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Posted: Sun, 17/02/2019 14:45 (5 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowak :-)

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Posted: Sun, 17/02/2019 14:39 (5 Years ago)

Please send alolan marowak :-)

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Posted: Sun, 17/02/2019 11:28 (5 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowak :-)

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Posted: Sun, 17/02/2019 10:06 (5 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowack :-)

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Posted: Sun, 17/02/2019 09:33 (5 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowack :-)

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Posted: Sun, 17/02/2019 09:25 (5 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowack :-)

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Posted: Sun, 17/02/2019 09:17 (5 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowack :-)

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Posted: Sun, 20/01/2019 07:11 (5 Years ago)
Thanks for the fix, Riako :-)

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Posted: Sun, 20/01/2019 00:56 (5 Years ago)
This is great. I love some of the new tasks etc and the fact you can earn more per hour as a result. I can't say I like the new boxy layout though since it makes it all over the screen rather than in a nice neat line, one under the other but eh, I'll just have to get used to it taking longer to claim the points.

I have however, noticed 3 bugs, well, maybe 2 since two are likely related?

When you browse someone's plushie collection and click on the plushie you want to send them, it takes you to the dream world and is supposed to auto select the plushie you clicked on and prefill the recipient's name. It no longer does.

Also, I tried to claim the points from interacting with 8 eggs/pokemon on index. The page simply refreshes but does not claim the points.

Edit: So the next hour I tried to collect Interaction lvl 3 again, this time being feed 25 berries and that too doesn't collect, so as the person after me stated, it's 'Interaction lvl 3' that is bugged.

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Posted: Sun, 20/01/2019 00:33 (5 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowak.

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Posted: Fri, 11/01/2019 09:12 (6 Years ago)
Definite support.

I don't like unfriending active people, especially when they've done nothing wrong, per se, but there has been a few I have been forced to remove because their inane non-relevant drivel or repetitious posting has driven me half insane and of course, I can't bring myself to say anything about it. (Because really, what right do I have to criticise when ppl have the right of free speech within the rules of the site)

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Posted: Wed, 09/01/2019 08:29 (6 Years ago)
Thank you for fixing it :-)

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Posted: Wed, 26/12/2018 23:08 (6 Years ago)
Thank you for the fix and compensation :-)

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Posted: Wed, 26/12/2018 22:55 (6 Years ago)
I too was having a problem. About 28 hours at last check and no eggs whatsoever, despite perfect pair of Autumn Abra, flute and money in the daycare. I just woke up a few minutes ago to find someone telling me to post in this thread. I guess the issue must be fixed now though, since I woke up to discover that as of about 4 hours ago they have finally started producing eggs again.

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Posted: Thu, 13/12/2018 15:25 (6 Years ago)

Please send missing limited plushie :-)

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Posted: Thu, 13/12/2018 13:51 (6 Years ago)

Please send a missing limited plushie.

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Posted: Thu, 13/12/2018 13:31 (6 Years ago)

Please send a missing limited plushie.

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Posted: Mon, 19/11/2018 11:37 (6 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowak :-)

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Posted: Sun, 18/11/2018 14:52 (6 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowak :-)

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Posted: Sun, 18/11/2018 08:17 (6 Years ago)

Please send Alolan Marowak :-)

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