let alone collect gems for the gem collector. That said, does that mean ditto should be easier since collecting 10K normal gems is hard? Does it mean shiny hunting Polestar should be less expensive with the event shop? Does it mean all shinies should be cheap or easy? No. It depends how badly you want that shiny and whether or not it is worth it to you.

If shiny hunting legendary birds is not worth your time/money/gems then don't do it. Simple enough I think.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 15:59 (9 Years ago)
I understand your intent, however by doing so this way for now doesn't seem like a functioning idea from my point of view.

Not all shinies need to be easy/obtainable, such as ditto, would we make that breedable but unable to be traded too? Probably not haha. You can shiny hunt now with the update quite a bit of legendaries, and others you can shiny hunt by getting rumble maps and star pieces, so let's leave some to difficulty.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 15:47 (9 Years ago)
Breeding legendary birds they'd have to be untradeable like CatLady said, like the new legendaries, for if people could just breed them and hand them out then there's no reason to call them legendary birds at that point, they'd just be birds. And the more shinies people get of them, and the more that exist, the less rare they are and the less sought after they are. At least the new legendaries can only be gotten by filling your dex.

Now, if you make them unable to be traded then imagine how mad users will be from that change? Now I can't gift my friend the legendary bird they wanted that I got lucky enough to get from the lab, and now I'm stuck with it, and now I don't even want to breed it, and now I can't even give it away or sell it. At least the new legendaries you work for the ones you want, with this I could randomly get a bird and be stuck with it.

No support.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 15:34 (9 Years ago)
Question: can't you get legendary birds from the gem collector as well if you own the bird in question? Just like with ditto if you own a ditto you can get it from the gem collector.

Already you can get so many legendaries, like the new ones added, by means of ease and luck and determination such as the legendaries in Game Center, visiting Route 53, trading in star pieces, getting rumble maps, and filling your dex. A lot of those methods are easy so what more do you want exactly? Since this site is about shiny hunting and collecting Pokemon, then there have to be some challenges. So, why have every legendary Pokemon handed to you? For example on a site where completing your dex is one of the main challenges, if that was just handed to you easily then the site itself could easily become dull or boring and pointless.

Why does every Pokemon in the game have to be easy? What's the challenge? What's the point? Let life have challenges and achievements, instead of getting hand outs, it's what makes things here exciting.

And I don't support either any ideas or suggestions of saying newbies shouldn't get these rare Pokemon. They check the lab, they have the same odds of you getting it, only thing is they have only been here for a shorter amount of time. That's not fair to them to make them miss out on legendaries just so you have a better chance.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 15:18 (9 Years ago)
Lavender_Town since you're not a member you're not allowed to post here. I am rejecting your form. At least now you don't have to write it or look for it. You're rejected.

Now, since I have been, believe it or not haha, reading past posts I'm seeing members who sell shinies and get them and sell others and it's hard to keep up I will admit. Obviously I'm not saying don't sell your shinies xD I would like members to write a post when they can their total shiny count so far and I can update the list.

Of course people will probably sell shinies or hatch shinies but my idea now is to do a mass update as apposed to changing each person individually every single time they come across a shiny or sell one.

I'll try and update the list every two weeks or so, should be enough time I think for changes to occur.

So, just tell me how many shinies you have in total as of today, not how many you had prior or how many you wish you had (haha).

Please and thank you~

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 01:53 (9 Years ago)
Again you'd have to have Riako code such a program and spriters make it possible to keep a decent quality when the image is blown up (expanded) or degraded (shrunk) which I don't think will happen.

The pictures wouldn't look good at that point, blurry or scrunched, and the sprites on here would look clustered. Like I said, it'd be easier for users to make it on their own and just sport the sprite in their signature to have as many accessories as they want on their Pokemon sprite. Granted it won't battle, but at least it would take a load of work and coding off Riako and spriters for something purely cosmetic.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 01:39 (9 Years ago)
I agree with JustMe on this.

Since Pokemon have different sizes and some don't even have limbs such as arms or legs and some have wings or extra arms, and in different spots, so there's no way to make a template that would fit all. You would need a template for every Pokemon, events and legendaries and ones with different forms, and the accessories themselves would have to be different too in sizes.

And I've seen people saying to make their own accessories, and all I can imagine are users trying to take sprites from the Pokemon games, with square white backgrounds, wondering why the accessories don't work or why it doesn't look good or stretched or blurry. And making the spriters make the accessories correct for Pokemon with the given differences it's too much.

So no support, it doesn't seem worth the time or effort just to customize the Pokemon. If anything, I'd think it'd be easier for people to go and look up the accessories used in the Pokemon game and add them to sprites on programs such as photoshop or GIMP or Paint, etc. and show them off instead of making the spriters of PH make and design every accessory for every Pokemon when some users might not even use the feature.

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Posted: Sat, 13/09/2014 22:04 (9 Years ago)
Quizzes are usually held in the HeroChat more than once a year and offer prizes such as PD, Pokemon, etc.

So, no support, since this is already implemented.

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Posted: Sat, 13/09/2014 09:06 (9 Years ago)
This has been suggested before.

You can find a lot of poll suggestions made here

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Posted: Sat, 13/09/2014 09:04 (9 Years ago)
To be fair, if you're hoarding that much GGC at once then I wouldn't blame the game itself and say it needs to be fixed. You don't need to hoard your GGC more than 100 at a time, not saying you can't, but you don't have to since the Max slot is only worth 100 GGC unlike regular Game Chips (GC) where hoarding them results in spending them in the prize center. So, no support.

No reason to implement something that chances are a majority of players wouldn't even use. And since you can disable the animation for the slots, you can just click the spin and you'll get the results instantly.

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Posted: Sat, 13/09/2014 06:30 (9 Years ago)
Quote from RiakoPlease do no longer make short posts such as "I support!", "I like the idea!", "I don't support". These are considered as SPAM and will (and already have been (most of them)) deleted.

Also, I don't understand this suggestion. Are you saying the GGC runs too slow?

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Posted: Fri, 12/09/2014 04:42 (9 Years ago)
Remy accepted.

Lavender where is your form?

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Posted: Fri, 12/09/2014 03:11 (9 Years ago)
No, he didn't say loud, he said music. The site he is talking about is not loud or in an "extreme form" as you said. Pretty sure nowhere in that quote was the word loud said haha. The site even has a "Pause" button for the song, if you can't stand it, and doesn't take up full screen or hold scary images or anything. It's a troll face, looking trolly in a new tab with a song.

And that's fine, I posted the link for you it's no problem. Just saying, don't mix two suggestions together, since they're different. One is about seizures and scary pop ups, this is about a link to the song "Trololo" which isn't loud. The second kind of trolling is not harmful, a joke, and maybe annoying if anything. But not harmful.

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Posted: Fri, 12/09/2014 03:03 (9 Years ago)
Things with loud music, scary images, etc. are considered screamers and have been called harmful on another suggestion. This suggestion was about a troll site that sings Trololo in a low tone and is no way hardly for seizures or anything of the sort.
Quote from BarathInfernape it takes us to another link wher a song is plyed and says you have been trolled

Another suggestion, found here is probably where you want to voice your dislike for trolls that lead to scary images or produce loud noise, since this suggestion is a bit different.
Quote from DianaI don't mind the widget thing as long as it takes you to a safe website only or whatever. If it has something like loud music, that's when I do support this. I'm talking more extreme forms.

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Posted: Fri, 12/09/2014 02:42 (9 Years ago)
Quote from DianaFor those of you who are ok with trolling, let me ask you this: Are you ok with people breaking the rules, posting a million feeds a day, etc.? Because those can be methods of trolling, and I've seen people get pissed off at people who do them. So if you're not ok with those forms of trolling, why would you be ok with other forms?

You mean spamming? People who spam are actually breaking a rule, and it has been considered harmful due to clogging up forum posts, filling notifications (and even then most people just unfriend those people so they don't have to see all those feeds and thus solve that problem), and causing lag or making threads overall look a mess by posts such as "hi" over and over in suggestions or trading forums.

Someone putting something in their signature is no way comparable to that. It's their signature, doesn't effect your notifications or your threads or suggestions or the performance of the site. So no, people shouldn't be okay with something that is harmful like spamming verses something that isn't like putting links in your signature. I don't understand your comparison and don't think it applies to this situation.

Quote from DianaTrolling equals unintelligent people who need to feel like they're doing something funny and need attention

This seems more like you have a person vendetta against those who "troll" by insulting their intelligence and their motives. It is your personal opinion, all be it right or wrong, and that's fine. However, claiming it's harmful to others or bad for people to do just because you don't like it isn't fair or reasonable. If you really are that annoyed by trolls, then the internet might just be an uncomfortable place to be. They're everywhere, and they'll always happen. You can either not let it bother you or be angry and upset and insult said "trollers" but the first option seems better in my opinion.

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Posted: Thu, 11/09/2014 18:55 (9 Years ago)
QuoteAlso, forum subscribing and bookmark are not reasons for No Support, cause you can subscribe to hundreds of forums made by other users and sometimes your forums, so it could be hard finding your forum in the subscriptions.

Well with the update you actually cant have hundreds of subscriptions. Meaning managing them and finding ones you've made and subscribed to wouldn't be hard.

Quote from RiakoI recently noticed that some users are apparently abusing the forum subscription tool (aka subscribing to 250+ forum threads). That's why I implemented a limit of 30 subscriptions per user - which should be more than enough.

And I don't know how many forums you're making, me personally I might make a trading thread, a contest thread rarely, and a club thread to manage. And since contests end, and trading eventually ends, those I won't need to be subscribed to for long. And checking my own subscriptions I see I'm only subscribed to three of my own threads. And assuming I had an art thread, maybe a discussion I started, and a suggestion then I'd have only six threads I started to keep up with.

So, unless users are making twenty threads they need to follow, this probably wouldn't make a huge impact.

And if you really want to keep track of your forum subscriptions then use your browser to bookmark them. That's actually a really good reason not to support, just bookmark the threads you make if you really don't have enough room in your subscriptions to have them all. But again, I don't think being subscribed to a bunch of your own threads is realistic, just unsubscribe from inactive ones or closed ones and clean up your subscriptions.

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Posted: Thu, 11/09/2014 17:05 (9 Years ago)
This goes along the lines of wanting to delete PMs, which you can't do.

So no support.

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Posted: Thu, 11/09/2014 12:51 (9 Years ago)
These trolls do no harm except maybe bruise an ego or two.

And there is no way to disallow these, what would you want to happen? Have Riako prevent links that leave the site from being posted? There would be literally no way to stop this.

But really. The main point is there is no harm, and if anything it might make you feel silly or embarrassed but who's going to know you actually clicked the link anyway? It's not as if someone is going to point and laugh at you for clicking a fake link, no one is calling to call you out for it, when they don't even know you clicked it. So it's more of a personal feeling of "ugh I can't believe I fell for that." Doesn't mean an entire thing should be disallowed because one person couldn't take that feeling for a few seconds. If anything, I consider it rather immature to go "Ugh! How dare that person do that! I'm going to try and make a rule get passed so I'll never have to experience embarrassment ever again for falling for such a trap."

It seems like a pride thing to me, because some people don't want to or can't take a joke when they think such a joke harms how intelligent they look. Kind of like saying "how was I so dumb that I fell for this? I'm going to be mad at the person who posted this." No one thinks you're dumb, so if that's the problem you shouldn't feel too bad. It's usually a cleverly disguised link and it's often in jest or humorous, never meant to attack users to make them feel foolish.

If it's such a bother for you, then it seems more of a personal problem, for every site you go to is going to have such fake links and trolls from time to time. Does it mean you'll write a complaint to YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, because of fake links? Probably not, most likely you shrug it off and continue on with your day after wasting two seconds. So why not do the same here?

So no support, there is no harm in this worth making a rule against it or banning outside links.

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