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Posted: Wed, 17/07/2024 21:12 (2 Months ago)
Res plz

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Posted: Tue, 09/07/2024 02:37 (2 Months ago)
Astrophel saw where Scarlett had pointed and began to descend. They were almost sad that this ride had to end; they had never felt so free before. Nevertheless they landed as light as a shadow and allowed Scarlett to dismount. After she had done so, Astrophel reluctantly reverted back to normal. Wings curled up and vanished, limbs and neck shortened, claws reverted to fingers and powerful muscles atrophied in a matter of moments: leaving Astrophel a thin quivering shadow once again. “I suppose it is time I bid you adieu for now” Astrophel said to Scarlett, “I shall see you again at the ball.” With that, Astrophel began walking to their own dormitory. Once there they quickly looked around their room to make sure all was in order. The indigo robe was still laying inert on the desk, regal in its immobile beauty. The parasol that had been with Astrophel for many years now was propped against the wall, its appearance not tarnished by age. Seeing that everything was in order, Astrophel blew out the candles and went to bed. And for the first time in a long while, they slept with a slight smile on their face.

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Posted: Fri, 05/07/2024 03:04 (2 Months ago)
We shall continue to struggle, unto eternity

Plot Overview

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Aging has been cured; humanity had finally achieved what was though to be impossible just a few years prior. This was possible thanks to the power of nanotechnology. The impact it had on human health was comparable to that of penicillin. Thus, as penicillin was marketed as antibiotics, nanotechnology became known as ferrobiotics. Since then, nanotechnology has become useful outside of medicine and is now a vital part of our existence. However, no matter what the government or the pharmacies say, some doubt that these ferrobiotics are truly a panacea. There have been some rather… unsettling mysteries popping up since ferrobiotics were created. Towns have been going silent and the International Space Station was abandoned for some reason. Many are talking and the seeds for widespread dissent have been sown.

The Many Uses of Ferrobiotics

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Nanomachines are injected into all newborns shortly after birth. The nanomachines then patrol the body and eradicate any disease and repair any damage they find. These machines also bond with skin and bones and strengthen them, making humans much more resistant to injury. Aside from the standard treatment most get at birth, one can undergo further surgery in order to add more nanomachines to themselves. Most military and law enforcement personnel get specialized nanomachine storage units on the palms of their hands. As most people get a standard dose of nanomachines, guns have become futile weapons. Instead, registered personnel gain nanomachine units on their palms that can materialize nanite weaponry many times stronger than steel.


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All Ph rules apply
No godmodding/Mary Sues
Censor explicit language
Put trigger warnings over graphic content

Character Creation Form

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Posted: Mon, 01/07/2024 02:31 (2 Months ago)
A few meters away from the ceremony, three dark types lay in wait and observed the hatchlings with interest. “Remember, we are to capture any dark type hatchlings we can find. They will make fine members of Shatter Clan’s future conquest.” Execor said to the other two. “Right boss, I see an Impidimp over at Twinklingsight, a Sneasel at Rockysea, and a Stunky over at Cindersky.” Delune quickly responded. “ Good, good,” Execor said “Once the proceedings begin, Baccrux will fly us down and we will capture all of these dual dark types. Do you hear this Baccrux.” Baccrux was not paying attention and his three heads were flailing about erratically. “Baccrux, do you understand?” Baccrux then quickly snapped to attention however he was unable to make out what Execor said “What did the grass say?” He asked. Delune, not one to miss an opportunity to cause mayhem, quickly retorted with “The grass called you a coward.” Baccrux did not take too kindly to this as his immediate response was “DIE GRASS DIE” before he used flamethrower. Setting the grass ablaze and starting a small wildfire. “BACCRUX,” Execor snarled, before regaining control of his emotions, “we will have much to talk about later but for now we must abandon this mission.” With that, the three dark types slinked back into the forest and vanished from sight.

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Posted: Sun, 30/06/2024 20:41 (2 Months ago)
Malacia witnessed the creature regrow its wing and deduced that all strikes would have to be instantly lethal in order to kill the infected before it regenerated. Seeing the creature temporarily dazed from the pain of the previous whip strike, Malacia noticed an opportunity. They lashed their whip forward and ensnared the creature’s neck. With one final pull, the noose contracted, causing the creature’s head to roll to the ground. Any scream died in the creature’s now cloven throat. A geyser of blood and goo erupted from where the whip struck true. Malacia looked on with an expression of sorrow, the creature was in much pain and clearly not in its right mind. They then took the remains of the infected and put it in the creek, letting them slowly drift away. Water would purify whatever plague claimed this unfortunate bird.


Sarcina eventually returned to the land of the corrupted, deer still firmly grasped in claws. She then landed and let the deer go, watching it bound away with great haste. Sarcina knew she could not harm the deer herself but she had found a way to still harvest animal parts. She then whistled, calling a pack of three ravenous wolves. She had brought these over from the mainland to act as her executioners. As the wolves came over to her, they already had their eyes on the deer, and Sarcina merely had to issue the command. A wicked grin then cracked across her ruined face as she opened her mouth.

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Posted: Sun, 30/06/2024 13:32 (2 Months ago)
Malacia quickly realized that they could not afford to hold back against the infected bird. They quickly kicked the bird with their crystal encrusted hooves, freeing themselves from its grasp. Malacia then took a few steps away from the creature before moving in for the attack. Their whip sang through the air as it turned the talons of the infected bird. As the bird attempted to attack again, Malacia stopped it with their antlers and shoved it to the ground. They may be far gentler than their sister, but Malacia was just as terrible in their wrath. They then quickly flicked their whip forward, causing it to coil around one of the creature's wings. The sharpened obsidian quickly dug into the goo ridden flesh of the infected before Malacia yanked the whip backwards and with the sound of a cracking tree branch, the wing was rended from the creature's body and goo began oozing from the wound.

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Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 05:43 (2 Months ago)
Malacia was in a peaceful sleep when she was suddenly woken with a start. She opened her bright golden eyes to see a horrific sight. There was some sort of abomination standing in front of her. It appeared that it was once a peaceful bird, but now it was corrupted by... something. Goo dripped from every crevice in its body and the animals Malacia had formed such a strong attachment for fled before its monstrous footsteps. Malacia was torn. On one hand, this creature was threatening not only her, but also the animal sanctuary she had devoted her life and soul to. On the other, it appeared to be the victim of some sort of disease. However, it was clear that there was no saving this unfortunate bird but if she acted fast, Malacia could protect the other animals from this creature. "You poor little thing," she said sorrowfully to the infected bird, "allow me to ease your suffering." With that, Malacia drew out a long whip made of sharpened obsidian shards and bound by lengths of plant fibers and unfurled it. She would do it with a heavy heart but she would kill this plagued creature before it could harm any of her animal companions.

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Posted: Sat, 29/06/2024 03:05 (2 Months ago)
naw, that thing is banned from smogon standard play for a reason.

would you fight a cinderace?

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Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 17:06 (2 Months ago)
Sarcina was giggling to herself. She had come to the forest in search of new "materials". Having just tracked down a deer, she pounced and grabbed it with her great strength. Her previous skin grafts were starting to rot, it was about time to get some fresh tissue to add to herself. Also, a pair of antlers would look quite nice on her head, they remind her of her sister. A pity she did not join her but why would she? She never felt the pain of having your flesh rended by a pack of rabid animals. One day she would see reason but for now, Sarcina would restore her former self, it would just take a bit of time and patience. As Sarcina was lost in her thoughts, the deer attempted to kick free of Sarcina's arms but she regained a hold of it. "Please darling, it is only fair considering what your kind robbed ME of," she said, wanting nothing more than to take the deer apart right that instant. But she mustn't get too eager; she had to transport the deer back to where the corrupted reside before killing it. After all, if she were to do it now, she would be transported back to the realm of the corrupted without her prize. So, unfurling her tattered wings, Sarcina took to the sky, making sure to keep a firm grip on the deer.

Malacia was sitting under a large tree. It was her favorite place in all of the forest: she could see all of the animals going about their business. There was a small stream, several large trees, and some bushes as well. Almost every species of animal in the forest could be seen here with enough patience. The birds were singing happily in the trees; small lizards darted about the grass; snakes coiled themselves on rocks, basking in the sunlight; termites were collecting wood to fuel the construction of their grand towers; bees flew about erratically, swarming the many sunlit flowers before returning to their hives, swollen with honey. Malacia watched all of this with a mix of pride and tranquility. She had made this small clearing as a personal project of hers, she used the wood taken from the trees here to build birdhouses and small areas for the small animals to live in. Perhaps her sister would have found peace here as well; no- not that depraved creature that craved vengeance and vanity: that was not her sister; her sister who eagerly flew with the birds as a child and the one who always enjoyed playing with the smaller animals. Malacia was snapped out of her thoughts by a small rabbit that sat down beside her and began to sleep. Listening to the gentle sound of trickling water from the stream, Malacia began to doze off, completely at peace with herself. She may have lost much, but this place would always comfort her.

Prodor woke up from his temporary bed in a cave. He didn't admire the sky, he didn't bask in the sun; he didn't have the capacity to do so anymore. All he felt was hunger and the desire to eat. He picked up the goo encrusted sword he kept beside him and began slithering out of the cave into the forest. He did not have many complaints about being infected, his goo ridden brain simply lost the capacity for abstract thought. But one thing he did not like was his new snake body: the slithering noises it made scared away his food. After much tiresome slithering, he eventually located an unwary mockingbird. Without wasting a second, Prodor immediately descended upon the bird, grasping it in his goo covered arms as it struggled to escape its gruesome fate. While most in these lands would at the very least hesitate before such an action, Prodor only had one thought going through his rotting brain: "Devooourr." With that, he unhinged his jaw, revealing rows of fangs within, and he swallowed the bird whole. Nothing was left except a trail of crimson goo, blood, and feathers. However, the bird was too small to sate his hunger, so Prodor continued to move throughout the forest, looking for food.

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 20:26 (2 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 19:34 (2 Months ago)
Username: CarnifexCoronatum
Character Name: Execor
Pokemon Species + Typing: Bisharp (Steel/Dark)
Preferred Type: Dark
Shiny / Mega-Able: No
Appearance: Normal Bisharp except the head crest is slightly notched and he covers himself with rags to disguise his shiny metallic body
Personality: Execor was born in Razorshock clan yet he was shunned for being a dark type. This eventually led him to joining Shatterclan yet he still has a burning hatred towards the living clans for their mistreatment and corruption. He trained as a warrior and is now one of Shatterclan's strongest warriors. He shows no mercy to any of his enemies and executes them brutally. He has a tendency to hoard the possessions of those he slaughters, keeping them as trophies of his many victories.
Birth Clan: Razorshock Clan
Chosen Clan: Shatter Clan
Rank: Warrior
Level: 60
Moveset: Sucker Punch, Night Slash, Iron Head, Low Kick
Ability: Defiant
Password: no

Username: CarnifexCoronatum
Character Name: Delune
Pokemon Species + Typing: Zoroark (Dark)
Preferred Type: Dark
Shiny/Mega-Able: Shiny
Appearance: Normal shiny Zoroark except he wears a long, flowing indigo trenchcoat that is lined with pockets on the inside in order to store various items.
Personality: Incredibly conniving and manipulative of others, Delune compensates for her lack of physical strength with immense knowledge of poisons. She often uses his ability to shapeshift and cast illusions to trick and weaken foes much stronger than her, allowing Execor to finish them off.
Birth Clan: Shatter Clan
Chosen Clan: Shatter Clan
Rank: Healer
Level: 30
Moveset: Night Daze, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Psychic
Ability: Illusion
Password: no

Username: CarnifexCoronatum
Character Name: Baccrux
Pokemon Species + Typing: Hydreigon (Dragon/Dark)
Preffered Type: Dark
Shiny/ Mega-Able: No
Appearance: Same as a Normal Hydreigon but his body is covered in scars and small cuts.
Personality: Baccrux is insane, there is no sugarcoating it. He was born in Razorshock clan however he was demented by ... something... The healers of the clan believed him to be tormented by Darkrai themselves. Thus, similar to Execor, Baccrux was exiled and ended up joining Shatterclan. Despite not being able to come up with a coherent battle plan, Baccrux's brute strength allows him to remain a fierce warrior. He often talks to himself and is extremely hyperactive. Though he often frustrates Execor and Delune, they keep him around simply because they haven't found someone to replicate Baccrux's raw power.
Birth Clan: Razorshock Clan
Chosen Clan: Shatter Clan
Rank: Warrior
Level: 75
Moveset: Dark Pulse, Crunch, Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse
Ability: Levitate
Password: no

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 15:30 (2 Months ago)
Once Scarlett got on, Astrophel then took off at speed. They soared above trees and continued to gain altitude. “Well, I suppose before we go straight to your quarters I can take the liberty of flying you around for some time. I trust you do not get dizzy easily?” With that, Astrophel flew towards the tallest tower the Academy had to offer and began spiraling upwards around it, the way an anaconda climbs a tree. After surpassing the pinnacle of the Academy, they began to dive downwards towards one of the Academy’s many courtyards. The sheer speed of the dive caused the trees and grasses below to rustle, as if trembling in fear of Astrophel. Now thoroughly enjoying themselves, Astrophel began to ascend once again, laughing while doing so. While flying over one of the Academy’s many streets, they noticed two students exiting a restaurant wearing rather formal clothes and expressions of shock “It appears tension for the ball is already high!” They laughed to Scarlett. After leaving no corner of the Academy’s skies unexplored, Astrophel began to fly towards the dormitories. “Now then Scarlett, where do you wish to dismount?”

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 02:02 (2 Months ago)
Ferredux stood at attention with the rest of the Twinklingsight Clan members. There was chatter amongst the rank and file members of the clan, but he quickly silenced them. This was a sacred ceremony observed by countless generations before them. It was to be respected and Ferredux would not tolerate any disrespect or unruliness. Besides, something seemed off... Ferredux had been alive for many moons yet he could never recall a time when there were so few Hatchlings. In addition, the proportion of Ghost and Dark types born this year was frankly alarming. Recollecting this, Ferredux tightened their grip on their glaive, wary that something greater was at play. Perhaps the gods the healers so often communed with were unsatisfied this year? No, Ferredux did not subscribe to superstition, he believed in facts. As his mind raced he remembered the words of his leader; "I appreciate your vigilance Ferredux but you must learn to relax. Not everything is a conspiracy. When you hear hoofbeats, think of Rapidash, not Glastrier." Perhaps his leader was right, perhaps this was simply a natural anomaly and besides, his visage was already intimidating to many Hatchlings, he didn't need to exacerbate that issue by having his weapon drawn. With that he disassembled his double bladed glaive and mounted it back on his arms. He was surveying all the potential clan members from afar when he noticed a familiar presence near his shoulder. Immediately recognizing who it was, he turned around with a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Why must you still perform your antics around me? You were once my soldier and although you were rather ... mischievous ... you died a heroic and noble death. Are you not yet satisfied with that honor? Furthermore, this summit is only for the clans of the living."

Morior quickly distanced themselves from Ferredux, giggling slightly while doing so. "Sir, you know as well as I do that I am never satisfied." She then attempted to tickle Ferredux's neck with one of her feelers to no avail. Realizing that attempting to tickle a metallic, hardened soldier such as Ferredux was fruitless, Morior quickly shifted gears to making humorous comments about the hatchlings. "Looks like we got a rather large helping of Ghost types this year," she said with a smile "SpiritClan will never be more livelier! There appears to also be a solid amount of possible TwinklingsightClan members, if your ugly mug doesn't make them cry back to their BirthClan!" she said nudging Ferredux in the shoulder. Realizing that Ferredux was getting more impatient with her by the minute, Morior decided it would be a good idea to bail out rather than be on the receiving end of that nasty plasma glaive. "Anyways, catch you later you big ol' clanker" With that parting shot, Morior glided away laughing to herself before settling in a nearby tree to watch the ceremony from afar.

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Posted: Wed, 26/06/2024 20:53 (2 Months ago)
“Want to get on do you?” Astrophel said with a grin. “Very well.” With that, Astrophel proceeded to grow in size to accommodate Scarlett. After a few seconds, they had nearly doubled in size and their normally rather thin build became much more robust. Their wings then grew slightly larger to make flight easier. The moonlight shone through the chitinous wings, outlining their dragonfly like appearance and casting a dim prismatic display onto the surrounding ground, contrasting the darkness emanating from Astrophel. In this moment, Astrophel felt truly free for the first time in years. They had restrained themselves for so long after the destruction they caused. They had been deemed dangerous by students and staff alike. They had to put on a frail, gentle facade to avoid being shunned: a facade that cost much energy and willpower to maintain. Now it felt as if a great burden was lifted from their shoulders and they could truly be who they once were. The transformation now complete, Astrophel then turned to face Scarlett, their bright white eyes now shining brighter than before. “Now then, I suggest you hold on firmly”

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Posted: Wed, 26/06/2024 01:12 (2 Months ago)
The Old Peace is dead; the gods grow restless

The Shrouded Isles are a magical place. All who brave the treacherous seas shall be blessed with magical abilities by simply stepping onto the hallowed ground. The Gods of this world all seek control of this land, coveting it as humans would crave a precious jewel. However the Gods cannot directly intervene in mortal affairs: their raw power and presence poses a great danger to Earth. They instead gather mortal followers and bless them with further magical prowess in exchange for their allegiance. For many years now, the Shrouded Isles have been controlled by the One Great: the worshippers of Ordicon. However, the other gods became more envious of Ordicon’s possession of the magical lands and thus rallied their own followers to overthrow the One Great. However, before Ordicon’s followers were completely destroyed, the other gods, once allied, now turned on each other for control. Now the Isles are plagued by war, with no one faction able to overcome the others.

The Rules

1. All Pokeheroes Rules Apply
2. Make your characters balanced (they can be strong as long as they have reasonable weaknesses)
3. Keep character personalities consistent (No Mary Sues)
4. RP posts must not be too short (must be over 2 sentences long)
5. Censor swear words
6. This RP takes place in medieval times, so keep that in mind when considering powers and weapons.

The Gods

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On your journey to gain control of the Shrouded Isles, you will most likely be fighting on behalf of a god. The Gods will give you more power in exchange for service. You can only pick one god to follow, so choose wisely!

Ordicon the Legislator
Life can only truly thrive when all adhere to a universal set of laws. To disobey is to hinder not only oneself, but also undermine the entirety of the natural order.
Power: Allows one to influence the minds of others.

Machilum the Industrious
Humanity has been gifted with superior intellect; it would be folly to not make use of it. All other life must yield before the superior might and mind of the intelligent
Power: Allows one to be able to craft extremely powerful weapons and armor. In addition, those blessed by Machilum are able to construct grand ships, siege works, and castles.

Arbora the Calm
Humanity must not forget that they share the same origins as the trees and the wild beasts. They must respect these other aspects of life as they would respect family
Power: Allows one to communicate with animals

Cavadux the Hollow
Life itself was not meant to be. All was once constant and unmoving, but life came about from the inanimate world, altering the environment simply by existing. The power of manipulation should be exclusive to the gods. Therefore, life itself is blasphemy and must return to inanimation.
Power: Allows the wounds one inflicts to slowly drain the life force away from creatures, making all blows more grievous.

Aeturna the Healer
Life itself is fettered by limitations. The many intelligent races have demonstrated the elegance and grace rivaling the gods. Yet disease and death prevent them from truly reaching godhood. The merit of intelligence warrants the removal of plague and suffering to allow life to be a true reflection of the divine
Power: Allows one to heal themselves or others though large wounds will take much more energy to heal.

Who are these gods to control that which they cannot truly interact with? They are divine yet they quarrel like children. They hide from sight, imposing their will on us mortals as a master does to a servant. They deserve no worship.
Power: None

Character Creation Form

Character Name:
Power (This power is unique to your character. This is separate from the power you attain from worshipping a god):
Chosen God:
Backstory (optional):

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Posted: Tue, 25/06/2024 16:19 (2 Months ago)
“ I suppose I have nothing else to do.” Astrophel said to Scarlett with a slight smile. Besides it was getting dark outside and it was time to rest up for the ball. “Though I do wonder if walking is truly the best way to reach your room” Astrophel laughed. With that, they reopened their wings and floated slightly in the air.

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 23:39 (2 Months ago)
Name: Malacia Consutus
Gender: Ace Female
Pronouns: They/Them
Age: 39
Animal they are combined with: moose
Crystal Color: Dark green
Rarity: Common
Appearance: Rather short, thin woman with dark green hair and crystal encrusted antlers. She wears a dark green dress and has golden eyes. She has a small tail and crystal encrusted hooves
Personality: Malacia is an extremely calm, reserved individual. She exudes a comforting presence around her. She is extremely intelligent and wise though she does not do much herself, preferring to offer help to others rather than doing anything herself.
Backstory: Malacia is the twin sister to Sarcina. She loved her sister dearly and often clung to her as a child. When Sarcina grew depraved and corrupted, Malacia attempted to comfort her but she was unsuccessful. Once Sarcina was banished, Malacia was heartbroken and became more reserved and emotionally detached.
Name: Prodor Colbex
Gender: Straight Male
Animal they are combined with: Black Mamba
Pronouns: He/Him
Rarity: Rare
Crystal Color: Crimson
Age: 27
Appearance before infection: A man of average stature, Prodor had wild curly blonde hair and flashing blue eyes. He often wore a small leather cap and a suit of chain mail. He carried a shining greatsword with a customized hilt. He had rather sharp canine teeth and a long winding tail trailing behind him.
Appearance After Infection: Prodor now is almost entirely a snake. His body is simply that of a snake, his head is floating above the snake’s neck stump. He is now almost double the height of an average person. His mouth now can open to freakish proportions, revealing many snake-like fangs. His legs are gone but his arms tear their way out of his serpentine body. He still has his sword but it is now crusted in the entrails of those he kills.
Personality before Infection: Prodor was a hot-headed individual. He loved cracking jokes and he fought to protect his friends and the animals. He wasn’t the brightest but he made up for it with his loyalty.
Background/How they became infected: Prodor often went into the forests by himself or with a few friends to battle the corrupted Crystal people. Due to this, he was hailed as a hero and great warrior. However, one day he went out to fight an unknown threat that began infecting people when he was blindsided by the threat and got his head sliced off before he could react.

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Posted: Mon, 24/06/2024 19:26 (2 Months ago)
Name: Sarcina Consutus
Gender: Straight Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 39
Animal they are combined with: Manticore
Original Crystal Color: Gold
Rarity: Mystical
Appearance: Extremely tall at 6’ 5” and has long, faded red hair. She has retractable claws that resemble a lion’s. She has tattered draconic wings and a scorpion’s tail. Her skin looks almost like a patchwork quilt and bears many scars and is riddled with horns and what appear to be stumps of limbs. She mostly covers this by wearing a faded cloth robe.
Personality: She is extremely envious of others, especially those who still have color. She has a strong hatred for most animals aside from vermin due to what they did to her.
Background/Why she lost her color: WARNING: MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME
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Sarcina was once a kind person who served the people of her lands well. However she was attacked by many rabid animals when going out one day. She survived the encounter only to be left permanently disfigured, with scars on her body and small tears in her wings. Envious of what she once was and enraged at what the animals did to her, she began using her tremendous power to dismember most animals she came across and stitched their limbs and skin to herself in an attempt to heal her wounds. She did not care when she lost her color as she believes that her profane act of transplanting limbs is better than anything the crystal ever provided for her. Now she is left as a pathetic husk of what she once was, left grasping for power. She can no longer kill animals though that doesn't stop her from dropping by to "borrow" a few limbs from animals who now have to live with grievous injuries

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Posted: Sun, 23/06/2024 22:32 (2 Months ago)
Yanara decided to keep eating for the time being having just noticed mashed potatoes. However she noticed out of the corner of her eye that someone was watching her. She brushed it off fas she was too deep into bliss to care at the moment.

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Posted: Sun, 23/06/2024 18:42 (2 Months ago)
Res plz

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