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andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Wed, 02/08/2023 13:16 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Wed, 02/08/2023 12:46 (1 Year ago) |
Celine was looking around the room. There was only her and Alea in the room, the rest had gone to the infirmary…right? [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 01/08/2023 22:38 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 01/08/2023 13:35 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 01/08/2023 13:13 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 01/08/2023 12:47 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 01/08/2023 11:47 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Mon, 31/07/2023 22:41 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Mon, 31/07/2023 08:16 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sun, 30/07/2023 23:17 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sun, 30/07/2023 23:11 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Sun, 30/07/2023 22:36 (1 Year ago) |
Name: Celine Elyanna Lux Age: 18 (17-19) Gender/Pronouns: Female She/Her Appearance: Personality: ISFJ The Caregiver | 2w1 The Companion They tend to be altruistic and purposeful in their behavior. They have the will to alleviate human suffering and desire love and acceptance above all else. They are service-oriented and humble, seeking to help better the lives of those in their community. In their unassuming, understated way, they help make the world go round. Hardworking and devoted, people with this personality type feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them. They can be counted on to meet deadlines, remember special occasions, uphold traditions, and shower their loved ones with gestures of care and support. But they rarely demand recognition for all that they do, preferring instead to operate behind the scenes. She is capable, with a wealth of versatile gifts. Though sensitive and caring, Defenders also have excellent analytical abilities and an eye for detail. And despite their reserve, they tend to have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships. Celine cares deeply for others, even those considered unworthy. She believes that everyone has something to fight for, their voices to be heard and respected. She loves her classmates, and will be friends with whoever wishes to be friends with her. She has always had strong objections towards the ranking and social status idea, believing everyone should get equal chances to fight for what they wish. She feels bad for the “weaklings” of the world, and wishes she could provide them with the needed opportunities, and she pains for the “mighty”, who will be seen as nothing more than tools and weapons for the war. She pities the “snobby”, as they can’t see past the cloud of disorient and accept others for who they are. That doesn’t mean Celine is too soft to spot those of unchanging evil though. Whilst she still believes and hopes for them to change, once Celine has determined that you are truly “evil”, then you can very well say goodbye to the fiercely loyal and kindhearted girl. Instead, you will be met with a girl with uncontrollable fury and a desire to protect those she loves. Once you mess with her feelings (and friends), Celine can push aside those feelings of compassion and empathy, becoming a ruthless killer until her family is safe. Naturally, she would feel a bit guilty afterwards, having caused bloodshed, but she won’t dwell too much on it as she knows she has fulfilled the duty of care towards her loved ones. Celine, whilst the sweet angel warrior she may appear to be, Celine has been pushed over the edge before. There are times where certain traumatic or emotional incidents have caused her to snap, losing herself amidst the chaos. In this state, she is a seemingly uncontrollable force with zero compassion, attacking with a fury that could rival the storms she faces. She can only be calmed down by her friends, or strangely enough, a classical piece played on the flute- Edvard Grieg - Schmetterling, Op. 43/1 Edeya: •As long as your Heart Beats• (S-) •Dance of the Dolls• (A+) Edeya Rank: [Heart Beating to the Sound of War Drums S] | [One! Two! One! Two! A] | [Heart of Stone No More A] [Arabesque, Passé, Changement, Écarté A] | [Dancing Dolls B+] | [Sewing, Sewing, Patch and Replace S] Combat Ability: Physical combat capability C- (w/o skills) A+ (w skills) Main Weapon: Scythe Backstory: WARNING! LONG(ISH) READ AHEAD In a world where prestige and social status was determined by how powerful you were, the late bloomer Celine was always shunned. Laughed at, excluded and rejected, she belonged to the mockable, lowest-of-the-low powerless group. In the family of four, her brother was the star, the pride and joy of the family, having been blessed with a S-Class Edeya. What was once a loving family turned into a broken one, 3 against one, the very moment Celine didn’t “bloom” upon turning 9. The young girl went about seeking the love and care she once received from her parents, but naturally, found none. Instead she was shunted by her parents and her brother, spending most of her days locked in her room with little to no food, ragged clothing, semi-broken furniture, a broken window and leaking roof. Though she never actually had any physical harm directly inflicted on her by her parents, the negligence and mental taunts and snipes were more than enough to send the young girl into a spiral to try and please her parents. Try as she might, however, she could never please them, always seen, known as the powerless one. Too young to properly understand why her parents didn’t love her, too young to care for herself, Celine’s mental health spiralled downwards. The weave of the world left Celine reeling, no longer the happy-go-lucky girl she once was. Her only company were several pretty porcelain dolls, which had been bought for her when her parents still had hopes for her to bloom. Then one day, a foolish mistake caused the house to be set aflame. Her entire family rushed out of the house, leaving her behind in the chaos. She was never an important concern after all, why would they remember her now? Celine screamed and pounded on the window with all her might, desperate for someone- anyone to notice her, to come rescue her. No one did, and the girl’s screaming soon used up the little oxygen in the room. Smoke entered her lungs, and as her bleeding fist hit the breaking glass one last time, her eyes went blurry with tears and she blacked out. The girl never expected to wake up, thinking she must have died. How could she have survived anyways? It was impossible! But the girl woke up, badly burned and her respiratory system damaged. But she was alive. Her eyes opened to the sight of several dolls standing around her, watching her intently with their glassy eyes. They tended to her and fixed her up, fixing the tears in her respiratory system with cloth work. Celine had finally blossomed, that traumatic incident blessing her with her Edeya. They taught her everything they knew, and Celine picked up the rest through observing the world. As she matured, her heart grew, realising the stigma against the powerless was not just applicable to her. From then on, Celine would travel the world with her dolls, seeking out the shunted and providing them with the love and comfort they never would have experienced from a Edeya-wielder. Other: Her skill “As Long as Your Heart Beats” is only active when she’s in her insane-ish mode, or her overprotective mode. [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Thu, 20/07/2023 22:37 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2023 22:42 (1 Year ago) |
“I use my control over the shadows mainly for travel, and shrouding people in darkness for certain treatments and procedures in the hospital, so I suppose that’s decently strong too. I don’t really know if you would call my last ability a curse or an actual power though. Like I said, I have no control over it and can hurt both allies and enemies. It’s also somewhat terrifying, I have no idea when my emotions will trigger it. I suppose we both have ability we fear then?” She listens to Truth’s explanation of her ability, nose scrunching as if having an internal battle within her brain. “Emotions aren’t necessarily bad in a fight, though? I find that people are stronger when they have something to fight for. Yes, sometimes they can cloud your mind, and absolutely massacre you sense of judgment and ability to plan, but being emotional isn’t a bad thing, is it?” [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2023 12:20 (1 Year ago) |
“Well, I suppose since you told me about your powers, I should share mine. I’m able to heal anything from minor abrasions to fatal wounds, but I cannot replace any organs. I can also shroud anything in darkness for a period of time, leaving anyone within the darkness completely blind, and can also use the shadows to hide and teleport from place to place. I’m also capable of animagenesis, meaning I can creat sentient beings by splitting my soul. These beings have their own personality and have no particular form. They are powerless, but with an unmatched physique. They’re also pretty indestructible too, come to think of that. As long as I’m not dead, they remain alive. My last power is pretty uncontrollable, as it depends on my mood. Ice and various prickly vines shoot up from the ground, randomly in a circle around myself of a radius of two meters. I have no control over this power, and my emotions heavily impact this power.” [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2023 11:46 (1 Year ago) |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2023 11:37 (1 Year ago) |
Celine says, trying her best to soothe Truth. “Well….since we’re going to be each others companions on this journey to save the world or something…may I ask what your range of powers are?” [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 18/07/2023 23:27 (1 Year ago) |
Celine looks mildly surprised at her next words. “Truth dear, I’m a experienced and extremely qualified nurse but even I don’t know how our bodies work. Not in full. There are some things perhaps better left unexplained. It’s okay to not know everything about myself. Why, when I was in the City of God I didn’t even know I had a breaking point until I actually snap- Nevermind, ignore that. What I’m trying to say is you seem like a wonderful person, Truth. And you don’t need to be perfect. Or human.” [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 18/07/2023 23:11 (1 Year ago) |
Meanwhile, the woman herself went to go meet Sera, in a room off to the side of the auction hall. As she watched the screaming girl being brought in by the guard, she let out a sigh. Her contract with the Masquerade didn’t involve crying children. Andrea pinches the bridge of her nose, before getting up and facing Sera. “You’re Sera, right? Well, your mama and I have a deal. She’s gonna give me my sister, in return for you, okay? She isn’t abandoning you or anything like that. I just need some insurance she isn’t going to grab you and run. Also, whatever you need, just ask, okay? Just…don’t try to escape, I don’t feel like hunting you down and then experiencing the wrath of what? Your non-biological mom and dad? Probably the whole Newbury Academy. Those that are worth caring about anyway.” She spoke all these in a hushed voice, that way only Sera could hear. She nodded curtly at the guard, gesturing for him to complete the handover process with the rose masked figure. [Read more] |
andrea~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 56 |
Posted: Tue, 18/07/2023 22:38 (1 Year ago) |
“You look pretty human to me. Felt pretty human too. Soo…what are you then, if not human? Are your friends,” She paused and gestured to Emma and Logic, “like you? How does this even work anyway? Forgive me for being rude, but I am extremely curious, do you have a soul?” [Read more] |