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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 02:01 (8 Years ago)
drops this here ヽ(・∀・)ノ

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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 00:05 (8 Years ago)
after looking at mm on tumblr,
i literally know the endings to most routes (idk jumin's so yay good for me---)
i also gotta wait until december to do other routes
//i cri
//school why
//why do you do this to me

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Posted: Fri, 23/09/2016 23:51 (8 Years ago)
Username:Jaehee morelikebaehee//shot
nickname(s): Sal i guess
:3: 707

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 01:36 (8 Years ago)
Both Akira and Jesse simply stared at what was going on. "Do you think they noticed us here?", Akira asked Jesse. "No idea. Probably not. I don't know.", Jesse said, shrugging. "Maybe they forgot we existed.", Akira replied. Jesse snorted. "That was a nice one."

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Posted: Thu, 08/09/2016 01:16 (8 Years ago)
Akira yelped when she heard Adrien yell. She thought it was Jesse who yelled and turned over to him then punched his shoulder. "Don't scare me like that, jeez!", Akira pouted.
Jesse jumped from the yell and from the punch. "Ouch! I didn't do anything!", Jesse complained. "Well, then who did?!", Akira replied. "Someone other than me did! Like, what about this guy right next to us? He could've done it.", Jesse complained. He hated that Akira blamed everything on him.
"Oh now you're just making someone up? That's nice of you.", Akira answered. She knew that Jesse lied alot to get out of trouble. She felt Jesse put her hands on her cheeks and her head turning to the side. Akira saw Adrien and realized what she had done to Jesse. "Oh. So you weren't lying. Sorry.", she apologized for she previously said and took Jesse's hands off her face.
Jesse sighed and turned over to Adrien. "Sorry for that and hello!", he said.

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Posted: Wed, 07/09/2016 01:38 (8 Years ago)
Akira walked around the beach, after waking up from crashing into the island. She believed that Jesse was somewhere laying down on the beach, taking a sunbath because it's Jesse. After a good amount of time roaming, she found him faceplanted into the sand. Akira facepalmed. Why did she think it was a good idea to bring him along, knowing that he would cause injuries to himself without doing anything? She walked over to him, knelt down and poked his head.

Jesse was asleep, dreaming of god knows what, when he felt something poking his head. He groaned and sat up, shaking his head to get rid of any sand in his hair. Jesse heard a voice saying swears left and right. He looked to his left and saw Akira trying to get some sand off her face. Jesse laughed at her, jokingly. Akira narrowed her eyes at him and Jesse apologized for it. She stood up and said "Well, now that you're awake, let's see if there's people around.". She proceeded to walk into the forest, Jesse following her.

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Posted: Tue, 06/09/2016 02:54 (8 Years ago)
Name: "Akira."
Nickname: "I suppose Aki would be one."
Age: "19."
Gender: "(("are you a boy or a girl?" "i'm perfect")) Female.
Pokemon: Espeon

Personality: TBRPED
Other: She can guess what others are thinking. Doesn't care that Jesse follows her everywhere.

Name: "Jesse."
Nickname: "Don't have one."
Age: "20."
Gender: "Male, duh."
Pokémon: Zoroark

Personality: TBRPED
Other: Likes to prank others. Acts like he's friends with Akira.

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Posted: Thu, 04/08/2016 14:59 (8 Years ago)
While walking around to hatch her egg, Sylvia noticed 3 Pokestops close to each other and walked over there to collect them. She decided to use a lure on one of them. Her parents gave her 10 dollars to use in the game and she mainly bought lures with it.

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2016 23:39 (8 Years ago)
Sylvia looked at the nearby Pokémon and saw that there were only 4 Pokémon around her. 2 Pidgeys, a Rattata and a Zubat. She groaned and spoke to herself. "Why do I always find these?". She had a few eggs in her possession, mainly 2km eggs. But there was one that was 10km. Sylvia already walked 2.5km with that one. She hoped it was a Lapras because she really liked that Pokémon. She wandered around, trying to hatch that one egg.

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2016 16:51 (8 Years ago)
Sylvia was sat on her bed, staring at a poster she had on her dorm. She was bored and didn't have anything to do. Sylvia glanced at her phone to look at the time and remembered that she had Pokemon Go installed and facepalmed. She picked up the phone, got off her bed and went outside to see if there were any pokemon nearby.

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2016 00:17 (8 Years ago)
Pokeheroes Username: Juvia_Lockser
Character Username: Lynite
Name: Sylvia
Nickname(s): Vivi/Lyn
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Starts off as being edgy and kind of mean but, when you get to know her, she's a pretty nice and funny girl.
Appearence: x
Team: Mystic
Level: 7
Theme Song(s): x x
Crush: None

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Posted: Wed, 15/06/2016 00:02 (8 Years ago)
((6 hundred years later everyone is dead yaaaaay))
Kiana stood there staring at Chara while internally screaming. "What is even going on?! Who are they?!", she thought. By the appearance, they looked like they were human but, at the same time, they were not since they surprisingly stopped her and Dean in the hallway.
Dean screamed really loud because he wasn't expecting that thing to stop them. And also because he was immensely scared of them.
"Hey...", Dean began saying, stuttering, "We didn't do anything to you so.. Would you mind letting us go?"

"Chara, huh... I don't know.", Sori replied. She knew that Chara had evil intentions but what were they going to do.

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Posted: Mon, 18/04/2016 21:29 (8 Years ago)
After hearing what Chara said, Dean pauses for a bit to process what they said. "Wait, they're not a ghost? Then what are they?... Wait a second. How did they know I considered them as a ghost? What?", Dean thinks for that bit.
As soon as he thinks that final word, he grabs his sister's hands and runs through Asriel, Chara and Toriel into the long hallway.
"Hey! What's gotten into you? You're not usually the one who does this stuff!", Kiana says to Dean while running. She knows that this isn't his usual self. Maybe the monsters got to his head faster than she thought they would. She frowns but keeps running at his pace.

Sori stops for a second after hearing that Tim met Asriel. She knows that Asriel was dead and he turned into a flower. "Wait, what?!", Sori screeches, "You met Asriel?! How?!". She has a thought that a human that fell may have given their soul to him, but she's not sure.

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Posted: Sat, 16/04/2016 21:35 (8 Years ago)
"Oh nothing much. Just wandering around, looking for someone to talk to.", Sori says.

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Posted: Fri, 15/04/2016 23:32 (8 Years ago)
"Hey, it's fine, I was bored anyways. Even though I was a bit rude to you the first time we met, the past is in the past, right?", Sori says, trying to cheer him up. "Next time, don't go fight mode when someone pokes you Sori, okay?", Sori thinks to herself.
Kiana freezes for a second when she sees Chara's knife. A thought crosses her mind but she quickly clears it away. Kiana thinks that the knife is pretty but it looks a bit too evil to her. Dean, in comparison to Kiana, has the urge to step away from Chara as far as he can. He doesn't like ghosts floating around with deadly weapons. Or anything that looks deadly basicly.

((i s2g if someone quotes Frozen, i will not rp for a long time.))

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Posted: Fri, 15/04/2016 22:48 (8 Years ago)
Kiana peeks over Dean's shoulder to reply to Chara "Um...Thank you I guess? Even though I hate it.".
Sori quickly wakes up and stands on her feets, in fighting stance, a few spheres floating around her, thinking it was someone attacking her but she quickly goes back to her normal posture when she sees it's was only Tim. "Oh, hi! How are you?", Sori says, stuttering due to her actions.

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Posted: Fri, 15/04/2016 22:00 (8 Years ago)
Kiana freezes in place, all thoughts passing by her head from "Why is there a ducking ghost here?" to "I REGRET COMING HERE. MOM, WHY DID YOU TELL ME A STORY ABOUT THIS PLACE? I DIDN'T THINK THIS WOULD BE REAL.". Although Kiana's thoughts are all over the place, Dean's are something along the line of "Oh, so there were humans here! That means this place's safe!". Dean waves back at Chara and greets Toriel, stuttering "Hello miss Toriel.". Even though Dean is a bit scared of Chara, they seem nice. Kiana, instead of normally greeting Toriel and Chara, she screeches and hides behind Dean.
((Sori is loafing around--- xD)) Sori is fast asleep so she doesn't hear nor see Tim coming towards her.

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Posted: Thu, 14/04/2016 22:15 (8 Years ago)
Kiana and Dean follow Asriel, glancing at each other. They both knew that they had to trust these two monsters or they would have a bad time in the Underground. Dean knew that these monsters were friendly but Kiana distrusted them.

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Posted: Thu, 14/04/2016 21:19 (8 Years ago)
Kiana screeches and jumps behind Dean. Dean hesitantly shakes Asriel's hand. "Hi. I'm Dean", he replies, stuttering, "And this is my sister, Kiana". Kiana peeks her head to look better at Asriel and slowly waves. "Hi..", she says quietly.

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Posted: Thu, 14/04/2016 20:54 (8 Years ago)
"Hey, looks like someone can help us!", Dean points out, happily. Kiana, although her brother's excitement, freezes, seeing two humanized goats that can talk. "Um..That's...nice.", Kiana manages to say. She takes a step back raising her knife in, thinking that they could hurt them. "H-hey sis! Don't do that. They may want to help us!", Dean tries to convence Kiana that they want to help. "What if they have shady intentions..You don't know...", Kiana whispers. She's convinced that they want to kill them despite looking like they want to help them. "Sis, why don't you let them help us? They know how to get across this bridge while we don't... And the goat lady over there seems to care about us!", Dean tries again. Kiana slowly lowers her knife. "Fine..But if I see them try to hurt you in any way, we're off.", Kiana says, warning Dean about any eventualities.
Sori walks over to a cliff and sits down close to the edge and stares at the lava. She sighs "Why can't I find anyone to talk or hang out?". She's as bored as she could be. She groans and lays down, looking at the cave's ceiling. "I do wonder when we're going to get off the underground and hang around humans... They probably have more entertaiment.", she rants to herself, "Oh well, I guess I'll just roam around untill the Barrier's down.". She closes her eyes, imagining what it would be like to live among humans and drifts into sleep."

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